genius evil

Chapter 1069 Settling accounts one by one

Chapter 1069 Settle accounts one by one
"Don't...don't kill me."

With Jiang Chen's glance, it struck Yu Xiaoxiao's body like a thunderbolt.

Yu Xiaoxiao's scalp was numb, her limbs twitched, she waved her hands in panic, and stepped back hastily, her pretty face was covered with a pale look of panic.

"A question." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Immediately, without waiting for Yu Xiaoxiao to respond, Jiang Chen asked, "That Qi Xiao tried to kill me with a sniper cannon, tell me the truth, do you know about this?"

Yu Xiaoxiao's eyeballs flickered and moved rapidly.

If possible, she wanted to deny it immediately and tell Jiang Chen that she had no knowledge of this matter, and it was Qi Xiao's own decision.

But after such words came to his lips, no matter what, he couldn't say them out.

Perhaps it was Jiang Chen's lightning-like eyes that were too frightening, giving Yu Xiaoxiao a feeling that if she dared to deceive Jiang Chen, she would be easily seen through by Jiang Chen.

Everything, in front of Jiang Chen, is invisible.

"Know...know." Bite the bullet, Yu Xiaoxiao said shyly.

Then, Yu Xiaoxiao quickly explained: "Jiang Chen, I didn't intend to kill you at first, because I think you are too mysterious and unpredictable, and I want to investigate further, it is Qi Xiao, who is too self-righteous. "

Speaking of this, her Adam's apple trembled, and Yu Xiaoxiao continued, "Besides, I didn't even know that Qi Xiao could use such a powerful weapon."

While saying this, Yu Xiaoxiao's heart was extremely bitter, and she also resented Qi Xiao to the extreme.

Yu Xiaoxiao resented Qi Xiao because if Qi Xiao hadn't been too arrogant, how could she have fallen into such a passive situation?

After all, if he investigated Jiang Chen early in the morning and found out Jiang Chen's identity, then Qi Xiao could completely avoid completely angering Jiang Chen.

In that case, maybe she has successfully hooked up with Jiang Chen.

Even if Jiang Chen will definitely kill Yu Feifeng, after hooking up with Jiang Chen, she is still stable and invincible!
What Yu Xiaoxiao felt bitter about was that even when Qi Xiao used the sniper cannon, he failed to kill Jiang Chen successfully.

Then, what exactly should be done to kill Jiang Chen?
Could it be that an army is needed?
Jiang Chen is too powerful, and all kinds of methods are incredible and unimaginable. Yu Xiaoxiao feels that even if an army is used, it may not be able to do anything to Jiang Chen, right?
"So, you are telling me that once, you really wanted me to die." Jiang Chen lazily listened to Yu Xiaoxiao's nonsense, and concluded.

Yu Xiaoxiao's heart trembled suddenly, and she wanted to deny it, but before she could say it, she collapsed, cried out, and begged: "Jiang Chen, don't kill me, no matter what you want, I can satisfy you."

"I just want to send you to die right now." Jiang Chen shook his head, expressionless, flicking his fingers, a silver needle pierced the air, and instantly sank into Yu Xiaoxiao's heart.

The silver needle was silent, and after sinking into Yu Xiaoxiao's heart, there was only a dull bang, and Yu Xiaoxiao's heart exploded into a cloud of blood.

Yu Xiaoxiao's pupils gradually widened, and her face became distorted because of the pain. Her lips squirmed, as if she wanted to say something to Jiang Chen.

However, it was too late, her feet were soft, and Yu Xiaoxiao fell to the ground with one end.

"Yu Xiaoxiao, maybe you think you are pretty, but unfortunately, in my Jiang Chen's eyes, you don't even have the qualifications to be in my eyes." Jiang Chen said contemptuously, lifted his feet, and walked outside the villa.

When Jiang Chen walked out of the courtyard, he saw Sha Hai and five people.

When the people in Shahai saw Jiang Chen walking out of the villa, Minister Qi immediately asked, "Jiang Chen, we just heard some movement, did something happen?"

Because, I don't think that Jiang Chen's killing of Yu Xiaoxiao would cause such a commotion. Therefore, even though the five people were surprised when they heard the commotion, they didn't go in to find out.

But right now, Jiang Chen came out alone, but he wanted to ask what happened.

Jiang Chen took a look at Minister Qi, raised his hand to grab his neck, and lifted him off the ground like a chicken.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do?" Minister Qi was taken aback, he probably didn't expect that Jiang Chen would strike at the slightest disagreement.

"Kill you." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Presumptuous!" Minister Qi growled, stared at Jiang Chen, and said loudly, "In your eyes, do you still have the law of the king? Murder is against the law. You are young, don't make mistakes."

"That's really good enough to say." Jiang Chen smiled and asked, "When Qi Xiao wanted to kill me, did he break the law? Oh, there is a saying called attempted murder, is that true or not?"

Minister Qi's face was bluish or red.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, how can he not understand, Jiang Chen is because of Qi Xiao's matter, and after the autumn, he settled accounts.

