genius evil

Chapter 1077

Chapter 1077
The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Just like Zhang Yanhui and Zhang Qian, who are no strangers to Jiang Chen's name, this Fan Jia is also very clear about the meaning of the word Jiang Chen.

Fan Jia said that no matter who Jiang Chen is or what kind of identity he has, Jiang Chen must be allowed to come and go.

That's because he has a strong confidence, and the source of that confidence is the Zhang family.

However, what Fan Jia never expected was that the visitor had such an extraordinary identity.

This immediately made his face become hot, and even the depths of his eyes were filled with a deep look of horror.

Even Zhang Yuanshang said that the ancient Chinese martial arts world respected Jiang Chen, so even if he relied on the Zhang family, Fan Jia knew that he was far from provoking Jiang Chen. Qualifications.

His tyrannical demonstration turned into a complete joke!
Even though, Fan Jia was not at all able to laugh at this joke.

Because of being too shocked, Fan Jia only uttered one of these two short words, but he couldn't utter the other word.

"Are you sure now?" Seeing Fan Jia's reaction, Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"I..." The Adam's apple trembled, and Fan Jia's face was flushed red.

His reaction had already betrayed the depths of his heart, how panicked he was.

At such a time, Jiang Chen asked the question knowingly. From Fan Jia's point of view, this was clearly a blatant humiliation of him.

Clenching his fists tightly, Fan Jia's gaze towards Jiang Chen became slightly more ruthless.

"Are you not convinced?" Jiang Chen said a little surprised, he thought that this Fan Jia would be frightened and run away.

"That's right, I'm not convinced." Gritting his teeth, Fan Jia said angrily.

He stared at Jiang Chen, and said word by word, "Jiang Chen, I, Fan Jia, although I am soft-spoken, I can't be humiliated by everyone."

"Your brain is indeed very problematic." Jiang Chen said helplessly, "Is it because I want to humiliate you? Could it be that you have brought your own humiliation?"

"You are more famous and cultivated than me. Naturally, you can say whatever you want." Fan Jia said, clenching his fists even tighter.

"So, now you're convinced that I'm bullying you, right?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"Isn't it?" Fan Jia asked back.

It was right for him to be afraid of Jiang Chen, but it didn't mean that he had to bow his head and be respectful in front of Jiang Chen. That was definitely not his Fan Jia's style of dealing with the world.

Moreover, he, Fan Jia, can be regarded as a respectable person in this family, if he bowed his knees in front of Jiang Chen, what would others think?how to think?

Jiang Chen kicked Fan Jia to the ground again, and said flatly, "This is called bullying you."

"Jiang Chen, you're deceiving people too much." Fan Jia was furious, his eyes almost burst into flames.

He panted heavily, and said, "Jiang Chen, unless you kill me now, otherwise, I will repay the humiliation you inflicted on me, Fan Jia, ten times and a hundred times over time, and at that time, you will definitely be punished." , life is better than death."


Jiang Chen was rather surprised that this Fan Jia actually dared to threaten him like this.

Could it be that he thought that he, Jiang Chen, would not dare to kill people?

"Looking for death." Jiang Chen was a little unhappy at once. He hadn't planned on what to do to Fan Jia. After all, this has entered the gate of the Zhang family. He wanted to give Zhang Yuan a little face. To Fan Jia, A little punishment is fine.

This Fan Jia is so vengeful.

Even if Jiang Chen didn't think that Fan Jia would pose any threat to him, it was still a hidden danger, even if it was a negligible hidden danger, Jiang Chen would never allow him to live in this world.


Jiang Chen kicked out the third kick, and in an instant, Fan Jia flew high like a ball, and in mid-air, a dazzling phantom was drawn, and Jiang Chen's kick flew straight into Zhang's house. door.


When he landed, Fan Jia only felt that he didn't have a whole bone in his body anymore. He prostrated himself on the ground, spurting blood continuously, his breath was like gossamer.

If we say that at the beginning, when he found out that it was Jiang Chen, Fan Jia was only terrified.

Well, at this time, Fan Jia's heart was full, and he was completely surrounded by panic.

The reason why Fan Jia dared to say those cruel words in front of Jiang Chen was because he believed that Jiang Chen would definitely not kill people in the Zhang family.

That is to say, even if he offends Jiang Chen to the death, at least his life can be saved, at best, he just suffers some skin trauma and let Jiang Chen kick him a few times.

The final result was beyond Fan Jia's expectations.

When Jiang Chen said that he wanted to die, Fan Jia realized that Jiang Chen wanted to kill him.

The fact is exactly the same. Unlike the previous two kicks, Jiang Chen was still merciful and mostly meant to be teasing. During the third kick, Fan Jia suddenly discovered that in Jiang Chen's eyes, he was like a dead person.

"Why did this happen?" Fan Jia was heartbroken.

He was very confused, not sure whether he overestimated himself or underestimated Jiang Chen.

Ignoring the two guards, Jiang Chen led Wen Qingxin and walked slowly inside, step by step, to the front of Fan Jia, bowed his head, and looked at Fan Jia expressionlessly.

"Your name is Fan Jia, right? Your mouth is tough enough, but unfortunately, your life isn't tough enough." Jiang Chen said coldly, and immediately raised his foot and stepped on Fan Jia's chest.

