genius evil

Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088

Rong He finally understood why Zhang Yuanshang said it was too coincidental.

Indeed, it was a coincidence.

However, that’s all for the Zhang family. Today, the Tao of Heavenly Masters is also in the same situation. In this way, it is difficult to explain it by coincidence. More properly, it was artificially designed by someone. It's as simple as a coincidence.

"Brother Ronghe, don't think too much." Seeing this, Zhang Yuan said comfortingly.

With a long sigh, Rong He said, "Brother Yuanshang, I'm just worried. If this is the case in Qianlongmen Xuanlingzong and Wangqingzong, then, could this be a conspiracy?"

"Brother Dao, do you suspect it's a conspiracy?" His eyebrows frowned suddenly, and Zhang Yuanshang asked thoughtfully, "I don't know, brother, which aspect are you referring to?"

"I just had a premonition all of a sudden." Rong He said, and then explained, "I feel that our five super sects seem to be supported by certain forces on purpose, just to protect some of them for them. thing."

Speaking of this, Rong He gave a wry smile, shook his head, and said: "Maybe I thought about the unintentional words, there are too many, don't wait, take too much into your heart."

"No, I think what you said, Brother Dao, is very reasonable." Yan Feiyang said solemnly. Finally, he asked Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, what do you think?"

"It should be so." Jiang Chen nodded.

In True Spirit Continent, there is no such thing as a big world or a small world.

However, the True Spirit Continent is vast and boundless. According to rumors, no one has ever reached the end of the continent.

The True Spirit Continent is divided into countless regions, each of which is much larger than the tens of thousands of earths.

There are some strong people who occupy a territory as kings and enslave the people of the whole territory. Among them, they arrange a lot of magic and control hundreds of millions of people as pawns... almost, that is, the nature of the encounters of the five super sects is similar.

Naturally, in Jiang Chen's view, even if the five super sects were intentionally supported by others and used as puppets, such methods, compared to the most powerful ones in the True Spirit Continent, were just playing games with children. There is no difference, there is no way to enter Jiang Chen's eyes.

However, being invisible is one thing. Even though he is a time traveler, in the final analysis, he is still a half-earthling. Being tricked by someone inexplicably made Jiang Chen feel extremely upset.

One must know that even though Jiang Chen had never enslaved a certain large domain back then, he had a great reputation for being fierce and skilled in medicine, but he did not know how many masters of a domain regarded him as the guest of honor, allowing him to get whatever he wanted.

With his identity, with his position, as long as he is willing, let alone enslaving one domain, even enslaving ten domains, it is very easy.

"If that's the case, then what's the purpose?" Jing Zhi said in a cold voice. She, who was always cold, looked a little upset at the moment, obviously completely confused by these successive bad news.

"The simplest purpose should be to let us help guard these five-color altars, or maybe they don't want too many people to know that they have traces of activities on the earth." Rong He said slowly.

Of the five super powers, the Zhang family guards the Luoyan Mountain, and the Heavenly Master Dao guards the Heifengjian... Although the current situation of the other three powers is unknown, judging from various signs, it is basically the same, and the same is true.

That is to say, intentionally or unintentionally, the five superpowers have all been used by people, and the time of being used in this way lasts for hundreds of thousands of years, which can be called unknowingly. I have to say that it is Great irony!
"Maybe, there is something on the earth, what they want, but the time has not come." Zhang Yuanshang added.

He glanced at everyone, and said: "I said this, not aimlessly. Don't forget that the superpowers who came to Earth this time kept saying that the Earth is a small abandoned world... But if it is really abandoned , How could those forces be so generous and arrange such a shocking overall situation?"

"Will there be a situation where the original group of people are all dead?" Zhang Xuanjing couldn't help but said.

"Dead?" Zhang Yuanshang shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It is recorded in my Zhang family's classics that the lifespan of a superpower is as long as two Jiazi... Calculated from this, there is no doubt that With the improvement of cultivation base, lifespan will also be greatly improved, and there is no problem in living for hundreds of thousands of years."

"Live for such a long time?" Henry Zhang exclaimed in a low voice, feeling extremely incredible and unimaginable.

"It's not a question of how long you can live, but, once your longevity reaches that level, how terrifying will those people's martial arts cultivation be?" Zhang Yuanshang said with a serious expression.

Following Zhang Yuanshang's words, Rong and the four of them held their breaths one after another, and their faces were all livid to the extreme.

If an outsider heard Zhang Yuanshang's words for the first time, he would probably treat Zhang Yuanshang as a lunatic.

However, they are all parties involved, but they all know that what Zhang Yuanshang said may have some elements of alarmism, but it may not be true, even if it is a fact, there is only a one percent or one thousandth possibility .

