genius evil

Chapter 1105 You are too weak

Chapter 1105 You are too weak
Despite the rumors from the outside world, the Xianghe Miao family has strength and heritage comparable to first-class ancient martial arts cultivation families.

But rumors are rumors after all, and cannot be completely taken seriously.

The Miao family is not qualified to be called a first-class family in the true sense. At best, it has certain advantages in certain aspects and can be compared with the first-class ancient martial arts cultivation family. Or, it just has a very small family. just the difference.

Miao Lang, the reason why he was terrified after hearing the words of the two powerful masters of the eighth-level Guwu Houtian was that, looking at the entire Miao family, the cultivation base of the eighth-level Guwu Houtian was also true. The strong one.

You know, he himself only has the cultivation base of the late eighth level of Guwu Houtian, and compared with those two, he is slightly better.

Suddenly, Miao Lang realized a problem.

That is, after he arrived, why did Jiang Chen ask where his father Miao Chonghe was.

When Jiang Chen asked such a question, he didn't mean to use Miao Chonghe as a pretext, but Jiang Chen didn't put him in his eyes, and didn't take him seriously.

"How did this happen? This kid, why is he so powerful." Miao Lang thought in his heart, his heart skipping a beat.

Whether it was Jiang Chen, Wen Qingxin or Shen Shijing, he was an incomparable stranger. It was certain that he had never met Jiang Chen and the three of them before.

If you haven't even met, then you can't even talk about being an enemy.

However, Jiang Chen's attack was so ruthless, with the attitude that he was coming for the Miao family, making Miao Lang think about it, but he couldn't figure it out.

"Could it be this kid who can't understand what my Miao family has done these years?" Miao Lang thought to himself, and suddenly felt that it was very possible, otherwise, it would be difficult to explain Jiang Chen's intentions.

After all, it's impossible for Jiang Chen to find trouble with the Miao family for no reason, right?
In that case, the Miao family would be too wronged.


It was Miao Lang, who was thinking wildly, and Jiang Chen hiccupped.

Jiang Chen put down the wine glass in his hand, took the towel, wiped his lips gracefully, and said contentedly.

"Hey, where's your father, hasn't he come yet?" Jiang Chen stood up, looked in the direction where Miao Lang was, and asked dissatisfied.

"My friend, I admit that the Miao family has never offended you." Miao Lang said as if he didn't hear Jiang Chen's words.

Just now, he asked Jiang Chen to continue eating in a tone that was almost showing weakness, and he also learned that Jiang Chen was quite extraordinary, so the tone of his words became quite humble.

"You were wrong and offended me." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"If this is the case, I can apologize to you here, please don't worry too much." Miao Lang said quickly, not giving Jiang Chen a chance to make trouble.

"He's a smart man." Jiang Chen smiled, sighed, and said, "Patriarch Miao, it's boring if you look like this, but I, who killed your Miao family, shouldn't you be facing me? Shouting and shouting to kill?"

"I believe that since you took the initiative to kill people, they must be guilty and deserve to die. It's not your fault." Miao Lang said swearingly.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded. It turned out that the words could still be said in this way.

No wonder the Miao family has been domineering in this Xianghe City for so many years, but they have always been able to stand tall. It is not without reason.

Let's not talk about other aspects.

Just Miao Lang's level of adapting to the wind is enough to tell that this guy is not an ordinary person.

"Since it's not my fault, if I kill a few more, will you have any objections?" Jiang Chen said calmly, talking about his ability to talk nonsense, he really didn't scare anyone.

Frowning, Miao Lang said: "My friend, God has the virtue of good life. Killing innocent people indiscriminately is never a good thing. What's more, those who offended you are already dead, aren't they?"

"I just like killing innocent people indiscriminately." Jiang Chen said.


No matter how good Miao Lang's eloquence was, being so squeezed by Jiang Chen would still be very speechless.

At the same time, a nameless anger rose in Miao Lang's heart.

With his current status and status, why has he ever been so low-key? Jiang Chen could not give him face, but he still had to kick his face on the ground and ruthlessly ravage him, just to make him unbearable. .

"Speak directly if you have something to say, you can tell me if you have an opinion." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"My friend, my Miao family doesn't cause trouble, but it doesn't mean that my Miao family is afraid of trouble." Miao Lang said coldly, even if he wanted to pretend to be his grandson, he couldn't.

What if he is the first person Jiang Chen wants to kill?
Therefore, no matter what, Jiang Chen cannot be given an excuse to kill people.

"Very good, I like the fact that your Miao family is not afraid of trouble." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and waved his big hand behind him, saying: "Be careful, exercising after meals is just good for digestion, come here .”

"What are you going to do?" Miao Lang became vigilant.

"It's very simple. Didn't you just say that the Miao family is not afraid of trouble? Then, let me verify a little bit, whether your words are true or false." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Miao Lang's face was ashen.

Speaking of such a thing, how could Miao Lang still not understand that today, no matter what he said, even if the tongue produced a lotus flower, he was wrong, and Jiang Chen would never give him the right chance.

If he insists on expressing his correct position, then he will only become a complete idiot.

"Boy, don't think I'm afraid of you." Miao Lang said angrily.

