genius evil

Chapter 111 Beauty Deputy Mayor

Chapter 111 Beauty Deputy Mayor

Jiang Chen has always been a staunch follower of practice, but it is a pity that thirteen times is too time-consuming. If he wants to practice all thirteen times at once, it will take two days and two nights at least.

Of course Jiang Chen has plenty of time, but unfortunately Lan Xiu didn't have time. The second time was barely halfway through. Lan Xiu received a call and hurriedly said that she was going to rush to a meeting. She just pushed Jiang Chen away and finished washing up as quickly as possible. Afterwards, escaped from the villa.

"Things on the Internet are really deceptive." Jiang Chen wanted to cry, but had no choice but to leave the villa, and drove to the pharmacy in the city center that he had visited twice.

After spending some time, Jiang Chen handed the bought medicine to Sister Lan, said a few words to Sister Lan, and returned to school. It happened to be lunch time, so Jiang Chen went directly to the cafeteria.

"Jiang Chen, this way." After dinner, Jiang Chen was looking for a seat when he saw Bao Shifan waving at him.

Somewhat beyond Jiang Chen's expectation, Bao Shifan was not eating alone, and there was a girl who looked rather quiet, sitting beside Bao Shifan.

"Bao Shifan, who are you?" Jiang Chen walked over, sat down opposite Bao Shifan, and laughed.

"'s nothing..." Bao Shifan's eyes flickered and his face turned red.

"Good vision." Jiang Chen winked and said.

"Jiang Chen, why do you have a good eye?" The quiet girl asked curiously.

Jiang Chen naturally knew this girl. She was also a student in Class [-] and Class [-] of high school. Her name was Wen Jing. She just happened to have a quiet temperament, and her name matched her name perfectly.

"I mean, Wen Jing, you have a good eye. You saw that Bao Shifan was a potential stock early on." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Ah—" No matter how slow Wen Jing's reaction was, after hearing Jiang Chen's words, she understood the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, and her neck turned red from embarrassment.

"Jiang Chen, it's not like this, don't get me wrong." Bao Shifan said hastily.

"Oh, then it's not Wen Jing who has a good vision, but yours." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, classmate Wen Jing will misunderstand." Bao Shifan said hesitantly.

"It's okay, I won't misunderstand anyway." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Bao Shifan, Jiang Chen, I'm done eating, you guys eat slowly." Wen Jing got up blushing, and ran away quickly.

"Bao Shifan, you seem to be finishing your meal soon, why don't you hurry up and chase after him." Jiang Chen said casually as he ate his food.

"Jiang Chen, it's really not what you think, I have nothing to do with Wen Jing." Bao Shifan smiled wryly.

"Of course I know that you two are fine, but don't you think there is some kind of relationship between you?" Jiang Chen teased.

"This—" Bao Shifan froze for a moment.

It has to be said that Bao Shifan did have a crush on Wen Jing, but his character was honest and dull, exactly the same as Jiang Chen in the past, even if he had a crush on him, he would never dare to show it.It's not that I'm worried about being rejected, but that I don't have the courage to show it at all.

"Brother, if you have an idea, you have to act. Wen Jing and his classmates have taken the initiative to sit at the same table with you for dinner. Do you still want to wait for him to throw himself into your arms?" Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"I understand." Bao Shifan nodded his head vigorously, and he didn't know what he understood. He didn't care about the meal and left in a hurry.

"Jiang Chen, you don't like playing hooligans enough, and you actually instigated Bao Shifan to play hooligans. You taught Bao Shifan to be bad like this. Do you want to be so bad?" Bao Shifan had just left, and Jiang Yanyan and Xu Anqi were Walking over, looking sideways at Jiang Chen, Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"How can this be called hooliganism? The two of them are affectionate and concubines. The combination is love and concubine. They are destined to come together. I just made a match in advance." Jiang Chen was serious. Said.

"Hmph, why can't I see it at all, it's all your own bad taste." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"Is there?" Blinking, Jiang Chen said with a smile, naturally he would not admit Jiang Yanyan's statement.

"Of course, blind people can see it." Jiang Yanyan said loudly, pulling Xu Anqi to sit down opposite Jiang Chen.

"Hey, why is there a strange smell in the air." As soon as she sat down, Jiang Yanyan sniffed and asked in confusion.

"No, hurry up and eat, the food will be cold in a while." Xu Anqi glanced at Jiang Chen thoughtfully, and said softly.

"Really not? I seem to smell it. It's the smell of perfume. An Qi, have you smelled it?" Jiang Yanyan said a little uncertainly. After all, the canteen is full of oily smoke, and the smell of the food is covered by it. The smell of oily smoke was covered up, and it was almost impossible to smell the perfume.

"Maybe it's the smell of the food." Xu Anqi said silently, eating slowly.

"Ah, it must be the aunt in the canteen who poured the perfume into the food, so is the food still edible?" Jiang Yanyan complained, but she also picked up the chopsticks and ate it, as if she didn't say the complaint just now the same.

