genius evil

Chapter 1114 Can I Beat You Up?

Chapter 1114 Can I Beat You Up?
After a meal, it was already two hours later.

Tangyue had an unprecedented feeling of fullness, she was obviously very restrained, but she still ate a lot unconsciously.

Maybe it was because the food tasted good, maybe the atmosphere created by Jiang Chen was just right, or maybe it was because Jiang Chen had unprecedented gentleness and patience when eating.

"For the next three days, I won't be able to eat dinner." Tangyue said secretly in her heart, she was very worried about whether her figure would lose shape under such overeating, and what to do if she was disgusted by Jiang Chen at that time Is good?

"Jiang Chen hates it?"

Thinking of this, Tangyue couldn't help being stunned all of a sudden, she didn't understand why such a thought popped up in her mind out of nowhere.

In terms of her current relationship with Jiang Chen, no matter what, she shouldn't have such worries. In other words, Jiang Chen didn't dislike her position.

Unless, from the bottom of her heart, she was extremely looking forward to a further development of her relationship with Jiang Chen, then she would have so many worries.

"I must be drunk, so I can think wildly." Muttering, Tangyue smiled wryly.

Before eating, I only ordered a bottle of red wine. Because Tangyue specially emphasized that I don't drink while driving, the red wine I ordered couldn't be opened until the end of the meal.

That is to say, Tangyue didn't drink at all.

Without drinking, it is naturally impossible to get drunk.

Undoubtedly, Tangyue found an extremely clumsy excuse for herself, but what she needs now is an excuse, even if it is an excuse full of loopholes.

After walking out of the restaurant, Tangyue felt that the restlessness in her heart had dissipated a lot when the wind was blowing in her face.

The doorman quickly drove the car over, respectfully handed over the car keys to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen smiled slightly, said thank you, opened the co-pilot's door, and invited Tangyue to get in the car.

"Wait...beautiful lady, please wait a moment."

However, just as Tangyue was about to get in the car, a man in his thirties suddenly ran over quickly and spoke loudly, signaling Tangyue not to get in the car for now.

Hearing the sound, Tangyue took a look and saw that the person was extremely strange, and she was sure that she had never seen him before.

"Beauty, it's a good thing I reacted quickly enough, otherwise something not so wonderful might happen today." The man ran up to him and said with a smile, looking handsome and polite.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Xiumei frowned, Tangyue said.

This person spoke without beginning or end, which was very incomprehensible.

Moreover, Tangyue thought that she didn't know this person, and if she wanted to come, this person didn't know her, so it was not wonderful to run over so abruptly.

"The beauty must think I'm presumptuous, right?" The man smiled, and immediately looked at Jiang Chen, and said, "My friend, I can only say that your vision is quite good."

"My vision is of course good." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

The man was stunned for a moment, a little unaccustomed to Jiang Chen's way of speaking.

After all, when a person is praised, shouldn't the normal reaction be to be modest and courteous? Why didn't Jiang Chen play his cards according to common sense and burst out with confidence?
But soon, the man came to his senses, and he still smiled: "My friend, if I accidentally spoil your good deed today, please don't mind too much."

"I would mind very much." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

Who is this guy, it's okay to say some nonsense for no reason, and he even intends to spoil his good deeds, if you don't mind, doesn't it mean that he doesn't have a temper at all?

"Then I'm sorry, even if you mind, I will, unceremoniously, expose your hypocritical mask." The man said, giving people a sense of righteousness.

"A mask of hypocrisy?" Tangyue subconsciously looked at Jiang Chen, thinking how could Jiang Chen be hypocritical?
You know, it is precisely because Jiang Chen is not hypocritical and not artificial that it makes her feel extremely embarrassed, okay?

Most of the time, she also thought that Jiang Chen would be a little hypocritical. In that case, she might be able to be a little more comfortable when getting along with Jiang Chen.

"Beauty, you must be aware of what I'm going to say." Seeing Tangyue looking at Jiang Chen, the man felt complacent, he patted the hood of the car, and said, "Beauty, you guessed right , what I want to say, indeed, is the matter of this car."

"You think too much." Tangyue was speechless.

She didn't guess anything at all, but this person showed a posture that had seen through everything. It was really, very suspicious of being ridiculous.

"Didn't guess?" The man frowned, expressing a certain degree of doubt, but he didn't just stalk him, but reached out, patted the hood of the car, and said, "Beauty, you must be right." The origin of this car seems strange."

"No." Tangyue said.

It's just a car, but a means of transportation. From the beginning to the end, she never paid any attention to it.


