genius evil

Chapter 1106 Won't Let You Die Too Soon

Chapter 1106 Won't Let You Die Too Soon
"Be careful, don't waste any more time, kill him directly."

Seeing that Miao Lang was repulsed by Wen Qingxin for the second time, how could Jiang Chen not know that this Miao Lang seemed to have the cultivation base of the late eighth level of Gu Wu Houtian, but in fact, he was very strong in the outside world, basically, vulnerable to a single blow .

However, Jiang Chen didn't think about it, there were just too many accidents.

After all, Miao Lang, as the current Patriarch of the Miao family, is the real local emperor of Xianghe City, and his body has been hollowed out by wine, lust and wealth.

On the other hand, if he hadn't brought Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to trouble the Miao family on a whim, and attracted Miao Lang, it might be this Miao Lang who has never fought against anyone for many years. pass.

An existence that has been pampered and pampered for many years, I am afraid that he has forgotten how to fight. Jiang Chen realized that he had overestimated this Miao Lang.

Miao Lang was blown away by Wen Qingxin's palm. He was in mid-air, and when he heard Jiang Chen say such a sentence, he was furious, opened his mouth, spurted blood, and fell to the ground. life.

"Protect the master!"

Miao Lang was seriously injured and ended up miserable, making everyone in the Miao family terrified. Someone yelled loudly, and immediately two people rushed up to guard Miao Lang.

"Damn boy, you are too presumptuous. On the territory of my Miao family, you dare to kill the head of my Miao family."

"I'm tired of living, right? None of you three can leave alive today."

"Go ahead and kill them."


With Jiang Chen's words, it wasn't just Miao Lang who was enraged, the rest of the people were also overwhelmed by Qi and blood, wishing they could rush forward and fight Jiang Chen with their lives.

They stared at Jiang Chen, spoke angrily, filled with righteous indignation, furious, one by one, they vowed not to give up unless they killed Jiang Chen.

"They were all killed." Jiang Chen said lazily.

How could he care about the jumping of a few ants?
Killing Miao Lang alone is killing, and killing a few more people is the same, so we might as well make Wen Qingxin work a little harder and kill all of this group of people!

"Yes." Wen Qingxin nodded.

Her brows were indifferent, without the slightest killing intent, nor did she show any anger.

"You are dreaming if you want to kill us all." Someone yelled, and before Wen Qingxin could make a move, he rushed to Wen Qingxin first and wanted to kill Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qingxin shot at will, and the jade palm slapped, still suppressing his strength at the seventh level of the ancient martial arts, but that person, how could he be against him, under Wen Qingxin's palm, he would be killed.

Miao Kai was seriously injured and passed out, and Miao Lang was also seriously injured, but in the end there was no death. This made the members of the Miao family think that Jiang Chen and the three might not necessarily kill people.

They watched Wen Qingxin, who was without a trace of fireworks, kill someone casually, and their eyelids twitched. They knew that this fairy-like woman would kill people after all.

Even after she killed someone, she was still so calm.

However, the members of the Miao family could see it.

Wen Qingxin's calmness is due to her own temperament, which can't explain anything else. If they are still lucky, they are afraid that they will die, and they don't know how they died.


"Let's go together!"

"Kill her!"

Someone died, and the members of the Miao family, while being terrified by it, also knew that they had to work hard, otherwise, they would have no chance of surviving.

Immediately, except for the two strong men who were guarding Miao Lang, the rest of the people were all moved by the sound and frantically slaughtered Wen Qingxin, wanting to fight Wen Qingxin desperately.

"Be careful, do you still remember what I told you?" At this moment, Jiang Chen asked loudly.

At such an age, Wen Qingxin has such cultivation and extraordinary talent, but her combat experience is not rich, much inferior to Shen Shijing.

Shen Shijing is stronger than Wen Qingxin in this aspect, but his strength is limited. This is also the reason why Jiang Chen will specially train the two of them in combat.

The purpose of coming to Xianghe City is not to uphold justice, but to fight.

Jiang Chen wanted Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to have more experience in life-and-death battles. Only in that way, after the two had successfully practiced the first layer of the Art of Leading the Stars, would they be able to break through the barriers and step into the That extraordinary state.

From this aspect, Jiang Chen's arrangement can be described as painstaking!
"Remember." Wen Qingxin said softly.

Due to her temperament, she didn't speak much, but Hui Zhilan Xin, of course, kept Jiang Chen's teachings in mind, what was lacking was the battle of life and death.

Dealing with a few little people from the Miao family is far from being a life-and-death battle, but such a battle is of great benefit to sharpening one's character.

In addition, in Wen Qingxin's view, the members of the Miao family deserve what they deserve, so she will not hesitate at all, let alone be soft-hearted.

"Very good." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.


Fist like thunder.

