genius evil

Chapter 1112

Chapter 1112
The one who came out was a young man, none other than that Tang Yu who had been to Yilan City once, lording Jiang Chen and finally ran back to the capital in desperation.

"Just go out for a walk." Tangyue said absently.

There were all kinds of forced marriages in the family, and the elders took turns to bombard her, Tangyue couldn't resist.

Now, walking into the house, it is very likely that she will face such a situation again. Thinking about it, Tangyue felt a sense of shuddering, and her walking steps became a little hesitant for no reason.

"Walk casually? Is it true?" Tangyu probed his head, expressing doubts, he asked, "Then you are walking casually alone, or are you two walking casually?"

"Alone." Tangyue said casually, taking a step forward and walking inside.

Tangyu smiled and said, "Xiaoyue, even if you want to deceive people, can't you be a little distracted? I just saw that you got out of a Mercedes-Benz G55, don't tell me, then It was a taxi you haphazardly hailed."

"Did you see it?" Tangyue was taken aback, she thought Tangyu didn't see anything.

"It's such a big car, and I'm not blind, how can I not see it... No, even if I'm blind, I can still see it!" Tang Yu rolled her eyes, expressing her IQ, deeply insulted.

He said curiously: "I just saw that the Mercedes-Benz G55 has a license plate from a foreign country. Could it be your lover? He came here specially to meet you."

"Not a lover." Tangyue said angrily.

"Oh, I made a mistake, it's my boyfriend." Tang Yu corrected with a smile.

"It's not a boyfriend either." Tangyue was even more annoyed.

She regretted it now, let Jiang Chen send her back, who would have thought that it was such a coincidence that Tang Yu just ran out from inside, now it's all right, it's inevitable that she will have to explain it.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, but it's okay to tell me who is driving you back." Shrugging, Tang Yu said, not forcing others.

" ordinary friend, even if I tell you his name, you don't know who he is." After thinking about it, Tangyue said.

"The name hasn't been told to me yet, how can I be so sure? I don't know it, unless you are deliberately hiding something, Xiaoyue." Tangyu said dissatisfied.

"There is nothing to hide. What I say is the truth." Tangyue said frankly.

Tangyue thought that the relationship between her and Jiang Chen was similar to that of ordinary friends, and she didn't think that she had deceived Tangyu on this issue.

Tangyu sighed, and said, "Xiaoyue, you can't trust me. Could it be that I, Tangyu, have such a big mouth that I can't say anything?"

Tangyue glanced at Tangyu speechlessly. She didn't know whether this guy had a big mouth, but according to Tangyu's personality, if there was any gossip on her side, Tangyu would definitely let him know immediately. Everyone in the family knows.

You know, when she returned to Beijing this time, the family pressured her, and Tangyu participated a lot, gloating at other people's misfortunes.Jumping up and down over and over again, making her one head and two big, and using tape to seal Tang Yu's mouth, that's all there is.

Thinking about what she had done these two days, Tangyu felt guilty for a while when Tangyu looked at her, she laughed dryly, and said, "It's a big deal, I swear, don't tell anyone about today's matter. If you can't trust me, then just treat it as me and say nothing."

"I didn't intend to tell you." Tangyue said with a smile.

The corners of Tangyu's eyes twitched. After so much effort, Tangyue didn't say a word, which made him wonder if there was something wrong with his character.

"I don't know why, when I glanced over just now, I realized that the handsome guy driving in the Mercedes-Benz G55 looked very familiar, a bit like Young Master Jiang." Tang Yu said leisurely, and threw out a blockbuster.

"Master Jiang? Are you talking about Jiang Chen?" Tangyue asked subconsciously.

"Looking at the capital, is it possible that there are other Young Master Jiang?" Tang Yu smiled and said, "It seems that I read it right, it really is, Young Master Jiang."

"I didn't say it was him." Tangyue said bluntly.

"You said it." Tangyu pointed out, and at the end, she sighed and said: "No wonder Xiaoyue you are so resistant to the blind date arranged by the family, and you would rather die than follow. You just returned to the capital today, so I must have taken Xiaoyue very seriously, so I can't wait to meet you."

"It's nothing." Tangyue blushed when Tangyu said it. What was the matter? She met Jiang Chen, but it was just a chance encounter, okay?

What's more, nothing happened, she just asked Jiang Chen to send her back to Tang's house. How could it be glued to Tang Yu's eyes? Is it that exaggerated?
"Tangyu, aren't you and Jiang Chen not very good at dealing with each other?" Tangyue asked suspiciously.

This guy used to show off his power in front of Jiang Chen, and he was very arrogant.

