genius evil

Chapter 1099 The Peerless Double Pride

Chapter 1099 The Peerless Double Pride
On the True Spirit Continent, there is a widely spread saying - fighting is cultivation.

Fighting, in many cases, is not an end, but a means to assist cultivation.

Jiang Chen's training of Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing started from this aspect.

Secret room training sounds very unserious, but Jiang Chen is of course very, very serious and very, very serious, only occasionally.

In the indoor martial arts arena of Xuan Lingzong, Shen Shijing and Wen Qingxin are fighting.

Jiang Chen asked the two daughters to suppress their cultivation to the ninth floor of Houtian, and to compete with each other with the same cultivation, paying more attention to the consideration of their attack methods.



Er NvXiang was dripping with sweat, delicate~ panting.

Jiang Chen looked at it with relish, but he didn't even have his eyeballs on, so he blinked a bit.

It has to be said that a beauty is a beauty, suitable for movement and stillness, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is incomparably pleasing to the eye, making Jiang Chen dazzled by the one he looks at.

Jiang Chen proposed secret room training, and he said that he was afraid of being stolen.

In fact, this is just an excuse.

After all, even if someone wants to learn it secretly, if there is no formula for citing the stars, they will not even be able to learn the superficial.

Jiang Chen's real intention was that he didn't want people to see this side of Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

This is his selfishness as a man, but it is impossible for Jiang Chen to tell Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing clearly about this selfishness.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, I see that you two are sweating profusely, why don't you take off your clothes, anyway, there is no one else here except me, you two, don't be shy." Chen opened his mouth and said loudly.

Originally, Jiang Chen suggested that Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing should wear close-fitting clothes to discuss each other. That way, it would undoubtedly be more pleasing to the eye.

It's not good, even wearing tights is good.

However, whether Wen Qingxin or Shen Shijing, they refused without even thinking about it, leaving Jiang Chen with nothing to do.

But is Jiang Chen the kind of person who gives up easily?
Do not!
Jiang Chen was obviously not.

No, Jiang Chen still spared no effort to fight for himself, wanting better benefits.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, you come and go.

The two had never been in a battle, leaving the slightest leeway, according to what Jiang Chen said, it was a battle in the true sense.

First, it is to stimulate the potential of the body.

Secondly, it is to have more insights in the close-to-actual combat, in anticipation of a leap in combat skills and a radical change in the shortest possible time.

Counting the time, today is already the third day that Jiang Chen made a secret room training plan for the two of them.

In the past three days, at night, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, on the attic, bathed in the starlight and practiced the art of attracting stars.

In just three days, the two daughters have made great progress, and their sensitivity to the energy of the stars has become stronger and stronger.

During the day, the two girls are in this indoor martial arts arena, constantly fighting against each other.

At the beginning, whether it was Wen Qingxin or Shen Shijing, they all subconsciously thought that they would be very tired.

But every night, when they practiced the star-leading formula under the stars, their physical fatigue was easily eliminated.

That's because the energy of the stars is constantly tempering the bodies of the two girls.

The battle between Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing was at its most intense. Neither of the two girls dared to be careless. Suddenly, Jiang Chen's inappropriate voice rang in his ears, instantly making the corners of the two girls' mouths twitch slightly. Very weak.

If it weren't for these three days, every morning, Jiang Chen would not help but hug the two of them to the big bed, and Hu Tian and Hu Di talked about it, in the name of cultivating trust, and the two girls were listening. When Jiang Chen said this, he would subconsciously think that Jiang Chen was thinking of them.

Right now, the second daughter would not have such naive thoughts.

Another point is that during these three days, Jiang Chen took the trouble every day to pour the two of them with ecstasy soup. If the second daughter was not strong-willed and not very human, it would have been eaten by Jiang Chen many times. Not even the dross is left.

At this moment, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing looked at each other, and they could see a tacit understanding from each other's eyes.

After all, the two women's constant fighting, on the other hand, is it not to cultivate the potential tacit understanding between the two parties?
All I need is a glance, otherwise, no need to say more, the second daughter will understand, what to do next.


The two girls turned around abruptly, their figures were like the wind, leaving two faint afterimages in the air, one on the left and one on the right, rushing towards Jiang Chen.

At the same time, the two girls made their moves separately, wanting to give Jiang Chen some flair.

"It seems that the secret room training is very effective." Seeing Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing's cooperation so tacitly, Jiang Chen secretly laughed from the bottom of his heart.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, no matter whether Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing admit it or deny it, and no matter whether his method of cultivating mutual trust is too absurd or not, it is true that Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing have a faint connection. There is a perfect understanding.

