genius evil

Chapter 1074 I don't like being too high-profile

Chapter 1074 I don't like being too high-profile

Jiang Chen left alone, heading for the second peak of Luoyan Mountain.

That five-color altar attracted his idea, Jiang Chen planned to take a closer look to see what kind of situation it was.

The speed was extremely fast. After a while, Jiang Chen appeared halfway up the mountain. At a glance, Jiang Chen saw a simple building. Obviously, it was the person who guarded it as Meng Zhuojun had said.

Compared with the other mountain, this mountain is more steep, and there is almost only one road leading to the top of the mountain.

This building is just right, blocking the way up the mountain. If ordinary people come here, it is difficult to escape the sight of the patrolling people.

With a movement of Jiang Chen's feet, his figure was like the wind, and he rushed over in a flash. Afterwards, the speed remained unchanged, and he went straight to the direction of the mountain top.

A few minutes later, an altar came into Jiang Chen's sight.

This altar is huge, covering an area of ​​nearly a dozen square meters, which is why it is clearly visible on another mountain peak.

The altar is built with bluestone bricks. It has experienced many years and winds, frosts, rains and snows. It is primitive and simple.

What is rare is that, except for the traces left by the passage of time, those bluestone bricks are almost as clean as new. Not to mention weeds, there is not even a trace of moss.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen took a look, his eyes narrowed slightly, and with a big hand, Jiang Chen grabbed one of the bluestone bricks.

The strength of Jiang Chen's grasp was enough to break gold and crack rocks, but when his fingers grabbed it, Jiang Chen's face couldn't help but change, that piece of bluestone brick remained motionless.

"This is not an altar, but a formation." Withholding his hands, Jiang Chen whispered to himself, his eyes flickering slightly.

He heard from Meng Zhuojun that this is a five-color altar, and there are photos showing that the five-color light emitted by the altar is dazzling and has a sacred atmosphere.At this moment, to Jiang Chen, it has a different meaning.

That is to say, this formation may have been activated by someone more than once.

"It's a little weird." Jiang Chen whispered to himself, vaguely thinking about it, but in the end he couldn't be sure.

Because, he is not from the earth, and the most he has seen and heard in his life is in the True Spirit Continent. Many things are different from what he has seen, so it is difficult to determine.

However, even though it is difficult to determine the usefulness of this formation for the time being, Jiang Chen was amazed by such knowledge to some extent.

First on the Penglai Immortal Island, and then here, this is the second time he has felt the prosperous civilization that once existed on the earth.

"There is no movement on this altar right now, and I don't know when it will radiate five-color light. If that is the case, maybe we can see more clues." Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Jiang Chen stayed at the top of the mountain for about an hour before returning along the road.

When returning to the foot of the mountain, Jiang Chen discovered that a Bugatti Veyron was parked there. Seeing him appear, the door opened, and Meng Zhuojun quickly got out of the car.

"Brother Jiang." Meng Zhuojun waved at Jiang Chen.

"Have you left yet?" Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

Meng Zhuojun chuckled and said, "I saw you before, and I was quite interested in that altar. I thought you should have gone to check it out, so I'm waiting here."

"Intent." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Get in the car, let's go back to the city." Meng Zhuojun greeted.

After a while, Meng Zhuojun drove towards the city.

While driving the car, Meng Zhuojun looked at Jiang Chen from the corner of his eyes from time to time, feeling a slight shock in his mood.

Earlier, while he was waiting for Jiang Chen, Meng Zhuojun received news that Yuan Bing was going around raising money.

30 billion in cash is not a small number, even Yuan Bing, who claims to be worth tens of billions, is not something that can be taken out casually.

It must be borrowed everywhere in order to be able to barely make up.

In one breath, take out 30 billion, or cash, maybe not necessarily, it can hurt Yuan Bing's muscles and bones, and his vitality, but Yuan Bing didn't renege on his debts, but raised money honestly. Such behavior still made Meng Zhuojun , It's amazing.

For Yuan Bing, Meng Zhuojun is really too familiar with him. He is notoriously domineering and never willing to suffer.

Tonight, after suffering such a big loss under Jiang Chen's hands, he still racked his brains to raise money. From this, it is not difficult to see how much Yuan Bing is afraid of Jiang Chen.

"Speak up if you have something to say." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Brother Jiang, you said you want Yuan Bing to take out 30 billion, are you serious, or are you joking?" Meng Zhuojun said while pondering.

"Could it be that I seem to like joking?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

Since he said those words, he naturally took them seriously.

"Then Yuan Bing has a deep background in Beiyuan City and is related to a certain mysterious family. If this matter attracts the attention of that mysterious family, in my opinion, it is not a good thing." Meng Zhuojun said earnestly. .

"Mysterious family?" Jiang Chen smiled and asked casually, "How mysterious is it?"

Meng Zhuojun was speechless for a moment.

Since it is known as a mysterious family, it is naturally extremely mysterious.

However, he could also tell that Jiang Chen would say this, but he clearly didn't take it to heart.

"I also have a question. When does that altar usually emit five-color light?" Jiang Chen lazily wasted his tongue on these insignificant issues and changed the subject.

