genius evil

Chapter 1111 There Is Someone Living In Your Heart

Chapter 1111 There Is Someone Living In Your Heart
"You two, should you lie on your stomach and let me kick you a few times, or should I kick you on the ground and kick you a few more times?"

Seeing that it was almost time to tidy up the curly hair, Jiang Chen turned to look at the two people who appeared with the curly hair.

Those two were trembling in fright from Jiang Chen's fierce footwork.

This is not kicking people, it is simply kicking a football.

It is estimated that if it is replaced with a leather ball, according to Jiang Chen's kicking method, it will also be broken by kicking it.

"This guy is a stubble!" In the minds of the two of them, an idea popped up involuntarily.

They are just punks on the street. How could they have seen such a scene before? After this idea came up, they quickly ran away.

"Uh, where are you going?" One of them, after running several meters away, was hoping that he could almost avoid being kicked by Jiang Chen, but a voice rang in his ears, and then , this person is a strange discovery, Jiang Chen appeared right in front of him.

"Ah..." the man yelled.


Jiang Chen didn't care about his ghostly screams, kicked him out, and cleaned up this person according to the method of cleaning up curly hair, and the third guy's fate was similar.

"Teacher Tang, the matter is settled, let's go." After clapping his hands, Jiang Chen walked towards Tangyue.

"Where are you going?" Tangyue asked subconsciously.

The trio of curly hair were frivolous and exaggerated, which displeased Tangyue very much. Tangyue didn't have any dissatisfaction when Jiang Chen taught the three of them a lesson.

"This question is very simple. Of course, Teacher Tang, we will go wherever you want to go. We will go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire. Anyway, I, Jiang Chen, must give up my life to accompany the gentleman at all costs." Jiang Chen said seriously. .

Hearing Jiang Chen's exaggeration, Tangyue couldn't help but glance at Bai Jiangchen, thought for a while and said, "Then, send me back to Tang's house."

"Teacher Tang, don't you want to date me?" Jiang Chen asked puzzled.

"When did I say I was going on a date with you?" Tangyue was annoyed.

It's been a long time since I saw him, and this guy is still stubborn.

"Teacher Tang, you haven't said it, but you must think so in your heart, and I can sense it." Jiang Chen emphasized.

"I'll take a taxi back by myself," Tangyue said.

She went out alone, wandered around for several hours, and calculated the time, it was time to go back, otherwise she might be talked about.

"Teacher Tang, you are so unfeeling." Jiang Chen grinned, and he was counting on the last romantic encounter. Who would have thought that he would send Tangyue home so soon.

But no matter how reluctant, Jiang Chen had no choice but to play the role of a driver temporarily, driving Tangyue back to Tang's house.

"Teacher Tang, why did you come to the capital?" Jiang Chen asked casually while driving.

"I have something to deal with. I'll be back in two days." Tangyue said.

"If I ask Mr. Tang what's the matter with you, Mr. Tang, you will definitely not tell me. Simply, I will guess it myself." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tangyue was speechless, and Jiang Chen didn't even ask, how did she know that she wouldn't say it?
But thinking about it, even if Jiang Chen asked, he really wouldn't say it, so he could only let Jiang Chen talk nonsense.

"Teacher Tang, if you let me guess, it must be someone from your family. Seeing that you are getting older, but you have never been able to find a boyfriend, so..." Jiang Chen said.

"It's not that I can't find a boyfriend." Before Jiang Chen could finish speaking, Tang Yue interrupted.

Can't find and don't want to find, completely, are two concepts.

Tangyue doesn't think that if she wants to find a boyfriend, she will not find a boyfriend. She still has this confidence, but it's just that she doesn't want to find it for the time being.

Knowing that Jiang Chen was probably doing it on purpose to confuse the public, Tangyue couldn't help but refute.

"So I guessed right." Jiang Chen said narrowly.


Tangyue was taken aback, and soon realized that she was being tricked by Jiang Chen.

Tangyue was speechless, this guy's level of cliché was too high, a short sentence... no, Jiang Chen hadn't finished his sentence when she interrupted her.

To be precise, it is half a sentence.

In half a sentence, the most crucial information was set out, so that Tangyue didn't know what to say.

"Jiang Chen, you guessed it right. The family has concerns about me." Now that the quilt was out, Tangyue had no choice but to tell the truth.

Anyway, the teacher-student relationship between her and Jiang Chen had always existed in name only. Jiang Chen even said that calling her Teacher Tang was just a nickname.

Another point is that Jiang Chen graduated from high school and is no longer her student. Now, the relationship between the two is equal, and Tangyue is also a little bit less coy.

"There is more." Jiang Chen asked.

"What else?" Tang Yu asked back.

"It seems that you, Teacher Tang, are unwilling to talk about it. It doesn't matter, I will continue to guess." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Hearing the sound, Tangyue turned her head and glanced at Jiang Chen, wanting to hear what this guy could guess.

