genius evil

Chapter 110 Six Yuan Mala Tang and Three Times

Chapter 110 Six Dollar Malatang and Thirteen Times

"What did you say?" Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, and there was uncontrollable panic in Lan Xiu's eyes.

"I just said a common saying, there is no need for such a big reaction?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Why do you know?" Lan Xiu asked, ignoring Jiang Chen's playful smile.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, to be honest, you are really not a good actor. Didn't you realize that after you answered that phone call, your attitude changed too abruptly?" Jiang Chen tutted.

"Even so, so what, you can completely pretend that you don't know anything, you will get what you want, and you don't have to take any responsibility." Lan Xiu asked in confusion.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, have you ever thought that what you think is not necessarily what I want." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I can't understand what you mean." After thinking for a while, Lan Xiu said.

"It's very simple, because I'm not willing to just have a romantic relationship with you. You can use me to vent your anguish, you can use me to hit the person you want to hit, but the relationship between you and me is not just It's so simple to use, once you become my woman, you will be my woman for the rest of your life." Jiang Chen said very seriously, it was rare for him to be so serious, it even made Lan Xiu feel a little palpitated.

"So, you understand everything." Lan Xiu's eyes were in a daze, and she murmured, "Do you want to hear what happened to me?"

"It's nothing more than a silly and naive story." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"That's right, it's really stupid and naive." Lan Xiu said bitterly, "I thought that this kind of thing would never happen to me, but I didn't expect it to be inevitable after all."

"Who is that man?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"Which man?" Lan Xiu asked in astonishment.

"Of course it's the man your family found for you, the man you don't like very much and is even willing to let me climb into your bed." Jiang Chen laughed.

"You don't need to know his name." Lan Xiu shook her head.

"Protect me?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"It's also protecting myself." Lan Xiu smiled wryly.

"It seems that he is a guy that you and your family are unwilling to offend." Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

"Why don't you say that you can't afford to offend me? There's no need to be so euphemistic." Lan Xiu smiled wryly.

"In this way, that damned toad is definitely not Chi Kaize, so I can rest assured." Jiang Chen looked relieved.

"Are you relieved?" Lan Xiu was a little confused.

"Of course, after all, it seems that Chi Kaize is the biggest threat, isn't he? Of course I'm relieved that he's out." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Just because he's out, doesn't mean you have a chance." Lan Xiu had no choice but to hit Jiang Chen. This guy really pretended to be her man.

"Little Xiuxiu, you are really stupid and naive." Jiang Chen laughed strangely.

Seeing the smile on Jiang Chen's face, Lan Xiu suddenly remembered what kind of situation she and Jiang Chen were in now. Jiang Chen was pressing her under him and was about to conquer the city soon. No wonder Jiang Chen would Say something like this.

"Damn guy, get down, get down for me." Thinking about Jiang Chen knowing everything, and taking advantage of her openly, but taking advantage of her is not happy at all. The words that his woman will be his woman for the rest of her life made Lan Xiu really feel at a loss how to describe it. She raised her fist and smashed it on Jiang Chen's chest like raindrops.

"I suddenly felt a little regretful and wanted to change my mind." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

If he had known that Lan Xiu would be like this, he would be hypocritical and just turn Lan Xiu into his woman. Anyway, getting Lan Xiu's body and getting her heart is the same, why bother? It's such a trouble, God knows how hard it took him to suppress that damn impulse.

"Go down, I'm going to sleep." Lan Xiu thumped and thumped Jiang Chen. With her intelligence, how could she not understand what Jiang Chen was going to regret. It's a pity that after passing that mountain, there will be no such temple.

And to be honest, she is the one who regrets it. If she had known that Jiang Chen was so shrewd, she would not have foolishly sent a sheep to the tiger's mouth and made Jiang Chen cheaper for nothing.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, in order for you to have a good night's sleep tonight, I think it is necessary for us to do what we didn't finish just now." Jiang Chen said in a tone of thinking about Lan Xiu.

"No need, I can definitely sleep well." Gritting her teeth lightly, Lan Xiu finally pushed Jiang Chen away, rolled up the quilt, wrapped herself tightly, closed her eyes angrily, and pretended to sleep .

One minute later, when she heard the light snoring sound from her side, and realized that there was still a man lying on the bed, Lan Xiu's eyes suddenly opened, and she sat up from the head of the bed.

"Is this guy asleep?" Looking at Jiang Chen, Lan Xiu didn't know what to say.

If it is said that Jiang Chen is not interested in her, it is fine. Jiang Chen is very interested in her, and he is always shameless, but unexpectedly, he fell asleep in such a short period of time, and he seemed to sleep soundly. It is to make Lan Xiu wonder if her charm is not strong enough.

