genius evil

Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080

"Jiang Chen, be careful!"

Seeing Song Yu attacking Jiang Chen, Zhang Yuan yelled loudly and reminded him loudly, lest Jiang Chen suffer a big loss if he was not careful.

"It's so extraordinary that you dare to speak nonsense in front of me." Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and with a thought, the blood in his body boiled.


Jiang Chen slapped out his palm in an instant, and the huge palm slammed towards Song Yu.

The waves of air exploded with a bang, and in the library, countless ancient books were torn to pieces under the palm of the hand, turning into confetti and falling to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yuanshang's face changed greatly, and his heart was about to bleed.

Song Yu's shoulders shook slightly, he put away his palms, and looked at Jiang Chen with a little surprise.

From the very beginning, he didn't take Jiang Chen seriously.

I thought that killing Jiang Chen with one palm would be more than enough, but it didn't work out, and it was evenly divided.

Even though his palm was just a casual strike, and it only had about [-]% of the strength, but such a scene was enough to surprise Song Yu.

"Boy, you're pretty good." Grinning, Song Yu said.

"It's you who are too bad." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"The mouth is so hard, so I want to see if your bones are as hard as your mouth." Song Yu became more and more upset and wanted to strike again.

Jiang Chen moved first, and the figure flashed by, appearing outside the Library Pavilion.

There are countless books in this library, which can be said to be the painstaking efforts of countless generations of the Zhang family. Although it may not be of any use to him, Jiang Chen does not want to destroy all of them.

"Boy, I thought you were going to run away." Song Yu was a little bit surprised when he saw Jiang Chen leaving the Library Pavilion. At this time, he saw Jiang Chen standing outside the Library Pavilion, and he didn't go away. Soon he realized Confused Jiang Chen's intention.

Song Yu raised his leg and stepped out. After a few steps, he appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"Boy, you can't even keep your own life. You still have the mind to pay attention to those things outside of you. It's really, really stupid." Song Yu said mockingly.

"Mouth is too stinky." Jiang Chen said with a frown.

"Do you want to die that much?" Song Yu shouted angrily when he heard this, his expression changed drastically.

He came from the Zhenwu Continent. This earth is just an inconspicuous small world among thousands of small worlds, and it has been forgotten for many years. It is no exaggeration to say that it is an abandoned place.

Song Yu here has an innate sense of superiority.

He regarded Jiang Chen and others as inferior natives, as existences like ants.

Even after learning that Xeon exists on this earth, but with extraordinary cultivation, Song Yu's sense of superiority can be said to be overwhelming, and he begins to long for the earth.

But listening to Jiang Chen's disdainful tone of voice, it was clearly the other way around, treating him like an ant, such behavior made Song Yu unbearable every minute.

After shouting angrily, Song Yu bullied Jiang Chen like a flash of lightning, and slapped Jiang Chen's Tianling Gai with his big hand from top to bottom.

He had to kill Jiang Chen to the scum, in order to relieve the anger in his heart.


Jiang Chen drank in a low voice, and stabbed out with a finger.

In the void, a huge sword shadow emerged.

The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, cutting towards Song Yu.

"This is?"

Slightly squinting his eyes, a doubtful light flashed in Song Yu's eyes.


That sword shadow cut straight down.

The palm wind shattered, and there was a sharp whistling sound in the air, as if the air had been chopped to pieces by that sword shadow.

Song Yu hastily stepped back, taking a full ten or so steps, which was unbearable. When he stopped, he looked at Jiang Chen like that, after all, he was a little more dignified and fearful.

"Brother Song, what's going on?" Guo Qifeng quickly appeared beside Song Yu and asked.

"I don't know." Song Yu shook his head.

Jiang Chen turned his sword with one finger, and the intent of the sword was condensed, just like the essence, and it was terrifying, making Song Yu feel a threat to his life.

"Could it be that this kid has an extraordinary cultivation?" Guo Qifeng asked suspiciously, staring at Jiang Chen, looking again and again, feeling the fluctuation of Jiang Chen's breath.

"I don't understand." Song Yu shook his head again.

He had noticed long ago that Jiang Chen's aura fluctuated very strangely, it was different from him and Guo Qifeng.

From this aspect, Jiang Chen must not be an extraordinary cultivation base.

However, Jiang Chen's unpredictable sword shadow actually forced him back and broke it abruptly. He struck with all his strength, which made Song Yu feel palpitations.

"Boy, what kind of martial art is this?" Guo Qifeng asked in a deep voice.

He also felt that it was impossible for Jiang Chen to be of extraordinary cultivation.

Then, for Jiang Chen to display such a powerful combat power, there is only one possibility, that is, Jiang Chen has practiced some kind of powerful martial skill.

After saying this, a greedy light flashed in the depths of Guo Qifeng's eyes.

In the Zhenwu Continent, the sects he and Song Yu belonged to were nothing more than small sects that were not popular.

His and Song Yu's cultivation aptitudes are not even worth mentioning.

This is also the reason why he and Song Yu will enter the small world of the earth for trials instead of going to other small worlds.

After all, with his and Song Yu's strength, if they go to other small worlds, if they encounter any troubles, they probably don't know how they died.