"Although Qi Xiao is my nephew, I can swear that I have never ordered or encouraged him to do anything... Jiang Chen, I am seriously warning you now, this is simply a crime you want to commit, so there is nothing wrong with it You're pouring dirty water on me, it's unreasonable, you're a complete jerk." Minister Qi scolded, confidently.

"It doesn't matter. Right now, no one is instigating or instigating me. I just want to kill you." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Minister Qi's expression changed dramatically. He originally thought that his rhetoric would be enough to drive Jiang Chen away, but he never thought that Jiang Chen would still have such an attitude.

Minister Qi just wanted it, so he scolded him again, but Jiang Chen didn't intend to give him another chance, he moved his big hand, like pinching a chicken to death, and broke his neck.

"Jiang Chen, do you know what you are doing?" Seeing Jiang Chen casually throwing Minister Qi's body aside, Sha Hai couldn't hold back and said angrily.

"Don't worry, accounts need to be settled one by one, and people have to be killed one by one." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Although Yu Feifeng was Jiang Chen's first target when he came to Qinghe City this time, it didn't mean that the other small fish and shrimps could jump around wantonly in front of him.

Qi Xiao jumped over, so Qi Xiao died.

Although Minister Qi never jumped around, as the person behind Qi Xiao, Jiang Chen obviously had no reason to let him go.

Next, it's time to talk about the sand sea.

This person, who naively wanted to give him a blow, was completely humiliating himself, and he didn't know how to write the dead word.

Then, next, Jiang Chen will personally teach him how to write dead characters.

"Jiang Chen, are you going to kill me?" Sha Hai panicked and had the urge to run away, even though he knew well that he might not be able to escape.

"Congratulations, you guessed it right." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, raised his hand and slapped it, and pulled it out.

Sha Hai is tall, but under Jiang Chen's slap, he is like a paper man. He was blown away, and when he landed, he was already a few meters away, and fell heavily on the ground, only having time to let out a muffled groan. The sound means that he is dead.

"Jiang Chen, the three of us are here only by invitation, and we have no intention of becoming your enemy."

As soon as Jiang Chen appeared, he killed two people in a row, and the remaining three were all very flustered, so they hurriedly opened their mouths to express their position.

"Jiang Chen, we have never intervened much in the affairs of the Yu family. This time we have offended, but if we have the opportunity, we will definitely come to make amends." Another person said, sincerely and fearfully.

They are all people who have been famous for a long time. They have always been famous and praised by countless people.

In front of Jiang Chen, they were nothing, their posture was kept to the lowest level, and they didn't even dare to have the thought of fighting.

Especially when he remembered that he had clearly heard movement from inside the villa, it should be a battle, and it was very possible that the two sides in the battle were the old ancestor of the Yu family and Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen walked out unscathed, so does that mean that the unborn ancestor of the Yu family has already fallen?

If this is really the case, it means that the Yu family's sea-fixing needle collapsed, and the Yu family, even if Jiang Chen no longer intervenes, will definitely be eaten away by other forces in a very short period of time.

The dignified No. [-] cultivating family just fell apart. This was too tragic, which made them feel a strong heart of sorrow.

"Jiang Chen, please let me go. Speaking of which, we were also bewitched by Yu Xiaoxiao." The third person said cautiously.


Jiang Chen raised his hand to drive away, very impatient.

These three people had no sense of existence. Even if they didn't do this, Jiang Chen had no intention of using them.

Hearing this, the three of them apologized repeatedly as if they were receiving an amnesty, and ran away. Looking at their appearance, they seemed to hate their parents and lost two legs.

Jiang Chen didn't stay long, but also walked out.

When he entered Yu's house before, he came in Yu Xiaoxiao's car. That convertible sports car was too cool, and many people remembered his appearance.

At this time, Jiang Chen was walking all the way, walking outside, everyone in the Yu family, when everyone saw Jiang Chen, it was very unnatural, and they were even more courageous. Run away quickly.

Jiang Chen ignored this, and soon, he appeared in front of the big iron gate of the villa.

"Jiang Chen!"

"It's Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen has come out."

"Why so fast, could it be that the problem has been solved?"

"It's not a problem, it's a life and death enmity."


Many people, you talk to each other, and occasionally someone explains the specific situation to the people next to them.

There are even more good people who conduct popular science for the new audience on the spot, telling about the grievances between Jiang Chen and the Yu family, speaking frankly and vividly, as if he had participated in the whole process.

The atmosphere was very lively.

The colossal figure of the Yu family once made people think that no one could shake it.

Jiang Chen broke this rule. For some people who were dissatisfied with the Yu family, this was definitely an extremely satisfying thing.

"You guys, have you said enough?" Jiang Chen walked out slowly and said lazily.


All of a sudden, the audience fell silent, no one dared to say anything, only a few words.

A monster like Jiang Chen, who single-handedly charged into the Yu family, among them, no one dared to easily offend Jiang Chen.

"One thing, Qinghe City, after today, there will be no more Yujia!" With a light cough, Jiang Chen spoke loudly, that voice seemed to soar directly into the sky, into the depths of everyone's eardrums... …

(End of this chapter)

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