genius evil

Chapter 1108 I Feel Like I Have Changed

Chapter 1108 I Feel Like I Have Changed
Whether it is Wen Qingxin or Shen Shijing, they are all stunning beauties, and they can be called disaster-level existences. If they were placed in ancient times, they would be monsters who overwhelm the country and the city.

The two girls are soft and beautiful, not square.Even in the midst of battle, every move of one's hands and every shot of one's feet still gives people a beautiful visual enjoyment.

But when the second daughter counterattacked, the fierce and incomparable attack method was like a violent storm, and in an instant, it brought great pressure to Miao Chonghe.

"Give me back!"

Feeling the attacks of Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing, like two big mountains, pressed tightly on his body, almost out of breath, Miao Chonghe roared angrily, his arms vibrated violently, as if turning into two propellers .

The wind of Miao Chonghe's fist stirred the air, made a crackling sound, and smashed towards the second daughter frantically.

Miao Chonghe is desperate.

He couldn't help but work hard.

Now, his situation is like a monkey being played in a vaudeville troupe, with no dignity at all.

Miao Chonghe didn't have extravagant hopes, thinking that he would still be alive after today.

The reason why he desperately wanted to pull a back before he died.

As for Miao Chonghe, it would be a big profit for Miao Chonghe if he could get two backs.


Miao Chonghe's boxing style was overbearing to the extreme.

Under the condition of suppressing their strength, neither Wen Qingxin nor Shen Shijing dared to fight head-on.

The two women jumped back, but in an instant, they flew towards Miao Chonghe again like butterflies.

The two girls cooperated tacitly and waited on both sides of Miao Chonghe. It seemed that they shot together, but in fact, when each of them shot, there was a short time interval in between, which was not in the real sense. Miao Chonghe confronted.

This is because the two of them only had one subject to be tested, so they had no choice but to point their fingers at Miao Chonghe one after another.

But even so, it still brought a lot of pressure to Miao Chonghe.

Even if the momentum and strength of the two girls were deliberately weakened a lot when they attacked, the battle between the three of them will be tested more on the on-the-spot battle reaction, but this is still for Miao Chonghe, caused great trouble.

Miao Chonghe found that whether it was Wen Qingxin or Shen Shijing, they all became more and more excited as the war progressed, and even the beautiful eyes of the second daughter shone with an incomparably moving look.

This point makes Miao Chong go crazy in a friendly manner, it is true that he is being used as a living target, but unfortunately, he has no choice but to accompany the second daughter to practice moves.

"Pick me up!"

A few minutes later, Miao Chonghe, who was suppressed and retreating steadily, simply abandoned Wen Qingxin and attacked Shen Shijing with all his might.

"Take his punch." Jiang Chen's voice reached Shen Shijing's ears in due course.

Shen Shijing originally wanted to avoid it, but when he heard Jiang Chen's words, he fixed his legs on the ground and took Miao Chonghe's punch abruptly.


The wind of the fist shattered the air, Shen Shijing inevitably retreated.

"Death to me."

Seeing that his attack method was effective, Miao Chonghe's eyes showed a ferocious look, and he quickly moved towards Shen Shijing.

"Punch him again." Jiang Chen's voice rang in Shen Shijing's ears again.

Shen Shijing felt a little helpless.

As far as Miao Chonghe's cultivation is concerned, even under the condition of exhausting all his strength, it is not enough for her to take it seriously.However, the strength is suppressed, and under the ebb and flow, such a collision is doomed to suffer.

But since Jiang Chen said so, Shen Shijing did not hesitate, and shook Miao Chonghe again.

"Be careful, it's your turn." Jiang Chen spoke for the third time, calling Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qing nodded heartily, moved upon hearing the sound, and intercepted Miao Chonghe.

"Miss Shen, how do you feel?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Very bad." Shen Shijing stared at Jiang Chen, very dissatisfied.

"It's okay if it's bad." Jiang Chen said cheerfully, "Miss Shen, you have to remember that this kind of bad feeling is fine."

Shen Shijing doesn't want to remember, the only thing she thinks about now is to beat Miao Chonghe into a pig's head, lest Miao Chonghe think that she is easy to bully.

It's just that this kind of thought just came out of his mind, and Shen Shijing came to his senses in an instant.

Since it is a battle, any kind of situation can happen during the battle. The reason why Jiang Chen asked her to accept Miao Chonghe's two moves was to put her in a dangerous situation so as to personally experience how strong the enemy is. Details in weak battles.

"This guy, it doesn't matter if his stomach is full of gossip, but he has so much heart." Shen Shijing slandered in his heart.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't know Shen Shijing's slander, otherwise Jiang Chen would definitely have a strong urge to vomit blood.

But now, it was Miao Chonghe who was about to vomit blood.

Seeing that his attack method was effective, Miao Chonghe was planning to get rid of Shen Shijing in one go, but he suddenly changed to another person.

Therefore, Miao Chonghe could only cheer up forcibly and fight Wen Qingxin.

"Be careful, no matter what method you use, just beat Miao Chonghe and vomit blood." Jiang Chen said.

