genius evil

Chapter 11 1 kick and fly

Chapter 11 Kick and fly

"Brother Shan, this guy is a bit weird, don't underestimate him." After thinking about it, Guo Hu said.

"A trash is a trash, no matter how weird it is, it's a trash. I'll just stand here and let him beat him. He probably broke his hands. Believe it or not?" Li Shan said disdainfully.

Guo Hu smiled wryly, thinking that if Jiang Chen had only this little strength, he shouldn't have beaten himself so painfully.

Guo Hu remembered that Jiang Chen used kicks to fight last night, and secretly felt strange, it is possible that Jiang Chen's strength is all on his two legs.

"Brother Shan, don't underestimate the enemy. Pay attention to Jiang Chen's legs. He seems to have weak fists, but his legs are very strong." Guo Hu reminded.

Li Shan just looked at Jiang Chen's two bamboo pole-like legs, smiled coldly, and said, "Really, then I have to learn from it."

While speaking, Li Shan took a step forward and walked in the direction where Jiang Chen was.

When Li Shan moved his feet, a hand was stretched out in front of him, stopping him.

"Qiu Shaojie, what do you mean?" Li Shan asked displeasedly, looking sideways at the owner of the hand.

"Li Shan, Mr. Lu, the disciplinary team at the school for two days, talked to me personally. Recently, the frequency of school fights has been too high." Qiu Shaojie said slowly.

Qiu Shaojie was a little surprised that Li Shan came for Jiang Chen. He didn't know exactly how Jiang Chen provoked Li Shan, but seeing how aggressive Li Shan was, if Li Shan made a move, Jiang Chen's bones would have been broken.

Qiu Shaojie just knew Jiang Chen's name, but he has a lot of interest in Jiang Chen, but he is not willing to see Jiang Chen suffer.

"Qiu Shaojie, are you joking? You are afraid of Mr. Lu, I am not afraid." Li Shan said dismissively, pushed his hand away, and walked towards Jiang Chen as usual.

"Brother Jie, do you want someone to come over, this Li Shan is too arrogant." Zheng Yu said in a low voice.

"Forget it." Qiu Shaojie shook his head. Although he was a little interested in Jiang Chen, it was not worthwhile to offend Li Shan for Jiang Chen.

Taking a few steps forward, Li Shan stared at Jiang Chen and said, "Boy, don't pretend here, or believe it or not, I will beat you like a sandbag."

"Your name is Li Shan, right?" Jiang Chen stopped punching the sandbags, turned around, looked at Li Shan and said.

"I'm Li Shan, why, I want to remember my name, so I can get revenge in the future." Li Shan laughed.

"That's not true. I remembered your name. It's always easier to talk. I said, how about we discuss something?" Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Oh, discuss what?" Li Shan was very puzzled, not knowing what Jiang Chen wanted to discuss with him.He couldn't help thinking, could it be that Jiang Chen knew that Guo Hu hired him with money, and thought of more money to buy him?

"Small matter, a very simple matter. In this way, you go and beat Guo Hu, Zhang Dapeng, and that clever man separately. You don't have to beat too hard. Just break a bone each, and I will be today's It hasn't happened, what do you think?" Jiang Chen smiled all over his face, incomparably gentle and harmless.

Li Shan was stunned.

The three of Guo Hu were stunned.

Everyone else in the gym was stunned.

No matter how much they thought about it, they would never have imagined that Jiang Chen would discuss such a matter with Li Shan.

"Jiang Chen, are you out of your mind?" Li Shan looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

"Li Shan, with your attitude, it seems that you don't want to discuss with me anymore. I gave you a chance." Shrugging, Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

"The chance of a fart is almost as good as breaking one of your bones." Li Shan said coldly.

"Are you sure? You want to break one of my bones?" The smile on his face gradually dissipated, and Jiang Chen spoke indifferently. The way he looked at Li Shan was completely looking at a dead person.

As soon as Li Shan's eyes made contact with Jiang Chen's, his heart trembled involuntarily. Jiang Chen's eyes were so cold that it almost made him feel like he was surrounded by ice and snow.

"Jiang Chen, if you think breaking one bone is not exciting enough, I don't mind letting you break a few more." Li Shan was very angry. He saw that Jiang Chen was so weak, so he thought it would be fine to teach him a lesson. But Jiang Chen was so ignorant that he even teased him, Li Shan was going to make a big deal, he wanted Jiang Chen to pay for his stupidity.

"Brother Hu, Brother Shan is about to make a move. I didn't expect you to even invite Brother Shan." Zhang Dapeng looked at Jiang Chen with flickering eyes, and said gloatingly.

"Hey, if you want to play, just play a little bigger. Doesn't he, Jiang Chen, like to show off? I'll let him show off a lot today." Guo Hu said darkly.

Whether it was what happened in the dormitory last night or what happened in the classroom this morning, it was a big blow to Guo Hu, otherwise Guo Hu would not have invited Li Shan here.

