genius evil

Chapter 1090 The Strange Sarcophagus

Chapter 1090 The Strange Sarcophagus

Jiang Chen and the others went to Xuanlingzong on the second day, and under the leadership of Zhang Xuanjing, they entered the ancestral land of Xuanlingzong.

This piece of ancestral land was originally a mass grave.

After the founding of the Xuanling Sect, all the ancestors of the Xuanling Sect were buried here and passed down from generation to generation. The mass grave became the cemetery of the Xuanling Sect.

The guardians of this cemetery are all elite disciples of the Xuanling Sect, and Luo Song once guarded the gate here for three years!

"Brother Jiang, haha, long time no see." When Luo Song saw Jiang Chen, he gave Jiang Chen a big hug with an extremely happy look on his face.

"Brother Jiang, you came to see me this time, did you come here specially to pay me back the money?" Then, Luo Song rubbed his fingers and looked at Jiang Chen expectantly.

"Do I owe you money?" Jiang Chen asked very puzzled.

"Brother Jiang, are you planning to renege on your debt?" Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Luo Song became impatient.

Jiang Chen not only owed him money, it should be said that he owed him a lot of money.

So far, only he, Luo Song, has ever owed others money, and no one has ever owed him Luo Song a penny, not even a penny.

Jiang Chen can be said to be the only one, and Luo Song has been thinking about it all the time.

Finally seeing Jiang Chen again, Luo Song naturally would not give up such an opportunity to collect debts.

"How could it be possible to renege on my debt? Brother Luo, don't you know about my character, Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"I knew Brother Jiang that you are reliable, then, pay me back the money now." Luo Song said, one hand, quite simply, stretched out in front of Jiang Chen.

"As a person with such a good character, I will never owe others money, and there will never be a situation where I don't pay back the money. From my point of view, Brother Luo, you must have made a mistake somewhere. "Jiang Chen ignored Luo Song's outstretched hand, and said solemnly.

Hearing Jiang Chen's tone of voice, he almost raised his hand and swore a poisonous oath.

Luo Song looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost, and said helplessly, "Brother Jiang, right now, I doubt one thing very much, and that is whether you have such a thing as character."


It was Luo Song, and as soon as the words fell, Zhang Xuanjing raised his foot and kicked Luo Song's ass, kicking Luo Song to the ground.

"Luo Song, get away with me." Zhang Xuanjing said with a beard and a stare.

This Luo Song is Zhang Xuanjing's direct disciple, but because of Luo Song's character of desperately demanding money, I don't know how many times he has lost face, and Zhang Xuanjing has never admitted this to the outside world.

Normally, it would be fine for Luo Song to get into the eyes of money, but in this situation, what Luo Song cared about was still money, which made Zhang Xuanjing unable to bear it.

"Master, what are you kicking me for?" Luo Song got up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, and said with an aggrieved face.


Zhang Xuanjing talked nonsense with Luo Song lazily, and kicked Luo Song to the ground again.

"Jiang Chen, follow me." Afterwards, Zhang Xuanjing said to Jiang Chen, lest Luo Song get confused and waste everyone's time.

"Master, people say that you don't want to help your relatives. Now, I have all these two points, how can you still bend your elbows?" Luo Song was even more wronged, seeing that , I almost cried.

"Things that are useless, dare to talk nonsense, I will destroy you with my own hands." Zhang Xuanjing was so annoyed that he almost wondered if he was blind at the beginning, otherwise, how could he accept Luo Song as his apprentice?
Just like Luo Song, who loves money like life, in Xuanlingzong, let alone 500 years ago, even 500 years in the future, it is estimated that it is difficult to find a second one.

"Master, but Jiang Chen really owes me a lot of money." Luo Song said unconvinced.

Repaying debts is justified.

As a creditor, is it wrong for him to collect debts from Jiang Chen?
Isn't this a matter of course?
Luo Song couldn't understand why Zhang Xuanjing was so angry.


Zhang Xuanjing said again, one word almost roared out from the depths of his throat.

Such a situation made Zhang Yuan and the others more or less dumbfounded.


Under the leadership of Zhang Xuanjing, a group of people gradually went deep into this ancestral land.

In the mass graves, there is usually a lot of Yin Qi, but Jiang Chen found it strange that in this ancestral land, the Yin Qi is extremely light, on the contrary, there is a sense of righteousness, filled with it.

It wasn't just Jiang Chen who noticed this, Zhang Yuan and the others also felt it. Their expressions all became a little weird.

"Brother Xuan Jing, I heard that this place was originally a mass grave, but is that so?" Zhang Yuanshang asked in surprise.

"Exactly." Henry Zhang nodded.

"I'm a little confused." Zhang Yuanshang said with a wry smile. If he didn't know that this place was indeed a mass grave, he would have doubted whether he had entered a certain feng shui blessed place.

After a while, a stone tablet appeared in Jiang Chen's sight.

The stone tablet is about two meters high and one meter wide. It stands in the cemetery. Compared with other tombstones, it is much taller, and it looks unusually conspicuous.

