genius evil

Chapter 1072 The Mysterious Altar

Chapter 1072 The Mysterious Altar
"Three hundred million is not much, plus a sports car, it's just right." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Okay, it's only [-] million. Anyway, this time, I, Meng Zhuojun, want to wash away my past humiliation." Meng Zhuojun said fiercely.

The name Sancai Boy made him ridiculed, and it was up to Jiang Chen whether he could successfully turn those who pretended to be fools in front of him into idiots.

"Don't worry, I will make you wish. The 2000 million you paid will be regarded as my reward. Soon you will find that this will be the most cost-effective deal you have ever done in your life." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Brother, I just like your self-confidence." Meng Zhuojun grinned as well, although he couldn't figure out where Jiang Chen's self-confidence came from.

It can even be said that it is not as simple as self-confidence, but arrogance, and even a little arrogance in it, very defiant.

"I've always been so confident. I don't need you to like me at all. Of course, if you insist on liking me, then I won't stop you. After all, there are too many people who admire me." Jiang Dust said solemnly.

"Brother, please do one thing, let's stop bragging here, shall we?" Meng Zhuojun said impatiently.

"You will know after a while, but all the awesome things that I, Jiang Chen, have boasted, without exception, will become reality." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Recently, I've been running around, or fighting, but it's been a long time, I haven't found any fun for myself, and I can make money and pass the time, why not do it?
10 minutes, more than half of it passed quickly.

On the starting line, ten sports cars were driving side by side with their engines roaring.

Jiang Chen drove the car over and listened to Meng Zhuojun's introduction to the performance of those cars and the drivers.

Meng Zhuojun's introduction is very detailed, like a few treasures, it is not difficult to see that he has done some research on this.

"You can shut up now." Jiang Chen frowned and said, this Meng Zhuojun was too noisy.

"Brother, these data are very important, don't take them to heart." Meng Zhuojun said.

"I just need to win the first place, and I don't care about anything else." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"The so-called know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles." Meng Zhuojun emphasized.

He didn't deny Jiang Chen's strength, otherwise he wouldn't have placed such a heavy bet on Jiang Chen, but among the ten drivers, none of them were fuel-efficient.

All in all, a bonus of [-] million is a number that can cause countless people to go crazy.

Of course, after the game starts, everyone will do their best!

"None of them can win." Jiang Chen still had the same attitude.

Meng Zhuojun was immediately discouraged. For some reason, when he was talking to Jiang Chen, he felt like he was playing the piano with a cow. Moreover, it was Jiang Chen who took him as the cow.

"This guy, shouldn't let me down?" Meng Zhuojun thought in his heart, not without resentment.

A few minutes later, there was only a sound of a command gun, and eleven sports cars rushed forward like arrows leaving the string.

Without any accidents, the Bugatti Veyron that Jiang Chen was driving ranked first.

Since it was a game, Jiang Chen didn't plan to hide anything, he planned to win a game simply and neatly.

"Nice job!"

On the co-pilot's seat, Meng Zhuojun clenched his fist and waved it vigorously a few times.

Speaking of which, although his sports car is worth more than ten million yuan, among the eleven sports cars, it can only be ranked in the middle, and it is still at the middle and lower levels.

That is to say, if he was driving by himself, he would rank fifth or sixth at most.

But Jiang Chen was different.

The same car is driven by different people, and its mechanical performance is completely different.

When Jiang Chen was driving, a series of movements were like flowing clouds and flowing water. Whether it was a straight line or a corner, they were done in one go. It was incomparably pleasing to the eye. Meng Zhuojun was amazed when he saw it.

"This buddy, could it be a well-known racing driver?" Meng Zhuojun thought through the rearview mirror, watching the cars behind him being thrown out for a long way.

Although, casually, the probability of meeting a god-level racing driver is no higher than winning the lottery, but other than that, how can Jiang Chen's god-like driving skills be explained?
The route of the vehicle is not complicated. It starts from the foot of the mountain, passes through the top of the mountain, and then descends from another winding road to return to the origin.

Among them, there are more than a dozen large and small corners, and three hairpin turns are deliberately set up to increase the difficulty and fun of the car.

But these, to Jiang Chen, are naturally no problem.

His physical body can be said to be the limit of human perfection, every muscle and every bone in his body is coordinated to the extreme, not to mention the amazing predictive ability endowed by Jiang Chen's powerful senses.

It is no exaggeration to say that the seemingly thrilling racing event is a form of leisure and entertainment tailor-made for Jiang Chen.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, the previous highest record was 1 minutes, but Jiang Chen easily broke this record, and in about 8 minutes, he was the first to successfully reach the top of the mountain.


While the car was driving at a high speed, Jiang Chen occasionally turned his head, but found that Luoyan Mountain was not just one mountain, but two.

The other mountain peak was slightly lower than this one, so Jiang Chen could clearly see the situation above the peak while the car was driving.

Jiang Chen saw an altar.

That altar was simple and primitive, even if it was just a quick glance, it was fleeting in Jiang Chen's line of sight, but it still left a deep impression on Jiang Chen.

