genius evil

Chapter 1107

Chapter 1107
Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing looked at each other and smiled sweetly.

This smile is just like the spring flowers blooming in March, which is indescribably beautiful.

"Let's do it." Shen Shijing said.

"Very good." Miao Chonghe sneered, his figure shot out, bullied the two daughters, and punched out with big hands, attacking Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing indiscriminately.

"Then, die!"

A cold snort came from the depths of Miao Chonghe's throat. He was full of murderous intent. If there was any substance, he would not even bother to test the truth. When he made a move, he wanted to directly give Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing Crushed and killed, it can be said that it is not strong.

It's a pity that Miao Chonghe's dominance, in the eyes of Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, is a bit of a joke.

This Miao Chonghe only possesses the cultivation base of the ninth level of Houtian, a mere ancient martial arts, which is nothing more than trivial.

If they don't suppress their strength, no matter who makes the move, the two of them can easily crush them.

To put it bluntly, it was Miao Chonghe who didn't even have the strength to fight back!

In battle, imposing manner is important, but in the final analysis, strength speaks for itself.

Whether it is Wen Qingxin or Shen Shijing, they are both innately strong, and the cultivation base of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts is just too far away if they want to be presumptuous in front of them!
Miao Chonghe's behavior was too ignorant of self-knowledge, which made the two girls feel a little bit displeased.

Seeing Miao Chonghe coming to kill, the two daughters intentionally taught Miao Chonghe a lesson, they stopped suppressing their strength and shot instantly, hitting Miao Chonghe and flying away.

Miao Chonghe's attack speed was very fast, but his retreat speed was even faster.

Almost like a cannonball, it was hit in mid-air, drawing a dotted line, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"how is this possible!"

Miao Chonghe roared, it was unbelievable, his eyes were round, looking at Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing like a ghost.

"Miao Chonghe, can you stop screaming here? By the way, you shouldn't be afraid, right?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Am I afraid?" Miao Chonghe couldn't bear the stimulation, and got up from the ground.

"To be honest, what I admire the most is your courage. Of course, you don't have to be afraid, as I said just now, I won't let you die too quickly." Jiang Chen said.

"Shut up, or I'll kill you." Miao Chonghe couldn't stand Jiang Chen anymore.

He was injured by Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, Jiang Chen was just playing tricks, what right did he have to point fingers in front of him.

"You told me to shut up?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

"If you want to die, you can just keep talking nonsense." Miao Chonghe said angrily.

"I have to make a solemn statement. First, I don't want to die. Second, what I said is not nonsense. Third, you can't kill me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen suddenly disappeared in place, and in the next second, he appeared in front of Miao Chonghe.

Stretching out his big hand, Jiang Chen grabbed Miao Chonghe's neck like he was grabbing a chicken, took Miao Chonghe, and slammed it heavily against the wall.


The wall was smashed with a bang, suffering pain, Miao Chonghe's old face was distorted, and he felt that his spine was smashed to pieces under the blow.

"How could this happen?" Miao Chonghe was shocked.

The performance of Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing already made Miao Chonghe startled and felt bad.

Even if he broke his head, he couldn't imagine that Jiang Chen was so strong... no, it was stronger than Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

Miao Chonghe simply couldn't understand what was going on, when did so many evil geniuses appear in the ancient martial arts circle?
"Could it be that this young man is Jiang Chen?"

A thought suddenly popped up in Miao Chonghe's mind.

Recently, there have been rumors about a young man named Jiang Chen in the ancient martial arts circle.

The Miao family lives in Xianghe City, and has never participated in anything, even the ancient martial arts alliance meeting, they have not participated in it, and the news is quite closed, but Miao Chonghe has also heard the rumors about Jiang Chen several times .

Those rumors, Jiang Chen, boasted amazingly, saying that Jiang Chen was the No. 1 in the ancient martial arts cultivation world... What's more, Jiang Chen was suave and suave, surrounded by beautiful women.

Miao Chonghe, the reason why he came up with such an idea was because Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were beautiful beauties.

Surrounded by two daughters, Jiang Chen's identity is almost ready to be revealed!

"Really?" Thinking casually, Miao Chonghe trembled.

"You are, Jiang Chen?" With the last bit of luck, Miao Chonghe asked Jiang Chen.

"Oh, no." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Isn't it?" All of a sudden, Miao Chonghe became confused, if not, who else could it be.

"We travel the rivers and lakes and are famous. Could it be that you have never heard of the name of the Three Black Winds?" Jiang Chen said nonsense.

Originally, admitting one's identity was irrelevant.

But this Miao Chonghe was already quite frightened. Jiang Chen didn't want to. After learning his identity, Miao Chonghe was frightened into a soft-footed crab. The purpose, isn't it to fail?
Therefore, Jiang Chen would not admit it, even if Miao Chonghe guessed it, Jiang Chen would deny it.

