genius evil

Chapter 1073 You must be joking

Chapter 1073 You must be joking
"Bingge is domineering!"

"Haha, Brother Bing is still as active as ever."

"Hey, that kid who came out of nowhere is going to be unlucky."


When the man showed his pistol and pointed it at Jiang Chen, the people next to him were stunned at first, and then they all teased and gloated.

"Yuan Bing, what do you mean?" Meng Zhuojun was very surprised that Yuan Bing would do such a thing, glaring at Yuan Bing, and said angrily.

"It's just that money is a little tight recently, and I plan to find some money to spend. Brother Meng, do you have any opinions?" Yuan Bing said with a smile.

A bonus of [-] million.

This is destined to be a wealth that 90.00% of nine people will fall in love with.

Yuan Bing is no exception to this.

What is different from others is that Yuan Bing has always been the kind of person who dares to think and act. Since he is moved, he immediately puts it into action.

Moreover, in Yuan Bing's view, Jiang Chen's bonus of [-] million yuan was too easy to earn, which made him very unbalanced.

You know, for this bonus, he spent a lot of money on a special trip to invite a well-known driver over.

But right now, Jiang Chen was already driving Meng Zhuojun's Bugatti Veyron and appeared on the finish line, but the driver he invited didn't even see a shadow.

Yuan Bing didn't care about the so-called record-breaking or not, and he didn't think it was so great. After all, all he had in his eyes was money.

For this sum of money, even if he was a little impulsive and did some stupid things, Yuan Bing didn't mind at all.

"Shouldn't I have an opinion?" Meng Zhuojun snorted coldly.

Yuan Bing just laughed and said: "Brother Meng, after I get the money, I will treat you to dinner... No, it is a one-stop package of food, drink, and fun. By the way, the other brothers will also go there together. Pi Hi Pi, this is going to give you face."

"Yuan Bing, I warn you, this is not how you give face. Put down the gun in your hand, otherwise, don't blame me, Meng Zhuojun, for being rude to you." Meng Zhuojun said angrily.

"You told me to put down the gun?" Yuan Bing laughed out loud as if he had heard an extremely funny joke, leaning forward and backward, and said gloomily, "Meng Zhuojun, are you too self-righteous and take yourself too seriously?" What's the matter? Don't talk about the [-] million yuan, it has nothing to do with you, even if it has something to do with you, are you sure you want to get into trouble with me for such a small amount of money?"

Meng Zhuojun's face turned black immediately.

Three hundred million is not a big sum of money for him or Yuan Bing, but now, the dispute between the two is not as simple as money, but a matter of face.

If he backed down at this time, wouldn't it mean that Yuan Bing had stepped on his old face?
Furthermore, Meng Zhuojun still had a good impression of Jiang Chen. He himself had never thought of making up his mind about this bonus, but Yuan Bing wanted to cut him off, so he obviously didn't take him seriously.The matter, in any case, was unbearable.

"Yuan Bing, you and I have always said that well water does not violate river water. You don't want to offend me, and I don't want to offend you... How about this, I, Meng Zhuojun, will treat you to a drink later, how about that?" He pondered, Meng Zhuojun said.

This Yuan Bing has a deep background in Beiyuan City, and it is said that he has a close relationship with a certain mysterious big family.

Although the Meng family was not inferior to the Yuan family, if Yuan Bing could not be offended, Mr. Meng Zhuo didn't want to offend him.

He planned to spend out of his own pocket to treat guests to drinks, thinking that in this way, Yuan Bing would have both face and face.

"No way." Yuan Bing shook his head and said, "Tonight's [-] million, I, Yuan Bing, will decide. If anyone is not convinced, you can come to my Yuan Bing."

Meng Zhuojun's face was ashen, he had already compromised, and this Yuan Bing was still persistent, with the idea of ​​[-] million yuan, could it be that he wanted to bully him?
You know, Yuan Bing seemed to be bullying Jiang Chen, but in reality, he was hitting him in the face.

"Meng Zhuojun, just now this guy said that [-] million is just a small amount of money. Could it be that he is very rich? Or his family is very rich?" But at this moment, Jiang Chen said lazily.

"No more, no less, there are still tens of billions." Before Meng Zhuojun could speak, Yuan Bing said triumphantly.

Yuan Bing started his business from the mining industry, and basically monopolized all the mining resources in Beiyuan City, sitting on the hen that lays golden eggs. Yuan Bing said it was tens of billions, which is a relatively modest statement.

"It turns out that there is so much money." Jiang Chen just smiled, looked at Yuan Bing and said, "Then, if I ask you to compensate me for a little mental damage, there is probably no problem at all, right? Don't be too nervous, I am a person Well, I have always been very reasonable, and I like it the most, convincing people with virtue, so-so, you compensate me 30 billion, that's about it."

"30 billion?"

Nearby, many people gasped when they heard this number, wondering if they had auditory hallucinations.

After realizing that it was not an auditory hallucination, when they looked at Jiang Chen one by one, their eyes changed drastically.

The figure of 30 billion, obviously, did not come out of thin air.

Yuan Bing wanted to extort [-] million from Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen did the opposite, extorting [-] million from Yuan Bing.

