genius evil

Chapter 12 I Have No Habit of Shaking Hands with Men

Chapter 12 I Have No Habit of Shaking Hands with Men

"Why, do you really want Li Shan to die?" Looking towards Guo Hu, Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean by that? How could I want Li Shan to die?" Guo Hu said hastily.

It's one thing for Jiang Chen to beat Li Shan to death, but it's another thing if he wants Li Shan to die.

If Li Shan knew that he had such an idea, then his end would be very miserable. Guo Hu didn't dare to be entangled by Jiang Chen.

"You said no, you must be very regretful in your heart." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"No, how could I have such an idea. Jiang Chen, don't spout blood here." Guo Hu hurriedly said.

"I've never been good at spraying people with blood. I'm just talking casually. Don't be nervous, just wipe off your sweat first." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Guo Hu subconsciously wiped his forehead with his hand, but he was very surprised in his heart, he didn't sweat, why did Jiang Chen tell him to wipe his sweat?
"Guo Hu, you are guilty." Jiang Chen's voice rang in Guo Hu's ear again.

"Ah..." Guo Hu's mouth opened wide into an O shape.

"I know you're going to deny it again, but if you're not guilty, how could you make such a move to wipe your sweat? You clearly didn't sweat." Jiang Chen looked at Guo Hu like an idiot.

Guo Hu's eyes widened, and he felt like a ghost. Thousands of grass and mud horses were galloping in his heart. He really wanted to explain that you wanted me to wipe my sweat. If you didn't say that, how could I wipe my sweat?
"It seems that you really want Li Shan to die." Jiang Chen looked at Li Shan with pity, shook his head, and said regretfully.

"Guo Hu, you bastard, how dare you have such an idea, I will kill you." Li Shan was furious. Although he took advantage of it, he never thought of giving away his little one for such a small benefit. life to sell.

"Brother Shan, I don't have one..." The cold sweat on Guo Hu's forehead finally broke out at this moment.

"If not, why are you so guilty?" Li Shan roared, staring at Guo Hu closely.

"Brother Shan, I really don't have one." Guo Hu felt that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to clean himself up.


Li Shan slapped Guo Hu on the face and said angrily, "You have."

"Really not." Guo Hu was so wronged that he was about to cry, what the hell is going on.


Li Shan slapped Guo Hu on the face again, and said loudly, "You have it."

Although Li Shan was injured, his strength was so great. These two slaps directly slapped Guo Hu's entire face swollen.

Guo Hu really cried now, he felt that he was more wronged than Dou E.

"Hey, Li Shan, everyone wants you to die, so you just slap him twice like that? You should break a bone anyway." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.


But Li Shan struggled to get up and kicked Guo Hu in the stomach. He was so big that even though he couldn't beat Jiang Chen, he was still able to take care of Guo Hu.

With Li Shan's kick, everyone in the gymnasium only heard the sound of cracking bones. The sound was not loud, but it still made countless people's scalps tingle.


Guo Hu fell to the ground, crying and howling in pain. Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

"Hey, Zhang Dapeng, what are you and Gao Ming sneaking up on? Could it be that the two of you want to avenge Guo Hu?" Suddenly, Jiang Chen changed his voice and pointed the finger at Zhang Dapeng and Gao Ming.

Zhang Dapeng and Gao Ming didn't want to avenge Guo Hu, they both saw Guo Hu was kicked by Li Shan and broke a bone, so it was too late to hide.

It's a pity that Jiang Chen's words instantly pushed the two of them to the opposite of Li Shan.

"You two trash, come here." Li Shan pointed at the two of them and said sharply.

"Brother Shan, the two of us really don't want to avenge Brother Hu... Besides, we don't dare..." Zhang Dapeng wanted to cry at this moment.

"I asked you two to come here, didn't you hear?" How could Li Shan listen to Zhang Dapeng's words, he was lazy to pay attention to whether Zhang Dapeng and Gao Ming wanted to avenge Guo Hu, but he just lost face with Jiang Chen, There was a bad breath in his heart, but he had to vent it on the two of them no matter what, otherwise how would he be able to mess around in Yilan Middle School in the future?

Zhang Dapeng and Gao Ming trembled. Even with a hundred reluctances in their hearts, they had no choice but to move towards Li Shan, because the two of them knew very well that if they didn't give Li Shan face, then they would never want to treat Li Shan in the future. At school now.

Before the two of them approached, Li Shan moved, raised his foot, and kicked Gao Ming in the abdomen, knocking Gao Ming to the ground, and then Li Shan slammed his foot out again, and with a bang, it landed on Zhang Dapeng. Zhang Dapeng's body was directly chopped by Li Shan, and he flew back three or four meters.


Everyone watched in horror.

If it was said that when Li Shan and Jiang Chen fought against each other, there were still people who doubted Li Shan's strength, then Li Shan's kick on Zhang Dapeng's body was a real hit.