"Bah bah, how can I think so, whether I am attractive or not, what does it have to do with being such a hooligan." Rubbing her face, Lan Xiu said in her heart.

After saying this, Lan Xiu moved her body and got out of bed. Jiang Chen slept on her bed. She definitely couldn't sleep with Jiang Chen, otherwise the relationship between the two of them would really change. I don't understand.

After getting out of bed, Lan Xiu walked lightly towards the door. After walking a few steps, Lan Xiu stopped again.

"No, this is my bed, why did you let him sleep?" Lan Xiu was a little annoyed, she had migraines herself, and she still loved the bed, if she really let Jiang Chen sleep in the bed, she would It's too late to sleep.

This inevitably made Lan Xiu complain, complaining that she was not cruel enough, and that she was not decisive enough to reject Jiang Chen. Otherwise, if she had refused to invite Jiang Chen to drink a cup of coffee in the first place, how would the following things have happened?How could Jiang Chen sleep on her bed?
But no matter how much she complained, things had already happened. After complaining for a while, Lan Xiu felt more helpless.

"Jiang Chen, stop pretending, I know you're not asleep at all." Lan Xiu called out tentatively.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Jiang Chen didn't respond, and he didn't look like he was pretending to be asleep, Lan Xiu's delicate little face suddenly collapsed.

"Could it be possible to sleep in the same bed with this hooligan tonight?" Thinking of the intimate contact between each other before, the smell of Jiang Chen seemed to remain between her lips and teeth, Lan Xiu's face felt hot for a while, her body It's all getting hotter.

It was a taste that Lan Xiu had never experienced before. What made Lan Xiu feel even more depressing was that, perhaps because of her initiative, she found that she did not reject Jiang Chen's behavior, and even deep down in her heart, she still had silk Silk inexplicable expectations and love.

"No, I can't think about it anymore." Lan Xiu interrupted the thoughts in her heart, but the tingling feeling in her body that had not completely subsided made her unable to restrain the breeding of thoughts at all.

"I just want to have a good sleep." Lan Xiu said to herself, hesitated for a moment, and crept onto the bed.

The bed is very big, even if two people are sleeping, it will not feel crowded at all. Pulling the quilt to wrap her body, Lan Xiu closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but soon, she found that she fell into an embrace.

"Little Xiuxiu, you took the initiative to climb into bed this time." Jiang Chen said in a daze, then lowered his head and kissed Lan Xiu's red lips.

"'s not like this..." Lan Xiu said in a hurry.

It was she who took the initiative to climb into bed, but it was not what Jiang Chen thought, she just wanted to sleep.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, don't be duplicity. I've known your intentions for a long time." Not allowing Lan Xiu to say anything more, Jiang Chen completely blocked Lan Xiu's mouth, preventing Lan Xiu from saying anything. sound.

Lan Xiu wanted to cry, but she didn't know what she wanted, so how could Jiang Chen know it clearly... But soon, Lan Xiu didn't have time to think about anything.

She felt like a leaf blown by the wind, and like a boat in the depths of the sea, her body was no longer under her own control, and her reserve was unknowingly let go.

The tearing feeling of the body being pierced was only a momentary thing. Before Lan Xiu even had time to feel the pain, the whole body was wrapped in an indescribable pleasure.

Lan Xiu felt as if she was flying, and she couldn't help but began to sing, sometimes singing softly, sometimes singing heartily, and finally, Lan Xiu's voice became hoarse, and she could only make a messy whining sound.

One night of indulgence, I don't know what night it will be.

An unprecedented sense of fatigue and satisfaction swept over her. Lan Xiu didn't know when she fell asleep. When Lan Xiu woke up, it was already the morning of the next day.

"Jiang Chen, you...we..." Recalling the absurd things last night, Lan Xiu seemed to be having a dream, but that dream was too real and caught her off guard.

A big hand stretched out again, wrapping her soft body into a warm embrace.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, do you still remember the Malatang I treated you to last night? It was a bowl of Malatang worth [-] yuan." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Six yuan for Malatang?" Lan Xiu's pink face flushed suddenly, six yuan, thirteen times, Lan Xiu still knew this allusion, and suddenly became messy.

"That's right, it's Mala Tang for [-] yuan. Next, we have [-] more times. My dear Xiao Xiuxiu, are you ready?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Don't...I can't do it..." Lan Xiu cried out, twisting her body and trying to escape.

How could Jiang Chen let Lan Xiu run away? Five minutes later, Lan Xiu began to sing again. Her hoarse voice also had a unique charm.

(End of this chapter)

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