genius evil

Chapter 1110 Teacher Tang's Boyfriend

Chapter 1110 Teacher Tang's Boyfriend
After all, this itinerary ended on the second day. Jiang Chen drove back to the capital with Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

The second daughter's cultivation base had just broken through and still needed to be strengthened, so Jiang Chen sent the second daughter to the Tianzu.

To Jiang Chen's surprise, he didn't see Qin Wenyan in the Tianzu. After asking someone, he found out that Qin Wenyan had been busy all this time, but Qin Wenyan was busy. What, but no one knows, very mysterious.

Jiang Chen drove away alone, intending to find Tang Tian and his daughters. Speaking of which, it took a little longer to leave Beijing this time.


While driving the car on the road, Jiang Chen was suddenly surprised because he saw a familiar figure that would never appear in the capital.

In other words, at least at this time, that person will never appear in the capital.

"Is my eyes dazzled?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself, and said strangely.


A woman walked slowly on the streets of the capital, wearing a neat uniform, very similar to the female white-collar workers who are full of streets in the capital.

But she has a bookish aura that ordinary female white-collar workers don't have.

What's more, this woman has a pretty appearance and a graceful figure. Even though she is dressed in an ordinary way and doesn't have much outstanding features, her figure is soft and beautiful, which is better than those popular little flowers who show their faces on TV. More than ten times and a hundred times.

A beautiful woman often means that even if she does nothing, it is easy to become the central figure in the eyes of passers-by.

No, as this woman walked on the street, it attracted many people to stop and stare at her.

Of course, from another perspective, a beautiful woman, especially a beautiful woman walking alone on the street, will often get into trouble inadvertently.

After all, these days, there are too many crazy bees and butterflies.

No, soon Jiang Chen saw that several young men, with playful faces, approached the woman and struck up a conversation.

"Beauty, are you shopping alone?" A guy with curly hair whistled and said with a smile.

Her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and there was a hint of disgust in her eyes.

The woman ignored her, turned around and left.

"Hey, beauty, don't be in a hurry to leave, this hasn't answered my question yet." Curly Hair stretched out his hand to stop the girl from leaving, and said relentlessly.

"I can only say that you are boring." The woman looked indifferent and her tone was cold.

"Boring?" Curly laughed, and said, "Beauty, isn't it boring for you to go shopping alone? It just so happens that my brothers know a good place, why don't I take you to have fun together."

As soon as these words came out, the other two men laughed teasingly.

"Put down your hand." Hearing the sound, the woman couldn't help being even more displeased, and the look of disgust in the depths of her eyes couldn't help but deepened a bit.

She has been away from Beijing for a long time, and after returning to Beijing yesterday, she has many discomforts.

In addition, at home, there are a lot of troubles, so I simply go out of sight and out of mind, so I go out for a walk alone.

Walking alone on this familiar but unfamiliar street, the woman found that, maybe, she had been away from Beijing for too long, and she didn't have the slightest nostalgia for this city.

Because of something on her mind, the expression on the woman's face was a little cold.

For no reason, someone jumped out to strike up a conversation, and the other party was so frivolous, as if they were afraid that the other party would not know that they had bad intentions.

This made the woman sigh softly in her heart, and she doubted whether it was a mistake to return to Beijing this time.

"Perhaps, I shouldn't have come back." The woman said in her heart.

"Beauty, you are too unreasonable. I can swear that I don't have any malice towards you. Besides, you are alone and don't have a boyfriend. We just take you to play and pass the time. Don't you?" Isn't it just right?" Curly said wearily.

"You can tell fortunes?"

But following Curly's words, an incomparably surprised voice came over.

"Fortune-telling? Who knows that stuff." Curly said without thinking.

"Since you don't know how to tell fortunes, how do you know that this beautiful woman doesn't have a boyfriend? Or, is there something wrong with your brain, and your spirit is quite abnormal?" The voice said again.

"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about? Who's mentally ill? I think you're the one with a brain problem. Are you looking for death?" Curly shouted.

Being scolded for no reason would be unbearable for anyone, not to mention, he was striking up a conversation at this time, and he was scolded for no reason, which would be too unlucky.

The two groups of people pinched for no reason.

The woman, however, paid no attention to it lazily, just as she was still thinking about how to get rid of the entanglement of the curly hair and the others, it would be great if someone came to trouble the curly hair and the others at this time.

Taking advantage of the situation, the woman moved her steps to leave.

But as soon as the woman's feet moved, a hand stretched out and grabbed the woman's right arm.

The woman was taken aback, and in a panic, she wanted to shake off that hand. At this moment, a lazy voice came into her ears, "Teacher Tang, what's going on with you, don't you know me?"