"Well, that's not necessarily true. Sometimes it's a week, sometimes half a month, and sometimes it's a year or so. There doesn't seem to be any regularity... Brother Jiang, if you want to see the five-color light with your own eyes, maybe you have to go to This Beiyuan City, we need to stay a little longer." Meng Zhuojun said.

Jiang Chen was quite dissatisfied with Meng Zhuojun's answer. Knowing this, he still needs to go to the Zhang family to ask. After all, that altar may be related to the Zhang family. The Zhang family should know many details that outsiders don't know. .

Meng Zhuojun drove and personally sent Jiang Chen to the best hotel in Beiyuan City before leaving.

The next morning, Jiang Chen was eating breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel, and Yuan Bing came to find him.

"Qian, I'm ready." Yuan Bing appeared in front of Jiang Chen, lowered his eyebrows, and said in an unusually respectful manner.

Jiang Chen snorted, took out a bank card and handed it to Yuan Bing, saying, "Transfer all the money to this card."

"Okay." Yuan Bing nodded, asked the waiter to come over with paper and pen, copied the card number, then returned the bank card to Jiang Chen, turned around and left.

But he had only walked a few steps, and before he walked out of the hotel restaurant, Yuan Bing discovered that at the door, a man and a woman walked in side by side.

The man and the woman, whether they are men or women, look quite ordinary.

But there was an aura of contempt on the two of them, as if anyone was not enough to be considered by them. They were extremely proud, but they quickly attracted the attention of many people.

When Yuan Bing saw those two people, his eyes quickly brightened, he turned his head, stared at Jiang Chen, then quickened his pace and went to meet them.

"Brother Yanhui, Sister Qian." Yuan Bing greeted the man and woman politely.

The woman, I don't know if she heard Yuan Bing's words, but she didn't respond, but it was the man who smiled and said, "It's not too late."

"No, Brother Yanhui, you came just in time." Yuan Bing said, with a slight flattery.

"Where is that kid, is he here?" the man asked.

"Yes." Yuan Bing said hastily, pointing his finger at Jiang Chen so that the man could identify him.

The man casually glanced at Jiang Chen, nodded and said, "There are too many people here, let's drive them all out, I don't like being too high-profile."

"Okay." Yuan Bing responded, without further ado, took out his mobile phone and called the owner of the hotel. After a while, a white and fat middle-aged man appeared. He was the owner of the hotel and worked hard. In just 5 minutes, all the diners who were dining in the restaurant were kicked out.

In the huge restaurant, Jiang Chen was the only one left.

"You've eaten enough, there's no need to put on a show in front of me. Could it be that you think that you can hide your inner tension by eating non-stop?" The man strode into the restaurant and walked straight to Jiang Chen. Appearing in front of Jiang Chen, the corners of his lips curled up, and he said sarcastically.

"If you die one day, you must be stupid." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Stupid death? It's quite an interesting way to die." The man laughed, as if he had heard a joke, and then he said, "As soon as you ask for 30 billion, isn't that extremely stupid? I, Zhang Yanhui, don't understand. Say how stupid you have to be to do something like this."

"Surnamed Zhang? A member of the Zhang family?" Jiang Chen looked at Zhang Yanhui and said thoughtfully.

"You actually know about my Zhang family. You're quite knowledgeable." Zhang Yanhui was slightly surprised, and said with a smile.

"Brother Yanhui, the Zhang family is well-known, and everyone knows about it. This kid must have heard of it." Yuan Bing flattered.

There have been rumors from the outside world that he is related to a certain mysterious family, and that family is none other than the Zhang family.

But the rumors were not true. The actual situation was that Yuan Bing only had a little friendship with this Zhang Yanhui, that is, he had met that Zhang Qian once before.

Last night, after Yuan Bing left Luoyan Mountain, he contacted Zhang Yanhui urgently. He vaguely felt that Jiang Chen might be the same type of person as Zhang Yanhui, and that this kind of trouble could only be resolved by Zhang Yanhui.

And because he didn't know when Zhang Yanhui would come over, Yuan Bing made double preparations and actively raised money, just in case.

Fortunately, Zhang Yanhui appeared very timely, which made Yuan Bing heave a sigh of relief.

"Zhang Yanhui, do you know that even Zhang Yuanshang is honest and honest in front of me, and dare not say a word? What are you, dare to point fingers in front of me?" Frowning, Jiang Chen scolded in displeasure .

"To shut up!"

But Zhang Yanhui hadn't spoken yet, and that Zhang Qian yelled coquettishly, and said coldly, "What are you, you dare to call my grandfather's name directly, I think you are impatient."

"Zhang Yuanshang is your grandfather? Oh, that's pretty good." Jiang Chen grinned and stood up.

"You know you're afraid?" Zhang Qian said triumphantly.


Raising his hand, he slapped Zhang Qian to the ground. Jiang Chen said indifferently, "This slap is for your grandfather. If you dare to offend me again, I will kill you immediately."

Jiang Chen's words were full of murderous intent. That Zhang Qian was always delicate and savage, but she was so oppressed by Jiang Chen's words that she couldn't move and dared not say anything.

As for Zhang Yanhui, feeling the aura from Jiang Chen's body, a fine layer of cold sweat gradually broke out on his forehead. He suddenly realized a problem. It seemed that he shouldn't have appeared. An amazing object!

(End of this chapter)

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