genius evil

Chapter 1118 Happy Birthday to You

Chapter 1118 Happy Birthday to You
Tiannan City, Jiangnan Province.

There is a four-star hotel about a few minutes' drive away from Jiangnan University.

It just so happened that today was the weekend, and in the afternoon, the whole hotel suddenly became lively.

Hotel manager, keep busy, because today, there will be two birthday parties here.

One of the banquets was quite large, and the entire Chinese restaurant was directly booked out by the rich and powerful, while the other birthday banquet was held in the western restaurant.

Fortunately, the Chinese and Western restaurants are all on the same floor, so that there will be no confusion.

"Zhu Yumeng, happy birthday."

"Happy birthday, Yu Meng beauty!"


One after another, people entered the Chinese restaurant and said blessings to a tall girl with long hair and shawl.

Zhu Yumeng wears heavy makeup and maintains a formulaic smile on her face, welcoming everyone.

In less than half an hour, almost all of the twenty tables in the Chinese restaurant were full. Zhu Yumeng took a look, and the expression on her face was quite satisfied.

"Yumeng, your popularity is really good." A girl standing beside Zhu Yumeng said enviously.

"Yeah, look at the western restaurant. There are only a few people here. Compared with the two, it's too shabby. I don't know how that woman has the courage to hold a meeting with you in the same hotel as Yumeng." Aren't you afraid of being laughed at if it spreads about the birthday party?" Another girl said.

The two girls are Song Ying and Fang Fei, Zhu Yumeng's classmate and best friend.

Zhu Yumeng's birthday party was held on a large scale, and the two of them were captured by Zhu Yumeng and came to welcome the guests together.

In the past, Song Ying and Fang Fei knew that this Zhu Yumeng was very active at Jiangnan University, and that he was picked up by luxury cars, and his family background was quite good.

It wasn't until this extravagant birthday banquet and so many people came to support Zhu Yumeng that the two daughters realized how good Zhu Yumeng's family was and how popular Zhu Yumeng was. , to what extent.

After all, not everyone can afford to book a restaurant in a four-star hotel. The expenses of today's birthday party are estimated to be comparable to the annual income of an ordinary well-off family.

Such a big expense made Song Ying and Fang Fei so envious that they couldn't help but feel jealous. When they looked in the direction of the western restaurant, they couldn't help feeling sorry for the girl who had the same birthday.

If there is no comparison, the girl chose to hold a birthday party in a four-star hotel, which is quite good.

Right now, the contrast is so stark and strong, Song Ying and Fang Fei both think that this must have caused a lot of harm to the girl, and if one is bad, it is very likely to leave a psychological shadow.

"I can't say that, I just like the excitement, so I invited some friends over to join in the show. Maybe they just don't like excitement." Zhu Yumeng glanced towards the western restaurant, and the corners of her lips curled up , Said with a half-smile.

Although the words are extremely modest, anyone can tell that she is extremely proud at this moment.

"Yumeng, you're right, but it's just a classmate, do you think we should go over and say hello?" Song Ying asked.

"I think what Song Ying said is right. Everyone is in school. You don't see each other when you look up. If you don't say hello, I don't feel very good." Fang Fei also said.

"Then let's go over together and say hello." Zhu Yumeng said indifferently.

While talking, Zhu Yumeng walked in front, leading Song Ying and Fang Fei towards the western restaurant.

"Zhu Yumeng, happy birthday."

Zhu Yumeng had just entered the western restaurant, and several people greeted Zhu Yumeng one after another.

These are all Zhu Yumeng's classmates, of course, they are also classmates of the girl whose birthday happened to be today.

"Thank you, thank you..." Zhu Yumeng smiled sweetly, looked at the quiet girl, and said with a smile: "Student Xu Anqi, I also wish you a happy birthday, I hope you have today every year, every year Today, it has always been so beautiful."

"Hey, you're insane. You're pretty good. We recruited you or provoked you. Why are you swearing?" But following Zhu Yumeng's words, a sharp voice suddenly sounded.

The hot girl put her hands on her hips and cursed loudly, it was Jiang Yanyan.

Today is Xu Anqi's birthday, Jiang Yanyan deliberately asked for leave two days in advance, and flew over from the capital, in order to accompany Xu Anqi's birthday.

Zhu Yumeng and Jiang Yanyan didn't know each other, but from what Zhu Yumeng said, Jiang Yanyan could tell that Zhu Yumeng had malicious intentions.

After all, if she only wanted to congratulate Xu Anqi for being so beautiful all the time, it would be fine, but if she said that every year has today, every year has today, wouldn't this be cursing Xu Anqi?
You know, Jiang Yanyan is very, very dissatisfied with this hotel because there are actually two birthday parties today.

And when she found out that the other party was still Xu Anqi's classmate, Jiang Yanyan was even more dissatisfied, thinking that Zhu Yumeng didn't have any sharp eyesight, and deliberately made such a big show, didn't she deliberately want to give Xu Anqi eye drops?
Of course, in this situation, Jiang Yanyan was only suspicious at first, but now, with Zhu Yumeng's opening, Jiang Yanyan was sure that Zhu Yumeng was indeed giving Xu Anqi eye drops.

