genius evil

Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070

As Jiang Chen left, everyone still felt that Jiang Chen's words were lingering in their ears. It was deafening, and it strongly impacted their hearts, making it difficult for them to calm down for a long time.

The Yu family is known as the number one cultivating family.

Jiang Chen decided his life and death with just one word, how flamboyant and domineering this is!
Countless pairs of eyeballs watched Jiang Chen go away. One by one, they pondered the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, and their thoughts gradually became floating.

"I once remembered that you had a cousin from far away who was abused by that Yu Ruyi, and even tortured to death by that Yu Ruyi, right?" Someone suddenly opened his mouth and said to a man beside him.

"That's right, it happened. That Yu Ruyi was inhumane and bullied others. I will keep this in my heart, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life." The man gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Boss Zhang, your billions of dollars of assets have been forcibly swallowed by the Yu family. Although it has been many years, do you still have resentment?" Another person asked aloud.

"Resentment?" Boss Zhang laughed out loud, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, "I, Zhang, wish the members of the Yu family would die!"


The Yu family is domineering. Over the years, they have bullied many people and offended many forces.

At the time when the Yu family was in its heyday, everyone could only suppress all the hatred in the deepest part of their hearts, not daring to show it at all, for fear of encountering the most violent revenge from the Yu family.

But now, everything is different.

Jiang Chen made a strong move and suppressed the entire Yu family with his own efforts.

Although the lintel of Yu's house is there, it is just a superficial appearance. You only need to stretch out your hand and push it lightly, and it will collapse.

By this time, all of them naturally don't need to hide anymore, let alone cover up anything.

Countless people spoke to each other for a long time before they realized that the Yu family had offended so many people over the years.

Among the people who came to watch, at least 70.00% of them, more or less, had conflicts or conflicts with the Yu family.

Usually, they dare not speak out, but at this moment, they are filled with righteous indignation, and their anger is beyond words.

I don't know who, roared, and rushed into the gate of Yu's house.

When one person moved, all the people moved, rushing towards the interior of Yu's house one after another.

Contradictions need to be vented.

Enmity needs to be settled.

Jiang Chen had already created such a good opportunity for them, if they still couldn't seize it, they would not forgive themselves.

Those who rushed into the Yu family include ancient martial arts practitioners, and ordinary people who have been bullied by the Yu family. Of course, there are some people who are purely for fun.

After they rushed into Yu's house, they beat everyone and smashed things. In a short while, they made Yu's house run wild.

The so-called wall falls and everyone pushes it down, but that's all.

At this time, Jiang Chen had already headed towards the airport, and his next destination was the Zhang family in Beiyuan.

Regarding what would happen to the Yu Family after he left, Jiang Chen had expected it for a long time.

Seriously speaking, the words he said before leaving were for this purpose.

After all, it is impossible for him to spend his energy on the Yu family.

The Yu family is already in turmoil, and someone will take care of the next matter, whether it is revenge or resentment, in short, there will be no peace in the Yu family from now on.

Beiyuan is just a small city without an airport. After Jiang Chen got off the plane in the provincial capital city, he took a car and it took nearly a day to reach this small city.

Different from the high profile of the Yu family in Qinghe, the Zhang family in Beiyuan, it can even be said, has no reputation at all.

This ancient and huge family lives in a remote corner. Although occasionally, it shows its fangs, but most of the time, it is incomparably silent, silent and unknown, unknown to most people.

Before Jiang Chen came, he had called Wen Qingxin on the phone. Wen Qingxin would not come over until the next afternoon. Therefore, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry. A hotel, stay down.

It was getting dark.

Before Jiang Chen came, he had heard that many snacks in Beiyuan were quite well-known in the country, but he didn't eat in the hotel and went outside to find something to eat.


It was Jiang Chen, who had just walked out of the hotel and was looking around to see which direction he should go. A speeding sports car suddenly slammed on the brakes and stopped at a distance of only about one meter from him.

The harsh sound of the tires rubbing against the ground almost pierced the eardrums.

Jiang Chen frowned suddenly, turned his head, and looked at the sports car.

Through the glass on the front of the car, Jiang Chen saw two smiling faces inside the car, a man and a woman, looking at him and smiling through the glass.

Especially the young man who was driving the car had a narrow and teasing smile on his face, as if this was a very fun thing to do.

In a blink of an eye, the young man put down the car window, pointed his head at Jiang Chen and said, "Brother, how are you doing, isn't it exciting?"

"You almost hit me." As if he didn't hear what this guy said, Jiang Chen said to himself.

"Brother, even if you don't believe in the performance of this car, you can at least believe in my Meng Zhuojun's skills. Unless I want to kill you, you won't be able to die even if you want to." Meng Zhuojun said with a look on his face. He looked extremely smug.

"You just need to know that you almost killed me." Jiang Chen said again, very serious.

Meng Zhuojun was not very happy. He glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Dude, do you not understand people's words or what? Or, do you want to blackmail me? Tell me, how much do you want?"