Following the sound, the woman looked sideways, and at a glance, she saw an extremely hateful smiling face, who else could it be except Jiang Chen.

No wonder, she felt very familiar when she heard the voice that interjected just now, but it wasn't exactly Jiang Chen's usual tone of voice.

Because her mind was wandering, she was only thinking about how to leave, but she didn't care. When she saw Jiang Chen's smiling face, she immediately recognized him.

In other words, how could he not know Jiang Chen?

This hateful guy tried his best to leave an indelible imprint deep in her heart, not to mention never forgetting Jiang Chen, even if he tried every means to erase that imprint, it would be impossible, right? .

"Teacher Tang, I see you are stunned, you must be very pleasantly surprised." Jiang Chen said with a smile, telling Tangyue that he was also very pleasantly surprised.

"I heard that you haven't been in the capital for a while, when did you come back?" Tangyue asked.

"I just came back, and as soon as I came back, I met you, Mr. Tang... In the vast sea of ​​people, I met you, Mr. Tang, among tens of millions of people. I have to say, we are really, very close by fate." Jiang Chen smashed his mouth and said.

Tangyue felt ashamed.

She didn't know whether Jiang Chen was telling the truth or a lie.

But if Jiang Chen really just came back today, then in this case, they could meet each other, indeed, the two are very close to each other.

"Boy, do you two know each other?" Curly looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

No wonder Jiang Chen scolded people as soon as he came over. He actually knew Tangyue. It was not difficult to explain why Jiang Chen always looked down on him.

"It seems that besides your brain problem, you also have a problem with your eyes. Hear my advice, go to the hospital quickly and see neurology and ophthalmology. Maybe you can be saved." Jiang Chen said.

"Fuck, what's wrong with my eyes?" Curly shouted, Jiang Chen's mouth is too poisonous, right?

"If your eyesight is fine, why can't you tell that I'm Teacher Tang's boyfriend. As far as your IQ is concerned, from my point of view, you will basically have no chance to pick up girls in the future. Get the hell out of here." Jiang Chen waved and said.

"Boy, it doesn't matter if you are the boyfriend of this beauty, you are the one who should get out." The curly hair said sinisterly.

He decided that even if he failed to strike up a conversation today, he had to teach Jiang Chen a lesson. Whoever made Jiang Chen look like he didn't want to smoke.

"What's more, you clearly call this beautiful teacher Tang, and you have the face to call her boyfriend. Do you think we are deaf?" Then, Curly said again.

"That's right, boy, you are so brash, be careful not to be beaten." The other two echoed.

"When I made out with Teacher Tang, I also called Teacher Tang. This is a nickname, do you care?" Jiang Chen said angrily, rolling his eyes.

Nick name?

Tangyue's feet were soft and she almost fell to the ground.

As Jiang Chen's teacher, she preached the teachings and solved doubts. Jiang Chen called her Teacher Tang, which was a respectful title. Why did she become a nickname?

Or, is this what Jiang Chen has in mind?

Although Jiang Chen has always called her Teacher Tang, in fact it is a nickname, and he does not treat her as a teacher.

"This bad guy, hateful!" Tangyue was very dissatisfied, feeling that her sacred profession had been desecrated and defiled by Jiang Chen.

"Boy, your taste is very strange." Curly said strangely.

What Jiang Chen said was reasonable, but for a while, it was hard for him to refute.

Moreover, Tangyue did not stand up to deny it, so there was no reason for Curly to feel that Jiang Chen's words were likely to be true.

It's just that Mr. Tang's name is actually a nickname, which still makes Curly Hair puzzled. Could it be that this guy has a teacher fetish?
"So-so." Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Stop here, with a hippie smile." Curly said with a straight face, "Boy, I don't care what kind of relationship you have with this beauty. Now that you offend me, do you know what the consequences will be?"

"There are no consequences." Jiang Chen said.

"Dream, you, the consequence is that the three of us will beat you up. Of course, if you give in and ask your teacher Tang to accompany us to have a meal, maybe my lord has a lot, so let's go!" You don't have to be a horse." Curly said.

"Sorry, I changed my mind." Jiang Chen said.

At first, he thought, just let the curly three get out.

After all, for a stunning beauty like Tangyue, there are always a few flies around her, buzzing and buzzing. There are too many flies, and if he tries to pat them one by one, he won't be able to pat them all.

Since curly hair doesn't know good from bad, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

After finishing the words, Jiang Chen kicked out suddenly, knocking the curly hair to the ground, followed by another kick, another kick, fourth kick, fifth kick...

The speed of Jiang Chen's kicks was so fast, just like Foshan Wuying's kicks, kicking the curly hair back and forth, making a scream like killing a pig, that was miserable...

(End of this chapter)

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