genius evil

Chapter 114 You Think I'll Let You Go

Chapter 114 You Think I'll Let You Go
"Oh, it's okay, I'm just here to play, little girl, what are you doing here?" Following the sound, Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and said with a smile when he saw Ding Lingling in a neat uniform.

"Jiang Chen, you think I'm an idiot." Ding Lingling glared at Jiang Chen dissatisfied. This gangster was wearing handcuffs, and he said he was here to play. Is there such a thing?

"Okay, I lied to you, but I'm not here to play." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Did something happen?" Ding Lingling immediately became nervous. The handcuffs were put on, and Fang Yongnian was also there. Fang Yongnian was in charge of some serious criminal cases, so obviously Jiang Chen was involved in criminal cases. The case is closed, and it is very likely that it is not an ordinary criminal case, which inevitably makes Ding Lingling very worried.

"It's nothing serious, it's just the bonus, well, the bonus for being brave, you know about it, I urged Captain Fang several times, but Captain Fang refused to give it to me, and finally arrested me Come on, it looks like he is determined to take my bonus for himself." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Ding Lingling knew about Jiang Chen's "doing what's right" twice. After all, both of them were directly related to her. Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Ding Lingling was not happy. She frowned and said, "Captain Fang , Jiang Chen is just here to get the bonus, even if you refuse to give him the bonus, you shouldn't arrest him, right?"

"Lingling, this matter--" Fang Yongnian was about to cry, but Ding Lingling disturbed him so much that his head was about to burst.

"Captain Fang, although the matter of bonuses is a small matter, have you ever thought about how much trouble it will cause and how many citizens will be disappointed if this matter gets out and the reporters find out by accident?" Ding Lingling Said righteously.

"Lingling, I understand what you mean..." Fang Yongnian said with a mournful face.

If it was really just about the bonus, Fang Yongnian would definitely give Jiang Chen the money without saying a word, even if it was paid out of his own pocket. The problem is, Jiang Chen is simply talking nonsense with his eyes open ah.

"Since Captain Fang is a sensible person, why should he deduct Jiang Chen's bonus, which is only a small amount of money, and there is a special fund for this in the bureau, right?" Before Fang Yongnian could finish speaking, Ding Ling Lingji whispered a lot of truth.

"Okay, don't talk about it, I'll give Jiang Chen the bonus." Fang Yongnian said absent-mindedly, not thinking about dealing with Ding Lingling, let alone explaining anything.

"Then trouble Captain Fang to untie the handcuffs on Jiang Chen's hand." Ding Lingling said sternly.

Naturally, it was impossible for Fang Yongnian to uncuff Jiang Chen in person. He beckoned, a young policeman understood, and immediately helped Jiang Chen uncuff him.


Jiang Chen suddenly stretched out his hand, and slapped Fang Yongnian heavily on the face with his hand, five red finger prints emerged.

"It feels really good." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Fang Yongnian was stunned, Ding Lingling was stunned, and the other policemen who saw this scene were also stunned. Perhaps the only one who didn't respond was Meng Xiaoyang. If someone is careful, they will find that Meng Xiaoyang's superficial Look, it's the same as usual, but his eyes are extremely dull, as if he hasn't slept for a long time.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Ding Lingling said hurriedly. In his opinion, no matter how angry Jiang Chen was, he shouldn't slap Fang Yongnian, let alone slap Fang in front of so many people. Yongnian slap in the face.

Once Fang Yongnian becomes angry from embarrassment, wouldn't it be very troublesome?
"You saw it, it's just a slap in the face. Captain Fang will definitely not care about a mere slap in the face, right?" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"I don't care... I don't care at all..." Gritting his teeth, Fang Yongnian said.

How could he not care, being slapped in the face by Jiang Chen in public, Fang Yongnian had the idea of ​​tearing Jiang Chen up, but this slap was a bet between him and Jiang Chen, how could he justify it?To put it bluntly, it was of no benefit to him.

"Look, I knew Captain Fang wouldn't mind at all, not to mention slapping him once, even if you slapped him ten or a hundred times, with Captain Fang's greatness and broad mind, he would treat everything as a matter of course." It didn't happen. Captain Fang, do you think I'm right or wrong?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"That's right." Fang Yongnian clenched his teeth even tighter. Is this why Jiang Chen made a bet with him?Jiang Chen knew that he would be fine, and deliberately used this method to humiliate him. Unfortunately, no matter how angry he was, he could only bear it for the time being.

"Tsk tsk, Captain Fang is really... admirable..." Jiang Chen sighed in admiration, and just as he finished speaking, he raised his hand and slapped Fang Yongnian on the face again.

"You—" Fang Yongnian's eyes burst into flames. He may be willing to admit defeat, but that doesn't mean Jiang Chen can slap him twice.

