genius evil

Chapter 1087 The Secret of Heifengjian

Chapter 1087 The Secret of Heifengjian
"Brother Yuanshang, what do you want to show?" Yan Feiyang asked.

"What a coincidence, isn't it?" Zhang Yuanshang still said the same thing. He had a very bad premonition, but so far, it has not been confirmed, but he didn't want to use alarmist words to avoid unnecessary panic.

"Mr. Zhang, don't need to think too much. Next, I will go and verify them one by one." Jiang Chen said, knowing what Zhang Yuanshang was worried about.

Zhang Yuanshang glanced at Jiang Chen gratefully, and nodded slightly.

"Next, I'm going to go deep into Heifengjian, be careful, you are waiting for me here." Jiang Chen said.

"Absolutely not." Rong He shook his head hastily, and said, "Jiang Chen, Heifengjian is a restricted area, too dangerous."

"Yeah, why don't we go around and check around, maybe we can find something." Yan Feiyang also said.

For countless years, no one among the celestial masters has dared to enter the Heifengjian. Although Jiang Chenyi is brave, it is too risky.

"It's okay!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to say more.

His physical body is strong, at least ten times stronger than ordinary innate powerhouses, comparable to those in the extraordinary realm.

If Chu Yuan and the others walked out of the Black Wind Stream, then Jiang Chen would have no pressure to enter it.

"Jiang Chen, be careful." Wen Qingxin said.

She knew that Jiang Chen would not put herself in a dangerous situation, and the reason why she insisted on entering the Heifengjian must be because she had a certain degree of certainty, so she didn't persuade him much.

Zhang Yuanshang and Yan Feiyang originally wanted to persuade Jiang Chen not to take risks, but after hearing what Wen Qingxin said, they had to forcibly restrain their thoughts.

"Jiang Chen, I don't know how deep or how big this black wind stream is. According to my experience as a celestial master, about 100 meters into the black mist is a relatively safe zone. I don't know anything about the rest. , unable to help you, you must be careful yourself. If you see something wrong, you should withdraw immediately!" Rong He had no choice but to say solemnly.

Jiang Chen nodded, and the figure disappeared in a flash, turning into a faint afterimage, submerged in the thick black mist.

The thick black fog covered the sky and the sun.

After entering the Black Wind Stream, Jiang Chen discovered that this place was not barren of grass, and Jiang Chen even saw traces of animal activities.


Such a situation made Jiang Chen feel a little strange.


Suddenly, a black wind like a knife struck towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand casually, and slapped the wind with one palm.

"It's a bit unusual." Jiang Chen said to himself, he saw a gray rabbit grazing leisurely under a nearby tree.

Maybe it's because there are few people in this place.

The rabbit was quite courageous, and didn't run away because of Jiang Chen's disturbance.

"That black wind only attacked me, not that gray rabbit." Jiang Chen pondered.

The power of that black wind is stronger than the full blow of Tian Jiutian's powerhouse in the future. If it attacks the rabbit, the rabbit will be disembowelled immediately.

However, such a situation did not happen.

Jiang Chen thought about the crux of the matter, and grabbed the rabbit with his big hand, grabbing it into his palm.

The rabbit struggled hard, trying to escape from Jiang Chen's hands. Jiang Chen felt the soft hair of the rabbit, and his figure shot out, continuing to penetrate.


In an instant, Jiang Chen had penetrated nearly 100 meters. From time to time, beside his ears, there was the sound of wind, rattling, and constantly attacking him.

It's just that the wind passes through the forest, and even the leaves of those big trees rarely shake.

A black wind was like a vortex, like a huge millstone, swallowing towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen casually threw the rabbit in his hand towards the center of the vortex.

The gray rabbit was submerged in the vortex. In less than a second, Jiang Chen saw a gray rabbit bouncing away from his line of sight, and soon disappeared.

That rabbit was exactly the one that Jiang Chen threw out.

And the black wind like a vortex, at this moment, dissipated into the invisible, as if the danger never existed.

"Sure enough, it's weird." Jiang Chen said.

"As expected, a large formation has been arranged here, and the formation will cover the entire Heifengjian." Jiang Chen understood.

When the array rises, the black mist is misty, and the black wind is strange, but this array itself is not aimed at every plant or tree, nor is it aimed at all the animals that move here.

It is aimed at people.

In other words, ancient martial arts practitioners with extraordinary cultivation bases will often encounter attacks corresponding to their strength when they enter the Black Wind Stream.

The higher the cultivation base, the more violent the attack.

For example, that vortex-like black wind is obviously easy, and it can tear the innately strong into pieces.

"That's a bit interesting." Jiang Chen grinned.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't think that the person who arranged this great formation had a heart of compassion, but that if a formation was indiscriminately targeted, then this place would undoubtedly become a deadly place.

