genius evil

Chapter 1071

Chapter 1071 Make a Windfall

Meng Zhuojun didn't seem to mind being treated like this by Jiang Chen.

After being kicked flying by Jiang Chen, he got up from the ground, rubbed his ass that was almost broken into two pieces, and appeared in front of Jiang Chen, smiling and saying: "Brother, Don't worry, I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to make a fortune with you."

"If you have malicious intentions, so what?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"If I have malicious intentions, then you will definitely..." Meng Zhuojun will brag about himself, saying that Jiang Chen will die without a whole body in a matter of minutes.

It's just that, just halfway through the words, Meng Zhuojun's Adam's apple twitched when he came into contact with Jiang Chen's eyes, which gradually became cold and cold like blades, and he couldn't say those words anymore.

"Damn, what kind of god is this guy? Why does he give me the feeling that he wants to eat me in one bite." Meng Zhuojun was thinking in his heart with great bewilderment.

He is very pure, he just wants to pretend to be tough, Jiang Chen is like this, there is no way to play happily.

"Haha, just kidding, look at me with small arms and legs, even if I have malicious intentions, it's not that I was crushed to death by you in minutes. I still have this awareness." Haha, Meng Zhuojun said.

"You are very self-aware." Jiang Chen said seriously.

The corners of Meng Zhuojun's mouth and eyes twitched crazily.

He thought of self-knowledge ass, thinking of him, Meng Zhuojun, who could be regarded as a rampant person in Beiyuan City, but in front of Jiang Chen, he could only be scolded obediently, which made Meng Zhuojun quite uncomfortable.

However, Meng Zhuojun's words seemed terribly hypocritical, and he deliberately flattered and flattered Jiang Chen.

But in fact, Meng Zhuojun is also very clear that if Jiang Chen has murderous intentions towards him right now, he will be crushed to death right here, just like a chicken.

"Brother, please be sure to believe in my sincerity. How about it, think about it." Meng Zhuojun continued the topic just now.

"How long will it take?" Jiang Chen asked casually after pondering for a while.

Being idle is also idle, and it's good to play casually. Naturally, the premise is that he can't waste too much time.

As for what Meng Zhuojun said about making a big fortune, Jiang Chen didn't take it to heart at all.

He is not short of money, no matter how much money is placed under his nose, Jiang Chen is not at all, it is difficult to generate much interest.

"Four or five hours at most, I'm sure I can let you sleep well tonight...Of course, if you think sleeping alone, it's too lonely and cold, leave everything to me, Meng Zhuojun, student girl White-collar lady Yu and nurse, no matter what you like, whether you like Shuangfei or others, you should be satisfied." Meng Zhuojun patted his chest and said vowedly. With Meng Zhuojun covering Beiyuan City, even if he walked sideways, it would be no problem.


It was Jiang Chen who responded to Meng Zhuojun.

Jiang Chen kicked on Meng Zhuojun's body, kicking Meng Zhuojun high into the air, and then fell to the ground with two petals of his buttocks, and immediately let out a scream like a slaughtered pig.

"Brother, you are not kind." Meng Zhuojun yelled.

He thought he was polite to Jiang Chen, and he was extremely considerate, but he was still treated like this by Jiang Chen.

And let's kick Jiang Chen if he wants to, can he stop letting his butt hit the ground first, if this goes on, his butt will really blossom.

"Who told you that I slept alone?" Jiang Chen said with extreme displeasure.


Meng Zhuojun's head was covered with black lines, and he looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost.

Because of this, Jiang Chen kicked him.

But isn't that true?
Is it really okay for Jiang Chen to cover up like this?
Meng Zhuojun felt that he was wronged too much, even more wronged than Dou E!
Soon, Meng Zhuojun greeted Jiang Chen to get into the car, and then drove the car on the road quickly.

While driving, Meng Zhuojun introduced something about himself to Jiang Chen.

According to what Meng Zhuojun himself said, just tonight, in the west of Beiyuan City, there will be an underground car fair on the Luoyan Mountain side, with a lot of prize money, reaching 8000 million.

Originally, although I was very excited about the bonus.

But Meng Zhuojun is aware of his weight, even if he participates, he may not be able to get a ranking, and if he is not good, he will be looked down upon.

Because, apart from some supercar members from Beiyuan City, there were quite a few people from a large supercar club in the provincial capital who came here specially for the bonus.

Meng Zhuojun said that he couldn't bear those guys pretending to be aggressive, so he wanted to go there with Jiang Chen, counting those pretending guys as one, and turning them all into idiots.

"Brother, I think you are very good. When we get the 8000 million bonus, the two of us will get 600 points, and you will get [-] million. Then you will get [-] million, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life. It's just around the corner." Meng Zhuojun said, while speaking, he wanted to reach out and pat Jiang Chen on the shoulder.

Before Meng Zhuojun patted his hand, Jiang Chen turned his head and took a look.

Meng Zhuojun quickly withdrew his hand, smiled coquettishly, and said, "Dude, don't be so serious, take it easy, hello, hello, hello everyone."