The stele is made of Qinggang stone. I don't know how long it has stood in this cemetery. It has gone through wind, frost, rain and snow, and it is full of mottled marks left by the years.

At a glance, Jiang Chen saw that on the stone tablet, there were some strangely shaped characters, which were hard to describe.

"Jiang Chen, the ancestor of my Xuanling Sect, was able to comprehend the method of diamond body before this stone tablet." Zhang Xuanjing pointed to the stone tablet and explained to Jiang Chen.

At the end, Zhang Xuanjing took a look, standing at the end of the crowd, shrinking his neck, Luo Song, who looked timid, said with hatred, "My disciple Luo Song, by chance, also came from this side of the stone tablet. On top of that, I have realized the cultivation method of the vajra body."

"Master, it's not a coincidence." Luo Song shook his head like a rattle, and said solemnly: "Master, you said it yourself, I, Luo Song, have been the most outstanding genius disciple of the Xuanling Sect for hundreds of years. , I’m such a genius, how could it be, it’s a coincidence, it’s clearly because of my extraordinary intelligence.”

Zhang Xuanjing stared at Luo Song, as if wishing he could, picked up a piece of adhesive tape, and sewed Luo Song's mouth shut.

"Is this text? Why is it so messy?" Zhang Yuanshang stared at the stele, looked at it again and again, and asked in confusion.

After listening to Zhang Xuanjing's explanation, he knew that this stone tablet was of vital significance to Xuanlingzong.

After all, that vajra body is no small matter.

If it weren't for the imminence now, no matter how generous Zhang Xuanjing was, it would be impossible to show this place to others.

"I don't know exactly what it is." Zhang Xuanjing said, and then gave Luo Song a helpless look.

"I don't know either." Luo Song said.

Seeing everyone looking at him in puzzlement, Luo Song had no choice but to continue: "This stone tablet is extremely miraculous. That time, I didn't know why I suddenly learned the Vajra Body. It felt like I had done it." A dream."

In fact, since learning the Vajra Body out of nowhere, Luo Song circled in front of the stele many times, expecting to discover more, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

"Perhaps, it may not necessarily be that you are really too smart." Just listening to Jiang Chen, he suddenly said with a smile.

"Hey, brother Jiang, you are really my confidant, I am so touched." Luo Song said with snot and tears, which made Jiang Chen goosebumps crazily.

"This stele is not written, but runes, and what is recorded is the method of cultivating the diamond body." Jiang Chen said immediately.

"Then why, my Xuanling Sect has been up and down, and for hundreds of years, there are very few successful practitioners?" Zhang Xuanjing asked in confusion.

"Since it is an inheritance, it is natural for those who are destined to get it." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Yes, firstly, it's because of fate, and secondly, you must have extraordinary talent." Luo Song added, his skin was unusually thick.

Jiang Chen glanced at Luo Song, and said with a half-smile: "Brother Luo, I see that the vajra body you cultivated is also very rare, do you know what's wrong?"

"Is it rare? What do I think, looks very powerful?" Luo Song was a little unhappy.

"The problem is that you are too weak to accept the complete inheritance of the Vajra Body Cultivation Technique." Jiang Chen said.

Luo Song drooped his head. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that what Jiang Chen said was very reasonable.

Behind this stele, there was a sarcophagus exposed to the outside. Zhang Xuanjing walked over, and with a casual push, the coffin lid was pushed away. Immediately, a corpse came into the eyes of Jiang Chen and others.

"This corpse has existed since the founding of the Xuanling Sect," Zhang Xuanjing said.

"Dead and not corrupt for a thousand years?" Zhang Yuanshang murmured.

Jiang Chen looked at the corpse, but found that this corpse had absolutely no gloomy aura, but a warm aura.


Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and said softly: "This person is the strong man with a vajra body. The breath in his body is as hot as the sun, and his physical body is as strong as gold and iron!"

"Adamantine body, is it so terrifying?" Zhang Xuanjing asked in shock.

For a long time, although there are many records about the Vajra Body in the Xuanling Sect, at best, it is a strong physical body, invincible in battle at the same level.

However, according to Jiang Chen's statement, once the diamond body is cultivated to perfection, then the human body is like a scorching sun, what kind of power will it have?
"Jiang Chen, I'm real. Didn't I accept the complete inheritance of the Vajra Body cultivation method?" Luo Song's heart was agitated, and he couldn't help asking. With that appearance, he seemed to be much more serious.

"On the stone tablet, there is a complete diamond body cultivation method recorded." Jiang Chen said.

Luo Song's eyes lit up, he understood, and nodded vigorously, expressing that he understood Jiang Chen's meaning.

"Jiang Chen, what's the situation with my Xuanling Sect now?" Zhang Xuanjing asked at this time.

"Could it be that you are not curious at all, who killed this strong man with a vajra body?" Jiang Chen did not answer Zhang Xuanjing's question, but asked everyone a question...

(End of this chapter)

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