genius evil

Chapter 1098

Chapter 1098
In the early morning, the sky was slightly dewed, and Jiang Chen appeared on the attic with a soft and soft Wen Qingxin in a red dress.

"Is Master Wen drunk too?"

Hearing the sound, the beautiful eyes slowly opened, and Shen Shijing noticed at a glance that Wen Qingxin's cheeks were bright red, and her red lips were slightly parted, like a goldfish leaving the water.

"Miss Shen, how do you feel now?" Putting down Wen Qingxin, Jiang Chen looked at Shen Shijing several times and asked.

"What does it feel like?" Shen Shijing said confusedly.

"Huh? Could it be that you didn't feel angry like Xiaoxin?" Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

The Chunyang Jue is a first-class practice method.

What Jiang Chen improved, even though it was only the first level of the Chunyang Jue, was still quite domineering, and it was a bit stronger than the cultivation methods of the several great holy places that Jiang Chen knew.

Within a few hours, Wen Qingxin had successfully entered, and Jiang Chen had great expectations for Shen Shijing.

At this moment, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a little bit lost when he saw Shen Shijing's face full of confusion, and he didn't know what to ask.

"Jiang Chen, the sense of qi you're talking about, don't you mean the feeling of breath circulating in the body?" At this moment, Shen Shijing's voice sounded.

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded.

"It seems that I had this faint feeling before, thinking that there was something wrong with my cultivation." Shen Shijing said.


Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and said: "This is what you want, Miss Shen, next time, you can't be so naughty, or I will spank your ass."

Shen Shijing's face turned red, Bai Jiangchen glanced at him, and asked, "Jiang Chen, you mean, I succeeded in practicing the art of attracting stars?"

"It's just the introductory stage." Jiang Chen shook his head, but he didn't expect that Shen Shijing would be able to cultivate successfully in such a short period of time.

In fact, Shen Shijing said that he had a sense of aura, which was already a great surprise to Jiang Chen.

After all, this proves that his attempt is effective, even on the earth where the aura is exhausted, in this way, it is possible to cultivate peerless powerhouses.

"Just getting started?" Shen Shijing was dissatisfied.

"Miss Shen seems to be looking down on it. Didn't I tell you how powerful it will be once you succeed in cultivating the Star Attraction Art?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Have you told me?" Shen Shijing said very depressed.

She was tossed by Jiang Chen for several hours, sleepy and tired, finally fell asleep, and was carried out of the bed by Jiang Chen, and then, without saying a word, Jiang Chen threw her a practice formula.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything about the rest of the situation. Shen Shijing originally thought about asking Jiang Chen for a good question.

"No? Well, it's not too late to tell you now. Anyway, all you need to know is that it's very powerful." Jiang Chen said.

"How powerful is it?" Shen Shijing was very annoyed, Jiang Chen's words were like saying nothing.

"It's comparable to an extraordinary powerhouse." Jiang Chen said.

"Comparable to the extraordinary?"

Hearing the sound, Wen Qing's heart was startled.

"How about it, is this considered powerful?" Jiang Chen said triumphantly.

"If you're not lying, it's really powerful." Shen Shijing murmured.

As long as she succeeds in cultivating the Star Attraction Jue, she can fight against extraordinary powers. Shen Shijing thinks this is too unbelievable and unbelievable.

"Do I, Jiang Chen, look like I'm lying?" Jiang Chen yelled, extremely displeased.

Shen Shijing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "I didn't say you were lying, but could it be too simple?"

The simplicity mentioned by Shen Shijing refers to the practice of drawing stars, which seems to be very simple, but according to what Jiang Chen said, this exercise is so overbearing.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be that simple.

Otherwise, wouldn't the extraordinary power become worthless?

"Is it simple?" Jiang Chen laughed out loud.

The real Xeon technique, on the contrary, is simpler and more refined, without those messy gorgeousness and bells and whistles.

What's more, this Yinxing Jue is improved based on the Chunyang Jue. It can be said that he made a special trip for Wen Qingxin and tailor-made it. In this way, the speed of practice is naturally very fast.

Shen Shijing is also a cultivator of ancient martial arts, and has extraordinary talents. If he encounters many obstacles in the process of cultivation and is still unable to get in, Jiang Chen will think that there is something wrong with him in the process of improvement. .

"Simple is right." Jiang Chen said again with a smile.

In the end, Jiang Chen continued: "Of course, what I said is comparable to an extraordinary powerhouse is just a general statement. In a battle, the situation is changing rapidly. Cultivation techniques are important, but fighting skills are also the most important thing. It is very important, so next, I plan to be careful with Miss Shen, and carry out some personal training, so as to make your combat effectiveness soar in the shortest possible time."

"Personal? Training?"

Shen Shijing and Wen Qingxin looked at each other, and they both made a big face.

