genius evil

Chapter 1084

Chapter 1084

"Brother Chu Yuan is dead?"

"This kid actually killed Chu Yuan?"


With Jiang Chen's palm, Chu Yuan was slapped, and his mind and soul were completely wiped out. When the incident happened suddenly, Ji Lianfeng and the others couldn't react. Their faces were full of unbelievable colors.

Ji Lianfeng and the others thought the same as Chu Yuan, thinking that Jiang Chen was just a junior, unremarkable.

But they never expected that Jiang Chen would kill Chu Yuan so easily.

This had to be said to be a great accident, beyond their psychological cognition.

"Jiang Chen, is this a casual slap that killed an extraordinary powerhouse?" Seeing Chu Yuan, Rong He fell to the ground, his seven orifices bleeding, and his heart was awe-inspiring and shocked.

He has fought against Chu Yuan, and he has the most intuitive understanding of the extraordinary realm, and he knows how huge the gap is between the innate realm and the extraordinary cultivation.

Jiang Chen slapped Chu Yuan to death, not only Ji Lianfeng and the other four had difficulty reacting, but even Ronghe, it took a long time to recover.

"Jiang Chen, so strong!"

Yan Feiyang and the others were all excited, especially Zhang Yuanshang, who had seen Jiang Chen's two swords and beheaded Song Yu and Guo Qifeng one after another, the expressions on his face were even more unpredictable and wonderful.

Zhang Yuanshang originally thought that Jiang Chen had exposed his strongest trump card when he beheaded Song Yu and Guo Qifeng, but he never expected that Jiang Chen could be even stronger.

With a single palm shot, the air was annihilated. This is an unimaginable supernatural means. In his eyes looking at Jiang Chen like that, there was a lot more quietness, a bit of awe.

"Jiang Chen, is he already this strong?" Xuan Ye whispered in his heart.

Yesterday, the five people from Chu Yuan came to the Heavenly Master Dao. For everyone on and off the Tianshi Dao, it was definitely the darkest day in history. Thinking about it so far, Xuan Ye was like that, and I feel deeply palpitating.

The five of Chu Yuan attacked and crushed all the way, and no one could stop them, even Ronghe, who met each other face to face, and was seriously injured.

Now, Jiang Chen slapped Chu Yuan to death with one palm, and Xuan Ye felt it was shocking at all.

If we say that before this, Xuan Ye once thought that with his talent and perseverance, it was still possible to catch up with Jiang Chen.

Then, from then on, Xuan Ye knew that no matter how hard he tried, he had no chance of catching up with Jiang Chen, so he could only look up!
"Boy, what's the matter with you?" Ji Lianfeng pointed a finger at Jiang Chen, and asked sharply.

"You'll know when you come and try it yourself." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Try?" Ji Lianfeng snorted coldly, and said, "Then, just like you plotting against Brother Chu Yuan, I will also be plotted by you? I won't, I fell into your trap."

"Associative ability is so rich, do your parents know?" Jiang Chen said with a confused face.

"You—" Ji Lianfeng's black face turned red.

He and Chu Yuan were brothers in cultivation, and Chu Yuan died at the hands of Jiang Chen, Ji Lianfeng would not think that he could be much stronger than Chu Yuan.

That's why he said those words, intentionally boosting his ambition and destroying Jiang Chen's prestige.

But under Jiang Chen's squeeze, Ji Lianfeng was very speechless.

"Little brother, tell me how you killed Chu Yuan just now." At this moment, Zhu Zhu said delicately.

"You want to try it too?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

Zhu Zhu smiled coquettishly, looked sideways, and said: "Little brother, you can't be so stingy, can you? Could it be that it's just one, what a great secret?"

Jiang Chen killed Chu Yuan with one palm, on the surface, he just killed Chu Yuan.

But Zhu Zhu is very clear that, in terms of Chu Yuan's cultivation, unless he is a warrior who is stronger than Chu Yuan by a big realm, it is possible to do this.

However, Zhu Zhu didn't think that Jiang Chen's cultivation was that high, so she was very curious about the mystery.

Then, after learning such a mystery, then, kill Jiang Chen!
"Mesmery?" Jiang Chen whispered, laughing endlessly.

This Zhu Zhu, of course, looks charming and seductive to the bottom of his heart. An ordinary man is afraid that if he speaks a few words, he will be tricked.

But how firm is his willpower, how powerful is his soul power?

Moreover, when he uses the secret method of burning blood now, what he burns is his own blood essence, which is when the power of the soul is at its strongest.

At such a time, this Zhu Zhu actually played a coquettish trick on him beyond his control, trying to confuse his heart and soul, I have to say, it's ridiculous to the extreme!

"It's not really a secret, but this is my trump card to save my life, so I can't say it easily." On the surface, Jiang Chen pretended to be confused and said.

"You just need to tell sister that I'm alone." Zhu Zhu walked towards Jiang Chen step by step with a smile in her eyes.

Her pupils flickered, and her gestures and gestures contained endless charm, the charm was rampant, and the charm was boundless.

"Should I tell you someone? Well, of course it's okay." Jiang Chen pretended to hesitate and said.