"Captain Fang, don't say anything, I understand everything." Jiang Chen said loudly, and then slapped Fang Yongnian on the face again with his backhand.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

The next moment, the sound of slaps rang out incessantly, Jiang Chen shot again and again, one slap after another, like rain, slammed on Fang Yongnian's face without any gap.

Everyone was dumbfounded, but Fang Yongnian was dumbfounded.

Fang Yongnian didn't realize that he should resist until he was slapped by Jiang Chen more than a dozen times, but he had no chance to resist at all. Jiang Chen's attack speed was so fast that he didn't even have a chance to dodge. He could only passively bear the slaps one after another.

The slap was loud. For Fang Yongnian, pain is one thing, but more importantly, humiliation, an unforgivable humiliation.

Fang Yongnian, who couldn't resist nor dodge, wished he could just pass out. Unfortunately, he didn't have any chance at all. Jiang Chen didn't know how he did it. He slapped one after another, making him dizzy. But it was a partial birth, which made his consciousness extremely clear.

"Okay, just a hundred slaps in the face... Captain Fang is really a gentleman, he means what he says, and he said that he doesn't mind being slapped a hundred times. He really doesn't mind at all. He is really a role model for my generation to learn from. "I don't know how long it has passed, Jiang Chen's voice resounded leisurely.

"Pfft—" Fang Yongnian opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood. On the one hand, he was in pain and on the other hand, he was angry.

"A hundred slaps, what a great mind this must be. Take a closer look. Captain Fang didn't even hide, but forcibly endured a hundred slaps. Is this something normal people can do?" Jiang Chen said loudly.

"It seems, it can't be." Ding Lingling said puzzled.

"That's right, no, it's impossible for a normal person to be slapped a hundred times and not fight back. This only shows that Captain Fang's brain...well, is more normal than normal people." Jiang Chen sold After closing the door, he said calmly.

"I know that everyone wants to laugh, so just laugh if you want to. Captain Fang was slapped a hundred times by me, but he can laugh it off, so why would he care about mere ridicule... You not only have to laugh, but you have to laugh loudly, then It's not a mockery from the other team leader, but a kind of praise, a supreme honor." Jiang Chen was the first to laugh out loud as he spoke.

Jiang Chen smiled, and Ding Lingling also laughed. The others, who had endured extremely hard for a long time, couldn't help but laugh out loud at this moment.

"Captain Fang, do you see that this is the best compliment for you. To be honest, I had a little misunderstanding with you before, but now, I am full of admiration for you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, you--"

"Okay, I know you don't care about these trivial details, but I promise, my admiration is absolutely sincere." Jiang Chen said sincerely.


Fang Yongnian opened his mouth, spouted another mouthful of old blood, his eyes darkened, he passed out, and fell to the ground precariously.

"Captain Fang, I've only heard of crying with joy, what's the matter with spurting blood from joy... No matter how happy you are, don't spurt blood, it's scary." Jiang Chen waited until Fang Yongnian fell to the ground , and walked up to Fang Yongnian in a few steps, just in time to prevent other people from coming to help Fang Yongnian.

With a stretch of his big hand, Jiang Chen casually pressed Fang Yongnian a few times, and Fang Yongnian's closed eyes immediately opened.

"Fang Yongnian, I know you hold grudges very much, but do you think that I, Jiang Chen, are some kind of magnanimous person? Do you think that I really only need to slap you? Do you think that I will let you go? You don't want to give I have a chance to turn over, so this time, I will directly knock you into hell and see how you turn over." Jiang Chen whispered in a voice that only Fang Yongnian could hear from an angle that no one else could see. .

"After this incident, you will hate me, but you will be even more afraid of me... You must really want to pass out and take the opportunity to avoid Meng Xiaoyang's case. Unfortunately, you will not have that opportunity. The next one Zhou, you will be full of energy every day, extremely excited, don't forget, you are the person in charge of the Meng Xiaoyang case, if you evade responsibility, how can you be worthy of me, how can you be worthy of the Security Bureau?" Jiang Chen said again.

After two paragraphs were quickly finished, before Fang Yongnian could respond, Jiang Chen slapped Fang Yongnian with his big hand, and Fang Yongnian jumped up from the ground uncontrollably.

"Let me just say, Captain Fang is very happy. Now that Captain Fang has calmed down, he is not so happy. Don't worry, everyone." Jiang Chen smiled and waved to Ding Lingling: "Little girl, let's go!" , Accompany me to receive the bonus, and treat you to a big meal later."

"Okay." Ding Lingling's eyes lit up, and she led Jiang Chen towards the inside of the police station.

Fang Yongnian stood motionless, his body trembling uncontrollably, he stared fixedly at Jiang Chen's back, his face was uncertain, a great panic swept his whole body quietly!

(End of this chapter)

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