Jiang Chen was inexplicably guilty.

When Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan are together, Jiang Yanyan always talks a lot, while Xu Anqi is relatively quieter. In this way, on the surface, the relationship between the two daughters is dominated by Jiang Yanyan, but in reality it is not, because Even if Xu Anqi doesn't speak, she will always be an existence that cannot be ignored.No matter what, her light will not be taken away by others.

Just like now, Jiang Yanyan said a lot, but Xu Anqi only said two words from the beginning to the end, which made Jiang Chen feel guilty, especially Xu Anqi's glance, faintly made Jiang Chen understand that Xu Anqi Know that the scent of the perfume emanates from him.

And the smell of perfume on Jiang Chen's body was naturally due to Lan Xiu.That goblin who was always serious on the bed, but extremely annoying, made Jiang Chen's heart feel hot when he thought about it for a while.

"Why don't we go over tonight?" Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

Jiang Chen's guilty conscience naturally wouldn't show on his face, he ate his food casually, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan were also eating, occasionally saying a few words together, and most of the time watching TV.

"Is that beauty our deputy mayor of Yilan City? She's so beautiful." Suddenly, Jiang Yanyan exclaimed.

The local noon news of Yilan City was being broadcast on the TV. This kind of news has never had too many bright spots. Basically, few people watched it. Even if they did, it was just a glance or two.

And it seemed that Jiang Yanyan was attracted by the beautiful deputy mayor, Jiang Yanyan even forgot to eat, and stared at the TV screen carefully.

"It's really beautiful." Xu Anqi was also watching TV, and nodded in agreement.

"Jiang Chen, don't just focus on eating, look at beauties quickly, don't you like beauties the most?" Jiang Yanyan couldn't see enough by herself, so she called Jiang Chen to watch together.

"There are two beauties sitting in front of me, their eyes are blurred, why bother to look at other beauties." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Hee hee, you have vision." Apparently, Jiang Yanyan was very comfortable with Jiang Chen's flattery, and a smile appeared on her face.

"An Qi, the beautiful deputy mayor's name is Lan Xiu, what a strange surname, is there such a surname in the hundred surnames?" Jiang Yanyan asked curiously after a while.

"Lan Xiu?"

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, turned his head, and looked behind him. He saw the TV screen at a glance, and there happened to be a close-up of a woman's face.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't lie to you, I'm really pretty, right?" Jiang Yanyan said with a smile.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, his expression changed several times in a very short period of time, first he was puzzled, then surprised, and finally became extremely weird.

"She's the deputy mayor?" Jiang Chen asked in a daze.

"Yeah, there were some introductions just now, but it's the first time I know that we have such a beautiful deputy mayor in Yilan City." Jiang Yanyan said sternly.


Jiang Chen opened his mouth to spray, and sprayed out the mouthful of food that had just been stuffed into his mouth.

"Deputy mayor, Lan Xiu is actually the deputy mayor?" Jiang Chen was in a state of dumbfounding. At this moment, Jiang Chen finally understood why he had a faint feeling when he heard the words Jingyuan Villa. It's a familiar feeling. If you pay attention to current affairs news, you will know that the people who live in Jingyuan Villa are all political figures in the city.

"It's no wonder Lan Xiu asked me if I never watch TV." Jiang Chen was in a strange mood. He didn't think that there was a problem with Lan Xiu's questioning, but he didn't expect that the problem would be so big.

"Lan Xiu is the deputy mayor. It seems that Chi Kaize has some background." Then, Jiang Chen thought silently.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you, spit so much, tell me how to eat." Jiang Yanyan yelled, fortunately she dodged in time just now, otherwise Jiang Chen would have sprayed all over her head and face.

"Student Yanyan, is that really the deputy mayor?" Jiang Chen rubbed his face, suppressing the strange emotions in his heart, and asked seriously
"Of course he is the deputy mayor. Why, seeing the beauty of the deputy mayor, you can't move your eyes?" Jiang Yanyan said sourly.

Jiang Chen ate well just now, but when he saw the TV screen, he sprayed his rice. From Jiang Yanyan's point of view, Jiang Chen must have been fascinated by the beautiful deputy mayor. This made Jiang Yanyan very annoyed. Don't ask Jiang Chen to read it.

Jiang Chen secretly smiled, he really couldn't move his eyeballs away, but that was when Lan Xiu was not wearing clothes, on the surface Jiang Chen said: "How could it be, you don't know what kind of person I am Well, I have always regarded beautiful women as pink skulls."

"Make it up, keep making it up." Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes, thinking whether she should go to make a new meal, she didn't even eat a few mouthfuls, Jiang Chen is really too hateful, it's not good to spit indiscriminately, but why? Spray it in her food, how can she eat it?

"Jiang Chen, please come with us." At this moment, a powerful and cold voice came over!
(End of this chapter)

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