"That's right, if you want to play, just kill him once and see how he behaves in the future." Zhang Dapeng said with great agreement.

As soon as Zhang Dapeng finished speaking, Li Shan clenched his fist and punched Jiang Chen on the forehead.

Qiu Shaojie's eyes jumped. Given Li Shan's strength, if this punch hit, Jiang Chen would definitely be hit with a concussion.

"This guy, the shot is too ruthless." Qiu Shaojie thought in his heart.

As soon as Li Shan made a move, Jiang Chen made a move, without looking at it, Jiang Chen punched out.

Li Shan took the lead, but Jiang Chen punched faster, Li Shan's fist was only halfway through, and Jiang Chen hit Li Shan's chest with one punch.

Li Shan sneered, thinking that with your little strength, what if I stand still and let you punch ten times.

But soon, Li Shan's face changed drastically.

When Jiang Chen punched him, Li Shan suddenly realized that he was wrong, outrageously wrong, Jiang Chen was too perverted, with just one punch, all the bones in his body seemed to be falling apart.


Li Shan jumped up, fell backward, and landed with a scream.

"Fake hit!"

Everyone, including Guo Hu, watched the scene of Li Shan's death, and such thoughts popped up in their minds.

Even Qiu Shaojie felt that Li Shan's performance was too much, it was just a punch, and he probably couldn't kill a mosquito, so did he need to shout so much?It's a waste of talent for this guy not to act.

"Brother Shan, are you okay?" Even though he vaguely felt that Li Shan was acting, Guo Hu hurried over to help Li Shan up.

Then Guo Hu couldn't help complaining again: "Brother Shan, your flopping just now was too realistic, it scared us for a moment, we don't want to play like this."

"Playing with your sister." Li Shan yelled, turning into anger from embarrassment, looking at Jiang Chen like that, full of horror.

"Could it not be a fake beating?" Guo Hu nana said, looking at Li Shan's face congested with blood, screaming in pain, even cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and suddenly his brain exploded with a "buzz". ring up.

The rest of the people, after seeing Li Shan's situation clearly, also realized that something was wrong.

"Jiang Chen, I kind of understand why Guo Hu said you're a bit weird, it's really beyond my expectation." Li Shan wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, and said fiercely, licking his lips.

"I guess you must feel very happy now, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, he still had that gentle and harmless appearance.

However, seeing Jiang Chen knock Li Shan to the ground with one punch, at this moment, no one dared to underestimate Jiang Chen.

"That's right, it's very cool, but don't worry, I will definitely make you feel even better... You're so cool..." Li Shan said in a deep voice, kicking his foot on the ground, the figure shot towards the Jiang Chen rushed out.

"Li Shan, I know you have the title of a human flesh crushing machine, but you are still far from crushing me." Jiang Chen shook his head.

The moment Li Shan rushed over, Jiang Chen exhaled suddenly and appeared behind Li Shan with a turn of his body. He quickly stretched out his left hand and grabbed Li Shan's vest.

Li Shan's reaction was also very fast. The moment his vest was grabbed, he turned around in an instant and leaned against Jiang Chen violently.

"Tieshanjia? No wonder you have such a nickname, but it's still useless." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Sticking to the mountain is something that exists in novels and TV dramas, but Jiang Chen is a cultivator, so he is naturally very clear that this is actually a way of exerting strength, not some magical technique.

Of course, Jiang Chen also knew that with his current physical strength, he definitely couldn't bear Li Shan's reliance.

Jiang Chen's physical strength is still too weak. The reason why he can hurt his opponent with a single shot is because Jiang Chen is not using physical strength. Which part is the most vulnerable, naturally and easily get twice the result with half the effort.

Before Li Shan could fully exert his strength, Jiang Chen kicked Li Shan's lower abdomen. The next moment, Li Shan's sturdy body flew backwards like a cannonball, and hit the ground with a bang. Also unable to move.

"Pervert, this guy is so perverted, he actually knocked Li Shan down." In the huge gymnasium, those who witnessed this scene all felt their brains buzzing and their faces changed in shock.

"Zheng Yu, both of us have misjudged." Shrugging his shoulders, Qiu Shaojie said slowly.

Zheng Yu watched Qiu Shaojie shrugging his shoulders. He knew that Qiu Shaojie had this habit. Usually, when he was nervous, Qiu Shaojie would use this movement to relieve the pressure.

In other words, Jiang Chen made Qiu Shaojie feel nervous.

"Yeah, this kid is really hiding something deep. Such a thin body actually contains such terrifying power... It's just why he didn't show any strength when he punched the sandbag. Could it be his special exercise? The way of power?" Zheng Yu said in a daze.

"Perhaps." Qiu Shaojie also couldn't figure it out, but there is no doubt that Jiang Chen's move today gave him a great shock.

"Jiang Chen, didn't beat Li Shan to death, did you..." Guo Hu looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, and said incoherently, he still counted on Li Shan to clean up Jiang Chen well, Never dreamed that the final outcome would be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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