genius evil

Chapter 1097 A Great Attempt

Chapter 1097 A Great Attempt
Shen Shijing, who has never been drunk, already has a face like a peach blossom.

After being drunk, Shen Shijing is even more charming than a flower, with unparalleled charm.

A flower is in front of your eyes, slowly blooming, waiting to be picked. Jiang Chen, who has always believed in the fact that a flower blooms can be broken, will naturally not be polite.

As time passed, the night gradually became darker.

At around three o'clock in the morning, in Xuanlingzong, above a three-story attic, a figure in red sat quietly, breathing.

The shining stars made the woman in the red skirt seem to have an incomparably holy aura.


In the distance, a figure was bewildered in a low voice. Immediately, that person moved his feet, spanning a distance of more than ten meters, and appeared in front of the woman in the red skirt.

"Be careful, this is you, have you started?" Jiang Chen looked at the woman in the red dress and was surprised.

Wen Qingxin, a woman in a red dress, slowly opened her eyes, glanced at Jiang Chen, and said with a smile, "I have a feeling, it may take another ten days and a half months, and it will be enough to reach the first level of cultivation."

What Wen Qingxin practiced was Chunyang Jue.

However, in order to be suitable for Wen Qingxin's cultivation, Jiang Chen made some improvements, and named it "Introduction to the Stars".

The improved Chunyang Jue has become simpler and more suitable for cultivation. However, Wen Qingxin only practiced for a few hours, but she was just practicing the Introducing Star Jue, which still surprised Jiang Chen.

You know, Jiang Chen never thought that Wen Qingxin could cultivate successfully.

This was just a small attempt, and Jiang Chen was mentally prepared to fail.

After all, Wen Qingxin is an ancient martial arts cultivator, and the way of cultivation is quite different from that of comprehension.

Even though there are thousands of ways to achieve the same goal in the end, in terms of Wen Qingxin's current cultivation level, if he wants to achieve that step, it is still too far away.

"Is it because I have some misunderstanding about ancient martial arts? Or, be careful, is he a genius in cultivation?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

With a slight movement in his mind, Jiang Chen said to Wen Qingxin: "Be careful, just wait here, I will come as soon as I go."

After the words fell, Jiang Chen left without waiting for Wen Qingxin to respond.

Two minutes later, Jiang Chen reappeared on the attic with a figure in his arms. Wen Qingxin looked at the figure in Jiang Chen's arms, but it was Shen Shijing.

Shen Shijing's clothes were messy, and it was obvious that they were put on indiscriminately in a hurry.

It was even more evident that Shen Shijing's cheeks were flushed, and he was extremely lazy, exuding a faint aroma of red wine.

"Is this carried out directly from the bed?" Wen Qing realized clearly.

"Jiang Chen, what did you bring me here for?" Shen Shijing also saw Wen Qingxin, who was completely confused.

She was tossed by Jiang Chen for several hours, and she was so sleepy that she was awakened just as soon as she fell asleep. Without saying a word, she was brought here by Jiang Chen.

If not, if Wen Qingxin is here, Shen Shijing almost doubts whether Jiang Chen is planning to change to a different place to add some fun.

Although, Shen Shijing definitely wanted to refuse, but now she didn't have the energy to deal with Jiang Chen.

Now, such a situation made Shen Shijing extremely incomprehensible.

"Do an experiment." Jiang Chen said.

Wen Qing's heart is so fast, that is, to practice the art of attracting stars, let Jiang Chen plan to test it on Shen Shijing's body again, and see what kind of results will appear.

"Experiment? What do you mean?" Shen Shijing asked puzzled.

"Miss Shen, sit down first." Jiang Chen said, put down Shen Shijing, ordered Shen Shijing, sat cross-legged, and by the way, taught Shen Shijing, breathing out.

Shen Shijing was in a daze, and followed Jiang Chen's teachings. After his breathing gradually stabilized, the sound of a practice formula that Jiang Chen recited sounded in his ears.

"What kind of formula is this?" Shen Shijing thought to himself, but he still concentrated and quickly memorized the formula that Jiang Chen read in his heart.

"Miss Shen, now, according to the formula I just recited, try to introduce the light of the stars into your body." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Introduce the light of the stars into the body?" Shen Shijing felt extremely absurd, but after hearing Jiang Chen's seriousness, there was no doubt about it, so he had no choice but to try.

"Be careful, let's get out of here first." Jiang Chen saw Shen Shijing, entered the state of cultivation, took Wen Qingxin's little hand, and said softly.

Wen Qingxin nodded slightly, and left with Jiang Chen.

"This guy, couldn't he be deliberately using this method to distract me?" Shen Shijing thought in his heart when he heard the news of Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin's departure. He was extremely suspicious that Jiang Chen had bad intentions.

"I also don't know if Wen Qingxin has noticed that there is something wrong with me, or else I will all want it, and I will be ashamed to death." Shen Shijing was a little restless.

It took Wen Qingxin several hours to practice the introduction to the art of stars.

