genius evil

Chapter 1085 Role Reversal

Chapter 1085 Role Reversal
"Hmph, mere ants dare to try to kill me!" Jiang Chen snorted coldly, stomped his right foot on the ground, turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards Ji Lianfeng.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words suddenly, Ji Lianfeng's chest swelled, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

When did they become ants?
You know, they treat the life on the earth as ants and think they are superior to others.

These words, but now, were taken by Jiang Chen, and on the other hand, Ji Lianfeng couldn't stand it.

Why did Jiang Chen say this?

Could it be that it was because of him that he killed Chu Yuan and Zhu Zhu?

But in Ji Lianfeng's view, no matter whether it was killing Chu Yuan or Zhu Zhu, when Jiang Chen made a move, there were too many elements of opportunism, and it was not a manifestation of Jiang Chen's true strength.

In other words, if it was a head-on fight, Ji Lianfeng did not think that Jiang Chen had the ability to kill Chu Yuan or Zhu Zhu.

"Boy, you are too arrogant. I, Ji Lianfeng, will not kill you today, and I will not give up." Resisting the urge to vomit blood, Ji Lianfeng yelled loudly, and suddenly, he grabbed his waist with his big hand and grabbed a handful. The golden soft sword comes.

As Ji Lianfeng's arm trembled, the golden soft sword immediately burst into golden light, and the sky was filled with golden light, exploding loudly, enveloping Jiang Chen.

This golden soft sword is Ji Lianfeng's weapon.

However, when Ji Lianfeng even sacrificed his weapons yesterday when he came down to the Heavenly Master's Way and killed all directions, he was quite disdainful.

In his opinion, a group of ordinary people who have never even stepped into the threshold of martial arts dare to pretend to be martial arts practitioners, it is ridiculous and pathetic!
And he is from Zhenwu Continent.

There, there are many aristocratic families, sects like clouds, and the style of martial arts is at its peak.

Although the sect he was in was not a first-class sect, the earth was just a place for trials, in other words, it was a place where they could let them fish and eat.

Ji Lianfeng is proud. So far, he still believes in this point, thinking that he was born to be more advanced than the life on the earth.

Jiang Chen called them ants instead, which undoubtedly hurt Ji Lianfeng's heart.

He had to use Jiang Chen's fresh blood to comfort that angry heart.

"Ji Lianfeng, if in the past, you were not worthy to lift my Jiang Chen's shoes, your anger would only make me feel ridiculous. Now, I will kill you first." Staring at Ji Lianfeng, Jiang Chen said in a low voice.

Ji Lianfeng's heart twitched slightly.

What's the situation, why did Jiang Chen's tone become bigger and bigger?

What to say, he is not worthy to lift Jiang Chen's shoes, could it be that Ji Lianfeng is already so humble in Jiang Chen's eyes?

"Death to me." Ji Lianfeng roared, the golden soft sword in his hand, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, in the void, the sword energy was like golden streamers, containing the supreme killing intent.

"Naive." Jiang Chen sneered, and uttered these few words in a low voice deep in his throat.

If it is said that Ji Lianfeng's weapon is something else, it may be able to bring some troubles to Jiang Chen.

Unexpectedly, this time Ji Lianfeng used a sword.

Ji Lianfeng used a sword in front of him, bluntly said that it was Lu Ban playing a big ax in front of him, and he didn't know how he died.

Ji Lianfeng thought he was good at swordsmanship, but he didn't know that every sword he made, in Jiang Chen's eyes, had countless flaws.

This is the gap between an ordinary swordsman and a master of swordsmanship.

Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand, directly tore through the sword energy, and slapped Ji Lianfeng's chest.

"How could this happen?" Seeing this scene, Ji Lianfeng was horrified to death.

Jiang Chen broke through his attack so easily, it was as simple as stretching out his hand lightly and piercing a layer of window paper.

For a split second, Ji Lianfeng was a little skeptical, whether he was serious about learning swordsmanship for many years, it was so embarrassing.

Feeling the coldness contained in Jiang Chen's palm, Ji Lianfeng kicked his feet on the ground violently, and shot backwards.

His attack was completely ignored by Jiang Chen.

Ji Lianfeng knew in his heart that if he still fought Jiang Chen recklessly at such a time, it would undoubtedly be his own destruction!
When Ji Lianfeng first came to the earth and came into contact with the way of the celestial master, he was incomparably high-spirited. He only felt that although the earth is big, he can go anywhere.

He didn't want, like Chu Yuan and Zhu Zhu, to give his life here so easily.

Therefore, when Ji Lianfeng retreated violently, he used his speed to the extreme. At the same time, Ji Lianfeng called out to the man surnamed Wei and the man surnamed Lu loudly for help.

"Ji Lianfeng, your speed is too slow." A voice, slowly, rang in Ji Lianfeng's ear.

Then, Ji Lianfeng's pupils swelled, and a figure with a stern face appeared in his line of sight.


With Jiang Chen's palm print, Ji Lianfeng's heart was directly exploded.


Ji Lianfeng screamed, extremely unwilling, he fell head-on and fell to the ground.


The man surnamed Wei and the man surnamed Lu watched Jiang Chen kill Ji Lianfeng head-on, and they were terrified to the extreme.

