genius evil

Chapter 1096 The Fall of the First Beauty

Chapter 1096 The Fall of the First Beauty

"So, is that what it feels like to be drunk? It doesn't seem too bad." Feeling his body gradually softening, Shen Shijing said softly in his heart.

Although the Wangqing Sect does not prohibit human desires, the disciples of the sect are also bound by the extremely strict sect rules.

Shen Shijing is the chief disciple of the Wangqing Sect. In this regard, it is natural to set an example.

This time, it was the first time in history that Shen Shijing drank so much wine, and even more so, the first time he got drunk.

Before this, she had never been drunk before, but this was the first time she knew what it was like to be drunk.

There is no splitting headache as imagined, no madness after drinking as imagined, and there is a kind of floating, dreamy feeling like being in the clouds.

"Miss Shen, why don't you make sure if you're already drunk." Jiang Chen's voice rang in his ears at the right time.

Hearing this, Shen Shijing laughed softly. She turned her head, glanced at Jiang Chen, her eyes blinked slightly, and her long eyelashes, like a small cattail fan, had an astonishing flow of energy.

"Guess." Mischievously, Shen Shijing said.

"I guess you're already drunk." Jiang Chen also smiled, looking at Shen Shijing without blinking.

The number one beauty in Beijing is indeed the number one beauty.

Every frown and smile, natural and casual, just has the charm that stirs the heartstrings.

Such charm is almost irresistible to a man.

"So, Miss Shen, now you can take advantage of me." Smiling, Jiang Chen said again.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure you want me to take advantage of you?" Shen Shijing said with a chuckle.

"Of course it's certain." Jiang Chen nodded vigorously, and said, "Miss Shen, it's getting late, let's not waste any more time."


But Jiang Chen's voice didn't fall behind. Shen Shijing suddenly raised his right hand and punched Jiang Chen in the face.

Jiang Chen was startled, he moved his feet, and retreated hastily.

Shen Shijing took advantage of the situation, twisted his waist, and flew towards Jiang Chen. His clenched fist hit Jiang Chen's chest straight.

"Miss Shen, is this how you take advantage of me? Why, it's not the same as I imagined?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

This time, he didn't retreat any more, when Shen Shijing punched him, he stretched out his hand casually, and grabbed Shen Shijing's fist in his palm.


The nostrils moved slightly and let out a low, muffled hum.

Shen Shijing's fist, if boneless, easily separated from Jiang Chen's palm, kicked with his right foot, and kicked Jiang Chen's knee sideways.

A series of movements, flowing clouds and flowing water, like dancing.

"This is indeed my way to take advantage of you, Jiang Chen, but I, the one who reminded you in advance, was you who asked me to take advantage of you." Shen Shijing said on his lips.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "Miss Shen, I always thought that you are very special. As expected, the way you express your love for me now is also very special."

"Love?" Shen Shijing paused for all his movements.

This is not an expression of love.

To be precise, she was using this method to punish Jiang Chen.

Who told Jiang Chen to make so many little tricks just to get her drunk.

If it's just to get her drunk, that's fine.

Jiang Chen was partial, and he was not in a hurry to take advantage of her, but kept encouraging her to take advantage of him.

Shen Shijing considers himself reserved.

Even if he had an unusually strong affection for Jiang Chen, he would not show it easily.

What Jiang Chen did was completely aimed at breaking the reserve deep in her heart and forcing her to take the initiative in the relationship between the two parties.

This did not prevent Shen Shijing from feeling deeply annoyed.

Shen Shijing thought that he was drunk now, if Jiang Chen took the opportunity to take advantage of him, he might have nothing to say, Jiang Chen didn't do that, Shen Shijing just had to do something to Jiang Chen punishment.

"Miss Shen, you must love me too much, so even the way of expressing it is so different, different, but in my heart, Jiang Chen, I like it very much." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Just when Shen Shijing's kick came from the side.

Jiang Chen flexed his fingers, flicked lightly, and landed on Shen Shijing's knee.

Immediately, Shen Shijing only felt a slight numbness in half of his legs, and then staggered under his feet, almost falling to the ground.

At this moment, Jiang Chen stepped forward and appeared in front of Shen Shijing, with his right hand embracing Shen Shijing's slender waist, and took Shen Shijing with him, spinning around.


Feeling that his center of gravity was out of balance, Shen Shijing couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

Immediately, feeling himself, he threw himself into Jiang Chen's arms, Shen Shijing stretched out his hand again, and pushed hard, pushing Jiang Chen out.

Jiang Chen took a step back, took Shen Shijing's hand, and moved it lightly, causing Shen Shijing to spin again involuntarily, like dancing around.

"Miss Shen, your dancing posture is really beautiful." Jiang Chen praised.

Shen Shijing's face was flushed with embarrassment, she was not dancing, she just wished she could punch Jiang Chen several times, and make Jiang Chen vomit blood.