Shen Shijing's cultivation level is slightly inferior to Wen Qingxin's, and it will undoubtedly take longer. This is also the reason why Jiang Chen will leave first with Wen Qingxin.

Of course, on the other hand, he was worried about disturbing Shen Shijing's cultivation.

For Jiang Chen, if Shen Shijing is also able to cultivate and successfully use the Star Jue, then undoubtedly, it is of crucial significance to him.

After all, this is enough to prove that the improved Chunyang Jue is very suitable for ancient martial arts practitioners to cultivate. Jiang Chen is absolutely capable of promoting it, so that people around him can gain an extra layer of capital for self-defense.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to use Miss Shen to verify your star-inducing formula?" Wen Qingxin asked.

How clever she was, seeing Jiang Chen say a few words, she hugged him from under the quilt, and guessed what Jiang Chen was thinking.

Jiang Chen nodded, and said: "I have some cultivation methods, so far, none of them are suitable for your cultivation. This may be a very great attempt."

Looking at the True Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen used to be one of those vertical and horizontal beings. To him, it was too difficult for him to create exercises, not to mention handy ones, but absolutely not.

It's just that the earth's environment is very different from the True Spirit Continent. What Jiang Chen needs in advance is to create an appropriate opportunity, and then use this opportunity to slowly verify his own ideas in other aspects.

This was not Jiang Chen's whim, but Jiang Chen, after successfully practicing the first level of the Pure Yang Art, he had plans to go to the Zhenwu Continent.

Once he leaves, he will naturally be unable to take into account the situation on Earth's side, and must make thoughtful and proper arrangements.

The speed of Jiang Chen's cultivation can be described as unparalleled, no one can surpass it, and the only one who can surpass it is himself.

Wen Qing thought to herself, what Jiang Chen said was probably the biggest secret in him, but she nodded lightly without asking any further questions.

"Be careful, you rest for a while." Jiang Chen said to Wen Qingxin, pulling Wen Qingxin into the bedroom.

In the bedroom, the bedding was messy.

There was a strange smell floating in the air, Wen Qing took a breath, and understood what kind of smell it was.

Then, Wen Qingxin found a piece of women's clothing on the head of the bed, and it was a close-fitting intimate clothing, extremely sexy.

"It's from Shen Shijing." Wen Qingxin glanced over, and from the corner of her eye, she glanced at Jiang Chen.

No wonder, Jiang Chen was so fast, even if he brought Shen Shijing over there, he carried Shen Shijing over from under the quilt, he was very familiar with the way.

Dare to love, Shen Shijing used to sleep here.

If not, Wen Qing could not help but wonder whether Jiang Chen deliberately created a chance for him to spend time alone with Shen Shijing if he had achieved success in practicing the art of attracting stars.

After all, she had been inseparable from Jiang Chen in the past few days, and Jiang Chen hardly had time to spend alone with Shen Shijing.

"Be careful, how can you throw your clothes at random." Jiang Chen also saw that piece of underwear, and said.

"It's not mine." Wen Qingxin said with a half-smile.

She didn't believe that Jiang Chen didn't know that the clothes didn't belong to her. Jiang Chen said such words deliberately, either to divert her attention, or to beat her up.

"Be careful, it's obviously yours, how can you say it's not? Could it be that I don't know if it's yours or not?" Jiang Chen said solemnly, and quickly reached out to put that piece of clothing, caught in the hand.

"Be careful, why don't you take a closer look to see if it's yours or not." Jiang Chen handed the clothes to Shen Shijing and said.

"This dress is black." Wen Qingxin said.

Wen Qingxin doesn't like black. What she prefers is red, especially bright red.

For ordinary women, wearing red would reveal a gaudy feeling, but wearing red on Wen Qingxin's body, she couldn't even feel the slightest bit of seductiveness.

The unique aura on her body was so overwhelming that it completely covered up the visual impact of the bright red clothes.

"Hey, it's really strange to be careful about you, who could it be?" Frowning, Jiang Chen wondered to himself, looking puzzled.

"Perhaps, you can ask Miss Shen." Wen Qingxin smiled lightly.

"Could it be Ms. Shen's? If that's the case, Ms. Shen is too careless. How can such intimate clothes be thrown away." Jiang Chen said.

The corner of Wen Qingxin's mouth twitched slightly.

"Be careful, I don't think this dress belongs to Miss Shen, it's impossible for Miss Shen to leave something at my place for no reason." Jiang Chen said again.

Then, as soon as Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, he hugged Wen Qingxin, put him gently on the big bed, and muttered, "Be careful, in order to be sure, what's the matter with this dress, I can't prove it. You have to prove it yourself."

"How to prove it?" Wen Qing asked subconsciously.

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Wen Qingxin realized that she had asked a nonsense, because Jiang Chen was already very domineering, tore off her clothes, and told her with practical actions that he used this method to prove it .

"Be careful, it turns out that it really isn't yours." After a while, Jiang Chen suddenly realized...

(End of this chapter)

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