genius evil

Chapter 1115 Have You Ever Heard of a Beauty's Trouble?

Chapter 1115 Have You Ever Heard of a Beauty's Trouble?

"Can I beat you up?"

When Jiang Chen asked this question, he was very polite and had an extremely good attitude.

Hearing it in Lin Bo's ears made Lim Bo dumbfounded.

Even if Jiang Chen asked an unbelievable question, Lin Bo thought that there would not be any more unimaginable questions than this one.

Do you still need to answer this question?

In Limbo's view, it was obviously unnecessary.

He wasn't itchy, how could he agree to Jiang Chen's request?

"No." Without thinking, Lin Bo just refused.

"But, I have already decided to beat you up." Jiang Chen said slowly.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen did not wait for Lin Bo to react. He beat Lin Bo like a storm until his parents didn't even know him anymore. , this is the stop.

"Teacher Tang, there are a lot of idiots these days, don't mind." A few minutes later, Jiang Chen drove on the road and said comfortingly.

"It's not an idiot, it's just too self-righteous, and I don't understand you." Tangyue said.

"This is natural. The person who knows me best in this world is you, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tangyue was speechless.

Why no matter what kind of topic, when it comes out of Jiang Chen's mouth, it will become extremely ambiguous?
When did the person who knew Jiang Chen best become her?

Tangyue didn't think she knew anything about Jiang Chen.

Even though Jiang Chen was once her student, but for this young man who took a slanted sword and took an unusual path, what she felt more was a headache, an incomparable headache, rather than understanding.

"I'm sorry." Tangyue said suddenly after being silent for a while.

"Well, what's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked with a face full of surprise.

Tangyue smiled wryly, and said, "The reason why that Lin Bo jumped out to tell you what to do, I know, is because of me."

Tangyue was not stupid, she knew very well that Lin Bo would show off like that, and what he did was to attract her attention.

Although, Lin Bo didn't know that what he did, in Tangyue's eyes, was no different from a clown.

But anyway, because of Lin Bo, Tangyue's mood became depressed.

"Teacher Tang, what do you want me to say about this matter, probably the only thing I can say is that you are very self-aware." Jiang Chen smacked his mouth and said.

"This has nothing to do with self-knowledge. I can only say that there are too many boring people in this world." Tangyue said helplessly.

If she is self-aware, then there is no doubt that she is suspected of boasting. Tangyue is not that smug, and she has never been that kind of smug person.

The reason why Tangyue felt helpless was not only because of Lin Bo, but because of Lin Bo, today was the second wave of people who forcibly struck up a conversation.

In fact, she didn't do anything, but she couldn't stand the self-righteousness of others, which made Tangyue deeply distressed.

"That's right, there are just too many, and for an interesting man like me, there are too few, too few." Jiang Chen said.

"Be serious." Tangyue said angrily.

"Teacher Tang, I am very serious now. I have always been a serious man." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Tangyue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and after thinking about it, she asked, "When that Lin Bo came over just now, did you already see his intentions?"

"Teacher Tang, have you ever heard of the idiom "A beautiful face is a disaster for water?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Indeed, as soon as Lin Bo appeared, Jiang Chen guessed what Lin Bo was thinking, otherwise, he would not let Lin Bo sing a one-man show for such a long time.

"He said that my beauty is a disaster?" Tangyue's heart skipped a beat.

No matter from which angle you look at it, it's hard to say that a beauty is a disaster, and it's a compliment.

"So, did Jiang Chen blame me?" Tangyue thought sadly in her heart.

"Mr. Tang, you are so beautiful, and there are so many toads in this world. Every toad thinks it can eat swan meat, but they don't know that a swan is a swan, and a toad is a toad. The final destination can only be a female toad, and there is absolutely no possibility of a swan." Just as Tangyue was thinking this way, Jiang Chen's voice sounded leisurely.

"Can you be more vulgar?" Tangyue rolled her eyes.

"The words are a bit rough, but the truth is not rough at all. When I say that Teacher Tang is a beauty, it is not a complaint to you, but a compliment that you are too beautiful, Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen is not concerned. Said not slowly.

"Is there such a boast?" Tangyue was dumbfounded.

If it weren't for Jiang Chen's subsequent explanation, she would almost think that Jiang Chen was cursing someone.

"Teacher Tang, why are you so surprised? Don't you know that you are very beautiful?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"This is not an interesting topic," Tangyue said.

"The topic is really not interesting, but unfortunately, due to this reason, there are some things that you are destined to face, Mr. Tang, that is, you have to face so many mad bees and butterflies." Jiang Chen Squinting and smiling.