"8000 million, I want them all." Jiang Chen said lightly.

He is not short of money, but he does not mean that the money will be handed over to Meng Zhuojun.

Meng Zhuojun was almost choked to death, and said with a mournful face: "Brother, you are too cruel, it seems that you are not satisfied with the distribution ratio I just suggested... Otherwise, we will be divided into three or seven points, and no one will be able to do it." Don't take advantage of anyone, so, the head office will do."

"I think your sports car is not bad." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Hearing the sound, Meng Zhuojun's expression changed, and he said hastily: "I'll give you everything, as long as you can make me shine once, buddy."

When Meng Zhuojun said this, he gritted his teeth.

At the beginning, he proposed a ratio of [-]% to [-]%, thinking that he was quite ruthless, but how could he know that Jiang Chen was even more ruthless than him.

Moreover, if he insists on bargaining, then what Jiang Chen wants is not only the 8000 million, but also his top supercar worth more than 1000 million.

Compared with Jiang Chen, he is completely insignificant.

"With me here, you won't be able to show off." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Brother, can't you be a little more humble?" Meng Zhuojun couldn't help asking.

"No." Jiang Chen said directly.

Meng Zhuojun almost vomited blood, he was absolutely sure now that he was, met a freak.

Beiyuan City is not big, and it only took about an hour to drive from the urban area to Luoyan Mountain in the west of the city.

Luoyan Mountain has a great reputation in several nearby cities... And the support of this reputation is to a large extent, because from time to time, someone will hold an underground car meeting in Luoyan Mountain for the sake.

Of course, since there have been so many underground car meetings, there has never been a single one where the prize money has reached 8000 million. It is not difficult to imagine why even the large supercar clubs in the provincial capital have their own doors and come here just because of their reputation. .

At the foot of Luoyan Mountain, a flat land was specially developed. It was already dark, and huge incandescent lamps were turned on, illuminating this area like daylight.

When Jiang Chen and Meng Zhuojun appeared, there were already many vehicles parked there, without exception, all of them were luxury cars. Among the many vehicles, even the cheapest one was worth more than 100 million.

"I'm not late, am I?" Parked the car, opened the door, and after getting out of the car, Meng Zhuojun said carelessly, deliberately raising his voice so that everyone could hear his voice.

"God of Wealth, didn't you agree that you won't come?" Apparently, Meng Zhuojun still had some reputation, and it wasn't long before someone greeted him.

"God of Wealth, I heard that you bought a new sports car, do you want to increase your bets this time as before?" Another person said, looking at Meng Zhuojun, it was like looking at a piece of delicious fat.

"Haha, small bets are fun, but big ones are harmful." Meng Zhuojun waved his hands again and again.

"God of Wealth, you just came here, so I don't know. We have discussed a new way to play. If you want to compete for the 8000 million bonus, everyone needs to pay 2000 million to qualify." Someone said leisurely. , said jokingly.

"When did this happen?" Meng Zhuojun was taken aback, he really didn't know.

"You don't need to worry about this. Up to now, ten people have been qualified. If you want to play, I will add you and count as No. 11." The man said.

"Ten people?"

Meng Zhuojun swallowed quietly.

This also means that it is 8000 million, and if you add the 8000 million, it means that the final winner takes all, and can get [-] million and [-] million.

Even though his net worth is quite a lot, Meng Zhuojun's heart is inevitably moved after he has settled the account.

If Meng Zhuojun came here alone, no matter how tempted he was, he would restrain himself, because he knew very well that the reason why these people called him the God of Wealth was because they took him as a boy who spread wealth, and they always followed him. A lot of money was snatched from him, and over time, even if this name was spread, it would be disgraceful, and it would make Meng Zhuojun very angry.

"Okay, then count me in." Meng Zhuojun said slowly after pondering.

He dragged Jiang Chen over here just for fun, and he couldn't back down just because of 2000 million.

"Yo, God of Wealth, you have become generous." The man laughed out loud, unable to tell whether it was joking or teasing.

Afterwards, Meng Zhuojun negotiated with all parties, and it took about ten minutes before he got into the car again.

"Brother, it will start in 10 minutes. Now, I have put all my wealth on you. You must win. Even if it is not for my sake, for the sake of the 8000 million, you It must also be strong." Clenching his fists, Meng Zhuojun said.

"It's three hundred million." Jiang Chen corrected.

That kind of bonus has changed from 8000 million to [-] million. It has to be said that it finally made Jiang Chen a little bit interested.

"No... only 8000 million." Meng Zhuojun wanted to die, but he didn't understand how Jiang Chen's ears grew, and he could hear their voices from such a distance.

But it was said that it was 2000 million, but it included his 2000 million. Even if Jiang Chen had a big appetite, he couldn't just take the [-] million he took out of his pocket.

After all, even if he doesn't make a penny, he can't just lose 2000 million for no reason, that would kill him!
(End of this chapter)

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