genius evil

Chapter 1083

Chapter 1083
"All here? What do you mean, could it be that you did it on purpose?" Suddenly, the voice, face and face of the person who came in suddenly changed.

"Otherwise?" The man narrowed his eyes and smiled lightly.

This is a man in his twenties, looking frivolously, he glanced at Rong He, and said with a half-smile, "If I really want to kill you, just stretch out a finger and crush you to death." You are dead, how can you let you live until now? In other words, you are not naive to think that you are blessed and lucky, right? "

"Haha, Brother Chu Yuan, you are really clever." Just after the man's voice fell, a male duck's voice of laughter suddenly resounded.

Immediately afterwards, another figure, Shi Shiran walked in.

This is a black-faced man with a smile all over his face. He looks extremely gentle and harmless, but his eyes are shining brightly, and it is easy to detect that this person is extremely inconsistent with his appearance.

Sure enough, as the black-faced man came in, Rong He and Xuan Ye all stared at him, with flames of hatred in their eyes.

Whether it's Ronghe or Xuanye, they all clearly remember the scene of this black-faced man killing all directions in the way of the celestial master yesterday.

I don't know how many disciples of the Heavenly Master Way died tragically at the hands of this person!

"Brother Chu Yuan, I, Ji Lianfeng, are convinced of your ability to catch a turtle in a urn." The black-faced man didn't even look at Rong He and Xuan Ye, sighed, and said with emotion.

"Brother Ji, you are being modest." The man named Chu Yuan said modestly.

"Chu Yuan, Ji Lianfeng, you two, is it interesting to flatter each other like this?" It was Chu Yuan and Ji Lianfeng who were talking, and three figures strode in.

It was two men and one woman, and it was the woman who spoke.

This woman has an enchanting figure, and what is even more enchanting than her figure is her charming face. Every gesture of her hands and feet is full of charm.

"Sister Zhu Zhu, Brother Chu Yuan has always been interested in you. If you think my flattery is meaningless, how about you flatter Brother Chu Yuan a few times, and Brother Chu Yuan will be very happy." Ji Lianfeng said with a smile.

"Really?" Zhu Zhu cast a wink at Chu Yuan as his eyes turned.

"Brother Chu Yuan, the fish are all hooked now, what should we do next?" One of the two men who came in with Zhu Zhu asked.

"It's very simple, of course, kill them all." Chu Yuan said lightly, in an incomparably understatement, as if what was going to be killed was not a few people, but a few chickens.

When he said this, his expression was haughty, giving people a feeling, as if Jiang Chen and the others were all dead in his eyes.

He can kill whenever he wants, and he can kill how he wants!

"Kill it? Very good, then, let's kill it." The man who asked the question also said disapprovingly, and didn't think there was anything abrupt or out of the ordinary about Chu Yuan's actions.

"Catch the turtle in the urn?"

Listening to these people, you talking to each other, talking like no one else, Rong He's face can't help but become even uglier.

And that Xuan Ye also had an ashen complexion, his fists clenched tightly, and his anger rose.

The two of them finally understood why they were able to escape when Rong He was seriously injured.

Dare to feel, not because they were lucky, nor because these five people were soft-hearted, but because they did it intentionally.

Listening to the meaning in the man named Chu Yuan's words, it is clear that he intends to kill them all!
"It seems that Brother Wei can't wait to make a move, but don't worry, I still have a few questions to ask them. After they answer these questions, it's not too late for you to make a move, Brother Wei." Man, ready to move, Chu Yuan said with a smile.

"I have no objection." The man said indifferently.

For him, it's the same whenever he makes a move. Anyway, it's just a matter of crushing a few ants to death.

"Old Daoist, let me ask you, based on your cultivation, what is your level in this trial ground?" Chu Yuan asked.

They have just entered the earth, and they are confused about all the situations, and they can't wait. They want to have an understanding of the ancient martial arts on the earth, so as to facilitate their next actions.

"The place of trial?" Jiang Chen's heart moved slightly.

Song Yu and Guo Qifeng regard the earth as a place of trial, and now, these five people also regard the earth as a place of trial.

Obviously, after the space teleportation formation was repaired, something happened that caused more and more people to notice the existence of the earth.

It is also because of this that there are constantly strong people descending on the earth.

From this point, Jiang Chen knew that these people came from the Zhenwu Continent.

"I, Ronghe, are lowly and underprivileged. In the world of ancient martial arts, I'm just a mere ranking at the bottom. If you dare to rampage and wreak havoc on the earth, you are looking for death."

Ronghe is an old man, so how can he fail to recognize the potential intention of Chu Yuan's question, he will naturally not let the other party succeed, he said coldly.

"I think you are looking for death!" Suddenly, Chu Yuan was furious.

"Why, do you not believe my words? Or, are you afraid?" Rong He said mockingly.

"You are really looking for death." Chu Yuan raised eyebrows.