Even if he could hear clearly, what Jiang Chen said was very reasonable, but why would Jiang Chen say such ambiguous words?

"Jiang Chen did it on purpose." Shen Shijing thought in his heart.

"Oh, I said something wrong just now, it's not personal training, it's secret room training." However, Shen Shijing and Wen Qingxin were coy, and Jiang Chen's voice sounded again.

"Secret room training?"

Even if she is already Jiang Chen's woman, when Jiang Chen said such words in such a grand manner, Shen Shijing's heart still couldn't restrain his heartbeat, and he almost wanted to run away, lest Jiang Chen suffer misfortune. The poisonous hands.

You know, after listening to Jiang Chen say that after successfully practicing the Star Jue, Shen Shijing was still thinking about whether it was because he had become Jiang Chen's woman that Jiang Chen could only fight against an extraordinary powerhouse. Be so generous and trust yourself.

Although it didn't make him feel awkward or anything because of this, it still made Shen Shijing a little tasteless, and felt that Jiang Chen had reservations about himself after all, and he couldn't be as secretive as he was with Wen Qingxin.

At this time, I heard Jiang Chen mention words like "Secret Room Training".

All of a sudden, Shen Shijing felt that Jiang Chen taught himself the art of drawing stars for the so-called training?
If this is the case, then Jiang Chen must have hidden too deeply.

"Miss Shen, your startled personality is not good, look at your carefulness, how stable you are." Jiang Chen said.

Frowning slightly, Wen Qingxin said, "Jiang Chen, do I want an explanation?"

Wen Qingxin didn't have as many wild thoughts as Shen Shijing, but thought that Jiang Chen was too absurd.

Even if she had no reservations in front of Jiang Chen, it was still hard to accept.

Shen Shijing also looked at Jiang Chen, wanting to hear what kind of explanation Jiang Chen would give.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, what is the reaction of you two, as if I want to take advantage of you, just put your heart in your stomach, one hundred peace of mind, I, Jiang Chen, am definitely not that kind of person." Jiang Chen Chen said swearingly.

Both Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were amused. It had to be said that Jiang Chen's face was really too thick, to such an extent that when talking about nonsense, he was actually very serious, almost on the verge of confusing the real.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, what's the matter with you two, do you not believe my words or what is the situation, where is the trust between people? Could it be that the two of you can't give such a little trust? Me?" Jiang Chen said, looking extremely annoyed.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing both looked at Jiang Chen with a speechless attitude, quietly watching Jiang Chen's performance alone, and both refused to cooperate.

After all, once they cooperated, Jiang Chen might do something even more egregious given his personality.

"Trust, trust between people, be careful, Ms. Shen, you two don't trust me so much, then if I tell you that secret room training is not what I want, wouldn't you be even more concerned about me? Are you talking nonsense?" Jiang Chen said with a sigh.

"You're just talking nonsense." Shen Shijing couldn't help saying after hearing Jiang Chen's words getting more and more chaotic.

What Jiang Chen said was not what he wanted.

Could it be that she and Wen Qingxin are willing to be taught by Jiang Chen in the secret room?

Well, she doesn't know what Wen Qingxin thinks, but she herself is unwilling to accept it, which is too shameful and unacceptable.

"But, it's really not what I want." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said with an innocent face, "Miss Shen, be careful, you two, haven't you thought about it, this Star Introducing Art is so domineering, and if you don't What should I do once I am spied on by others? Therefore, it must be trained in a secret room."

"Is that so?" Shen Shijing and Wen Qing's heart moved slightly, and their faces were no longer as ugly as before.

"Why didn't you make it clear earlier." Shen Shijing said helplessly.

"I was saying that the problem is that you two don't trust me at all, which hurts me too much." Jiang Chen said dejectedly.

"Don't get cheap here and act like a good boy." With a cold snort, Shen Shijing said.

Of course, what Jiang Chen said was straightforward, and she knew that this matter was of great importance, but if Jiang Chen had no selfish intentions, Shen Shijing would not believe it no matter what.

"Look, after all, there is still a lack of trust." Jiang Chen sighed again, and said, "It seems that the three of us have to deepen our trust in each other before we can conduct secret room training."

After the words fell, without waiting for Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to respond, Jiang Chen held the two girls in his arms one by one, took them with him, jumped off the attic, and rushed to the residence.

Jiang Chen's speed was extremely fast, and when Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing reacted, the two girls had already been neatly placed on the big bed by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do, isn't it to deepen mutual trust?" Shen Shijing asked wonderingly.

"That's right, the next thing I have to do is to deepen mutual trust. You two must cooperate well, otherwise something will go wrong." Jiang Chen said seriously, there is no doubt, and immediately, each hand, one, tearing The clothes on the second daughter...

(End of this chapter)

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