genius evil

Chapter 112 When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

Chapter 112 When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

"Fang Yongnian, Captain Fang, if I heard correctly, are you calling my name?" Jiang Chen said slowly, turning his head and glancing at the speaker behind him.

"Why bother to ask knowingly." Fang Yongnian said coldly, he looked at Jiang Chen indifferently, his eyes shone with an inexplicable light, extremely cold and stern.

Fang Yongnian did not come alone. He was accompanied by two young policemen. The two young policemen looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Their expressions were very serious, as if what they were facing was A heinous criminal.

"Oh, that's calling my name, I'm curious, did I do anything illegal?" Jiang Chen still had a slow tone, with an expression of indifference.

"It's not breaking the law, it's a crime." Fang Yongnian snorted coldly, and said to the two young policemen, "Cuff them and take them away."

"Yes." The two young policemen responded, and one of them picked up the handcuffs and walked towards Jiang Chen.

"Stop, what are you going to do? Why are you arresting people?" Xu Anqi suddenly got up and asked.

"Student, this matter has nothing to do with you. I think it's better for you not to ask more questions." Fang Yongnian said displeasedly after taking a look at Xu Anqi.

"You said you want Jiang Chen to go with you, there must be a reason, isn't it because you are the police, you can arrest people at will?" Xu Anqi asked.

The little girl with an elegant and gentle personality erupted with amazing energy at this time, somewhat making Jiang Chen look sideways, and Jiang Yanyan even blinked, looking at Xu Anqi, as if she didn't know Xu Anqi.

"Of course it's not without a reason, but there's no need to tell you." Fang Yongnian was also slightly surprised. He obviously didn't expect Xu Anqi to ask such a question, so he could only deal with it in a business-like tone.

"If there is no good reason, I don't think you can take Jiang Chen away today. If there is anything wrong, you should talk to Jiang Chen's lawyer." Xu Anqi's voice was very quiet.

While talking, Xu Anqi took out her mobile phone, ready to make a call.

"Wait." Jiang Chen raised his hand, stopped Xu Anqi from making a phone call, smiled slightly, and said, "Squad Leader Xu, I'm a poor man, hiring a lawyer is too extravagant, so I don't need it."

"Jiang Chen, they..." Xu Anqi was a little worried.

"Actually, you misunderstood. Captain Fang just invited me to the police station for tea, and handed me the bonus along the way." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What bonus?" Xu Anqi asked suspiciously.

"Bonuses for being brave...don't look at me with such suspicious eyes. In fact, I often do good deeds, such as helping the old lady cross the road." Jiang Chen smiled.

"If you have the ability, help the fallen old man." Jiang Yanyan said sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm ashamed, I really don't have that ability, but I'd be happy to help a fallen beauty." Jiang Chen looked very ashamed.

Jiang Yanyan burst into a chuckle when she was teased, and Xu Anqi also covered her mouth and laughed lightly. The originally tense atmosphere was completely disturbed by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, are you done with your lip service? You should leave when you're done." Fang Yongnian's impatient voice sounded.

"Captain Fang, if you envy me, just tell me." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"I'm just curious, can you stand behind a woman's butt all your life? It's a pity that no one can protect you after this incident." Fang Yongnian said angrily.

Fang Yongnian was indeed envious of Jiang Chen. He was extremely envious. Ding Lingling was already a rare beauty. Although Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan in front of him looked a little immature, no matter their appearance or figure, they were more beautiful than Ding Lingling. All of them are not inferior, such three women obviously have a rich relationship with Jiang Chen, how can this not make Fang Yongnian feel envious.

It's just that envy is envy, Fang Yongnian will never admit it.

"You don't need to be so sour, you have nothing else, but you are a little too ugly. If you are half as handsome as I am, you won't lose your womanhood at all." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Fang Yongnian was dumbfounded, and really wanted to ask Jiang Chen how shameless he was, why he wasn't half as handsome as Jiang Chen, even if he wasn't a handsome guy, he definitely wasn't ugly, okay? This is really disgusting.

"Jiang Chen, I'm very curious now. When you enter the police station, can you still say such a thing?" Fang Yongnian, who had a deep experience of Jiang Chen's methods, stopped talking to Jiang Chen, He once signaled to two policemen to handcuff Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't resist, instead he took the initiative to stretch out his hands and let him be handcuffed, saying: "Squad leader Xu, classmate Yanyan, after I go to the police station to receive the bonus, I'll treat you two to a big meal. "

"An Qi, Jiang Chen is beating someone again, right? You said why he is so violent, beating people every three days." Watching Jiang Chen leave with Fang Yongnian and the others, Jiang Yanyan said distressedly.

