genius evil

Chapter 1075 Respect him

Chapter 1075 Respect him
"What are you, dare to say, beat me for my grandfather?" Zhang Qian quickly got up from the ground, staring at Jiang Chen, furious.

She has an extraordinary status in the Zhang family, and she has always been willing to follow the wind and the rain. Her temper can be described as quite pungent, very arrogant and domineering.Have you ever been treated like this by someone?
Caressing that hot cheek, when Zhang Qian looked at Jiang Chen, the depths of her eyes almost burst into flames, that was called anger.

"Mouth is too stinky." Jiang Chen looked cold, and slapped Zhang Qian's face with his backhand, and said lazily, "This slap is for myself, of course, this is the last slap gone."

"You are so courageous..." Zhang Qian shouted, wanting to fight Jiang Chen desperately.

This is Beiyuan.

Although the Zhang family has always acted in a low-key manner and their reputation is not obvious, in fact, they can be said to be the masters of the city.

With her identity as Zhang Qian, being treated like this on her own territory, Zhang Qian was going crazy, wishing she could tear Jiang Chen into pieces.

"Qianqian, calm down." Seeing that Zhang Qian was about to charge towards Jiang Chen, Zhang Yanhui quickly stretched out his hand, grabbed Zhang Qian's arm, and stopped Zhang Qian.

Jiang Chen said just now that it was the last slap.

Zhang Qian, who was in a panic, might not have understood the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, but Zhang Yanhui could hear it clearly, that is, there will be a third time, Jiang Chen will, and he will directly kill the killer .

To put it bluntly, judging from the fact that Jiang Chen slapped Zhang Qian, Jiang Chen wanted to kill Zhang Qian, it would not be more difficult than killing a chicken!
"Let go of me. I am very calm now. It is this idiot who should be calm. He will pay for what he has done soon." Gritting her teeth, Zhang Qian said angrily.

On the sidelines, Yuan Bing saw such a scene in his eyes, and deep in his heart, he was about to become a flower.

He and Zhang Yanhui had a little friendship, but that kind of friendship was made by him spending a lot of money.In layman's terms, it's the same type of friends as fox friends and dog friends.

Whether Zhang Yanhui will contribute to him is hard to say.

Therefore, although Zhang Yanhui came over, Yuan Bing didn't know how to deal with this matter in the end.

But now, because of Jiang Chen's two slaps, the situation has become very different.

That Zhang Qian, the little princess of the Zhang family, was sought after by tens of thousands of people, and was slapped twice by Jiang Chen. In Yuan Bing's view, this must be death.

Zhang Qian and Jiang Chen are immortal, which means that the Zhang family and Jiang Chen are immortal.

In Beiyuan City, there are very few people who know the Zhang family, and even those who have heard of the Zhang family are rare.

Coincidentally, Yuan Bing knew something about the Zhang family through some special channels. He knew very well what kind of giant the Zhang family was and what kind of terrifying energy it possessed.
"Boy, you dare to ask me for 30 billion, you deserve to die." Yuan Bing said viciously.

"Idiot? Are you sure it's me?" With a movement of his feet, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Zhang Qian. He raised his hand, pinched Zhang Qian's neck, and lifted Zhang Qian off the ground.

Following Jiang Chen, five fingers curled up and exerted force, Zhang Qian's complexion instantly turned pale, her breathing became short of breath, and she coughed violently, almost being strangled to death by Jiang Chen.

"This friend, Qianqian is the eldest granddaughter of the Zhang family, please forgive her this time for the sake of the Zhang family." Trembling, Zhang Yanhui said.

Jiang Chen's speed was too fast, he almost didn't even see clearly how Jiang Chen moved, Zhang Qian just fell into Jiang Chen's hands.

Zhang Yanhui knew very well that he had no strength at all. After saving Zhang Qian from Jiang Chen, he could only move out of Zhang's house, hoping that Jiang Chen would not look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha.

"If I understand correctly, you are threatening me, right?" Jiang Chen said coldly.

What Zhang Yanhui said was indeed threatening, but Zhang Yanhui would not admit that Zhang Qian fell into Jiang Chen's hands. Otherwise, if Jiang Chen was impulsive, he might really strangle Zhang Qian to death.

Zhang Yanhui said politely: "My friend, since you have heard of the Zhang family, you want to come to know a little about the Zhang family. The Zhang family has always been kind to others. It is because Qianqian is too young that she offended you unintentionally. Please don't take it too seriously. .”

"I just want to take offense, so what?" Jiang Chen said impatiently.

Zhang Yanhui was stunned. He thought to himself that what he said just now was reasonable. It not only gave Jiang Chen a step down, but also reminded Jiang Chen that the Zhang family is not easy to mess with. He never expected that Jiang Chen would It will be such an attitude.

"Brother Yanhui, don't talk nonsense with this kid. If you continue talking, this kid will only think that the Zhang family is afraid of him." Yuan Bing said at this time.

He felt that Zhang Yanhui was too polite to Jiang Chen, and he thought that Zhang Yanhui was completely unnecessary to be so polite to Jiang Chen, even if Zhang Qian was in Jiang Chen's hands, so what? Jiang Chen really dared to hurt Can't kill the killer?
Of course, Yuan Bing didn't really care, whether Zhang Qian was dead or alive.

It is not good for Zhang Qian to live.

On the contrary, if Zhang Qian died, it would be a great thing for him.

If Jiang Chen really strangled Zhang Qian to death, Yuan Bing believed that Jiang Chen would definitely not be able to leave Beiyuan City alive. In that case, his own interests would be preserved.