That kind of tacit training, compared with the two daughters' continuous fighting in the past three days, has a better immediate effect, but Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing's second daughter probably failed to notice it, that's all.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't take Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing's attacks to heart.

Just when the second daughter attacked, Jiang Chen stretched out both hands at will, and grabbed the second daughter's wrist, easily pulling the second daughter into his embrace.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, I know you two are too tired, you don't even have the strength to take off your clothes, you want me to take off your clothes, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were both ashamed and annoyed, the two girls moved quickly, broke free from Jiang Chen's restraint, and smashed their fists into the air, towards Jiang Chen.

"Hey, is this flirting, or murdering your own husband?" Jiang Chen smiled playfully, without looking at it, and once again grabbed the second daughter's wrist.

"So strong." The two girls were secretly startled.

During the first wave of attacks, the two girls were still on their own, and they had a certain amount of spare strength, so as not to be caught off guard and hurt Jiang Chen.

As for the second wave of attacks, the two girls let go of all of them, without any reservations.

Even before, they knew that Jiang Chen was very strong, so strong that he was abnormal, but the two girls never thought that their attack, in front of Jiang Chen, would not threaten Jiang Chen at all.

If it was placed a few days ago, it would be fine.

After all, Jiang Chen had even beheaded that extraordinary powerhouse before, so it was only natural that he could have such means.

But now, the two of them, on the one hand, are practicing the art of attracting stars, and on the other hand, they are constantly honing their fighting skills. Naturally, they have made considerable progress.

Such a situation made the two daughters startled.

At this moment, he finally had a clear understanding of Jiang Chen's true strength.

No wonder Jiang Chen told the two of them in an almost arrogant tone that once the first level of Yinxing Jue was successfully cultivated, it would be comparable to an extraordinary powerhouse!
"I understand, this is flirting. Be careful, you and Miss Shen are so different, even the way of flirting is so ingenious." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, it's still early, and Clan Master Wen and I will compete again." Shen Shijing said.

She was really a little worried that Jiang Chen would come to this martial arts arena and mess around. No matter whether it was physical or psychological, he couldn't refuse Jiang Chen, so he could only find reasons for himself first.

"Jiang Chen, let go first." Wen Qingxin also said.

"Don't worry about the sparring, I think you two are very tired now." Jiang Chen said.

"Not tired." Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing shook their heads in unison.

In the early morning every day, Jiang Chen thought the two of them were very tired, so he carried them back to his room and was cheated for three days in a row. This is an opportunity for Chen to take advantage of the problem.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, you two, don't try to be brave. As the saying goes, you can't become fat if you eat all at once. We have plenty of time, take your time, or you two will be exhausted. But I will be very tired." My heart hurts." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

What Jiang Chen said sounded good, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were both silent, knowing that Jiang Chen was about to reveal his true colors.

"I heard Mr. Zhang said yesterday that there is a hot spring pool in the back mountain of the Xuanling Sect. You two are so tired. It just so happens that we go over now, soak in the hot spring for a while, soothe your body and mind, and come back to continue the discussion. "Jiang Chen said.

"No." Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing shook their heads in unison again.

Jiang Chen, as if he didn't hear the two girls' rejection at all, carried one in each hand and ran away.

After a while, in the closed hot spring pool in the back mountain of Xuanlingzong, there was a splash, and a few splashes sounded. Jiang Chen jumped in with Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing in his arms...


For the next few days, Jiang Chen stayed at the Xuanling Sect until Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing cited the first level of the Star Jue, and Jiang Chen interrupted when there were signs of a breakthrough. The practice of the second daughter.

"Jiang Chen, are you leaving?" In Xuanling Sect, Jiang Chen bid farewell to Zhang Xuanjing, intending to leave with Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

And as early as a few days ago, Zhang Yuanshang and others had already left one after another. Jing knew that Shen Shijing was not at ease, and the latest to leave, but it was also yesterday, and they left.

"Mr. Zhang, there have been a lot of troubles during this time. If you have time in the future, Mr. Zhang can go to the capital to find me." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Alright, if you go to the capital, you will have to be disturbed." Zhang Xuanjing said.

"Jiang Chen, are we going to the capital?" Shen Shijing asked Jiang Chen, Wen Qingxin was as indifferent as a chrysanthemum, she didn't ask anything, wherever Jiang Chen went, she went there.

"I'm going back to the capital, but before heading to the capital, I'll take the two of you to have some fun." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

(End of this chapter)

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