genius evil

Chapter 1076

Chapter 1076

It was Wen Qingxin who called. Wen Qingxin arrived in Beiyuan City earlier than the appointed time.

Jiang Chen told his address, and after about half an hour, Wen Qing rushed over.

For the time after that, Jiang Chen accompanied Wen Qingxin all the time. In the hotel room, he didn’t leave the door without leaving the door. Even meals were delivered to the room by someone. For outsiders also.

Regarding this situation, Wen Qingxin was both angry and helpless. Speaking of which, she and Jiang Chen hadn't been away for a long time, but Jiang Chen showed that he was extremely impatient, as if he wished he could take a bite and eat her up. Like in the stomach.

But even though she was helpless, Wen Qingxin could only, time and time again, cooperate with Jiang Chen's request, and become intoxicated by it, unable to extricate herself!

The Zhang family's ancestral home is far away from the urban area of ​​Beiyuan City, among the mountains, that area of ​​mountains, so far, has not been developed at all because of the Zhang family, maintaining a simple and primitive appearance.

Surrounding the Zhang family's ancestral house, within a radius of ten miles, there is absolutely no other human habitation. The vast mountains, invisibly, add a bit of mystery to the Zhang family.

A mountain off-road vehicle was driving crazily on the mountain road, and it was Zhang Yanhui who was driving it.

Zhang Yanhui originally wanted Zhang Qian to call Zhang Yuanshang first to inform Jiang Chen about Jiang Chen's situation, but at this moment, Zhang Qian seemed to have been scared out of her wits and dared not fight.

Zhang Qian didn't dare to make this call, and Zhang Yanhui was even more afraid, so he could only hurry up and go to Zhang Yuanshang to plead guilty.

Finally, the off-road vehicle stopped in front of a building full of ancient garden charm, opened the door, Zhang Yanhui and Zhang Qian hurriedly got out of the car and walked inside.

"Qianqian, what's the matter with your face?" But they didn't go far, and several young men and women appeared in front of them. One of the young men noticed that Zhang Qian's face was very strange, so he couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, don't worry about me." Zhang Qian waved her hand, not in the mood to speak.

"Are you okay? Hehe, how do I look at it? I was slapped twice. These two slaps, one on each side, are really quite well-proportioned and beautiful." A girl who looks somewhat similar to Zhang Qian , said gloatingly.

"Zhang Lei, don't mess with me." Zhang Qian was instantly furious, her eyebrows and eyes raised.

"I'm right, are you guilty?" The woman named Zhang Lei blinked her eyes, put on an innocent look, and said, "I didn't mess with you, okay, I'm just telling the truth, you Zhang Qian Is it possible that the eldest lady is so powerful that she doesn't even let us talk, and the inferior people say it?"

Zhang Lei called herself an inferior person, so of course she just deliberately teased Zhang Qian.

Zhang Qian is the eldest granddaughter of the Zhang family, and Zhang Lei's status is not bad, but Zhang Lei and Zhang Qian have never seen each other well, and whenever they have the opportunity, they will definitely sneer at each other.

It is no exaggeration to say that the relationship between the two is like fire and water.

No, it's rare to see that when Zhang Qian is deflated, Zhang Lei will not miss such an excellent opportunity to beat Zhang Qian.

"Leilei, don't say a few words." The young man who spoke at the beginning said at this moment.

"Fan Jia, I know you like Zhang Qian, but is it necessary, is it so obvious?" Zhang Lei said with a cold snort.

Rather than saying that the Zhang family is a big family, it is better to say that it is a super tribal group that has developed over hundreds of thousands of years, with the Zhang family as the main body.

The Fan family that Fan Jia belongs to is rumored to be a servant of the Zhang family at the beginning, but with the continuous development of the Zhang family, this Fan family has become the second largest surname among the Zhang family. group.

Fan Jia is the leader of the younger generation of the Fan family, but he also has an extraordinary status.

"Leilei, I think Qianqian seems to be outside, and if someone bullies you, don't add insult to injury." Fan Jia said, walking in front of Zhang Qian in a few steps.

Jiang Chen slapped Zhang Qian's two ears very hard. Zhang Qian's cheeks on both sides were swollen and bluish. When Fan Jia approached, he saw that there was a scar on Zhang Qian's neck. Five, bright red finger prints.

Such a scene caused Fan Jia's face to become ugly in an instant, and he asked in a cold voice, "Qianqian, tell me who hit you so hard."

"Get out of the way, it has nothing to do with you." Zhang Qian said impatiently.

Seeing that Zhang Qian didn't say anything, Fan Jia just looked at Zhang Yanhui and asked, "Yanhui, tell me what happened."

"Let's not talk about a little misunderstanding." Zhang Yanhui said awkwardly.

He could tell that Zhang Qian didn't want to say more, so naturally she wouldn't, to uncover Zhang Qian's scars.

"A little misunderstanding?" Fan Jia sneered and said, "Can this be called a little misunderstanding? Isn't it a misunderstanding even if Qianqian is killed?"

"Fan Jia, can you stop talking nonsense, I've said it, it has nothing to do with you, go away." Zhang Qian scolded.

