genius evil

Chapter 1081 Terrible hidden danger

Chapter 1081 Terrible hidden danger
Blood splashed out in all directions, like a rain of blood, a big head flew high and fell in the distance.

That is, Guo Qifeng's head!
Jiang Chen struck out with two swords one after another, first beheading Song Yu and then Guo Qifeng. Such a scene fell in the eyes of the Zhang family and made them all gasp for it.

Among them, not everyone has been to the ancient martial arts alliance conference.

Normally, he had heard of Jiang Chen's name, and Zhang Yuan once praised Jiang Chen, but he didn't have a specific understanding of Jiang Chen's real strength.

And now, at last, they understand.

Among the crowd, Zhang Qian and Zhang Yanhui shrank their necks subconsciously, feeling a cold chill.

Especially Zhang Qian, almost couldn't help herself, reached out and touched her neck.

After making sure that her head was still there, Zhang Qian's pale complexion recovered a little bit.

"Jiang Chen, I found out that I was wrong about you again." With a long sigh, Zhang Yuan came up and said.

Be it Song Yu or Guo Qifeng, they are all of extraordinary cultivation, and in Zhang Yuanshang's eyes, Xeon exists, unrivaled and difficult to defeat.

Zhang Yuanshang has already made plans to destroy the Zhang family.

But Jiang Chen was so strong that he beheaded the two of them in a row, making Zhang Yuan Shang extremely shocked.

You know, even though Jiang Chen showed his sharpness at the ancient martial arts alliance conference, he smashed the conspiracy of the Immortal Association with his own power.

However, from Zhang Yuanshang's point of view, at best, Jiang Chen has a combat power comparable to that of an innate powerhouse. How could he have thought that Jiang Chen's evildoer has reached such a level that even superhuman beings can kill him with one blow? !
Therefore, Zhang Yuanshang thought that once again, he had misjudged Jiang Chen.

He thought that with the appearance of Song Yu and Guo Qifeng, it must be the beginning of a disaster in the world of ancient martial arts.

In this disaster, the Zhang family bears the brunt, and Jiang Chen is also unavoidable, and it is hard to get lucky.

Jiang Chen once again gave him a great surprise, so that this disaster, which may sweep the entire ancient martial arts cultivation world, would end before it even started!

"China's ancient martial arts circle, I'm afraid Jiang Chen is really going to be respected." After saying that, Zhang Yuanshang silently added another sentence in his heart.

He said this several times in the Zhang family.

But at that time, speaking of this was more out of admiration for Jiang Chen, thinking that Jiang Chen had the potential to lead the world of ancient martial arts.

Now, when Zhang Yuanshang said this, he completely confirmed this fact!

"It's just a clown, nothing to worry about." Jiang Chen said lightly.

The so-called extraordinary cultivation base, in Jiang Chen's view, corresponds to almost the foundation establishment realm of cultivation.

As far as the realm of Song Yu and Guo Qifeng is concerned, they almost have the strength of the middle stage of foundation establishment.

This kind of cultivation, compared with Jiang Chen, but the mere cultivation of the ninth level of Body Tempering, has completely crossed a large realm and two small realms. It seems that there is an insurmountable gap.

But Jiang Chen, the terrifying existence of the peak state of the fusion period, even if limited by the cultivation level, many methods cannot be used.

After quenching the body at the peak of the ninth level, the shackles of the physical body on Jiang Chen were greatly weakened. It may be difficult to kill people across the two realms when using the secret method of burning blood and the true meaning of swordsmanship.

But just crossing a big realm, and it is a very normal thing if you have already touched the foundation barrier.

Unless Song Yu and Guo Qifeng had cultivated some powerful martial arts, that might be a little tricky for Jiang Chen.

Considering the age of Song Yu and Guo Qifeng, the qualifications of these two people are mediocre, and they must come from two small sects that are not at all popular.

With mediocre qualifications and a weak sect, Song Yu and Guo Qifeng simply did not have the opportunity and qualifications to experience such powerful martial arts.

This is also the reason why, whether it is Song Yu or Guo Qifeng, seeing the various methods he has displayed, they will be very moved, and they will regard him as a delicious piece of fat, wishing to pounce on him and take a bite.

It's a pity that Song Yu and Guo Qifeng think too highly of themselves. The two of them thought that Jiang Chen could take whatever they wanted, but they didn't realize that the moment their two identities were revealed, they were destined not to leave alive. .

"Jiang Chen, what was the fate statement that Guo Qifeng was talking about just now?" Wen Qing asked suspiciously.

"If that Guo Qifeng was still alive, the life slips he kept in the sect would be unscathed. With his death, the fate slips would be broken." Jiang Chen said simply.

This was just a trivial trick, Jiang Chen really didn't care about it, so he took it to heart.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen still didn't hesitate when he killed Guo Qifeng because there was a life slip within the sect where Guo Qifeng came out.