Jiang Chen and Ji Lianfeng fought directly, and there was no chance for them to intervene... Moreover, the speed at which Jiang Chen killed Ji Lianfeng was too fast.

This is different from Jiang Chen killing Chu Yuan or Zhu Zhu, there is no element of opportunism.

"Both of you, kill yourself." Jiang Chen glanced sideways at the two men, and said lightly.

The man surnamed Wei and the man surnamed Lu looked at each other, their faces were pale.

"Boy, don't think about it, we would rather die in battle than it is impossible to kill ourselves." The man surnamed Wei, Yin Jiu said.

It is true that Jiang Chen's display of great strength has brought them an extremely strong shock, but it is impossible for them to kill themselves no matter what.

"Very good, I will help you two." Jiang Chen Shi Shiran said.


The man surnamed Lu seemed to be afraid that Jiang Chen would make a move if he disagreed, so he hurriedly raised his hand to stop him.

"Speak if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

The man surnamed Lu suddenly had an embarrassing look on his face, full of anger, but he couldn't express it. He knew in his heart that the role positioning between himself and Jiang Chen was completely reversed at this time. Even if he didn't Convinced, it will not work.

"Jiang Chen, we just entered the earth by mistake. It can be said that we don't have too much prejudice against the earth." The man surnamed Lu said, he just heard Jiang Chen claiming to be himself, and he remembered Jiang Chen's name.

"Are you farting?" Jiang Chen looked at him like a dead man.

When he first entered the earth, even if he slaughtered half of the heavenly masters, he dared to keep saying that he had no prejudices. If there were prejudices, wouldn't it mean that the entire earth would be wiped out?

The man surnamed Lu couldn't help becoming even more embarrassed. He said: "Jiang Chen, what I mean is that brother Wei and I are willing to shake hands with you and make peace. We can even leave the earth immediately. What do you think?"

Saying this, the man surnamed Lu glanced at the man surnamed Wei.

The man surnamed Wei understood, nodded vigorously, and said, "That's right, that's what I mean too. Of course, we are willing to shake hands with you to make peace, but we are not afraid of you, but just don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Jiang Chen, no!"

Hearing what the two said, Zhang Yuanshang hurriedly said that he was afraid that Jiang Chen would be persuaded and let the two go. If that happens, no one knows what kind of consequences it will bring.

"Jiang Chen, you must get rid of the root of the grass, otherwise there will be endless troubles." Yan Feiyang said in a deep voice.

He stopped Jiang Chen at the beginning because he was worried about Jiang Chen's fall. Jiang Chen showed such a powerful method, which surprised Yan Feiyang, but he was also worried that Jiang Chen would be confused for a while.

"Jiang Chen, kill them both." Wen Qingxin said softly.

Even though she believed in Jiang Chen very much, and knew that with Jiang Chen's character, which never wanted to suffer a bit, it was impossible to shake hands with these two, but she still couldn't help but speak.

"Did you hear that?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, "From the bottom of my heart, I am a kind person. Originally, I only need the two of you. Kneel down and respectfully kowtow to me three times. Maybe I am soft-hearted. , I’ll let you go... But now, everyone wants you to die, so I can only, reluctantly, send you to die.”

"All of you, do you really want to push brother Wei and me to a dead end?" The expression of the man surnamed Lu was extremely cold at this moment.

He thought that his figure was low enough to try to impress Jiang Chen, but he never expected that everyone, including Jiang Chen, would be so aggressive.

It was as if, he and the man surnamed Wei were just fish on the chopping board. This taste was terrible. In terms of the pride of the man surnamed Lu, it almost made him feel worse than killing him directly.

"Brother Wei, what's your opinion?" Since they couldn't reach an agreement, it was impossible for the man surnamed Lu to really be a low-key kid and beg Jiang Chen.

He also understood that even if he did that, there would be no benefit except to make Jiang Chen look down on him.

"Kill!" The man surnamed Wei stared at Jiang Chen, and shot a word coldly from the gap between his teeth.


The man surnamed Lu roared wildly, full of murderous aura, full of fighting spirit!

"Two jumping clowns!" Jiang Chen said dismissively.

"Jiang Chen, you have completely angered me." The man surnamed Lu roared, and he was the first to charge forward.

The palm of his right hand fluttered, and one of them moved towards Jiang Chen.

In that palm, I don't know what kind of kungfu has been practiced, but there is only a skeleton left, which looks like it has no flesh and blood.

Moreover, when the man surnamed Lu came with a palm seal, Jiang Chen clearly felt an extremely strong evil spirit.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

Jiang Chen thought that among the five, the strongest should be Chu Yuan or Ji Lianfeng, but this man surnamed Lu, who hides his secrets, shows his formidable strength as soon as he makes a move.

The evil spirit, mixed with a faint stench, is undoubtedly very corrosive.

Jiang Chen's physical body is so strong that he doesn't take it seriously, but he doesn't want to be contaminated with that kind of breath.

"Burn the void." Jiang Chen said as if talking to himself.

He turned out the palm of his right hand, and saw a mass of faint blue flames emerging from that palm...

(End of this chapter)

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