"Stop thinking about it, fight hard, even though I didn't intend to let you die too quickly, you have to live up to it yourself." Jiang Chen said, throwing Miao Chonghe out casually.

Feeling that when Jiang Chen threw himself out, it was like throwing rubbish, which made Miao Chonghe extremely aggrieved.

But he also knew that with such strength, Jiang Chen had hatred in his heart, but no matter what, he didn't dare to show it.

"Be careful, Miss Shen, continue." Jiang Chen followed suit and ordered.

Just now, it was just a slight punishment for Miao Chonghe, in order to prevent him from knowing the heights of heaven and earth, and the good show has not yet begun.

"Okay." Both Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing nodded slightly, understanding Jiang Chen's intentions.

The two daughters unanimously attacked Miao Chonghe.

At this moment, Miao Chonghe's scalp was numb, but he had no choice but to passively accept the challenge.


As soon as they fought, Miao Chonghe realized that the situation was very different from what he thought.

Unlike before, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing knocked him back with a thunderous blow. At this time, the second daughter's attack was obviously much weaker.

"They suppressed their own strength?" Miao Chonghe said to himself in his heart, and he quickly realized it.

"That kid, keep saying that you won't let me die too quickly, maybe you will use me as a whetstone and ask the two of them to practice moves with me?" Miao Chong and Si attached, all the while His old face gradually became ugly.

If it is said that Miao Lang is the local emperor of Xianghe City, then Miao Chonghe is undoubtedly the Supreme Emperor of Xianghe City.

Now, he has been reduced to being used as a target and used to practice moves. This point makes Miao Chonghe almost spit out a mouthful of old blood in humiliation. Compared with killing him directly, it makes him feel more uncomfortable.

"Damn it, you deserve death." Miao Chonghe cursed viciously in his heart.

"Use me to practice moves, and treat me as a living target. Could it be that I, Miao Chonghe, are easy to bully? Then, I want to see if I can kill you two when you two are suppressing your own strength. Two." Miao Chonghe said to himself, and the violence in his heart surged.

There is an old saying that goes well, if you steal chickens, you will lose money.

He, Miao Chonghe, now wants Jiang Chen and the others to learn the true meaning of this sentence.

With a thought in his mind, Miao Chonghe didn't hesitate at all, he greeted Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, and made frequent killing moves, vowing not to be human if he didn't kill the second daughter.

Little did they know that Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing wanted such an effect.

If Miao Chonghe was timid and did not dare to make a move, then taking Miao Chonghe as the object of the trial would undoubtedly have the same effect, and the effect would be greatly reduced.

Miao Chonghe put on a desperate posture, which is exactly in line with the wishes of the second daughter.

The second daughter and Miao Chonghe fought in a group, seeing each other's moves, and within a short period of time, the battle became fierce and extremely fierce.

"Miao Chonghe, your murderous aura is not enough, I think it can be more violent." Jiang Chen yelled as he watched from the sidelines.

Miao Chonghe's face turned blue, and he punched out fiercely, just as Jiang Chen said, it was even more violent.

"The cooperation is good, keep up the good work." Jiang Chen pointed and put pressure on Miao Chonghe.


Miao Chonghe roared and wailed, what is this, a monkey trick?
"Miao Chonghe, are you expressing the grief and indignation deep in your heart? To be honest, the depth is a bit lacking, I will help you." Jiang Chen said, stepped forward and appeared in front of Miao Lang.

"What are you doing?" Seeing such a scene, Miao Chonghe's heart jumped into his throat instantly.

"Help you." Jiang Chen said, stepping heavily on Miao Lang's body, reaping Miao Lang's life.


Miao Chonghe let out another mournful roar, hysterical.

Miao Lang died, that was his only son, and now, right under his nose, he was trampled to death by Jiang Chen, sending a white-haired man to a black-haired man. describe.

"Sure enough, it is effective, Miao Chonghe, your comprehension ability really impresses me, and I am getting more and more optimistic about you now." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Miao Chonghe was mad with hatred, he was furious, as if he was insane, his attacks became stronger and stronger, several times, forcing Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to retreat.

Jiang Chen spared no effort to put pressure on Miao Chonghe.

And this kind of pressure eventually reacted on Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

Miao Chonghe, who was on the verge of madness, shot like a thunderstorm. Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were almost injured several times under the condition of suppressing their strength.

"No wonder, Jiang Chen has always said that we are quite lacking in combat." Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing came to a realization.

If it wasn't for this battle, if it wasn't for this battle, my own flaws would be infinitely magnified, whether Wen Qingxin or Shen Shijing, I'm afraid I wouldn't have discovered that I have so many flaws. flaws.

The two daughters are both arrogant and arrogant, so how could they be willing to be bullied by Miao Chonghe? With a coquettish shout, they launched a counterattack in an extremely tacit understanding...

(End of this chapter)

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