"Jiang Shao, show mercy."

Zhang Yanhui rushed over, saw that Jiang Chen was going to trample Fan Jia to death, so he hurriedly opened his mouth, hoping that Jiang Chen would save Fan Jia's life.


Jiang Chen didn't seem to hear Zhang Yanhui's words. When that foot landed, he only heard the sound of bones breaking, and Fan Jia's life was cut off.


Zhang Yanhui was startled, he could tell that Jiang Chen didn't hesitate at all, completely ignoring his words, he was extremely ruthless and decisive.

For a moment, cold sweat oozes from Zhang Yanhui's back, knowing that he and Zhang Qian can still return to Zhang's house alive, it's just a small life.

"Jiang Shao, the master asked me to welcome you." Bite the bullet, Zhang Yanhui said.

Zhang Yanhui heard Jiang Chen say yesterday that he would come today to visit Zhang Yuanshang. He thought that Jiang Chen would contact Zhang Yuanshang before he came.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, came directly with Wen Qingxin without saying a word.

In this way, when Zhang Yanhui learned that Jiang Chen had arrived at Zhang's house, he hurried over immediately, but he still couldn't stop it, and the worst scene happened.

It was Fan Jia who died, and Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously, but Zhang Yanhui knew that Jiang Chen had offended half of the Zhang family, and it all depended on Zhang Yuan's attitude.

"Lead the way." Jiang Chen said, already impatiently entangled by some insignificant little people.

Zhang Yanhui didn't dare to say much, and hurriedly led the way ahead, leading Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin to the inside, walking with trepidation along the way, lest something might go wrong and Jiang Chen would be dissatisfied.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen finally saw Zhang Yuanshang.

I haven't seen you for a while, but Zhang Yuanshang looks much older, but he is quite energetic. Seeing Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin, he laughed loudly and said, "Jiang Chen, I am looking forward to seeing you." Come on, I've been looking forward to it for quite a long time, hurry up and come with me, it just so happens that I have something new to discover."

"New discovery?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Congratulations to Mr. Zhang."

"Since the old man came back from the ancient martial arts alliance meeting, he has been soaking in the library, not going out of the door, and not going through the second door." Zhang Yanhui said at this time.

Speaking of this, Zhang Yanhui was also very surprised.

Daringly, everything Zhang Yuanshang did was related to Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen had a lot of face.

"Needless to say." Zhang Yuan waved his hand and led Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin into a wooden building.

Here, it is the Book Collection Pavilion of the Zhang family. When you enter the door, you will find the house full of books. When you see it, it is full of beautiful things. There are all kinds of books, most of which are ancient books.

Among them, most of the ancient books on the bookshelves have been turned over.

Obviously, as Zhang Yanhui said, since Zhang Yuanshang returned to Penglai Xiandao, he has been soaking in this study, looking through all kinds of classics. A little more old-fashioned.

"Mr. Zhang has a heart." Jiang Chen sighed.

Zhang Yuanshang rubbed his hands, looking very excited. He carefully pulled out a book from a bookshelf, handed it to Jiang Chen like holding a treasure, and said: "Jiang Chen, about extraordinary life, in the In this book, there is a record, although it is only a few short sentences, but in my opinion, it has a very important meaning."

"Oh?" Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat.

Soon, when he opened it, Jiang Chen saw a description about an extraordinary life.

This is an ancient book. The records on it are written in ancient Chinese. There are only a few simple sentences. After summarizing, the meaning is almost that Xeon once existed, came to the earth, and inherited ancient martial arts.

"People from beyond the sky?" Jiang Chen looked at it, his mind moving slightly.

This statement is consistent with what Yu Feifeng said before.

"Jiang Chen, according to the records in this classic, there were people from beyond the sky who came to Earth. Those people from beyond the sky must have been extremely powerful and brought a prosperous ancient martial civilization to Earth." Zhang Yuan Said excitedly.

"Mr. Zhang, do you agree with this record?" Jiang Chen asked.

"About the source of ancient martial arts, I have always been very curious. After all, the Chinese civilization is vast and extensive, but I can't find a few words of information. Isn't it normal?" Zhang Yuanshang said seriously.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Just listening, Zhang Yuanshang continued: "This record has explained my doubts for many years. It's just a pity that I never had the opportunity to witness that period of glorious history."

Hearing what Zhang Yuanshang said, Jiang Chen remembered the matter of the five-color altar, and planned to ask.

But at this moment, with a bang, the door of the attic was kicked open from the outside with great force, and a figure walked in slowly.

The man was holding a dead body in his hands, and his old face was full of grief and indignation.

After entering the Book Collection Pavilion, the man's eyes fell on Jiang Chen, and the flames of hatred blazed from his eyes.

"Yue Lin, you came just in time. This is Jiang Chen. I was thinking about introducing him to you later." Seeing the person coming, Zhang Yuan said with a loud smile.

As he was talking, suddenly seeing the corpse in this man's hand, Zhang Yuanshang's expression couldn't help changing, and he was about to ask what happened.

But listening to that person, Yin Jiu said incomparably: "Jiang Chen, if you kill my son, I, Fan Yuelin, will make you pay with blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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