However, as long as there is a possibility, once such a possibility becomes a reality, it will be devastating to the earth's ancient martial arts practitioners, and even the entire earth, and no one can bear it.

"Jiang Chen, what do you think of Mr. Zhang's words?" Wen Qing said with a heavy heart.

"It will only be more serious than this, but we still have to go to the other three sects to see." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay, go to my Wangqing sect." Hearing the sound, Jingzhi said decisively.

It was getting late, but everyone was restless, so they all went down the mountain overnight. After staying in a hotel in the town for one night, they set off early the next morning to the Wangqing Sect.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Shen Shijing asked curiously when he saw Jiang Chen.

Jingzhi and Shen Shijing communicated on the phone that a distinguished guest was coming and she was asked to be ready to welcome her. When Jingzhi appeared at the foot of the Wangqing Sect's gate, Shen Shijing led the people to greet them, which was unexpected. I realized that the honored guest that Jing Zhi mentioned was Jiang Chen.

Looking at Zhang Yuan and the others again, Shen Shijing became even more curious.

Shen Shijing understands very well what kind of status Zhang Yuanshang and others have in the world of ancient martial arts. They are truly distinguished guests.

"Something happened, Shijing, let's go up the mountain first." Jing Zhi said, and waved her hand, signaling Shen Shijing to lead the way.

For about an hour or so, inside the Wangqing Sect, Jiang Chen saw the statue of the Wangqing goddess.

This statue of the Goddess of Wangqing is enshrined in the Temple of the Goddess of Wangqing. The location of the Temple of the Goddess of Wangqing is the center of the Wangqing Sect.

In normal times, no one is allowed to enter the Temple of Wangqing Goddess without Jingzhi's permission, and Jingzhi arranges to guard it specially.

Because of this, this place is regarded as an absolute important place by the Wangqing Sect.

Disciples of the Wangqing Sect who practice ancient martial arts and have outstanding talents will be deliberately arranged to meditate and meditate in the Temple of the Goddess of Wangqing. Among them, Shen Shijing has been meditating for as long as three months , benefited a lot, and his cultivation achieved a great breakthrough!
The exact reason why the Wangqing Sect established the sect in the first place is impossible to verify, but everyone in the sect believes that it has a great connection with this temple of the Wangqing Goddess.

The Statue of the Goddess of Forgetfulness can be said to be an absolute weapon in the Forgetfulness Sect. It has never been shown to others, but now, Jingzhi has no choice but to make it public.

Because, what happened in Zhangjia and Tianshidao caused Jingzhi to panic.

If there is a problem with the Temple of the Wangqing Goddess, then the fate of the Wangqing Sect will definitely be more tragic than that of the Zhang family and Tianshidao.

This is also the reason why Jingzhi was the first to propose to come to the Wangqing Sect!

"Is this the statue of the Goddess of Forgetfulness?" Jiang Chen looked at the statue and said to himself.

This is a statue of a female god, almost in proportion to a real person.

The face of the statue is stern, and even implies an indifferent and chilling aura, giving people a feeling that strangers should not get close, and they are extraordinarily alienated.

And the aura of this god statue is even more extraordinary, even faintly, Jiang Chen felt a powerful aura flowing, as if, this is not a god statue, but a powerful life form.

"Jiang Chen, every time I visualize in front of this Statue of Forgetfulness, I always have different perceptions." Shen Shijing said softly.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Apart from this, have you found anything else?"

"Other?" Shen Shijing was stunned for a moment, and said, "I don't know why, sometimes, I feel that this is a living person."

After saying this, Shen Shijing looked at Jingzhi, and seemed to be quite taboo about it.

Jing knew that her complexion changed slightly, but she also knew that it would be of no use to hide it at this point, so she said, "That's right, I've had this feeling too."

"Your feeling is right, this is a living person." Jiang Chen pointed to the statue and said.


"A living person?"

"How could it be a living person?"


When Jiang Chen said this, Zhang Yuan and the others were all astonished.

"That's right, it's a living person." Jiang Chen nodded and said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, don't be joking." Jing Zhi said extremely nervously.

"This is not a joke." Jiang Chen shook his head, raised his hand and slapped the goddess statue.


Following Jiang Chen's palm, there was a slight sound in the air, as if Jiang Chen's palm had struck an invisible barrier.

"How could this be?" Jing Zhi murmured.

If she thought that Jiang Chen was joking at first, then when she saw the goddess statue, she would defend herself. Subconsciously, her mouth opened a lot.

"Don't be nervous, it's just an insignificant little trick." Jiang Chen said coldly, and slapped out with another palm, and with a click, the statue of the goddess was shattered by Jiang Chen's palm...

(End of this chapter)

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