"It's you who don't understand human speech." Jiang Chen said indifferently, with a movement of his feet, he appeared next to Meng Zhuojun, stretched out his hand, opened the car door, and dragged Meng Zhuojun out of the car.

Jiang Chen seemed to be dragging a broken sack, after dragging Meng Zhuojun out of the car, he dragged him straight to the front of the car.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you crazy or what? Why don't you hurry up and find out who I am, Meng Zhuojun. With your appearance, you will easily lose your life." Meng Zhuojun yelled loudly. It seemed that the old god was there, but seeing him, no matter what he said, Jiang Chen remained indifferent, and became panicked.

Jiang Chen talked nonsense with Meng Zhuojun lazily, dragged him, and threw him at a distance of about ten meters from the front of the car, let him stand still, and slapped Meng Zhuojun with his big hand, making him like a wooden stake, Can't move.

"Boy, what did you do to me, why can't I move?" Meng Zhuojun said loudly, sweating profusely.

He thinks that he often goes to and from the gym, and his skills are pretty good, not to mention one hit four or five, two or three hits, in short, it's not a big deal.

But in front of Jiang Chen, he was as weak as a little chicken, and was carried away by Jiang Chen. It was hard for Meng Zhuojun to imagine how terrifying Jiang Chen's strength was.

You know, his weight is more than 160 catties.

What made Meng Zhuojun even more exaggerated was that Jiang Chen slapped him casually, just like acupuncture techniques in novels or TV dramas, making him unable to move.

Meng Zhuojun suddenly felt like he saw a ghost.

He played tricks on Jiang Chen like that just now, he just wanted to show off his driving skills in front of his new girlfriend, he was a random target.

Who would have thought that such a perverted target, so random, would there be any reason?
"Get out of the car." Jiang Chen turned back, sat in the driving seat of the sports car, glanced at the woman, and said in a cold voice.

The woman was dumbfounded for a long time. When Jiang Chen said this, she didn't dare to stay for a second. She pushed the car door, got out of the car quickly, and ran fast.

"Hey, don't run, what are you running, we have to go to eat later." Meng Zhuojun said to the woman.

The woman didn't know whether she heard Meng Zhuojun's words or not, after a while, she ran away.


Meng Zhuojun just cursed viciously, although she was just a woman who was bought with money and had no sincerity, but at such a moment, being dumped by someone still made Meng Zhuojun very upset.

In particular, it was largely because of that woman that he provoked Jiang Chen, which made Meng Zhuojun even more upset.


Just as Meng Zhuojun was scolding the woman who was running away, he heard the sound of the engine idling.

"What is that kid going to do? Could it be that he left me here and then took my car?" Meng Zhuojun thought to himself.

Thinking about it for a while, Meng Zhuojun almost vomited blood.

The woman is gone, so is the car gone too? Could it be because I didn't read the almanac when I went out today, is it so unlucky?
But soon, Meng Zhuojun realized that he was thinking too much.

Jiang Chen didn't mean to take his car away, but, in the next second, the sound of the engine idling suddenly became louder.

Immediately afterwards, under Jiang Chen's control, the sports car roared like an arrow leaving the string, and rushed straight towards his position.

"Ah... I'm going to die..."

Meng Zhuojun's complexion was pale, he almost peed his pants in fright, screamed, burst out with tears and runny nose, almost crying for his father and mother.


The tires rubbed against the ground violently, emitting a strong burning smell, which was so pungent that Meng Zhuojun couldn't restrain himself and coughed loudly.

What Meng Zhuojun expected didn't happen, and he didn't die. The sports car, under Jiang Chen's perfect control, stopped suddenly, only about ten centimeters away from him.


Meng Zhuojun blinked, stared and looked, it was so unbelievable.

He was driving a sports car just now, and at a speed of about [-] yards, he stopped about one meter away from Jiang Chen, and he was already very contented.

But when Jiang Chen finally stopped the car, his speed was at least 160 yards.

At a speed of 160 yards, Jiang Chen was able to stop at a distance of about ten centimeters from him. Doesn't this mean that Jiang Chen's driving skills are higher than his by more than two ranks?

"Damn, besides his great strength, this guy is actually a car god." Meng Zhuojun began to curse in his heart.

"Is it exciting?" Jiang Chen looked at Meng Zhuojun when he got out of the car, and said with a half-smile.

"To be honest, it's exciting, it's too exciting." Swallowing his saliva with difficulty, Meng Zhuojun's eyes were shining brightly. He looked at Jiang Chen as if he was looking at a walking money tree.

"Brother, are you interested? How about the two of us cooperating and making a big fortune?" Meng Zhuojun swallowed again, and looked at Jiang Chen eagerly, like a big bad wolf throwing a carrot to a little white rabbit. Said in an extremely attractive tone.


Jiang Chen kicked Meng Zhuojun and sent him flying.

There's no way, this guy's appearance just now is so disgusting that all the goosebumps on his body popped out...

(End of this chapter)

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