"I was injured and vomited blood?" Miao Chonghe's head was full of black lines, and he was immediately extremely vigilant.

Wen Qingxin knew that this was the real test.

In the case of suppressing her strength to a certain extent, no matter her strength, speed or combat experience, she is inferior to Miao Chonghe. The only advantage she has is her combat intuition.

It is not an easy task to injure Miao Chonghe with a strong fighting intuition.

But Wen Qingxin didn't protest this, she silently launched an attack.

If it is said that Wen Qingxin had always been a little reluctant to let go when he made a move before, then after Jiang Chen said those words, Miao Chonghe discovered strangely that Wen Qingxin completely let go, and the more It's getting smoother.

"That kid, isn't he really Jiang Chen?" Miao Chonghe felt strange.

Miao Chonghe could clearly hear what Jiang Chen said to Shen Shijing and Wen Qingxin, it was a training for the two daughters.

In a few words, with such an astonishing effect, it is inevitable that Jiang Chen himself has unimaginable strength.

Miao Chonghe fought with all his strength, making frequent killing moves.

However, Wen Qing let go of her heart completely, no matter how hard Miao Chonghe tried to resist, he was severely injured, sprayed blood, and flew upside down after 1 minute.

"Be careful, it's fine." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

What is Ruzi can be taught, this is called Ruzi can be taught.

Wen Qingxin is worthy of her extraordinary talent, without too much explanation, she was able to deeply understand his intentions, and made adjustments just right in a very short period of time.

"Miss Shen, I will leave the rest of the matter to you." Jiang Chen instructed Shen Shijing.

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that you think I'm useless?" Miao Chonghe's heart skipped a beat. He heard the hidden meaning of Jiang Chen's words, that is, there is no need to keep alive.

"Want to kill me?" Miao Chonghe went berserk.

Shen Shijing also heard the hidden meaning of Jiang Chen's words, but this was exactly what she was willing to do. Twice in a row, she was forcibly pushed back by Miao Chonghe, making Shen Shijing hold her breath in her heart.

With a heart as high and proud as her, how could she allow herself to encounter such a setback?
In about 2 minutes, Miao Chonghe was beaten by Shen Shijing like a broken sack, flew high, and fell to the ground. His whole body was full of bones. I don't know how many bones were broken. He died suddenly!

"Kill it." Shen Shijing said softly.

Miao Lang died, Miao Chonghe died, and in this room, those injured members of the Miao family trembled, their faces turned pale, as if in an instant, the strength inside their bodies was drained.

"Jiang Chen, how should we deal with these people?" Shen Shijing asked, full of evil spirit.

Shen Shijing is not a bloodthirsty person, but firstly, he has a very bad impression of the Miao family, and secondly, he was furious after being beaten by Miao Chonghe.

When Jiang Chen heard the sound, he just saw it.

However, Jiang Chen did not guide or explain this.

Sharpening combat experience is certainly important, but sharpening one's mind is also a very important thing. Let's just treat it as a sharpening of Shen Shijing's heart.

"Kill it. By the way, let's go to Miao's house." Jiang Chen said lightly.

It’s rare for Jiang Chen to be a good person, so he doesn’t want to be anticlimactic. This malignant tumor of the Miao family is deeply rooted in Xianghe City. I don’t know how many people have been persecuted, so Jiang Chen is simply a good person to the end, pulling out this malignant tumor in one go. Return Xianghe City to a bright future.

Shen Shijing had no objection to this, and quickly acted to send those seriously injured Miao family members to hell.

Then, without wasting too much time, the three of Jiang Chen left the hotel and went to the Hexin Island where the Miao family was located.

After spending about an hour, the Hexin Island was in a mess. The once behemoth, the mighty Miao family has finally become a piece of history.

It was night, and the three of Jiang Chen still stayed in Xianghe City and stayed in another hotel.

Shen Shijing didn't even eat dinner. When he entered the room, he just closed the door.

"Jiang Chen, I see Miss Shen, something is not quite right." Wen Qingxin said to Jiang Chen.

During this period of time, Wen Qingxin has been with Shen Shijing day and night, and their relationship has grown by leaps and bounds, and there is a tendency to form a friendship with Jinlan.

"It's not quite right." Jiang Chen smiled and said, "But don't be nervous, she will come out soon."

"You mean, Miss Shen has an obstacle in her mood?" Wen Qingxin suddenly realized.

"It's not just Miss Shen, I also have obstacles in my state of mind. Thinking that I, Jiang Chen, will actually do good deeds one day, this is really unbelievable. I feel that I have changed." Jiang Chen sighed.

Wen Qingxin smiled and said, "It's getting late, I'm going to rest too,"

"Be careful, you see that my current state is so bad, don't you plan to comfort me? It really makes me sad." Jiang Chen said, while talking, he gave Wen Qingxin Picking it up, she walked into the room, muttering: "Be careful, no matter what, you have to comfort me all night tonight."

Wen Qing couldn't laugh or cry, this guy, when will he be a little more serious?

(End of this chapter)

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