I have to say, this is very interesting, Jiang Chen's courage is really too big, typical reckless.

"This kid is really daring." Someone said.

"How about we make a bet? Just bet on whether this kid can see the sun tomorrow." Someone said again.

"This bet has no suspense at all, and it must not be seen." Someone said with great certainty and vowed.


After hearing the figure of 30 billion, Meng Zhuojun also gasped, suffering from toothache.

Even though he knew that Jiang Chen was quite weird, he never expected that Jiang Chen would be so weird.

30 million?
To put it bluntly, Jiang Chen's life is enough to buy a hundred, which is more than enough.

As soon as Jiang Chen opened his mouth, such a number popped out, is he going to fight Yuan Bing to the death?In fact, he is courting death.

"Brother, I thought you were joking... yes, you must be joking." Meng Zhuojun said hastily, helping to smooth things over.

Others may not know it, but Mr. Meng Zhuo knows very well that Yuan Bing has several murders in his hands.

It's not that Yuan Bing has never done murder before a disagreement. If Yuan Bing is inadvertently angered, Yuan Bing may pull the trigger at any time and shoot Jiang Chen.

As for Jiang Chen, an outsider, even if he was killed by Yuan Bing, his death would be in vain.

"I'm very serious." Jiang Chen said, and then emphasized, saying seriously: "30 billion, not a penny less, otherwise, I will be very angry."

"So what if you're angry?" Yuan Bing looked at Jiang Chen like a dead man.

Jiang Chen actually dared to blackmail him for 30 billion. This made Yuan Bing look at Jiang Chen as if he was looking at an alien. Otherwise, as long as Jiang Chen's brain was a little normal, that would be impossible. That's what he said.

"Once I get angry, I might kill your whole family." Staring at Yuan Bing, Jiang Chen said slowly.


Yuan Bing couldn't control it all of a sudden, he burst out laughing out loud, and when he laughed, those onlookers also laughed out loud, very playful.


Jiang Chen suddenly raised his hand, slapped Yuan Bing on the face, and sent Yuan Bing flying.

"It's funny?" Frowning, Jiang Chen was very displeased.

Under Jiang Chen's slap, Yuan Bing backed away more than ten steps crookedly. The burning pain on his cheek was like being stabbed with a needle.

Yuan Bing's eyes were rounded, it was so unbelievable.

He didn't even make a move yet, but Jiang Chen took the lead. What is the situation? Could it be that the sun came out from the west today?

"Boy, this is, you are looking for death." In an instant, Yuan Bing was furious.

In front of so many people, being slapped by Jiang Chen made Yuan Bing suddenly feel ashamed. Tonight, even if Jiang Chen didn't want to die, he couldn't do it.

"I ask you, is it funny?" Jiang Chen said.

"You're dead." Yuan Bing didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but quickly pulled the trigger.


There was a sound of the wind, and a figure, as fast as a ghost, appeared in front of Yuan Bing in an instant. It was Jiang Chen.

Before Yuan Bing had time to pull the trigger, Jiang Chen slapped him in the face again. By the way, he reached out and took the gun from his hand.


This time, it wasn't just Yuan Bing who didn't find it funny anymore, no one could laugh anymore.

All of them, one by one, their eyeballs are about to jump out of their sockets.

Jiang Chen's speed is too fast, is that really the speed that human beings can have?As if shrinking the ground into an inch, the distance of a few meters came in an instant, unimaginable and beyond common sense.

"This guy is really a freak." Meng Zhuojun's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly understood where Jiang Chen's confidence to blackmail Yuan Bing for 30 billion came from.

Yuan Bing has been domineering for so many years, and he probably never expected to meet such a freak.

"Answer my question, isn't it funny?" Jiang Chen stepped forward, appeared in front of Yuan Bing, raised his foot, stepped on Yuan Bing, condescending, looked down at Yuan Bing, and spoke His tone gradually became colder, and a murderous intent shot out from the depths of his eyes.

"" Yuan Bing was sweating profusely, stuttering.

Because, he remembered some powerful existences, and he couldn't provoke them, but he had already provoked them, and regretted it too late.

"30 billion, is there a problem or not?" Jiang Chen asked immediately.

" problem." Yuan Bing said, his teeth chattering and sweat profusely.

30 billion is a lot of money, but compared to his own life, it is not something that cannot be given up. Yuan Bing knows very well that this is the price he paid for provoking Jiang Chen.

"Very good, before tomorrow morning, I want to see the money, don't think about running away, and don't naively think about reneging on the debt, you know the consequences." Jiang Chen said indifferently, and kicked Yuan Bing away.

After Yuan Bing got up from the ground, he got into a car in a panic, drove the car, and left without daring to stay for a moment.

The onlookers saw Yuan Bing's terrified appearance, and their faces were extremely complicated. At the same time, they looked at Jiang Chen like that one by one, quietly, a little more in awe.

"Go and press for the money, I have something to do later." Jiang Chen said to Meng Zhuojun.

"Okay." Meng Zhuojun nodded, looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, and went to work.

Ten minutes later, the money arrived in the account, and Jiang Chen left alone. Meng Zhuojun watched Jiang Chen go away, and murmured, "This guy is really a freak."

(End of this chapter)

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