"It should be more serious than beating someone." Xu Anqi said softly.

"Then what to do, Jiang Chen is going to go to jail, right?" Jiang Yanyan was a little anxious. Although she didn't believe Jiang Chen's nonsense, but seeing Jiang Chen's relaxed face, she thought it was just an ordinary case. She didn't expect Xu Anqi It would be said that it was more serious than beating people, so wouldn't that mean that Jiang Chen might go to jail?

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Shaking her head, Xu Anqi said.

Xu Anqi doesn't know why Jiang Chen doesn't care at all, but she knows that Jiang Chen is definitely not pretending to be relaxed, just like the last time there was a conflict at the supreme first rank, Jiang Chen was safe and sound, this time, Xu Anqi still trusts unconditionally Jiang Chen.

"Is it really all right? But the situation seems to be really serious, no, I have to call my father and ask him to ask what happened." Jiang Yanyan was still a little worried, and took out the The phone starts calling.

"Yanyan--" Xu Anqi wanted to stop her, but she couldn't get the words out of her mouth. She just stared at Jiang Yanyan blankly, and there was a faint wry smile on the corner of her mouth.


"Captain Fang, don't be so serious. It's me and not you who was handcuffed. It's unlucky for you to be crying." In the police car, Jiang Chen was quite dissatisfied.

"Do you know why I personally came to arrest you?" Fang Yongnian ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense and said directly.

"Undoubtedly, it's public revenge, and by the way, I also want to steal my two rewards for my brave actions." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Fang Yongnian sneered, and said: "Jiang Chen, I don't care whether you are really confused or pretending to be confused, you know what happened last night."

"What happened last night? Oh, by the way, last night I went to the Blueberry Bar with a friend for a drink. I saw Meng Xiaoyang kill a guy named Hu Changfa with my own eyes. Then Meng Xiaoyang took his The car was given to me... Captain Fang, is this what you are talking about?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Fart, you killed Hu Changfa. As for Meng Xiaoyang's car, you forced him to give it to you." Fang Yongnian said loudly.

"Captain Fang, although you must have taken advantage of the Meng family, there's no need to act so guilty in front of me, right? I won't share your money." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think it's boring to say these nonsense nonsense at this time, this time you fall into my hands, I will definitely not make it easy for you." Fang Yongnian said without concealing it.

Fang Yongnian had been waiting for such a day for a long time. After learning about the case that happened at the Blueberry Bar last night, Fang Yongnian took the initiative to take over the case immediately and personally led someone to arrest Jiang Chen, in order to personally arrest the case. If the iron case is completed, Jiang Chen will never have a chance to stand up.

At this point in the matter, Fang Yongnian didn't think he needed to hide anything. Moreover, Fang Yongnian knew that even if he wanted to hide something, Jiang Chen could still see through his mind.

"So, it's true that you reported your personal revenge, and it's also true that you received benefits from the Meng family." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth.

"We, Fang Yongnian, have always been fair in our affairs. You can't just slander them if you want." Fang Yongnian said with a livid face.

"Tsk tsk, you really can put gold on your face, how about I make a bet with you?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"What do you want to bet?" Fang Yongnian stared at Jiang Chen closely and said, with incomparable doubts in his heart. After all, no matter how he looked at it, Jiang Chen was too relaxed and abnormal.

As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be monsters. Jiang Chen's abnormal behavior, Fang Yongnian couldn't help but think about some problems, and even thought, could it be that Jiang Chen has a support that he doesn't know, and that support is enough to make him even the Meng family? I don't pay attention to it, so it's so easy?
"It's very simple, just bet on whether I can walk out of the police station safe and sound today." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to be so naive." Fang Yongnian mocked.

"Why, you don't dare to gamble?" Jiang Chen challenged.

"It's a very low-level provocation method. Why don't I dare to bet? What if you win, and what if you lose?" Fang Yongnian looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot, not saying that Jiang Chen's matter was very serious. Even if Jiang Chen really had something to rely on, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to walk out of the police station today.

"I lost, of course I have nothing to say, you can do whatever you want, even if you force me to fabricate charges, it doesn't matter, if I accidentally win, the conditions are still very simple, just slap you in the face Already... You see, I am very generous, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's a gamble." Fang Yongnian said without even thinking about it. This was said by Jiang Chen himself, and he was looking forward to how miserable Jiang Chen's end would be.

As for losing, Fang Yongnian never thought that he would lose. Besides, even if he lost, it was just a slap in the face, not a big deal at all.

"Then next, you should answer the phone." Jiang Chen pointed to the ringing cell phone in Fang Yongnian's pocket, and lazily reminded...

(End of this chapter)

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