genius evil

Chapter 1086 Burning the Void

Chapter 1086 Burning the Void
The set of palm techniques that Jiang Chen is using now is called Mishen Palm.

This God Extinguishing Palm was obtained by Jiang Chen from a holy place. It is rumored that it is a sage's palm technique. If it is practiced to the extreme, it can destroy heaven and earth, kill immortals and gods.

There are seven moves in Mie Shen Palm, the first move is called Reaching the Stars, and the second move is called Burning the Void...

In the case of using the blood-burning secret method, and at the cost of burning his own blood, Jiang Chen could barely use the first form of star picking, but it was only able to exert about one percent of its power. It has its shape, and the emptiness has its appearance.

As for the second form of Burning the Void, Jiang Chen knew his current state, even if he tried his best, he would probably only be able to exert about one-thousandth of his power at most.

However, this man surnamed Lu has such a trick. If Jiang Chen hides his clumsiness, it will bring him a lot of trouble.

Therefore, Jiang Chen had no choice but to use the second form of Mie Shen Palm.

Following that group of faint blue flames, emerging from Jiang Chen's palm, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"what is that?"

"In the legend, is Samadhi really hot?"


Zhang Yuan went up to Yan Feiyang and the others, their thoughts fluctuated, even Wen Qingxin was amazed, in those beautiful eyes looking at Jiang Chen, there was a little more, strange look.

The flames jumped, as if they contained life, about an inch high, seemingly inconspicuous, but in fact, the faint blue light flickered, captivating people's hearts and souls, making people dare not look directly at it.

"Is that a flame? Or, a blindfold?" The man surnamed Lu was distracted by it.

Gritting his teeth, his palm struck Jiang Chen straight.


Jiang Chen whispered, and struck out with a palm, that group of faint blue flames flew out from Jiang Chen's palm, like a faint blue flower, blooming in the void, indescribably dazzling.

For a moment, the man surnamed Lu felt that his eyes were gone.

That group of flames is too beautiful, but also too unreal.


The flame jumped a few times and landed on the man surnamed Lu. It was impressive to see that the fire surged and instantly submerged the man surnamed Lu. In just ten seconds, the man surnamed Lu was burned into a coke.


Jiang Chen coughed a few times, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

"Jiang Chen, are you alright?" Wen Qing hurriedly asked, feeling very nervous.

"It's okay." Jiang Chen shook his head and waved his hands, signaling Wen Qing not to be nervous.

Forcibly performing Burning the Void, the Qi and blood in Jiang Chen's body surged and rushed straight to the top of his head. This feeling, I have to say, is quite uncomfortable, making Jiang Chen dumbfounded.

Back then, when he had no intention of cultivating Mie Shen Palm, he had practiced to the sixth pose in one go, and each pose had been practiced to perfection.Now, trying to use the second form has caused quite serious backlash.

Moreover, Jiang Chen was quite dissatisfied with the power of Burning the Void.

The Great Accomplishment of Burning the Void can be easily incinerated into nothingness with a single palm strike, and everything in the world can be burned into nothingness, hence the saying of Burning the Void.

Right now, it was nothing more than burning the man surnamed Lu to death, which was far from what Jiang Chen expected.

"Haha--" At this moment, the man surnamed Wei burst into laughter, staring at Jiang Chen, and said in a deep voice, "Jiang Chen, you have been seriously injured, I want to see what you are fighting with me. "

"I want to kill you, just move my finger, and you will die." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, I think you are a dead duck." The man surnamed Wei said coldly.

He felt that if Jiang Chen was pretending to be weak, he should be careful, after all, Jiang Chen had killed Zhu Zhu instantly just now with this method.

But right now, Jiang Chen forced himself to hold on, but it made the man surnamed Wei feel that Jiang Chen was clearly at the end of his strength and was not worth mentioning.

"Sword!" Jiang Chen yelled out lazy nonsense.


Following Jiang Chen's words, they heard a buzzing and shaking sound. Everyone followed the sound and saw that the golden soft sword belonging to Ji Lianfeng was trembling violently. The sound of the sword sound seemed to be To soar into the sky.

"What's going on?" The man surnamed Wei saw it, and his eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets.

Jiang Chen's words activated Ji Lianfeng's golden soft sword, which only existed in legends in the Zhenwu Continent.

"Say what you say?"

The man surnamed Wei's heart was beating so fast that he couldn't believe it, and even his legs were weakening.

He looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, and racked his brains, but he couldn't imagine that Jiang Chen had such a means.


The frequency of the sword cry is getting higher and higher.

The golden soft sword finally broke free from Ji Lianfeng's hand and flew towards Jiang Chen. With a big hand, Jiang Chen grabbed the golden soft sword into his palm.

Following that, Jiang Chen swung his sword at the man surnamed Wei.

In the void, a huge sword shadow, surrounded by wind and thunder, suddenly chopped the man surnamed Wei in half.


When Chu Yuan and the others appeared, they were aggressive and arrogant. In the eyes of Rong He and the others, the final outcome was a shocking reversal.

