genius evil

Chapter 1089 The Origin of Sword Mountain

Chapter 1089 The Origin of Sword Mountain

"Jiang Chen, you said just now that this statue of the goddess of forgetting love is a living person, so will it disturb her?" Jingzhi asked nervously, lest Jiang Chen's actions would cause the Unbearable accident.

"It's just a rough and crude imprint of life." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Making a clay figurine and leaving a mark on one's own life is just the most humble means.

Even if Jiang Chen never destroyed this god statue, then, with the passage of time, the imprint of life left on the god statue at the beginning would gradually turn into nothingness.

"A life mark? What is the purpose of that person doing this?" Jing Zhi asked in confusion, but this was the first time he heard such a statement.

Rong He and the others were also extremely confused, and looked at Jiang Chen in great bewilderment, waiting for Jiang Chen's explanation.

Jiang Chen then said: "You can use the imprint of life as a projection left by that person on the earth. Once something happens here, that person will be able to know it in the shortest possible time."

The words paused for a while, seeing that everyone's faces had become very ugly, Jiang Chen waved his hand with a smile, and said, "Don't be nervous, in fact, this is just the most low-level world projection, at best, it can Let the person who left the imprint of life, when this imprint is erased, have a certain degree of spiritual resonance, it is nothing to worry about."

After hearing Jiang Chen's explanation, the expressions on the faces of the crowd became more complicated invisibly.

Although what Jiang Chen said was simple and light, it still made their hearts heavy.

It turns out that when the ancient martial arts are cultivated to a certain level, they will have so many means and supernatural powers.

And all along, their understanding of ancient martial arts cultivation can be said to be just a little superficial.

In this way, it made them more aware of the horror of those martial arts masters in Zhenwu Continent. It is no wonder that people from Zhenwu Continent treat people on the earth as ants and look down upon them.

It is true that they have such pride and qualifications, but the appearance of such a freak on the earth is what made them fall into the sand.

Of course, in this way, another question flooded into their hearts, that is, why Jiang Chen knew so much.

Especially Zhang Yuanshang.

What the Zhang family is most proud of has never been how outstanding people are, nor how powerful the family power is, but the library that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Cangshu Pavilion can be said to be the foundation of the Zhang family. It is like a treasure house, recording countless anecdotes and strange things.

Zhang Yuan looked through the family classics, but he had never heard of the so-called life imprint.

Jiang Chen said casually, as if he knew everything. He actually had a deeper understanding and understanding of ancient martial arts than him. For no reason, Zhang Yuanshang's mind became very weird.

But even so, everyone, including Wen Qingxin, didn't ask the question.

"Jiang Chen, next, do you want to go to my Qianlongmen?" After listening to Jiang Chen, Yan Feiyang asked at this moment.

The troubles of the Wangqing Sect were solved easily, and Yan Feiyang was worried about Qianlongmen, so he wanted Jiang Chen to go together to find out what happened and eliminate the hidden dangers.

Jiang Chen nodded. Even if Yan Feiyang didn't mention it, he would definitely, definitely want to go there.

"I'll go together." Zhang Xuanjing said.

When the Qianlongmen matter is resolved, he will invite Jiang Chen to visit the ancestral land of the Xuanling Sect.

Moreover, the current situation is a great test for the entire ancient martial arts cultivation world. As the strongest people in the ancient martial arts cultivation world, they naturally want to twist into a thread and fight against external forces together.

Zhang Yuanshang, Rong and Jingzhi nodded one after another, knowing that this matter is of great importance, and they must not be taken lightly!
"Okay, then go together." Jiang Chen responded.

Yan Feiyang was a little anxious and didn't want to stay longer in the Wangqing Sect. At noon, he urged Jiang Chen to leave. Wen Qingxin and others went together. In addition, there was Shen Shijing.

Hurrying all the way, when we arrived at Qianlongmen, it was still the next day.

"Qianlong, go and get that sword box."

Inside Qianlongmen, Yan Feiyang gave orders.

"Yes." Qianlong nodded respectfully, and soon, he took the Qianlongmen's Zhenmen sword box, offered it with both hands, and handed it over to Yan Feiyang.

After Yan Feiyang took it, he solemnly handed it over to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen conveniently held it in his hand. His first impression was that the sword box was extremely light. It seemed simple and heavy, but in fact it was so heavy, but it was very light.

"Jiang Chen, this is my Qianlongmen, when I founded the sect, I got it by chance in Jianshan." Yan Feiyang said.

Jiang Chen nodded, carefully sizing up the sword case in his hand, a breath hit the sword case.


Immediately, the sound of the sword's cry soared into the sky.

There was even a gray-white sword light, cutting out across the sky, cutting in front of Jiang Chen, three feet away.

"Good swordsmanship." Jiang Chen couldn't help admiring.

This sword box is regarded as a treasure by the Qianlongmen, and it is indeed unusual.

The sword light that was cut out was peaceful and dignified, but it contained the power of destroying heaven and earth.