"When I was in Yilan City, there were not many such cases." Tangyue said calmly, implying that she was telling Jiang Chen that what he saw today was a special case.

A special case means that it will only happen at a specific time and a specific place, not all times.

"Teacher Tang, why do you need to run away?" Jiang Chen shook his head and said seriously, "No matter how you try to avoid the problems you have to face, you will have to face them sooner or later. From my point of view, Teacher Tang, you are surrounded by people who lack For the sake of a man like me."

"Are you reminding me to find a boyfriend?" Tangyue said deliberately, ignoring Jiang Chen's boasting.

"It's looking for a boyfriend like me. To be more specific, it's looking for me as a boyfriend." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Perhaps, if you find a boyfriend, such things will be less." Tangyue murmured.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Teacher Tang, it seems that you still haven't grasped the point. Dare I ask, how many men are there in this world who are worthy of you?"

"There should be a lot." Tang Yu said, she was not so narcissistic that she thought that none of the men in the world was worthy of her, after all, she never thought that she was so good.

"Let's just think, Mr. Tang, what you said makes sense, but how many men are there who are worthy of you and can protect you?" Jiang Chen asked.

"This..." Tangyue hesitated.

Deserving and protecting are two different concepts.

These two different concepts are sometimes easily confused, but in fact, they are two completely different concepts.

"If, Teacher Tang, you still can't understand what I said, then I will be more straightforward. If, Teacher Tang, you meet such a young person like me, let me ask, who else can protect you?" Jiang Chen asked for the third time.

"Ah..." Tangyue was slightly startled.

If she met such a young man like Jiang Chen, Tangyue found out strangely that there would be no man who could protect her.

Unless her man is Jiang Chen.

Tangyue faintly thought that Jiang Chen was trying to make excuses and deliberately scare people, but, I have to say, Jiang Chen actually did, and what he said was very reasonable.

After all, Jiang Chen only slightly magnified some possible situations. Who can guarantee that she will not encounter those things?

"Very good, Teacher Tang, you already understand what I mean." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, are you telling me that I, Tangyue, can only find you as my boyfriend?" Tangyue said, biting her white teeth and holding back the embarrassment in her heart.

"Congratulations, Teacher Tang, for recognizing the reality." Jiang Chen nodded vigorously.

"What if I don't?" Tangyue said stubbornly.

Why, her Tangyue's life was decided by Jiang Chen in a few words?
"Then, unfortunately, I will stalk you, Teacher Tang, for the rest of my life. It depends on whether you are mentally prepared for this, Teacher Tang. Anyway, I am fully prepared." Jiang Chen felt very regretful. Said.

"You're so boring." Tangyue was furious, wouldn't this force her to commit herself?

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen said it so grandiosely, as if he was doing a very great thing.

"Boring?" Jiang Chen chuckled, the car that was driving was parked by the side of the road, Jiang Chen said with a smile: "Teacher Tang, please believe me, there will be no man better than me .”

"I don't want to find a boyfriend yet." Tangyue said hesitantly.

What Jiang Chen said was like deeply hypnotizing and brainwashing her. Tangyue was extremely worried that she would raise her hand and surrender to Jiang Chen by accident.

"But I can't wait to be your boyfriend, Teacher Tang, what should I do?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Tangyue panicked, turned her head to the side, and said in a low voice, "Jiang Chen, just bully me."

"How can this be called bullying?" Jiang Chen shook his head, stretched out his hand, hooked Tangyue's neck, leaned forward, and kissed Tangyue's warm red lips with all his strength.

A tingling sensation like an electric shock swept through her whole body in an instant, making Tangyue's delicate body tremble.

With her beautiful eyes widened unconsciously, Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen inexplicably in astonishment, she never thought that Jiang Chen would be so bold, and forced her to kiss her without her consent.

Both hands subconsciously wanted to push Jiang Chen away, but her delicate body was pressed firmly on the seat by Jiang Chen, and she couldn't move at all, so she could only passively accept Jiang Chen's violation.

Tangyue suddenly regretted so much, why did she take the co-pilot? If she sat in the back seat, such a thing would not have happened.

Or rather, the moment Jiang Chen opened the car door for her, Jiang Chen had planned it long ago, and she didn't want to escape at all.

A kiss lasted for 3 minutes before Jiang Chen reluctantly let go of Tangyue. He stared into Tangyue's eyes and jokingly said, "Teacher Tang, this is called bullying you!"

(End of this chapter)

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