genius evil

Chapter 113 Playing with the Dead

Chapter 113 Playing the Rhythm of the Dead
"Jiang Chen, I have to say, you are really beyond my expectations. This person has not yet arrived at the police station, but the pleading call was made to my mobile phone. No wonder you have such confidence, but so what? , Let me tell you, it's useless at all." Hearing the ringtone of the mobile phone in his pocket, Fang Yongnian said grimly.

Smiling, Jiang Chen said speechlessly: "Captain Fang, I told you that you have persecution hallucinations or something, I told you to answer the phone and you just answer it, what are you doing with so much nonsense."

"I'm just warning you, no matter who is pleading for you, it's useless. If you fall into my hands this time, you are [-]% dead, and there is absolutely no room for turning around." Fang Yongnian was somewhat annoyed and turned into anger. He took the phone out of his pocket.

The next second, after seeing the number on the caller ID clearly, Fang Yongnian burst out laughing. He raised the phone screen to show Jiang Chen, and said, "Look clearly, this is a call from the Bureau of Health. , could it be that you would naively think that the Bureau of Health called me to intercede for you?"

"Have I ever said such a thing?" Jiang Chen looked at Fang Yongnian like an idiot.

"Um—" Fang Yongnian was taken aback for a moment. Indeed, Jiang Chen never said that anyone would intercede for him. It was all because of his own sentimental understanding.

"Stop talking nonsense, answer the phone. Actually, I'm also quite curious. So what is the Health Bureau calling you for? Maybe there will be surprises." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

This Fang Yongnian is like a fly, buzzing incessantly in his ears, which has long ago annoyed Jiang Chen. According to Jiang Chen's previous temper, this kind of existence would have been slapped to death long ago. up.

It's just that, with his current status and the social order he lives in, he can't slap Fang Yongnian to death for the time being, so he can only spend more time dealing with Fang Yongnian.

But even so, Jiang Chen naturally had the upper hand in the so-called Zhou Xuan, and Fang Yongnian's appearance of feeling good about himself had nothing to do with Jiang Chen other than making Jiang Chen feel ridiculous.

At this time, Fang Yongnian also realized that he was a little bit out of control. He was not such a person. After all, at his current age, he was able to be the leader of the serious crime team of the city police station. There is no doubt about it.

But Fang Yong was deflated by Jiang Chen twice before and after. He hated Jiang Chen to the core. He had been waiting for a chance to rectify Jiang Chen. Finally, Jiang Chen fell into his hands. Fang Yongnian just couldn't help it. A little carried away.

Fang Yongnian quickly connected the phone, "Guardian Wei, I'm on my way to the police station now, do you have any orders?"

The health bureau's name is Wei Wenhua, and his real identity is the deputy director of the city bureau, and among the several deputy directors of the city bureau, he ranks quite low.

But of course Fang Yongnian would not be so stupid as to add an adverb between the two words Weiju, that would make him too lacking in political wisdom.

"Yongnian, you took over Meng Xiaoyang's case, right?" A voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yes." Fang Yongnian nodded.

"That's right, Yongnian, the circumstances of this case are a bit special, but are you mentally prepared?" Wei Wenhua said inexplicably.

Fang Yongnian glanced at Jiang Chen strangely, wondering if it was really what he thought, Jiang Chen really had something to rely on, and Wei Wenhua's phone call was purposely to drum up for him?

Thinking about the intention of Wei Wenhua's words, Fang Yongnian said: "Wei Bureau, I will withstand the pressure."

"Yongnian, I knew you would not let me down, you must withstand the pressure, and you must not let criminals take advantage of the loopholes, can you understand what I mean?" Wei Wenhua said loudly.

If Wei Wenhua's first sentence made Fang Yongnian a little uneasy, then after hearing what Wei Wenhua said, how could Fang Yongnian still not understand Wei Wenhua's meaning, and immediately made a promise .

After hanging up the phone, Fang Yong looked at Jiang Chen contemptuously, and said, "Jiang Chen, is this a surprise?"

Wei Wenhua's phone call was not to intercede with Jiang Chen, but to allow Fang Yongnian to withstand the pressure to handle the case well. From Fang Yongnian's point of view, it was obvious that the Meng family had put pressure on Wei Wenhua.

But Fang Yongnian didn't find it strange at all, and in this way, Fang Yongnian thought that he could concentrate on handling this case. After all, since the Meng family put pressure on the police station, no matter what kind of reliance Jiang Chen had, it would be all right. It can be handled by the Meng family, he only needs to deal with Jiang Chen.

"That's right, a big surprise." Jiang Chen nodded seriously, as if he didn't hear Fang Yongnian's irony at all.

"Playing tricks." Fang Yongnian sneered, motioning the car to drive faster, he couldn't wait to deal with Jiang Chen.

Five minutes later, the car entered the police station.

The Serious Crime Squad was very lively here, and many policemen gathered together in twos and threes to talk, but after seeing Fang Yongnian get off the car, those people stopped talking one after another, and looked at Fang Yongnian in unison.