The man was about to squirt blood, so it's fine if Jiang Chen didn't play cards according to common sense, why did Tangyue play cards so unreasonably, this would greatly hinder his performance level, okay?
"Haha, it seems that you are not very sensitive to cars, but it doesn't matter. Since I, Lin Bo, have encountered this matter, I, Lin Bo, will not be able to sit idly by." The man said.

"By the way, have you finished talking nonsense? If you finish talking, get out of here." Jiang Chen said impatiently.

Speaking of which, this guy feels so good about himself, what is going on? Doesn't he look in the mirror every day before going out to see what kind of virtue he is?

Lin Bo teased and said: "Friend, can I say, are you guilty?"

"You're out of your mind." Jiang Chen burst out, cursing.

Some people are just looking for scolding. Obviously, this Lin Bo is this type, so Jiang Chen did not hesitate to fulfill his weird hobby.

"That's right, you have a guilty conscience. Only with a guilty conscience can you show such embarrassment and anger. However, since you have a guilty conscience, it shows that you still have some conscience. You apologize to this beauty, and I, Lin Bo, will let it go for what happened today." With a wave of his hand, Lin Bo said magnanimously.

"Apologize to me?"

Tangyue was stunned. Jiang Chen needed to apologize to her for something, why didn't she know about it?

Besides, if there is such a thing, shouldn't she be the first to know about it?
"Excuse me, are you insane?" Listening to Lin Bo talking eloquently, Jiang Chen was speechless, the corners of his mouth twitching non-stop.

"Cursing people won't solve the problem, but if you curse people in a fit of anger, that means you don't intend to apologize, right? Well, then don't blame me for not giving you the chance to expose your hypocritical mask. " Lin Bo said seriously.

"Speak up if you have something to say, let go if you have something to say." Jiang Chen urged.

Originally, Jiang Chen was extremely impatient and wanted to kick this guy flying away, so as not to keep this guy from chirping.

But now, Jiang Chen is also curious, what kind of ugly can this guy say.

Of course, if what Lin Bo said didn't go his way, a violent beating would be unavoidable.

"I don't know how to repent!" Lin Bo snorted coldly, pointed at the car, and said, "How did this car get here? Are you really planning to let me tell you?"

"Oh, do you suspect that I stole this car?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"That's not true, I don't think you have the guts." Limbo shook his head and said, "What I want to say is, this car doesn't belong to you, does it?"

"You're right, it's definitely not mine." Jiang Chen said.

Lin Bo's heart skipped a beat. He said so much nonsense and made so many foreshadowings, just to remind Tangyue that this car does not belong to Jiang Chen.

Lin Bo also thought that Jiang Chen, with his self-esteem as a man, would argue in every possible way, insisting that the car belonged to him. He would never have thought that Jiang Chen was so straightforward that he admitted the matter.

This inevitably made Lin Bo feel that it was a mistake for him to come here to "fight the injustice", because Jiang Chen didn't seem to be easy to deal with.

But the matter has come to this point, Lin Bo will not back down.

His behavior of "fighting against injustice" seems to be full of a sense of justice, but after all, it is only because of Tangyue.

He wanted to sabotage Jiang Chen's good deed, so as to attract Tangyue's attention to himself, killing two birds with one stone.

"You didn't borrow this car from your friend." Lin Bo said firmly.

"Congratulations, you are right again, and then, what are you trying to express?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"What I want to say is, does this beauty know about things like renting a car to pick up girls? If you don't have money, just admit that you don't have money. There's no need to swell your face and pretend to be fat. I don't think this beauty is the kind of vain Woman, your behavior like this only proves your superficiality and naivety."

"As for why I know that your car is rented, it's because my family owns this car rental company. We are destined to each other. After all, I have driven this car several times."

Lin Bo said, he said a lot of things in one go, and didn't give Jiang Chen a chance to interject at all.

"And then, can you finish it all at once?" Jiang Chen asked indifferently.

Lin Bo looked at Jiang Chen wonderingly, what should be said, he has already finished, hasn't he?

Remind Tangyue, this Mercedes-Benz G55 has already stepped on Jiang Chen very clearly.

He also said that the Mercedes-Benz G55 that Jiang Chen rented was driven by his family's car rental company, and told Tangyue from the side how rich and powerful he was.

So much has been said, isn't it enough?

In the end, Jiang Chen still wanted him, so what did he say?

"You want to tell me that you've finished talking, right? Next, I have a question to ask you. This question is, can I beat you up?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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