genius evil

Chapter 1116

Chapter 1116

After a while, Jiang Chen drove on the road again, and at the next stop, he appeared downstairs of a five-star hotel.

"Jiang Chen, who is this?" Tangyue turned pale with shock, she almost jumped out of the car by opening the door.

"Oh, I heard that this five-star hotel is quite distinctive. If you have time, bring Teacher Tang to experience it and see if it is the same as the rumored one." Jiang Chen laughed.

"It's too fast, I can't accept it." Tangyue was very embarrassed.

Just being kissed by Jiang Chen forcibly, he was immediately dragged over by Jiang Chen to open a room. Even deep down in her heart, after today's series of encounters, her resistance to Jiang Chen was already very weak. Tangyue couldn't accept it either. She didn't want to Jiang Chen thought she was a casual woman.

"Teacher Tang, what is too fast?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Jiang Chen, please send me back first, too many things happened today, my mind is in a mess." Tangyue said.

She felt that she had to calm down and seriously think about the relationship between herself and Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's fast pace made it impossible for her to calm down.

"It's right that your mind is messed up. This is exactly the purpose of bringing you here, Mr. Tang." Jiang Chen said.

Tangyue was stunned, and looked at Jiang Chen strangely, wondering if Jiang Chen was going to take advantage of her dizziness, hit her off guard, and break her defenses in one fell swoop?
"Jiang Chen, it's really not possible, I haven't figured it out yet." Tang Yue stammered.

She knew that if Jiang Chen came forcefully, she would be unable to refuse at all. Perhaps her current behavior was a bit twisted and hypocritical, but out of responsibility for herself, Tangyue believed that what she did was right.

"It's just a cup of coffee. Is it necessary to think so much about Mom?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Drink coffee?" Tangyue thought she had heard wrong.

"Otherwise, Teacher Mo Feitang, do you have other expectations?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Seeing that Tang Yue was about to run away violently, Jiang Chen hurriedly said, "I know that Mr. Tang will feel awkward about becoming my girlfriend, so I specially brought Mr. Tang over for a cup of coffee so that you can calm down. "

"As for why you want to drink coffee here, it's because the coffee here is really unique, and the coffee shop is on the top floor, so you can relax your mind." Jiang Chen said again.

Tangyue was dumbfounded.

It really is her, thinking too much, Mom?

In fact, Jiang Chen's purpose was to bring her here for a cup of coffee, and he was always thinking about her, and he had no other thoughts at all. Is she too worried about gains and losses?
Tangyue thinks this is not the case, she is more inclined, this is Jiang Chen's temptation to her, Jiang Chen is testing her reaction, seeing her reaction, so extreme, will turn to say that she is here for coffee .

But even so, Tangyue realized that she had nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

Because of Jiang Chen's reason, it can be called perfect, without flaws.

She can refuse to open a room, but if she refuses even to drink coffee, then she is suspected of being vexatious.

Then, logically, Jiang Chen brought Tang Yue to the coffee shop on the top floor of the five-star hotel.

As Jiang Chen said, this place is indeed quite unique, but even the waiters are all Europeans with blond hair and blue eyes.

Since I just had a meal, I didn't order any snacks, but just ordered two cups of coffee.

The field of vision here is wide, and if you look around, half of the capital city is included in your eyes.

Not only the effect of coffee~, but also the environment here, Tangyue's state of mind gradually changed, relaxed, and inexplicably she wondered if she was too wary of Jiang Chen?

If drinking coffee is an excuse, then how to explain the characteristics here?Jiang Chen couldn't predict everything, could he?
Another point is that even if Jiang Chen had arranged in advance, it would only take half an hour from Jiang Chen to send her back to Tang's house, and then wait for her to walk out of Tang's house.

Jiang Chen was reluctant to arrange a meal, how could he still have time to arrange things here?
"I blamed Jiang Chen by mistake?" Tangyue thought in her heart.

However, she didn't intend to apologize to Jiang Chen or anything.

Because it was not the first time that Tangyue thought she understood Jiang Chen's intentions, but in the end it ran counter to what she thought. Jiang Chen could never use common sense to guess.

"Teacher Tang, how do you feel now?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's very nice here." Tangyue sipped her coffee and said softly.

"I knew you would like Teacher Tang." Jiang Chen was satisfied.

A bit petty bourgeoisie, a bit romantic, leaning towards Wen Qing temperament, talking about Tangyue, in fact, Tangyue is a very easy to satisfy woman.

Here, every customer drinking coffee is talking in a low voice, gentlemen are polite, Tangyue likes this atmosphere very much, and thinks that if she has time in the future, she can come and sit alone.

The afternoon sun shines on her body through the glass above her head, she is lazy, very lazy, after drinking a cup of coffee, Tangyue's mood naturally calms down.

The young man who had always been a bit noisy, at this moment, also appeared to be exceptionally quiet, with delicate features, soft features, a little less vigor, and a little more warmth that made people feel at ease.