But she was already drunk, her body was out of control, and Jiang Chen was very malicious, so he did it on purpose.

Next, any means Shen Shijing used to attack Jiang Chen would be transformed into a dancing posture under Jiang Chen's intentional guidance.

Until, after an unknown dance, Shen Shijing's heart was full of shame, and he wished he could just dig a hole and get in.

She originally wanted to punish Jiang Chen, but in the process of "dancing", she was rubbed countless times by Jiang Chen, and almost every part of her body failed to escape Jiang Chen's clutches.

She was already drunk and extremely sensitive, but at this moment she was under Jiang Chen's clutches, panting, dripping with sweat, and her face was covered with blush.

"Miss Shen, do you still want to continue and take advantage of me?" Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Chen with an innocent expression, looking extremely expectant.

Shen Shijing came without a single blow, almost about to strike.

But thinking that if he made a move, he would only get more oiled by Jiang Chen, so he had to hold back forcefully, pursed his red lips, stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes.

"Could it be Miss Shen, you think you've taken advantage of it enough, and you want to rest for a while, and recharge your energy... Then, next, it's my turn." Jiang Chen said.

"What are you going to do?" Shen Shijing's eyes couldn't help but widen.

"Taking advantage of you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Shen Shijing was speechless immediately. It turns out that things like taking advantage of others can be said so naturally and confidently?
In this way, what kind of words are there that Jiang Chen cannot say.

"This guy's face is really the same as that recorded in the information, it's as thick as a city wall." Shen Shijing complained in his heart depressedly.

What made Shen Shijing even more depressing was obviously behind.

Because, Jiang Chen did what he said, and sure enough, he started to take advantage of her.

Of course, Jiang Chen was also taking advantage of Shen Shijing before, but that was a little passive. Now, he is completely taking advantage of Shen Shijing.

The way Jiang Chen took the initiative to take advantage naturally became very different.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, hooked Shen Shijing's neck, and kissed it with all his strength.

"So direct?" Shen Shijing was stunned.

She thought that Jiang Chen would spare no effort to tease her tonight.

It wasn't until teasing her to the brink of collapse that he swallowed her in one bite while she was about to collapse.

Shen Shijing never expected that the way Jiang Chen took advantage was like this.

This can't help but make Shen Shijing a little lucky.

Fortunately for her, Jiang Chen encouraged her to take advantage from the very beginning.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be that she was treated like this by Jiang Chen a long time ago.

"It's over, I'm going to be over." The moment this thought popped up in his mind, Shen Shijing was powerless for a while.

Regardless of whether Jiang Chen took advantage of it at the beginning, or Jiang Chen took advantage of it now, in the final analysis, Jiang Chen took advantage of it.

But she was finding excuses by herself to excuse Jiang Chen, and she never thought about how excessive Jiang Chen's behavior was.

This is clearly the rhythm of the fall.

But even though he realized that he was making mistakes one after another, Shen Shijing didn't even have the idea to stop such mistakes.

Every thought of Shen Shijing was directly reflected in her body's reaction. Jiang Chen and Shen Shijing's close contact naturally felt Shen Shijing's body reaction clearly.

Shen Shijing's annoyed and powerless body reaction made Jiang Chen secretly amused.

However, this was the result of his constant temptation.

Jiang Chen knew that Shen Shijing was arrogant and arrogant, and she was born in the Forgiveness Sect. Compared with ordinary women, deep down in her heart, she didn't know how many more lines of defense she had to put up.

Those lines of defense, like chains of shackles, tightly bind Shen Shijing, and it is difficult for outsiders to open them. Only Shen Shijing can let go of his defenses.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen would make Shen Shijing drink.

Drinking alcohol is just a cover, or an excuse. What Jiang Chen needs is not to get Shen Shijing drunk so that he can do whatever he wants.

What he wants is to create a suitable atmosphere, and then, in this suitable atmosphere, do some suitable things with Shen Shijing.

Naturally, these calculations in his heart were impossible for Jiang Chen no matter what, so he just told Shen Shijing.

"Miss Shen, take it easy." Jiang Chen said vaguely as he kissed Shen Shijing's red lips.

"I can't relax." Shen Shijing said uncomfortably.

"Miss Shen, I just like your duplicity. In fact, you have relaxed and cooperated very well." Jiang Chen laughed.

" bastard!" Even with the best self-cultivation, under such circumstances, being teased by Jiang Chen was still unavoidable, and Shen Shijing couldn't help but scolded him angrily.

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, took Shen Shijing into his arms, and walked to the bedroom inside.

The body was suspended in the air, and the dreamy feeling like being in the clouds swept over my heart again.

Shen Shijing knew very well what would happen next.

However, she didn't think about it that much, and quietly closed her eyes.

"I'm drunk." Shen Shijing said to himself, as if hypnotized, as if accepting his fate!
(End of this chapter)

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