He is not a fool, how can he be so easy to deceive?

What's more, he deliberately let Ronghe and Xuanye leave. After that, he watched Ronghe and Xuanye's every move.

Jiang Chen and others came one after another, and Chu Yuan knew that these people should be the strongest existence on the earth.

He was not ignorant, the reason why he asked such a question was just to confirm his conjecture through Ronghe.

Rong He's answer made Chu Yuan feel like he was being teased as a fool, to some extent, he became angry from embarrassment.

Saying this, Chu Yuan grabbed Rong He with his big hand.

He wanted to pinch Rong He's neck, on the one hand to vent his anger, on the other hand, to establish his prestige and to make an example of others.

I want to see, after he crushed Ronghe to death with one hand, if I ask other people the same question, who else dares to be dishonest!

Seeing Chu Yuan grabbing it with one hand, Rong He's expression became tense to the extreme.

Seemingly making a random shot, Rong He found that no matter which direction or how he hid from, he couldn't dodge.

Ronghe knew in his heart that this was the gap between the innate realm and the extraordinary powerhouse.

There is a saying that under the extraordinary, everything is an ant.

Such a gap, like a gap, is insurmountable no matter what.

Rong He was not willing to sit still and dodge with all his strength, his shoulders shook, turned into an afterimage, and quickly backed away.

"Want to hide? It seems that you don't know enough about yourself." Chu Yuan looked indifferent, and said coldly, "I, Chu Yuan, let you live, and you live; I, Chu Yuan, let you die, and you die ...Your life and death are all up to me, it's ridiculous that a mere ants dare to resist in vain."

At the end, Chu Yuan laughed.

He stepped forward in one step, as fast as lightning, and the speed was unimaginably fast, and that hand followed like a shadow, strangling Rong He's neck.

Rong He's face was ashen ashes, knowing that today, no matter what, he would die, so he simply gave up dodging, stomped his feet on the ground, his figure was loose, he clenched his fists, and punched Chu Yuan .

Rong He punched out with two punches, the air that hit the air was booming, and the wind of the fist was domineering, like thunder.

"Small tricks." Chu Yuan sneered, that was an attitude of indifference, he didn't even bother to defuse Ronghe's attack, he bullied him in an instant, that hand, forcibly breaking through Ronghe's attack, remained unchanged, grabbing at Ronghe's attack neck.

Seeing this, Rong He closed his eyes subconsciously.

Before that, he was seriously injured, and it was at Chu Yuan's hands that he was injured.

When he was not injured, even if he couldn't resist Chu Yuan's every move, not to mention, if he was seriously injured right now, he would not be Chu Yuan's opponent.

The reason why Rong He fought back was to let himself die with dignity. However, Chu Yuan made up his mind to strangle him to death, but he didn't even give him such a chance.

Rong He knew in his heart that he was doomed, and no amount of resistance would be beneficial.


But at this moment, a low voice exploded in Ronghe's ears.

Rong He opened his eyes subconsciously, and saw a figure, silently, appearing in front of him, blocking Chu Yuan.

Accompanied by that low shout, Jiang Chen punched out, and Chu Yuan, who hit directly, withdrew the right hand that strangled Ronghe.

"Boy, at such a young age, you just can't think about it and want to die? Isn't it good to be alive?" Chu Yuan looked at Jiang Chen and said with a little surprise.

Since he entered the door, from the beginning to the end, he never looked at Jiang Chen directly, and only regarded Jiang Chen as the junior of Yan Feiyang and others, which was not worth mentioning.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen broke his offensive with a single punch, which didn't surprise Chu Yuan.

"Brother Chu Yuan, this kid is a bit weird, you have to be careful, don't overturn the boat in the gutter." Ji Lianfeng said, also looking at Jiang Chen in amazement.

"Strange?" Chu Yuan laughed out loud, and said, "In front of me, he has no right to be weird, boy, tell me, how do you want to die?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't intend to let you choose how to die." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

As the words fell, the aura on his body suddenly changed. The aura was so majestic and huge, as if it had transformed into a mountain, which made people tremble.

"What's the situation?" Frowning, Chu Yuan was puzzled.


Jiang Chen whispered, and clapped it with a palm.

"not good."

Seeing Jiang Chen's slap, Chu Yuan's heart skipped a beat.

He found that the air in front of him was collapsing and shattering. Jiang Chen's palm seemed to annihilate even the air.

"How could this be?"

Chu Yuan couldn't believe it, he moved his feet, and quickly backed away.

He felt a breath of death approaching him. Once he touched Jiang Chen's palm, he would be destroyed physically and mentally.

"Can't run away." Jiang Chen shook his head.

His palm is called Miserable God Palm, which can destroy even gods, let alone a mere mortal body?


With Jiang Chen's palm, he finally caught it, and Chu Yuan turned into a puddle of mud, limp on the ground, completely destroyed!
(End of this chapter)

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