"Whatever you look at, don't you need to do anything?" Fang Yongnian scolded displeased.

"Captain Fang, someone is looking for you, and we are waiting for you here." Someone said.

"I'm not in the mood to see other people today, tell him to get out early." Fang Yongnian waved his hand and said unceremoniously.

"Captain Fang, you are really majestic. If I heard correctly, you told me to get out, right?" Fang Yongnian had just finished speaking when a young man, Shi Shiran, came over and said coldly.

"Meng Xiaoyang... No, Young Master Meng, why are you here?" Fang Yongnian's face changed slightly after seeing who was speaking.

"Why, can't I come?" Meng Xiaoyang looked very unhappy.

"Of course I can." Fang Yongnian nodded, although he is in an important position, and Meng Xiaoyang is just a playboy, but in terms of Meng Xiaoyang's background, if you want to play him, you must play as you want , Fang Yongnian was still very polite to Meng Xiaoyang.

"Young Master Meng, you came just in time, I just brought Jiang Chen here..." Immediately, Fang Yongnian smiled.

"Jiang Chen, what did you bring him here for?" Meng Xiaoyang asked suspiciously.

"Uh——" Fang Yongnian stared blankly at Meng Xiaoyang. What else could he bring Jiang Chen here for? It was obviously because of what happened at the Blueberry Bar last night. How could Meng Xiaoyang react like this?
"Okay, don't whine about here, do you know what I'm doing at the police station?" Meng Xiaoyang said immediately.

"Didn't Young Master Meng come here for Jiang Chen's affairs?" Fang Yongnian asked suspiciously.

"Of course not. I came here for my own affairs... To be precise, I surrender myself." Meng Xiaoyang said with a smile.

"Surrender yourself?" Fang Yongnian was in a mess, although he knew that Meng Xiaoyang was good at playing, but he didn't want to play like this, right?
"That's right, I surrendered myself. I killed someone at the Blueberry Bar yesterday, so I came here on purpose to surrender myself." Meng Xiaoyang nodded, with the same smile on his face, as if he didn't think killing someone was such a serious matter.

"This—" Fang Yongnian's face suddenly changed, even if he was no longer brainless, he realized that something was wrong.

"What's the matter, I can't surrender myself? Captain Fang, Director Wei said that you are responsible for this case, so I came here to surrender to you. Is there any procedural problem?" Meng Xiaoyang finally stopped laughing, unhappy Said.

" problem..." Fang Yongnian was sweating like rain on his forehead.

Fang Yongnian finally understood what the call from Wei Wenhua meant to him. Wei Wenhua told him on the phone that the case was special and asked him to withstand the pressure.

The pressure to withstand is not the pressure from Jiang Chen's side, but the pressure from Meng Xiaoyang's side. After all, this Meng Xiaoyang ran to him eagerly and surrendered himself. Even if he is not very willing to arrest people, according to the procedure, then Meng Xiaoyang must also be arrested.

After the arrest of Meng Xiaoyang, there is no doubt that the pressure from the Meng family will come soon, and he, as the person in charge of this case, bears the brunt.

"Damn old fox." Fang Yongnian cursed in his heart, cursing Wei Wenhua's whole family in one breath. Even if he didn't understand the cause and effect of the whole thing for the time being, Fang Yongnian understood that Meng Xiaoyang would run in front of him. First, it was completely instigated by Wei Wenhua.

In this way, no matter what happens in the future, all the responsibilities will be borne by him alone.

"Captain Fang, I have already said that it is a big surprise." Jiang Chen got out of the car at some point, and said with a smile.

"You knew this would happen, right?" Fang Yongnian turned to look at Jiang Chen, and said angrily, thinking of Jiang Chen's abnormal reaction after being arrested, coupled with Jiang Chen's confident bet, Fang Yongnian His heart almost fell to the bottom of the valley, an inexplicable feeling of being calculated by Jiang Chen came to his heart for no reason.

"How would I know this." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen had an innocent expression on his face.

"You must know, otherwise how things turned out like this must be your fault... Besides, don't think that you can stay out of the matter, even if Meng Xiaoyang surrendered himself for Hu Changfa's death, you forced Meng Xiaoyang Giving you a car is also a serious crime." Fang Yongnian said sharply.

"Captain Fang, you made a mistake. I took the initiative to give that car to Jiang Chen." Before Jiang Chen could speak, Meng Xiaoyang just picked up the topic.

"Gah—" Fang Yongnian's eyeballs suddenly bulged, and he was about to cry. How about playing without it? This is the rhythm that will kill him.

"Meng Shao, are you mistaken? I heard the news that Jiang Chen forced you to kill Hu Changfa, and he also forced you to give him the car." Fang Yongnian said without tears. .

"Fart, I gave him the car on my own initiative, and I also killed Hu Changfa. Don't be naughty, hurry up and arrest me." Meng Xiaoyang said impatiently, as if Fang Yongnian didn't arrest him, he was sorry for him posture.

"Hey, Jiang Chen, why are you here, what happened?" At this moment, a somewhat confused voice came into Jiang Chen's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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