"Could it be that this formation was arranged by a strong man from Zhenwu Continent?" Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

A large formation with differentiated attacks, it is obvious that the cultivation of the formation is definitely not what those extraordinary cultivation can achieve, it must be a more powerful existence.

For no reason, Jiang Chen remembered the various legends that once existed on the earth and have been passed down to the present. Among those legends, there are countless existences that are almost mythologized.

For example, Kuafu chasing the sun, such as Jingwei filling the sea.

This seems to indicate that manpower is limited and exhausted from time to time, but why is it not, describing, the inconceivably powerful beings who existed in ancient times with great supernatural powers?
"If the lives of those myths and legends are about the superpowers who came in vain from the Zhenwu Continent, then for the life on earth, it is really a great irony." Jiang Chen said, shaking his head secretly.

Jiang Chen suddenly thought of a lot. Earth civilization usually has too many places that modern scientists can't decipher if they spend their entire lives.

After all, there are many civilizations, even with the wisdom of modern people, it is difficult to achieve.

However, if those civilizations are all foreign civilizations, rather than the crystallization of the wisdom of the earth's natives, then undoubtedly, everything can be explained smoothly.

Jiang Chen then walked into the Black Wind Stream, and after a minute, he caught four or five rabbits in his hand.

Since there were flaws in the formation, Jiang Chen naturally used other methods to crack it lazily, quite simply, using the flaws in the formation itself to break it with all his strength.

Jiang Chen kept going deeper, and at the same time, from time to time, he threw out a rabbit.

After using all the rabbits in his hand, Jiang Chen had already entered the bottom of the Black Wind Stream.

"It's nearly 2000 meters deep." Jiang Chen stared at the surrounding terrain and opened his mouth softly.

The shape of Heifengjian is like a large bowl turned upside down. With a little modification of this terrain, it can be arranged into a shocking formation.

Come to think of it, that mighty man chose this place because of this.

It didn't take long before a five-color altar came into Jiang Chen's eyes.

The five-color altar, intertwined and flickering with colorful lights, is like a guiding light in the misty black mist.

"Sure enough." Jiang Chen's expression became a little more serious.

This five-color altar is slightly different from the one above the second peak of Luoyan Mountain. After checking it, Jiang Chen found that here is a two-way teleportation formation.

"My current cultivation base is too low after all, otherwise, this would be a very good opportunity." Jiang Chen said with a frown.

Although the world above the earth is vast, it is still too small for Jiang Chen. Moreover, the lack of various resources on the earth greatly limits Jiang Chen's cultivation.

If you enter the Zhenwu Continent, maybe you can get a different opportunity.

Now, the teleportation formation was right in front of him, and it was impossible for Jiang Chen not to be moved by it.

However, Jiang Chen also knew how dangerous it would be to rashly enter a strange world when his strength was weak.

His capital across the earth, if you look at the Zhenwu Continent, it is just the existence at the bottom, and most of the people have the qualifications to kill him.

Jiang Chen originally thought about destroying this altar, just like destroying the five-color altar on the second peak of Yanshan Mountain.

But soon, Jiang Chen changed his mind.

Jiang Chen must go to the Zhenwu Continent, but it is only a matter of time, so Jiang Chen must leave a way out for himself, which can be regarded as leaving a chance for himself.

Jiang Chen planned to make some modifications on the basis of Heifengjian's original formation to turn it into a complete killing formation.

By that time, this place will become a truly forbidden place for the Jedi.

Not to mention mere extraordinary powerhouses, even powerhouses with a higher realm than extraordinary cultivation bases are destined to come and go.

"Okay, let's do it like this." With a thought in his mind, Jiang Chen immediately acted without any hesitation.

The original formation in Heifengjian was a very good foundation. Jiang Chen's transformation didn't require much effort, it was just a matter of making the most of the situation.

After spending about two hours, Jiang Chen finished transforming the formation and fled quietly.

"Jiang Chen." From a distance, seeing a figure flashing out of the black mist, Wen Qingxin exclaimed in a low voice, heaving a sigh of relief, with a happy expression on her face.

Yan Feiyang and the others also felt relieved.

After Jiang Chen left, they spent several hours worrying about what might happen. No matter how confident they were in Jiang Chen's strength, this Heifengjian was extraordinary and should not be underestimated.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen returned safe and sound, and it seemed that there was no danger at all.

"Jiang Chen, what's the situation in Black Wind Stream?" Rong He asked, a little impatiently.

Jiang Chen simply said what he had seen and heard, and then told him that he had modified the formation to prevent anyone from entering.

Rong He and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't realize that there was such a reason. Suddenly, Rong He's complexion became somewhat ugly...

(End of this chapter)

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