But now, Guo Qifeng suddenly felt that his luck was quite good.

A great opportunity was placed in front of him.

If it is possible to obtain this powerful martial skill cultivated by Jiang Chen, then, with his mid-transcendent cultivation, beheading a strong person with a late-transcendent cultivation will be no problem at all, and may even go one step further. , to challenge the existence of a higher level!
This is an unexpected benefit, and Guo Qifeng couldn't help but be moved by it.

"Martial skills? That's right! Haha..." Hearing this, Song Yu laughed out loud, very happy and joyful, and the depressed feeling of being forced back by Jiang Chen's sword shadow in the void dissipated.

"Boy, if you hand over this martial skill, you won't die." Then Song Yu said.

Guo Qifeng's heart was moved, and Song Yu's heart was naturally moved. The two coincided with each other and asked Jiang Chen to hand over his martial arts.

"You two, think too much. I never thought that I will spare your life." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Jiang Chen knew exactly what Song Yu and Guo Qifeng were up to, but it was a pity that the two of them would be wrong.

Martial arts cultivation is, after all, different from self-cultivation. Even if he taught all the fingering techniques of Jietianzhi, Song Yu and Guo Qifeng may not be able to comprehend its true meaning throughout their lives.

What's more, the Heaven-cutting Finger that Jiang Chen cast had long been freed from the shackles of the original, and had integrated his true meaning of the way of the sword. Its power was more than a hundred times stronger than the original Heaven-cutting Finger!
The movement of Zangshu Pavilion alarmed the Zhang family, and many people flocked up and down.

Some of them, after learning about what happened at the five-color altar, saw Zhang Yuanshang again with serious expressions on their faces.

While Jiang Chen was talking, his eyes swept over those Zhang family disciples, and he saw that one of them was holding an iron sword in his hand.

"Use the sword." Jiang Chen said.

He turned his sword with one finger, and once beheaded Yu Changgeng and Pan Zijing, who had just glimpsed the extraordinary.

However, his current cultivation level is too low after all, even if he uses the secret method of burning blood, it is still very difficult. To kill Song Yu, he can only use it with a sword.

"Borrow my sword?"

The man holding an iron sword was stunned for a moment, then asked wonderingly, "How can I borrow it?"

"Sword come!"

With a low drink, Jiang Chen made a big move, and the long sword in the man's hand was released. Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed the long sword into his palm.

"Void Grab?"

Seeing this, Song Yu and Guo Qifeng glanced at each other, their expressions changed, and they looked a little ugly.

As far as the two of them knew, even those with a late-stage Transcendent cultivation would not be able to grasp objects in the void, and only those with a higher level of cultivation than Transcendent could do this.

With Jiang Chen's big hand move, the long sword in the man's hand was released. Jiang Chen's unintentional display of strength moved both Song Yu and Guo Qifeng.

"Boy, what are you doing?" Song Yu asked.

Jiang Chen turned his finger into a sword, which greatly moved his heart. Right now, Jiang Chen's method has no reason to make Song Yu's heart move even more.

"Yes, tell me quickly." Guo Qifeng also urged.

The earth is just an inconspicuous small world, and there are people like Jiang Chen, which is far beyond expectations.

"We'll know when you two are dead." Jiang Chen said with a sneer.

"Boy, if you refuse to say yes, then I will subdue you. Look at how hard your mouth is!" Song Yu was angry and forced Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's two methods are not so much martial skills, but in Song Yu's view, they are more like legendary magical methods on the Zhenwu Continent.

After all, in his opinion, Jiang Chen's cultivation is too low, even if he has powerful martial skills, Jiang Chen is also difficult to cultivate, and it is even more difficult to display them.

In other words, even if Jiang Chen tried his best to display it, it was nothing more than an appearance and a shape.


Jiang Chen raised his sword, and it turned into thousands of swords, like the Milky Way hanging upside down in the sky.

The supreme sword intent poured out, covering the sky and the sun.

Immediately, an unbearable pressure swept over Song Yu's heart.

"What kind of sword technique is this?" Song Yu murmured to himself, feeling that there were too many secrets in Jiang Chen's body, and he couldn't see through or guess at all.

"Why is this boy so mysterious? Is this earth really just a small, abandoned world?" Song Yu was extremely confused, feeling a sense of being subverted.


The sword cuts and falls.

A rain of blood splashed in all directions, directly cutting Song Yu in half.


Guo Qifeng yelled, even with his own eyes, seeing Jiang Chen kill Song Yu with a sword, he still couldn't believe it. He felt that this was too absurd, very unrealistic, and couldn't be taken seriously.

"Next, it's your turn." Jiang Chen stared at Guo Qifeng and said slowly.

Be it Song Yu or Guo Qifeng, they all must die, no one is an exception!
"Boy, you can't kill me. Within the sect, there is my fate. If I die, the sect I belong to will flatten the earth." Guo Qifeng said coldly.

He and Song Yu had the same level of cultivation, and Song Yu was beheaded by Jiang Chen with a sword. Guo Qifeng knew that he had no reason to be lucky, so he could only let Jiang Chen throw the mouse.

"Too much nonsense." Jiang Chen was indifferent, and cut down with another sword...

(End of this chapter)

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