She originally thought about going in to meet Zhang Yuanshang, but was stopped by Fan Jia, which directly led to her being ridiculed by Zhang Lei.

This made Zhang Qian's bad mood even worse. No matter how you looked at Fan Jia, it was very unpleasant.

"Qianqian, I don't know what happened, so you don't want to tell me, but, you have been wronged so much, I will definitely not stand by and watch." Fan Jia said seriously, talking, walked to Step aside and get out of the way.

Zhang Qian rolled her eyes, and together with Zhang Yanhui, she continued to walk inside as if galloping. It was a second, and she didn't want to delay it.

"Fan Jia, let me tell you, don't you feel sorry for her? Didn't you see Zhang Qian ignoring you? I don't understand. What's so good about her that you are so devoted to her. " Zhang Lei asked wonderingly.

It is well known that Fan Jia is notoriously infatuated with Zhang Qian. Even though Zhang Qian has never shown color to Fan Jia, Fan Jia is also very infatuated, as if she is obsessed with Zhang Qian. .

"She's fine everywhere." Fan Jia said lightly, thinking about looking for a chance later, and asked Zhang Qian carefully what happened.

Those two slaps were right on Zhang Qian's face, but they made Fan Jia's heart ache.


Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin didn't get up until ten o'clock in the morning the next day. As a result, it was already after twelve o'clock when they set off for Zhang's house.

The mountain road was rugged and difficult, but to Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin, it was naturally not a difficult task.

Because Wen Qingxin was a little familiar with Zhang's family, the two came this time without notifying Zhang Yuanshang in advance.

Of course, on the other hand, Jiang Chen knew that Zhang Yanhui and Zhang Qian had already told Zhang Yuanshang that he was coming, and it didn't matter whether they informed him or not.

Around three o'clock, the two of them appeared near Zhang's garden and manor.

"As expected of a thousand-year-old family with extraordinary heritage." Wen Qingxin sighed softly.

"It's really not that simple." Jiang Chen nodded.

The reason why he came to the Zhang family was because of the Zhang family's family classics. In terms of the grandeur of the Zhang family, Jiang Chen thought, this trip must be worthwhile.


A voice suddenly sounded, and then, two figures rushed out quickly, blocking the way of Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin.

"Go and inform Zhang Yuanshang that I'm here." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"How dare you call the Patriarch's name directly." One person was furious and said sharply.

"Leave quickly, or don't blame us, we will not be polite." The other person was also pale and very unhappy.

"Is the Zhang family's style so great?" Frowning, Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

Zhang Yanhui and Zhang Qian left a bad impression on him.

Now, these two guards actually dare to shout at him, the family's style is really not ordinary.

"Are you deaf? Hurry up and get out." Seeing Jiang Chen standing still, one person spoke harshly.

"What's the problem?" A figure asked curiously when he heard the guard shouting just as he came out.

"Master Fan, these two people tried to break in. We two suspect that they have evil intentions." Seeing the man outside the door, he hurriedly said respectfully.

That person is none other than Fan Jia.

After that, Fan Jia went to look for Zhang Qian three times, but they were hit by a wall three times in a row. He couldn't help but feel depressed, just thinking about going out to relax.

I never thought that I just walked out and saw such a thing.

"Who are you two?" Fan Jia stepped forward, looked at Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin, and asked.

"Didn't Zhang Yuanshang tell you that I will come over today?" Jiang Chen said displeased.

"The name of Patriarch is not something anyone can call casually." Fan Jia's complexion changed slightly, and he stared at Jiang Chen and said, "It seems that the two of you are really here to find fault, right?"

"Are you out of your mind?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly, which eye is here to find fault with him?
"To shut up!"

Fan Jia was very annoyed, pointed at Jiang Chen with a finger, and ordered: "Give you three seconds, and immediately disappear from my sight."


Jiang Chen directly kicked Fan Jia to the ground, then led Wen Qingxin, and swaggered inside.


"Don't move."

Seeing that Jiang Chen was actually attacking Fan Jia, the two guards became tense, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Fan Jia got up from the ground, a layer of haze gradually emerged from the depths of his eyes, and he said, "I ask you, yesterday, was it you who slapped Zhang Qian twice?"

Fan Jia suddenly thought of this matter, because he felt that Jiang Chen was too courageous, daring to do something in the Zhang family, maybe it was related to Zhang Qian.

"Could it be that she felt that two slaps were not enough?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It really is you!" Fan Jia gritted his teeth, looked at Jiang Chen like a dead man, and laughed loudly, "Damn guy, I was still trying to find ways to find out about this, but you directly admitted it, very good, I now I can assure you that no matter who you are, no matter what status you have, today, I will definitely let you come and go."

"My name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said directly.

There were too many trivial things, Jiang Chen was so lazy to talk nonsense, and directly reported his family.

"I said before, I don't care about your identity." Fan Jia said in a dark voice.

"Are you sure?" A smile emerged from the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth.


Fan Jia was about to say yes, but it was these two words. He only uttered a word. He suddenly realized what Jiang Chen had just said. His eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief, as if it was broad daylight , I saw a ghost!

(End of this chapter)

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