"Did I swear?" Zhu Yumeng refused to admit it, and said leisurely: "Did you hear me wrong? Besides, today's birthday is Xu Anqi, not you. I didn't talk to you, who asked you to interrupt?"

"I don't care who you talk to, immediately, immediately, apologize to An Qi." Jiang Yanyan spoke extremely domineeringly.

"I didn't swear at all, so why do I have to apologize?" Zhu Yumeng sneered, and then said, "What's more, even if I was swearing, what qualifications do you have for me to apologize? Believe it or not, I will ask the hotel manager to give you Get out, by the way, let Xu Anqi's birthday party today be impossible?"

"Really? It sounds very powerful. Why don't you try it. I want to see who gets kicked out." Jiang Yanyan said sarcastically.

Xu Anqi has always kept a low profile in school, and there are almost no people who know Xu Anqi's identity. However, if Zhu Yumeng doesn't know what is good or bad, Jiang Yanyan doesn't mind at all. Some of them came to Xu Anqi, showing off their might.

"Zhu Yumeng, what you said is a bit too much." A male voice sounded, looked at Zhu Yumeng, and said displeased.

This boy's name is Zhang Ke, and he had a crush on Xu Anqi during the freshmen's military training. Later, because of Jiang Chen's appearance, he was once beaten to death.

On Xu Anqi's birthday today, Zhang Ke was not among the invitations, but Zhang Ke still came uninvited, and would not hit the smiling face with his hand, but Xu Anqi was not good at chasing people away on such a day.

"Zhang Ke, are you planning to stand up for Xu Anqi?" Zhu Yumeng looked at Zhang Ke as if she was joking, and said, "Don't you know that in Xu Anqi's eyes, you are just a toad? Oh, of course you You don’t know, otherwise you wouldn’t feel so good about yourself.”


Zhang Ke's face turned red, unbearable.

It was true that Xu Anqi had shown no color towards him all this time, but Zhu Yumeng's words were just what she said, it was too much, and it was trampling on his self-esteem.

"Very angry?" Zhu Yumeng didn't take it seriously, and said with a light smile, "You are completely humiliating yourself by pretending to be a wolf with a big tail in front of me. If you dare to talk nonsense, be careful that I will not be polite to you."

Zhang Ke was ashamed and wanted to leave it at that. After thinking about it, he still stayed, gritted his teeth, and was very angry.

"Hey, what a majesty, who is your father? I really want to see him." Jiang Yanyan teased.

Zhu Yumeng's words can scare Zhang Ke, but naturally they can't scare her.

To put it bluntly, looking at Jiangnan Province, she has always been the only one to scare others. Who would dare to scare her?

This Zhu Yumeng didn't know which one was wrong, and she wanted to refute Xu Anqi's face with all her heart, but she didn't know that she was called this, and she brought shame on herself.

"You don't have to worry about who my dad is, and you don't have the qualifications to know my dad." Zhu Yumeng waved her hand and said to Xu Anqi again, "Student Xu Anqi, let me say one more thing, happy birthday, I had a lot of fun .”

"Thank you." Xu Anqi said with a faint smile, "Similarly, I wish you a happy birthday. Every year has today, and every year has today."

"Definitely." Zhu Yumeng laughed loudly, leading Song Ying and Fang Fei away.

"Ah, I'm so mad." As soon as Zhu Yumeng left, Jiang Yanyan yelled, God knows how much she wanted to punch Zhu Yumeng in the face just now.

"Don't be angry, don't take it to heart." Xu Anqi said softly.

Xu Anqi knew that Zhu Yumeng took herself as an object of comparison, and that's why she was against her everywhere. This is why after learning that she was holding a birthday party here, she also held her birthday party here with such great fanfare. reason.

However, Xu Anqi didn't take it to heart, she had her own pride, and with this pride, she was lazy to pay any attention to what she did to Zhu Yumeng.

Unless, Zhu Yumeng touched her bottom line.

Today, Zhu Yumeng just made a few verbal attacks, Xu Anqi would not take it seriously.

"But I've taken it to heart." Jiang Yanyan said unhappily.

Xu Anqi didn't intend to care about Xu Anqi's business, but she, Jiang Yanyan, was very small.

Didn't Zhu Yumeng intend to make Xu Anqi unhappy?Then she wanted to see, in the end, who would be the unhappy one.

"That guy Jiang Chen, why hasn't he come?" While thinking about this matter, Jiang Yanyan murmured in her heart.

Three days ago, she called Jiang Chen to tell Jiang Chen that today is Xu Anqi's birthday, in case Jiang Chen was unprepared, but three days had passed, and Jiang Chen hadn't moved at all. He didn't know if he had come to Yilan or not. This inevitably made Jiang Yanyan even more upset.

But just when Jiang Yanyan was complaining, there was a figure at the door of the western restaurant, walking in slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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