After all, although the life slip could predict Guo Qifeng's life and death, it was impossible to predict who would kill him, Jiang Chen killed him with a sword, it can be said that there was no pressure in his heart.

"What? Doesn't this mean that the sect where Guo Qifeng belongs already knows that he is dead?" Zhang Yuanshang's face changed when he heard Jiang Chen say this, feeling uneasy.

A Song Yu and Guo Qifeng made the Zhang family restless. If it wasn't for Jiang Chen, the Zhang family might have been wiped out.

If the powerful sect behind them descended to Earth, Zhang Yuanshang shuddered at the consequences after thinking about it for a while.

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Then, Jiang Chen said, "The letter of fate foreshadows Guo Qifeng's life and death, but it is impossible to know precisely that he died on the earth. In addition, Mr. Zhang, don't forget that Song Yu and Guo Qifeng have said more than once that the earth is not It is just an abandoned trial place, that is to say, it is no exaggeration to say that people who pay attention to this place are rare."

Jiang Chen just didn't say the latter words.

That is, he felt that Guo Qifeng thought highly of himself too much, let alone whether his sect would avenge him.

Even if the desire for revenge is extremely strong, it is extremely difficult to find the earth in thousands of small worlds.

Of course, just to be on the safe side, Jiang Chen had already decided to destroy that five-color altar to cover up that coordinate point.

Zhang Yuanshang knew that what Jiang Chen said was reasonable, so he felt a little relieved.

After a while, Jiang Chen led Wen Qingxin, and together with Zhang Yuanshang, went up to the second peak of Luoyan Mountain.

The five-color altar has been guarded by the Zhang family for hundreds of thousands of years.

There is also a saying that the Zhang family chose this place as their ancestral land back then, precisely because of this five-color altar.

The five-color altar has visions from time to time, and there are extremely detailed records in the Zhang family.

Countless members of the Zhang family regarded this place as the blessed land of the Zhang family, but no one thought that the existence of the five-color altar had buried such a hidden danger for the Zhang family.

Thinking of the countless years that the Zhang family has spent huge manpower and material resources on this five-color altar, Zhang Yuanshang felt that this was extremely ridiculous.

It can even be said that this is a disgrace to the Zhang family.

I just don't know, if the ancestors of the Zhang family saw today's scene, they would know what they would think.

Regarding the destruction of the five-color altar, Zhang Yuanshang and Jiang Chen's thoughts coincided with each other.

Zhang Yuanshang led the way, led Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin, and took a shortcut to the five-color altar.

After about an hour and a half, the three of them appeared on the mountain peak, and the five-color altar came into view.

At this time, the five-color altar was silent, ordinary, not counted, it was too conspicuous.

"Jiang Chen, people from the Zhenwu Continent can enter the earth through this teleportation formation, so can we also go to the Zhenwu Continent through this altar?" Wen Qing looked carefully and suddenly asked.

"Let me check it first." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

Jiang Chen had been here once, but he didn't see any clues. After all, there were too many things here, which were different from what he had experienced before.

But now, knowing that this is a teleportation formation, Jiang Chen naturally combined his past.

"Well, this is a one-way teleportation formation." About ten minutes later, Jiang Chen said slowly, his face gradually becoming weird.

"One-way teleportation? Could it be that Song Yu and Guo Qifeng didn't think about going back when they came to Earth?" Wen Qingxin said strangely, feeling that this situation was not quite right.

"Impossible." Zhang Yuanshang said, "It's impossible for the two of them not to think about going back. Maybe there is more than one altar of this kind, and there may even be many."

"It is possible." Jiang Chen nodded.

If there is only one teleportation coordinate point from Zhenwu Continent to the earth, then once an accident occurs, it is easy to get lost in the turbulent space.

Even though this earth is a near-abandoned trial site, it had its glory after all. It was discovered by the people of Zhenwu Continent and opened up a space channel. It is impossible, leaving only a one-way transmission coordinate point.

"Jiang Chen, if this happens, won't there be more powerful beings descending on the earth?" Wen Qingxin said, feeling uneasy.

What Wen Qingxin said was exactly what Zhang Yuanshang was thinking.

Originally, Zhang Yuanshang thought that getting rid of Song Yu and Guo Qifeng would mean getting rid of hidden dangers. He never thought that this might be just the beginning, and no one can predict how it will develop in the future.

"Don't be nervous, just take a step and look at it." Jiang Chen said, and quickly arranged it. It took two or three hours to completely erase this coordinate point.

"Come on, let's go down the mountain." Jiang Chen greeted, took Wen Qingxin's little hand, and walked down the mountain.

But at this moment, the phone in Zhang Yuanshang's pocket rang.

Zhang Yuanshang uses the simplest functional phone. He has never communicated with the outside world. There are very few people who know his mobile phone number. Moreover, unless there is a major incident, under normal circumstances, no one will hit him. Telephone.

Hearing the ringtone of the mobile phone, Zhang Yuanshang's heart skipped a beat. He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID, and connected. color……

(End of this chapter)

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