She made up her mind at this time, no matter how deep Jiang Chen's tricks were, she would resolutely keep silent, lest she be fooled by Jiang Chen again.

"Considering Mr. Tang, you are as beautiful as a flower, and your suitor is like a crucian carp crossing the river, but you have always stuck to your heart and remained unmoved. I guess your family members must be very worried about your mate selection orientation, Mr. Tang. .” Jiang Chen said slowly.


Tangyue's expression was shocked.

Why, was it guessed again?
Tangyue is not too old, but if you say young, she is not too young, she is the most suitable age for marriage.

If it was said that when Tangyue was in college, she could use her heavy studies to make excuses, but now, after working for a year or two, it is impossible to use such an excuse to make excuses.

With a random wave of her hand, she is a beautiful woman who can attract a large number of bees and butterflies. From the beginning to the end, she keeps herself clean and shows no color to all men. She even has no male friends around her.

This situation, in the eyes of some people, may be normal.

But in the eyes of parents and relatives, it is absolutely abnormal.

I am very worried that there is a deviation in whether to choose a spouse or not.

"Haha..." Seeing Tangyue's reaction, Jiang Chen laughed out loud.

"Don't laugh." Tangyue was angry and annoyed, and wanted to punch Jiang Chen a few times.

What is going on with this guy is like the roundworm in her stomach. She knows everything about the situation, and those who don't know it will think that she has given her own situation in every detail. Tell Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Tang, I'm curious about how you deal with this situation." Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Damn it." Tangyue clenched her fists and said, "Aren't you good at guessing, guess it yourself."

Tangyue would not talk about such embarrassing things with Jiang Chen, otherwise she would be laughed to death.

"Okay, then let me guess again." Jiang Chen said helplessly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he said casually, "Mr. Tang, your mate selection orientation is naturally normal and can't be normal anymore. I can tell God about this. I swear... In order to deal with your parents and relatives and show that you are just like normal people in this respect, you must have spent your tongue and tongue, and in the end it was very reluctant, to convince them to the point of half-belief, and then, to make sure that you are indeed normal, Therefore, they want to arrange a blind date for you, and only if you get married and have children early can your words be [-]% credible."


Tangyue exclaimed in a low voice, unable to control herself, she looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

It wasn't that Jiang Chen guessed wrong, but Jiang Chen's guess, [-]%, restored her current situation.

This is also the reason why Tangyue was depressed and appeared on the street alone.

She was so annoyed by this situation that she ran away alone, wanting to be clean.

"Teacher Tang, are you going to talk about the rest of the matter yourself, or am I going to talk about it?" The old god Jiang Chen said, if he put on a Taoist robe, he would be a real magic stick.

"It's okay." Tangyue said in a whisper.

She didn't want to say it, and she didn't want Jiang Chen to say it again, it was too embarrassing, and she felt ashamed.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "Teacher Tang, you are so proud, you must not accept the arrangement of the blind date, and resisted it with all your strength, so you came out for a walk alone."

At the end, Jiang Chen sighed lightly, and said: "However, I understand this kind of thing very well. After all, a man as good as me, looking at the whole world, is also holding a lantern, and he can't find the first one." There are two."

"What does this matter have to do with you?" Tang Yue asked inexplicably.

"Mr. Tang, there is someone living in your heart, and that person is me. But, Mr. Tang, you have never figured out your own mind." Jiang Chen said.

"Don't talk nonsense." Tangyue stopped, this guy really never forgets his smug nature.

Jiang Chen was not in her heart.

If there is one, it is also a teacher who only cares about his students. It is the relationship between a teacher and an apprentice, not a relationship between a man and a woman.

"Teacher Tang, could it be that you forgot what happened just now... When I said I was your boyfriend, you didn't deny it. Isn't that enough to show that you have me in your heart?" Jiang Chen had to remind road.

"I don't know those three people, so why explain to them?" Tang Yue said quickly, as if worried that Jiang Chen would misunderstand.

"Teacher Tang, you can convince me, but unfortunately, you can't convince yourself." Regarding Tangyue's rhetoric, Jiang Chen didn't care, and was full of confidence.

He grinned and said, "Teacher Tang, I will wait. You contact me. At that time, I will come to Tang's house again to propose marriage."

While talking, the car stopped and Tang's house arrived.

Tangyue shivered, not knowing whether she heard Jiang Chen's words or not, she opened the car door and got out of the car, and ran to Tang's house in a panic.

"Teacher Tang, this time, I want to see how you escape from my palm." Watching Tangyue go away, Jiang Chen squeezed the palm of his right hand slightly, and said with a half-smile.

"Xiaoyue, what did you do? I'm the same. I've been looking for you for a long time." Tangyue had just entered the gate of Tang's house, when a figure just walked out, looked at Tangyue, and said with some complaints.

(End of this chapter)

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