Jiang Chen's supernatural powers were invincible, and he frightened everyone.

Until the man surnamed Wei died for a minute or two, everyone had never recovered.

"Jiang Chen." Wen Qingxin stepped forward, appeared beside Jiang Chen, stretched out her hand, and supported Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen coughed lowly, and spit out two more mouthfuls of blood, his face was pale as it looked.

"We are going to visit the Black Wind Stream now." Jiang Chen said, wiping the blood stains from the corner of his mouth casually.

"But your current state?" Yan Feiyang said worriedly.

"No problem." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

The situation on the Black Wind Stream is unknown. Although it is temporarily impossible to determine whether the five people from Chu Yuan really walked out of the Black Wind Stream, Jiang Chen is worried that things will change later, so it must be confirmed as soon as possible.

"Okay, let's go to Heifengjian." Yan Feiyang pondered for a while and nodded his head heavily. The others also expressed that they had no objections.

When the supernatural powers descended, the blood of the killing celestial masters flowed into rivers, making their hearts very heavy, and they had a very bad premonition, fearing that more and more powers from the outer world would descend on the earth.

After a short rest, Jiang Chen and the others left the small hotel and headed for the Heavenly Master's Path.

Heifengjian is in the back mountain of Tianshi Dao, it is a huge deep stream shrouded in black mist all year round.

Regarding the existence of Heifengjian, there are not many records in the Tao of Heavenly Masters. It just means that in Heifengjian, even the innate masters are easy and will be torn into pieces.

The actual reference meaning of this point is just to make the Heavenly Master Road go up and down, and Heifengjian is listed as a forbidden area, so no one dares to set foot in it easily.

And there is another section, related to the record of Heifengjian, which shows that there were signs of human activities in Heifengjian.

It's just that the record of this point is extremely brief, there is no cause and effect, it is just a passing mention.

Since no one has ever set foot in the Heifengjian for countless years, no one has ever set foot in the Heifengjian, so it is still impossible to determine whether this record is true or not.

Until the arrival of the five superpowers this time, some disciples of the Heavenly Master said that they saw the five of them walk out of the black wind stream with their own eyes.

Such a situation is what made Heifengjian, which was once ignored by Tianshidao, come into the sight of everyone again.

After spending several hours, the sky was about to turn dark, and Jiang Chen and others appeared on the edge of the black wind stream.

From afar, one could see clusters of black mist floating in mid-air like clusters of blackened cotton wool.

There was a sound of wind.

That wind, I don't know where it came from, whistling, cold to the bone, people can hear it, it's straight, creepy.

"Jiang Chen, look, that is, Black Wind Stream." Xuan Ye stretched out his hand and said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded.

Last time on the cruise ship, Ronghe accidentally mentioned Heifengjian, which aroused strong reactions from Yan Feiyang and others, and made Jiang Chen deeply curious about Heifengjian.

At this moment, standing on the edge of Heifengjian, Jiang Chen took a closer look, and somehow understood why this place was called Heifengjian.

The sound of the wind is as sharp as a knife, making this place a forbidden place for human activities.

"Brother Ronghe, in the Taoism of Heavenly Masters, is there any information recorded, why did the Taoist Association of Heavenly Masters build the sect here?" Zhang Yuanshang asked suddenly.

Back then, the Zhang family chose the location near Luoyan Mountain in Beiyuan, precisely because of the five-color altar.

The existence of the five-color altar can be said to be the biggest scam of the Zhang family in the millennium.

"Why did you establish a sect here?" Rong He was stunned for a moment, apparently never thinking that Zhang Yuanshang would ask such a question.

"Master, I've seen records about this in an ancestor's handbook," Xuan Ye said.

"Let's listen to it." Rong He then said.

"The ancestor said in the letter that when Tianshi Dao established the sect, there were originally two choices. Later, because of Heifengjian, it was the decision to establish the sect here." Xuan Ye Briefly.

What Xuan Ye said was simple, but after hearing Xuan Ye's words, Yuan Shang's expression suddenly changed, becoming extremely weird.

"Brother Yuanshang, is there any problem with this matter?" Seeing this, Rong He asked in surprise.

"I don't know if there is a problem, I just think it's a coincidence." Zhang Yuanshang murmured.

"Brother Yuanshang, if you have something to say, just speak up, don't worry." Yan Feiyang said.

"The Zhang family chose Beiyuan as the five-color altar, and the Tianshi Dao chose this place as the Heifengjian. As far as I know, the Wangqing Sect chose the location because of a temple for the goddess of Wangqing. The Xuanling Sect chose the location at the beginning. It is because of a sarcophagus, and the Qianlongmen where you are, brother Yan, is because of a sword mountain..." Zhang Yuanshang said one by one, and after speaking, his expression gradually became extremely serious.

Hearing what Zhang Yuanshang said, Yan Feiyang and the others were all thinking differently. They looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking about all the connections, and their faces became more or less unattractive. .

(End of this chapter)

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