"I saw an altar just now, what is that?" Jiang Chen asked with appetite while controlling the vehicle at will.

Meng Zhuojun was smiling all the time, his face was about to burst into laughter, and his saliva was about to flow out.

Hearing the sound, he wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand and said, "Brother, you are talking about the altar that glows, right? I have heard of this matter."

"Glow? You mean, that altar will glow?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Indeed, many people have seen it, and have taken quite a few photos... Oh, I also have a photo in my mobile phone, which I downloaded from a local forum, and I'll show you later." Meng Zhuojun said.

"Phone, take it out." Jiang Chen ordered.

"Now?" Meng Zhuojun was startled.

Judging by the speed of the car, it was almost two hundred and seventy-eight. Is Jiang Chen planning to play with his mobile phone while driving?

Jiang Chen didn't want to die, but he still didn't want to die.

"Hurry up." Jiang Chen urged, a little impatiently.

"Okay." Meng Zhuojun was quite reluctant, but he still could only take out his mobile phone and cursed himself for being cheap. If the car crashes and people die later, he will at least bear 50.00% of the responsibility.

After all, if it wasn't for his habitual bragging, how would Jiang Chen know that there are photos in his mobile phone.

Meng Zhuojun took out his mobile phone, pulled out the photo, handed it to Jiang Chen, and said, "See, this photo was taken at night, and that altar emits five-color light, which is extremely mysterious and hard to fathom... Believe it or not, this is definitely not some ps, but something real."

Holding the phone, Jiang Chen stared at the photo, ignoring Meng Zhuojun's ramblings.

Whether it's true or not, he can judge for himself, and he doesn't need Meng Zhuojun to teach him.

"Five-color altar?"

On the photo, the altar, in the misty night, is full of five colors of light, colorful and very conspicuous.

"Is there someone who has seen it up close?" Jiang Chen asked, wanting to find out.

"No." Meng Zhuojun shook his head and said, "I heard that some important people have listed it as a forbidden area, and no one is allowed to go up to find out. There are also people who handle it 24 hours a day, which is quite strict."

"Big man? Could it be the Zhang family?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

This Luoyan Mountain is not far from the Zhang family, if there is someone holding hands, it is probably related to the Zhang family.

After all, the five-color altar looked extremely extraordinary, and it was impossible for the Zhang family to be ignorant of it.

"It's better to go over and have a look." Jiang Chen said to himself.

"Brother, don't be in a daze, you are still driving." Meng Zhuojun reminded, very nervous.

Although Yi Gao was bold, but Jiang Chen's courage was a little too big. The road was already rough and the speed was over 250 yards.

"I can't die." Jiang Chen said nonchalantly. After finishing his sentence, the speed of the car accelerated again, leaving only a fiery red afterimage.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen took the lead and stopped the car steadily at the foot of the mountain. Meng Zhuojun, who was still in shock, pushed the car door and staggered out of the car, throwing up immediately.


"Too fucking perverted."

"23 minutes? If I remember correctly, the last record was 31 minutes, right?"


When they saw the Bugatti Veyron, they were the first to rush over. At the foot of the mountain, everyone was stunned. Jiang Chen undoubtedly broke the record, and undoubtedly, this record will always be maintained.

"Three hundred million, that guy Meng Zhuojun is going to get rich." Someone said sourly.

"Yeah, the little money that guy gave away before, now it's a one-time return." Someone also said, very envious.

Meng Zhuojun just vomited out the sour water in his stomach, wiping his tears with his hands while vomiting, roaring in his heart.

Get rich ass.

It's No.1, that's right, but that money has nothing to do with him, okay?

Even though he always liked to drive fast, Jiang Chen was too aggressive. It gave Meng Zhuojun the feeling that he was flying, and even when passing the hairpin, Jiang Chen didn't slow down at all. Several times, Meng Zhuojun was almost scared. His heart was about to jump out of his throat.

It was a miracle that Meng Zhuojun was still alive at this time.

"Meng Zhuo-jun, ask them where they got the money from." Jiang Chen opened the door and got out of the car, and said carelessly.

"Okay, leave it to me to handle it, and transfer the money to your card in a while." Meng Zhuojun vomited for a while, finally felt a little better, straightened up, and walked to Jiang Chen's side.

"Brother, you are a professional racing driver, where are you from?" Meng Zhuojun asked curiously.

"In 10 minutes, I need to see money." Jiang Chen said lazy nonsense.

"Uh, do you want to be so cold and ruthless?" Meng Zhuojun said dumbfounded.

"Brother Meng, how do I hear what you mean? The three hundred million bonuses all belong to this buddy, so it has nothing to do with you?" Someone came over and asked after hearing the conversation between Jiang Chen and Meng Zhuojun.

"That's right." Meng Zhuojun nodded and explained, "This buddy acted out of righteousness. You are lucky and enjoyed a feast of miraculous skills."

"Really?" The man smiled, raised his hand, took out a gun, aimed it at Jiang Chen, and said, "My buddy, the three hundred million bonus is mine now, do you have any objections?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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