Why now, it is a look of admiration for Jiang Chen.

"Have it?"

The eyeballs flickered, but Tang Yu refused to admit it.

How could he dare not deal with Jiang Chen? If Jiang Chen knew about it, he would crush her to death with just a single finger.

If you don't deal with anyone, you can't deal with Jiang Chen, he hasn't lived enough.

"Xiaoyue, don't try to change the subject. In fact, I realized early on that you have a deep love for Young Master Jiang. In this life, he will not marry you..." Tangyu said.

"Stop!" Tangyue said hastily, and Tangyu's nonsense became more and more chaotic, which made it unbearable for her.

"Xiaoyue, don't be shy. This is a good thing. If you don't believe me, I will tell the elders in the family, and they will all agree with it." Tangyu said solemnly.

"Don't talk nonsense." Tangyue hurriedly stopped her, lest Tangyu would really talk big and spread the word about her and Jiang Chen all over the world.

If there is indeed such a relationship between her and Jiang Chen, it's fine. The biggest problem now is that it's not what Tangyu thinks it is at all.

Tangyu didn't care what Tangyue's concerns were, she left these words and walked quickly inside, looking at her posture, she couldn't be stopped no matter what.

A few minutes later, through the publicity of Tangyu's big mouth, everyone in the Tang family knew about the relationship between Tangyue and Jiang Chen.

The people in the Tang family had heard about the rumors between Tangyue and Jiang Chen before, but it seems that Tangyue and Jiang Chen were not too close together, and Tangyue, who was Because of always staying outside Jiang Chen's circle, over time, the Tang family just didn't take such rumors seriously.

Now, Tangyu witnessed with her own eyes that when Jiang Chenfu returned to the capital, he had a private meeting with Tangyue, and even drove herself to send Tangyue back. It is to marry Tangyue to Jiang Chen.

Tangyue couldn't resist, after explaining to no avail, she fled the scene with a red face, she wanted to die, and she had it all.

"How did it become like this?" In the room, standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, looking at the enthusiastic face reflected in the mirror, Tangyue was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole on the spot and drill into it. Just go in.

Jiang Chen just drove her back to Tang's house. Nothing else happened, so I don't know how Tang Yu and others' association ability can be so rich. Hurry up to make arrangements.

But, she is Jiang Chen's teacher.

Tangyu knew about it, and so did everyone in her family.

Knowing this, why do you still believe that she and Jiang Chen have an unclear and ambiguous relationship?

Or, what did she do to easily cause such a misunderstanding?

Or, the relationship between her and Jiang Chen, in the eyes of others, is like this?
There are many problems that can't be thought about carefully. Once thought about carefully, not only can't straighten out, but will, the more you think about it, the more chaotic. Right now, Tangyue is in such a situation.

She felt confused and worried, and all kinds of emotions came one after another, making it impossible for even herself to distinguish which of those emotions were real and which were overthinking.

"I really shouldn't go back to the capital." With a whimper, Tangyue said to herself.

Probably, if you don't go back to the capital, you won't have these troubles. At most, you can just say a few words on the phone, and it will pass after listening.

It was even more unlikely that everyone would consider her refusal of a blind date as a special liking for Jiang Chen. According to Tangyu's words, it would be for Jiang Chen to guard herself like a jade.

"Keep your body like jade?"

Muttering to herself, suddenly, there was an extremely strange feeling lingering in Tangyue's heart, which couldn't go away.

"Is it really because of Jiang Chen that I resist the blind date so much...Jiang Chen said, there is a person living in my heart, and that person is him...Is that really the case?" Tangyue said softly Said, deep in the eyes, showing deep confusion.

"A lot of things actually changed early in the morning, but I didn't know, and I pretended not to know." Tangyue said again, slightly flustered, slightly confused!
At this moment, Tangyue's cell phone rang.

Tangyue took out her mobile phone and saw that the call was from Jiang Chen, she hesitated for a while before connecting.

"Teacher Tang, I realized that I made a mistake. You are so shy, why would you take the initiative to contact me, so I took the initiative to call you, Teacher Tang." On the other end of the phone, Jiang Chen's voice came into his ears. .

"What's the matter?" Tangyue whispered while stroking her hot cheek.

"It's not a big deal, I just want to ask Teacher Tang, when is it more appropriate for me to come and hire me? Today, or tomorrow?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Ah..." Tangyue was greatly surprised. Jiang Chen called her at this time, was this what he wanted to talk about?

"No!" Hastily refusing, Tangyue was really worried that Jiang Chen would do such a thing.

"Then, let's save face and have a meal together, okay?" Jiang Chen smiled and said casually.

(End of this chapter)

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