With Jiang Chen's knowledge, he had to say something extraordinary!
"Swordsmanship? Could it be that there is a swordsmanship in this sword box?" Yan Feiyang asked curiously.

Qianlongmen does not practice swordsmanship, but regards this sword box as a treasure, which is an extremely strange thing in itself.

Hearing Jiang Chen mention the word swordsmanship, Yan Feiyang faintly realized.

"That's right." Jiang Chen said softly, and at the end, he said with great regret: "Unfortunately, there is only one sword, and it is incomplete. Perhaps, the complete sword technique may not be on the blade."

Inside the Qianlongmen, there is no sword, what they have is just a sword case, Jiang Chen said this, which made Yan Feiyang feel regretful beyond words.

Qianlongmen has nothing to do with this sword technique, but he has seen Jiang Chen use a sword with his own eyes. If he has a complete sword technique and gives it to Jiang Chen, then it will undoubtedly be like a tiger with wings added to Jiang Chen.

Yan Feiyang did not know that the swordsmanship contained in this sword box was somewhat appreciated by Jiang Chen, but the swordsmanship that Jiang Chen practiced was the swordsmanship of a saint. The method made Jiang Chen's heart flutter.

"Jiang Chen, do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing for me to leave this sword box inside the Dragon Gate?" Yan Feiyang asked, this question was what he was most concerned about.

"Go to Sword Mountain." After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen said.

Jianshan is just behind Qianlongmen.

The mountain is steep and steep, like a murderous long sword, so it is named Jianshan.

From afar, Jiang Chen sensed a chilling and murderous aura rushing toward his face.

"Sword!" Jiang Chen said to himself after staring at it.

Such a murderous aura enveloped the entire Sword Mountain.

Obviously, this mountain of swords was not formed naturally, but someone, with a long sword in his hand, cut it into a mountain of swords with the supreme swordsmanship.

In this way, if the sword intent is condensed with substance, it will last for years.

Jiang Chen's perception of swordsmanship is so keen. It is easy to feel that when the person cuts the mountain with the sword, there are at least dozens of changes in the swordsmanship above the sword energy of the sword mountain.

Moreover, among the dozens of changes, each change is novel and ingenious, possessing terrifying power.

If the person who left behind this mountain of swords is still alive so far, he must be a figure at the level of a master of swordsmanship.

"Jiang Chen, what do you see?" Yan Feiyang asked.

"This mountain of swords was left behind by a master of swordsmanship." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Why did he leave such a sword mountain?" Yan Feiyang asked again.

"Practice the sword." Jiang Chen said simply.

"Practice sword?" Yan Feiyang was stunned for a moment. He thought that there would be a rather complicated and ulterior purpose, but he didn't expect Jiang Chen to answer so lightly.

"In that case, could it be that the sword box of my Qianlongmen was left by the master of swordsmanship?" Yan Feiyang said dumbfounded, but he was also greatly relieved.

After all, it's just practicing the sword, it's not enough to cause killing.

"Maybe it's the person who practiced the sword, who got something by chance, so he left some of his own swordsmanship ideas on the sword box, but he was afraid that others would not know, so he deliberately abandoned it, so that future generations Learn about his achievements." Jiang Chen explained.

Having said that, Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile.

That guy is really narcissistic and smug, but the more he is like this, the more he can see how strong his obsession is with the way of swordsmanship.

Only by sticking to the sword and focusing on the sword can we have such an achievement.

"It was a false alarm, turned out to be a false alarm..." Hearing this, Qianlongmen burst out laughing.

The rest of the people also relaxed for a while. Compared with the hidden schemes of the Zhang family and Tianshidao, and the life imprint of the statue of the Wangqing Sect, Qianlongmen was indeed a false alarm. , finally made their mood slightly better.

"Jiang Chen, if that's the case, shouldn't it be time to go to my Xuanling Sect?" Zhang Xuanjing said immediately.

"Brother Xuanjing, I have a hunch that there will be a huge surprise waiting for us in your Xuanlingzong," Yan Feiyang said.

"In that case, let's go quickly." Zhang Xuanjing was not as relaxed as Yan Feiyang.

You know, in Zhang Xuanjing's view, the situation of Xuanlingzong is much more complicated than that of the other four sects.

The place where Xuanlingzong founded its sect was a mass grave. To be precise, it was because the ancestors of Xuanlingzong discovered a sarcophagus.

One thing that outsiders don't know is that the sarcophagus is not empty, but inside the coffin, there is still a corpse that has not rotted so far.

Yan Feiyang said that there will be a huge surprise, Zhang Xuanjing is not so optimistic, as long as it is not a huge shock, he will be extremely satisfied and satisfied.

"Jiang Chen, what's your opinion?" Yan Feiyang said.

"Let's take a short break, and then we'll set off." Jiang Chen said, he has always been straightforward, and only Xuanlingzong is left. If he doesn't go there as soon as possible, no one will be able to feel at ease...

(End of this chapter)

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