Seeing Jiang Chen's reaction like this, Zhu Zhu couldn't help but smile even more intensely. It was also from the bottom of his heart that he had a strong disdain for Jiang Chen.

Seeing Jiang Chen kill Chu Yuan, she looked up at Jiang Chen a little bit, but Jiang Chen was so easy to get the bait, even if this was exactly what Zhu Zhu wanted, she still wanted her to treat Jiang Chen from the bottom of her heart, how much A bit of contempt.

"Quickly, tell my sister what's going on?" Zhu Zhu walked a meter in front of Jiang Chen, stared at Jiang Chen with his eyes, and spoke slowly with a hoarse voice.

"It's very simple, that's what happened."

But when Zhu Zhu was waiting for Jiang Chen's answer, he suddenly saw that Jiang Chen's muddy eyes suddenly became clear.

And Jiang Chen's seemingly dull facial features also suddenly became extremely vivid.

Jiang Chen grinned, a playful smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and he slapped Zhu Zhu with his big palm.

"You are not confused by me? Impossible!"

Immediately, Zhu Zhu lost her voice and yelled, her eyes were full of horror, and even her complexion became disastrous.

It was clear that under her charm, Jiang Chen was easily lost and let her get whatever she wanted, how could he suddenly become like this?

"Could it be that he is pretending?" Zhu Zhu thought with a twitch in his heart.


Jiang Chen patted it with his big palm, and it directly landed on Zhu Zhu's Tianling cover.

Within one meter, it can be called a restricted area.

This Zhu Zhu is too confident in her charm.

Little did they know, she had unknowingly walked into Jiang Chen's restricted area, even if she didn't want to die, it was absolutely impossible.

Impressively, Zhu Zhu's head, like a watermelon, was shattered by Jiang Chen's photo, and his beautiful face instantly became extremely ugly.

"Boy, you're too treacherous!" Ji Lianfeng watched Zhu Zhu stepping into Chu Yuan's footsteps, almost annoyed, jumping up and down, that's called an exasperated man.

Ji Lianfeng knows how powerful Zhu Zhu's charm is.

He himself, if he is not careful, will be lost in it.

Needless to say, Zhu Zhu was targeting Jiang Chen and playing tricks on him.

Ji Lianfeng thought the same as Zhu Zhu, thinking that Jiang Chen had fallen into Zhu Zhu's charm, never thought that such a reversal would occur.

"Treacherous?" Jiang Chen smiled.

He just didn't want to spend too much energy on Zhu Zhu's body.

Since there is an easy way to get rid of Zhuzhu, why not?

Rong He and the others, all at this moment, breathed a sigh of relief.

As Zhu Zhu walked towards Jiang Chen step by step, their hearts almost rose to their throats, fearing that if they were not careful, Jiang Chen would die at Zhu Zhu's hands.

At the scene, the only one who remained calm was Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qingxin knew Jiang Chen too well, she knew that Jiang Chen was flirtatious on the surface, but in fact, he was extremely principled, not all kinds of women could fall into Jiang Chen's eyes.

That Zhu Zhu, in front of Jiang Chen, used her coquettish skills beyond her control, trying to charm Jiang Chen, it was really a big joke.

"Isn't this called treachery?" Ji Lianfeng was furious, with a black face flushed red, and he said angrily: "Boy, because you are too treacherous, so I have decided one thing now, that is, no longer have sex with you." You, pay attention to the morality of the world, I will join forces with Brother Wei and Brother Lu to kill you here."

Hearing the sound, the man surnamed Wei and the man surnamed Lu both moved their feet and appeared beside Ji Lianfeng.

Even if they could regard Chu Yuan's death as an accident, then there was no way they could regard Zhu Zhu's death as an accident.

It can be said that Jiang Chen killed two people one after another by surprise.

This situation made them realize how troublesome Jiang Chen was. If Jiang Chen couldn't be killed, the three of them might be the only ones left alive today.

And that kind of situation was something that none of the three of them wanted to see.

"Shameless!" Rong He yelled, blowing his beard and staring.

Even though he now knew that extraordinary cultivation was only a small realm in martial arts cultivation, Rong He still couldn't see that Ji Lianfeng and three extraordinary experts planned to join forces to deal with Jiang Chen.

"Boy named Ji Lianfeng, if you're afraid of death, just say so, there's no need to make such high-sounding excuses for yourself." Frowning, Yan Feiyang said.

He had always been the most protective of Jiang Chen, and at this time, he naturally wanted to stand up and speak for Jiang Chen.

"You people in Zhenwu Continent keep talking about how the earth is like, and you seem to be condescending and arrogant, but in fact, you are just a group of cowards who bully the weak and fear the hard." Jing Zhi said, speaking bitterly.

Ever since, Ji Lianfeng's flushed black face became even more red and purple, with black in the purple, and he said viciously: "Shut up, everyone, my identity is not something you ants can dictate. Believe it or not, I will kill you all!"

"Sorry, I don't believe it." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Brother Wei, Brother Lu, let's kill him together." Ji Lianfeng greeted Jiang Chen seeing that he was being squeezed again and couldn't stand it anymore.

"it is good!"

The man surnamed Wei and the man surnamed Lu nodded in unison. After that, the three of them moved at the same time, turning into three phantoms, and frantically slaughtered towards Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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