Wen Qingxin punched out a figure that came to kill him. The person who hit him was in the air, his body folded strangely, and then fell to the ground, killing him instantly.


The fragrant shoulders swayed slightly, Wen Qingxin took a step, stepped forward, and appeared in front of a person, her jade hand was suddenly printed on the person's chest, and the heart of that person was blown away.


This is destined not to be an equal battle, even when Wen Qingxin deliberately suppresses her own strength.

The so-called masters of the eighth level of the ancient martial arts, in front of Wen Qingxin, are simply vulnerable.

Wen Qingxin moved her hands and feet gracefully like a dance, taking away one life after another. In less than 2 minutes, those people who killed Wen Qingxin all fell to the ground, and no one was able to stand up again.

"Patriarch Miao, don't pretend to be dead there, call your father quickly." Jiang Chen said.

One after another people's lives fell, Miao Lang saw it, almost suffocated, he heard Jiang Chen's words, without further ado, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After making a phone call, Miao Lang stammered and said, "I've already called."

"Miss Shen, it's your turn." Jiang Chen ignored Miao Lang and said to Shen Shijing.

Shen Shijing saw Wen Qingxin killing all directions, and was very eager to try. He thought that he had no chance to make a move, but he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would let her do it.

As soon as the figure moved, Shen Shijing appeared in front of Miao Lang.

"Don't, don't kill me." Miao Lang's heart was completely confused, and he hurriedly begged for mercy.

In Xianghe City, he commands the wind and rain, enjoys all kinds of luxury, no different from the emperor, and he doesn't want to die yet.

"You can't be alive." Shen Shijing said expressionlessly.

It's different from Wen Qingxin killing people just to sharpen herself.

Shen Shijing wanted to kill Miao Lang at this time, which had a certain relationship with her own identity.

The Tian group supervises the ancient martial arts practitioners in the world. As the highest level existence in the Tian group, Shen Shijing supervises the Quartet. In Shen Shijing's view, even if a person like Miao Lang dies a thousand times or ten thousand times Well, that's also true, death is not a pity, and you deserve what you deserve.

"You come to Xianghe City for a purpose. You want money, right? No matter how much money you want, I will give it to you, as long as you don't kill me." Miao Lang said anxiously.

Shen Shijing glanced at Miao Lang like an idiot, and said: "You have been in Xianghe City for too long, and the Tu Emperor has been here for too long, I'm afraid you have long forgotten how big the outside world is. By this time, you still haven't realized it. Come out, who are we?"

"Who are you guys?" Miao Lang asked subconsciously, he really didn't know Jiang Chen and the others.

"You don't need to ask, just die." Shen Shijing said, explaining too much to Miao Lang lazily, as soon as the words fell, he shot.

Shen Shijing's cultivation is slightly inferior to Wen Qingxin's, but her moves are just like her master Jingzhi's, and she is straightforward.

Slapping out with two palms was to knock the two strong men who were guarding Miao Lang into the air, and then hit Miao Lang with a punch.


Miao Lang knew that under Shen Shijing's blow, he would surely die, so he couldn't help screaming.


A cold voice, like a thunderbolt, exploded in Shen Shijing's ears.

Accompanied by that voice, a figure in black, swift as the wind, strode in from the outside of the door, and appeared in front of Shen Shijing in one step, and made a bold move, punching Shen Shijing's back.

Shen Shijing twisted his waist, and the punch to Miao Lang rushed to meet the person behind him.


The fist wind shook, Shen Shijing's delicate body shook, and she took two steps back, her delicate face was slightly pale, but she was almost injured by this blow.

"It's so courageous to kill so many people in my Miao family, but also want to kill my son Miao Chonghe. You all must die."

It was an old man with white beard and hair, and a gloomy and spiteful voice.

"You are Miao Chonghe?" Jiang Chen looked at the old man and asked with a faint smile.

"Who are you?" Miao Chonghe glanced at Jiang Chen and asked coldly.

"You don't have to worry about who I am. What I can tell you is that you are much luckier than your son, because I plan to kill you slowly in a while, and I won't let you die too quickly." Said in a hurry.

Miao Lang was just an embroidered pillow, but this Miao Chonghe was full of essence and blood, growing stronger and stronger, Jiang Chen saw it and was very satisfied.

Otherwise, if Miao Chonghe was like Miao Lang, Jiang Chen planned to do it himself, so as not to waste everyone's time.

Feeling Jiang Chen's eyes like sizing up prey, Miao Chonghe frowned, and said in a cold voice: "Boy, in my opinion, you are just a naughty monkey who wants to play cat and mouse with me!" Game, as everyone knows, you can't escape my palm."

"You're wrong, I won't play with you." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, pointed at Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, and said, "Your goal is the two of them... oh, no, the goal of the two of them It's you, may I ask, are you ready?"

"Really? Then you two, are you ready to die?" Miao Chonghe stared at Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing with murderous intent in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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