"I didn't intend to do anything, you don't need to be afraid of me, just be careful." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Aren't you going to do it?" Hearing the sound, Miao Lang's heart moved.

Those two just now kept talking about how powerful Jiang Chen was, never mentioning Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

Of course, Shen Shijing easily repelled Miao Kai and showed extraordinary strength, but compared with Jiang Chen, there was still a huge gap, and it was not enough to make him feel afraid.

Wen Qingxin didn't make a move from the beginning to the end, and didn't even say a word.

Therefore, it was difficult for Miao Lang to judge where Wen Qingxin's cultivation had reached, but in Miao Lang's view, Wen Qingxin was probably similar to Shen Shijing, not a strong enemy.

"You must be very happy to hear that I didn't plan to make a move." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Miao Lang ignored Jiang Chen's teasing, and stared at Wen Qingxin. Wen Qingxin was as calm as a chrysanthemum, and asked softly, "Are you going to kill him?"

"Since his father is unwilling to show up for a long time, then let his father collect the body." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Want to kill me?"

On Miao Lang's forehead, veins were exposed.

What did Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin mean by these words? Could it be that they took Miao Lang as an ant, who could be trampled to death if they wanted to?
Then, he would like to learn how to kill him, Wen Qingxin, on the premise that Jiang Chen didn't make a move!
If Wen Qingxin doesn't have the strength to kill him, then I'm sorry, but he, Miao Lang, won't have the slightest sense of pity and pity.

"Let's do it." Miao Lang said to Wen Qingxin.

"How do you do it?" Wen Qing asked Jiang Chen again without even looking at Miao Lang.

"This guy is too bad, but it's a pity to slap him directly to death. How about this, suppress your strength at the seventh floor of the ancient martial arts and fight against him." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

Wen Qingxin is born strong.

In recent days, practicing the art of attracting stars has gained a lot of insights and touched the barriers of the extraordinary realm. Even if it is to kill the innate strong, it is not a problem, let alone this Miao Lang, who is just a mere, ancient man. Wu Houtian's eighth-level late cultivation base is nothing more than that.

To put it bluntly, killing Miaolang is no different from killing an ant.

But this was naturally not what Jiang Chen wanted. No matter what, he had to let this Miao Lang show some value, otherwise, why bother Wen Qing to do it.

"Okay." Wen Qingxin nodded.

"The cultivation suppressed on the seventh floor of Guwu Houtian will fight against me?"

Hearing the conversation between Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin, Miao Lang's expression was weird, and he wondered if Wen Qingxin was too strong, or was he putting on airs to cooperate with Jiang Chen?
However, it doesn't matter if it's too strong, or it doesn't matter if you put on airs, anyway, you want to suppress the cultivation base at the seventh level of Gu Wu Houtian. This situation made Miao Lang feel confident.

If it is said that at the beginning, he was only [-]% sure of dealing with Wen Qingxin, then now, his confidence has risen to at least [-]%.

This data is due to Miao Lang's conservativeness.

After all, Jiang Chen is here, it is impossible to allow him to kill Wen Qingxin. Once Wen Qingxin loses, it is inevitable to help him. Killing Wen Qingxin is not an easy task.

"You can make a move." After talking with Jiang Chen, Wen Qingxin finally took a look at Miao Lang and said.

"Give me the trick." Miao Lang said coldly, and when the figure moved, it turned into a gust of cold wind and flew towards Wen Qingxin.

As soon as he made a move, Miao Lang was merciless, he threw out both fists and blasted at Wen Qingxin.

His punches are domineering, those two punches blasted in the air, and their power is quite astonishing. I am afraid that ordinary eighth-level ancient martial arts experts will be difficult to parry with these two punches, and they will be defeated in an instant.

Wen Qingxin stood still. According to what Jiang Chen said, she suppressed her cultivation base on the seventh floor of Houtian. When Miao Lang attacked with two punches, she shot at will. superior.

"Bang... bang..."

Two muffled sounds came out, Miao Lang let out a muffled groan deep in his throat, and involuntarily stumbled and retreated, bloodshot from the corner of his mouth.


Miao Lang roared sharply.

He is an upright strong man in the late eighth level of the ancient martial arts, and he shot with all his strength, without reservation, but was injured by Wen Qingxin's random blow, and it was difficult to parry. Miao Lang could not accept such a result , I feel that my IQ has been greatly humiliated.

He suspected that Wen Qingxin did not suppress his cultivation at all, but fought him with his original cultivation.

"Nothing is impossible, you are too weak." Jiang Chen said with a curl of his lips.

It is true that Wen Qingxin suppressed her cultivation at the seventh level of the Houtian Ancient Martial Arts, but Wen Qingxin's intuition in combat was far beyond what Miao Lang could match.

To be precise, Wen Qingxin has the fighting instinct of an almost extraordinary strongman, and when he makes a random move, it contains the mystery of an almost extraordinary strongman. How can Miao Lang see this?
Jiang Chen just said one sentence, that is, too much lazy nonsense, and signaled Wen Qingxin to take action.

Wen Qing didn't hesitate, she appeared in front of Miao Lang under her tender body shaking, raised her hand and struck out with a palm, hitting Miao Lang like a kite with a broken string, and flew back...

(End of this chapter)

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