"Shut up." Zhang Yanhui said in a low voice, glaring at Yuan Bing.

"Brother Yanhui, this kid, a mere outsider, dares to bully the Zhang family. He is looking for death." Yuan Bing was brave enough to not listen to Zhang Yanhui's words.


A fist suddenly appeared in front of Yuan Bing.

A mountain-like pressure suddenly enveloped Yuan Bing, almost suffocating him.

Then, his body, like a broken sack, flew out and disappeared directly from the dining room. In the midair, a straight dotted line was pulled out, and then fell more than ten meters away, life and death unknown.

"Answer my question." Jiang Chen said to Zhang Yanhui, killing Yuan Bing with a punch.

Zhang Yanhui lost his mind for a while.

As if he hadn't seen how Jiang Chen made his move, it was like catching a chicken, like taking Zhang Qian.

This time, Jiang Chen killed Yuan Bing with one punch. Even if such a scene happened right under his nose, he still couldn't see Jiang Chen's movements clearly.

However, even though he couldn't see clearly, the power of Jiang Chen's punch that sent Yuan Bing flying away made Zhang Yanhui's scalp tingle and was about to explode.

"Friend, I heard you mention the old man just now. I think you met the old man, right?" Zhang Yanhui said hesitantly.

"Avoid the important and take the light!" Jiang Chen snorted coldly, very unhappy, grabbed Zhang Qian, walked slowly towards Zhang Yanhui, and said: "Since you want to threaten me with the Zhang family, then just point directly, my impression of Zhang Yuanshang It's not bad, but it's a pity that the younger generation of the Zhang family are all like this."

In the last step, Jiang Chen landed, and the ground shook.


The invisible pressure swept across his whole body, Zhang Yanhui's heart was beating wildly, he opened his mouth, spewed out a mouthful of blood, he sat on the ground, dripping with cold sweat, as if he had been drained of energy.

"Go back and tell Zhang Yuanshang, and tell him that I, Jiang Chen, will visit tomorrow." Jiang Chen said casually, threw Zhang Qian aside, and walked out of the restaurant.


Finally got rid of Jiang Chen's confinement, and was able to take a breath of fresh air, which made Zhang Qian feel like being resurrected from the dead.

The humiliation and fear that Jiang Chen had imposed on her all erupted at this moment, and she shouted loudly.

"Kill him, definitely kill him!"

While yelling, Zhang Qian waved her arms and bared her teeth and claws, as if she was alive and driven crazy by Jiang Chen.

"Maybe, we have no choice but to kill him." With great effort, swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Zhang Yanhui's voice became a little dry and hoarse for no reason.

"Can't be killed?" Zhang Qian sneered, and said, "I don't believe it. There are still people in this world that my Zhang family can't kill."

"Qianqian, didn't you hear, he said just now that his name is Jiang Chen!" Zhang Yanhui reminded with a wry smile.

"So what about Jiang Chen? Is there anything special about this name?" Zhang Qian dismissed it, never caring about it at all.

It's just that after such words were spoken, Zhang Qian suddenly thought of something, and her whole body froze.

"His name? Jiang Chen?" Losing her voice, Zhang Qian murmured.

"Yes, his name is Jiang Chen." Zhang Yanhui nodded vigorously.

After saying this, the two looked at each other, their eyes filled with fear.

Jiang Chen himself, Zhang Yanhui and Zhang Qian, didn't know each other, but the name Jiang Chen, said to be like a thunderbolt, was nothing to worry about.

At the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference, Jiang Chen became famous in one battle, which is known all over the world. It also aroused strong repercussions within the Zhang family, and countless people talked about it with great interest.

There are even quite a few Zhang family disciples who regard Jiang Chen as their idol.

Of course, if it’s just that, it’s nothing, it’s just a bit more famous. The Zhang family has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. Although they live in a small corner and are unknown to most people, their background is so deep that it is unimaginable.

What frightened Zhang Yanhui and Zhang Qian was because Zhang Yuanshang once said a word in front of all the children of the family after he returned to the Zhang family.

Zhang Yuanshang said——China's ancient martial arts world, from now on, respect Jiang Chen!

Zhang Yuanshang did not directly say that Jiang Chen is No. 1 in the ancient Chinese martial arts cultivation world, but he said that he respected Jiang Chen, but it made this height even higher.

This is not praise, because Zhang Yuanshang is not qualified to praise Jiang Chen, but respect and awe!

Jiang Chen, even Zhang Yuanshang, was in awe, but the two of them offended Jiang Chen so much today, especially Zhang Qian, who kept saying that Jiang Chen would pay the price.

She is still alive up to now, it's all because of Zhang Yuanshang's face, otherwise, she would have died long ago and couldn't die anymore.

"I got into a big disaster." Zhang Qian said, about to cry.

"Let's return to Zhang's house quickly and report the situation here to the old man." Zhang Yanhui was not in the mood to comfort Zhang Qian at the moment, he himself was very upset.

He could only go back to Zhang's house as quickly as possible, and tell Zhang Yuan clearly what happened, and let Zhang Yuan decide and solve it.

"Then hurry up." Zhang Qian was so frightened that she urged her loudly, wishing she could put on a pair of wings and fly to Zhang Yuanshang's side immediately.

Regarding Zhang Yanhui and Zhang Qian's reaction, Jiang Chen didn't know, but even if he knew, Jiang Chen wouldn't, just take it to heart.

Jiang Chen returned to the hotel room. Just as he entered the door, his mobile phone rang...

(End of this chapter)

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