Suddenly, Tangyue felt that finding Jiang Chen as her boyfriend was not such a bad thing.

A young man can make her laugh, move her, and give her an unprecedented sense of security... As long as one forgets that she used to be Jiang Chen's teacher, then the young man is impeccable in the role of this boyfriend.

"Why do I have such thoughts?" Tangyue was very shy.

If it is really the age, it will be natural to have this kind of affection?

Or, the family's forced marriage forced her to consider finding a boyfriend to settle down?

Or was it that she was touched by what Jiang Chen said?Only after calming down did he understand that everything Jiang Chen said was correct and couldn't be more correct?
"Teacher Tang, there is an indoor swimming pool here, can you swim?" Jiang Chen asked at the right time.

"Swimming?" Tangyue was a little moved.

"Come on." Jiang Chen said, got up, led Tangyue and left.

The indoor swimming pool is located in the hotel's presidential suite. This presidential suite occupies almost an entire floor of the hotel, so the price is naturally high.

The waiter brought some swimsuits over and left.

Jiang Chen casually picked up a set and said, "Teacher Tang, from my point of view, this set is the most suitable for you."

It was a black three-point swimsuit, quite bold and revealing, barely covering the private parts of the body.

Jiang Chen picked it up casually, and picked up this set, Tangyue was startled, and hurriedly said, "I'll change to another set."

"Okay, then this set." Jiang Chen said, taking advantage of the opportunity to pick up another set.

Tangyue was dumbfounded when she saw it.

I thought that a three-point swimsuit was enough to expose, but I didn't expect this one to be even more revealing. If I wear it on my body, I might as well not wear it.

"Or, this set?" Jiang Chen picked up the third set.

"Just the first set." Tangyue said with a sad face.

I don't know how the waiter prepared it, why didn't he even have a normal style, or is it that all the swimsuits in this hotel are of this type?

When Tangyue went to change her swimsuit, Jiang Chen waited boredly, focusing on feasting his eyes, but when Tangyue came out of the fitting room, the dumbfounded one turned into Jiang Chen.

I saw Tangyue, holding a white bath towel, wrapped herself tightly, just like making zongzi.

"Jiang Chen, don't you want to change into your swimsuit?" Tangyue asked.

Seeing Jiang Chen's eyes looking at her like X-rays, she thought to herself that luckily she came here wrapped in a bath towel, otherwise it would be difficult to parry under Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Oh, good." Jiang Chen nodded, and continued to look at Tangyue unwillingly.

"I'm going into the water first." Tangyue said, she didn't take off the bath towel, but wrapped it in the bath towel, she went down to the swimming pool.

Jiang Chen wanted to cry but had no tears.

What about the infinite scenery?
What kind of thing is this? Even if his eyes look like X-rays, they are not real X-rays.

Jiang Chen reluctantly went to change his swimsuit, and when he came back after changing, Jiang Chen's eyes stared straight at Tangyue who was swaying in the swimming pool with her soft and delicate body like a mermaid, stirring the water.

The water in the constant temperature swimming pool showed a faint blue color and was crystal clear. Jiang Chen could see Tangyue's perfect figure at a glance.


Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Even on the first day of rebirth, Jiang Chen knew that Tangyue's figure was very good, but until now, Jiang Chen was able to have a concrete concept of Tangyue's good figure.

The skin is like curdled fat, suitable for fat and thin.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt a little regretful, and brought Tangyue to swim, because damn it, he should have done this a long time ago.


Jiang Chen jumped into the water with a long shot, and swam towards Tangyue like an arrow from the string.

"Jiang Chen, don't you know how to swim?" Seeing Jiang Chen swimming towards her at an extremely fast speed, Tangyue asked in astonishment.

She remembered very clearly that when Jiang Chen drowned in Nanxing Lake, it was she who worked so hard to rescue Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen also said that he couldn't swim.

However, people who can't swim can swim so well, what is the situation?
One must know that Tangyue agreed to swim precisely because she took a fancy to Jiang Chen's inability to swim. The current situation made Tangyue sit on wax.

"Ah, Mr. Tang, I have leg cramps and I'm about to drown. Why did I forget that I can't swim anymore?" Jiang Chen said pretendingly, and just hugged Tangyue, and kissed her involuntarily, "Teacher Tang , let's do artificial respiration."

The water splashed, and the movement was getting bigger and bigger. After ten minutes, accompanied by a tearing cry, the movement reached the highest point.

After another hour, Tangyue took a hard breath and said with a flushed face, "Jiang Chen, I'm going to die."

"Teacher Tang, I understand what you mean. Next, it's time for me to give you artificial respiration." Jiang Chen understood, and the swimming pool, which had finally been quiet, started to splash again.

"Teacher Tang, you are mine after all." Jiang Chen's voice sounded next to her ears. Tang Yue felt like she was in the sea of ​​rough waves. She heard Jiang Chen's words, but she just whimpered twice. She didn't know whether it was embarrassment or joy. the satisfaction of...

(End of this chapter)

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