Zhang Dapeng was like an inflatable doll, he was kicked out by Li Shan, how much strength was needed to do it, it was terrifying, it was terrifying.

Especially Qiu Shaojie, when he saw such a scene, he subconsciously shrugged his shoulders again. Qiu Shaojie was very clear about Li Shan's power. This shrug was not because of Li Shan, but because of Jiang Chen. .

Jiang Chen easily defeated Li Shan, didn't it mean that Jiang Chen was more terrifying than Li Shan.

"Hey, buddy, you are too violent, just break a few bones of them casually, how can you do it with such violence... Convince people with virtue, do you understand with virtue, why don't you send them to Go to the hospital, if someone is killed, it will be a big deal... Do you want me to call 120 or 110 for you, young people nowadays, it's really not serious to make a move..." Shaking his head , Jiang Chen sighed.

Everyone was speechless, defeated by Jiang Chen's shamelessness.

It was clearly Jiang Chen who fanned the flames, but Li Shan vented his anger on Guo Hu and the three of them. Even if Jiang Chen hadn't acted, if the debt had to be settled, in the final analysis it would be on Jiang Chen.

This is good. After Li Shan beat someone, Jiang Chen played the role of a good guy instead. Why did he call 110? Isn't that clearly to send Li Shan in?

You know, in terms of the strength of Li Shan's shots, if he really entered the police station, he would be sentenced to a minor crime of intentional wounding, and he would have to stay in prison for a year or two if he was not good enough.

Li Shan left quickly, and Guo Hu and the others were also carried out by the people brought by Li Shan, but in the huge gymnasium, everyone's eyes still stayed on Jiang Chen, and they didn't move away for a long time.

"Hey, although I'm handsome, you don't have to look at me like this, you are not beauties." Jiang Chen said angrily.

Once again, everyone deeply learned what shamelessness is. Jiang Chen dared to say that he was handsome even with his figure and appearance. Is it really okay to talk such serious nonsense?

But after seeing Jiang Chen's methods, no one dared to touch Jiang Chen's bad luck. Soon, the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed, but everyone was destined to scold Jiang Chen for being shameless at least ten times in their hearts.

For Jiang Chen, who never knew what a face was, he naturally wouldn't take other people's thoughts to heart. Jiang Chen turned around and continued to hit the sandbag.

Everyone looked at it for a while, but they didn't feel any difference. They just didn't pay too much attention to Jiang Chen, and went to do what they should do. Only Qiu Shaojie's attention was always on Jiang Chen, and there was a faint flicker in his eyes.

After hesitating for a while, Qiu Shaojie walked towards Jiang Chen.

"Your name is Jiang Chen, right?" Qiu Shaojie took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

"Speak directly if you have something to say." Jiang Chen waved his fist and said indifferently without turning his head. He was not in the mood to talk nonsense with strangers.

"You don't know me?" Qiu Shaojie asked with a strange expression, slightly taken aback.

"I must know you?" Jiang Chen said displeasedly, frowning.

"Of course not, it's just that I'm a little surprised that you don't know me." Qiu Shaojie stretched out his hand and said, "Let me introduce formally, my name is Qiu Shaojie."

"Qiu Shaojie?" Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, then said immediately: "There's no need to shake hands, I'm not used to shaking hands with men."

Jiang Chen has heard of Qiu Shaojie. Qiu Shaojie is well-known in the entire Yilan Middle School. He has a good family background, is handsome, and is a rare all-round player in sports, especially in track and field. big prize.

Because of this, Qiu Shaojie had already been recommended by the university, but I heard that this guy has a lot of personality, he is not satisfied with the recommended school, and plans to take the college entrance examination and get into the school he likes, he is a very interesting guy.

It's just that Qiu Shaojie is interesting, Jiang Chen doesn't think it is necessary for him to get acquainted with Qiu Shaojie.

The corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and Qiu Shaojie almost became paralyzed. He didn't have the habit of shaking hands with men. He just refused if he didn't want to shake hands. This reason was too perfunctory.

"Jiang Chen, I see that your reaction and endurance are very good. There will be a football match next week. I wonder if you are interested in participating? If you are, I can reserve a spot for you." Qiu Shaojie said.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen laughed, and if he looked at Qiu Shaojie meaningfully, he said, "I'm going to disappoint you, I'm not interested at all. Besides, I don't know how to play football at all, can you make a mistake?" what?"

"That's a pity." Qiu Shaojie said regretfully.

Jiang Chen said he wasn't interested, Qiu Shaojie didn't force anything, and after saying this, he took Zheng Yu and left.

"I didn't expect that Yilan Middle School had such an interesting guy. Presumably, the next study life will not be too lonely." Jiang Chen whispered in his heart, and the corner of his mouth opened, smiling slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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