genius evil

Chapter 1119 Jiang Chen's Birthday Present

Chapter 1119 Jiang Chen's Birthday Present

"Yumeng, happy birthday."

In the Chinese restaurant of the hotel, a young man about 23 or [-] years old walked towards Zhu Yumeng. He was dressed in a white suit, his hair was carefully done, and he was smiling. He looked quite gentlemanly and attracted the attention of many people.

The young man walked up to Zhu Yumeng, spoke with a smile, stretched out his hand, took out a box from his pocket, handed it to Zhu Yumeng, and said, "This is your birthday present, open it and see if you like it. If you don't like it, I'll give you a better one next time."

"Shen Jun?"

"Ah, he is Shen Jun."


Suddenly, someone recognized the young man's identity and exclaimed.

Then, more and more people in the Chinese restaurant recognized the young man's identity.

"He's Shen Jun? That 22-year-old business genius who is in the top [-] of the Jiangnan Province Fortune List?" Song Ying blinked and murmured.

"It's him. I saw his photo in a financial magazine. I didn't expect that he was younger and more handsome than the photo. I didn't expect that he knew Yu Meng and came here to celebrate Yu Meng's birthday." Fang Fei exclaimed road.

There are many labels on Shen Jun, and he is a frequent visitor to financial magazines. No, after being recognized by more and more people, many students invited by Zhu Yumeng looked at Zhu Yu like that. Yumeng's eyes quietly changed.

Taking everyone's reactions into consideration one by one, Zhu Yumeng's complacent look at the corners of his eyes and brows couldn't help but become more intense.

She smiled sweetly and said, "Brother Shen Jun, if you can find time to come here in your busy schedule, it's already the best gift, and it doesn't cost you anything."

"Open it first and take a look." Shen Jun motioned.

Zhu Yumeng just opened the box, and what was inside was a diamond necklace. Under the light, the diamond emitted a dazzling light, which was particularly conspicuous.

"This diamond must be at least three carats." Song Ying asked.

"The total is [-] carats. The reason for this number is that May [-]nd of that year was the day Yumeng and I met." Shen Jun talked eloquently.

"It's so romantic." Song Ying exclaimed, dare to ask, is there any gift in this world that is more romantic than this?
At least, Song Ying couldn't figure it out.

"Brother Shen Jun, I have received your wish, thank you." Zhu Yumeng took Shen Jun's arm and said happily.

"Fang Fei, guess what kind of gift Xu Anqi will receive today?" At this time, Song Ying asked Fang Fei.

"It's probably just a pet doll or something." Fang Fei said without thinking.

After saying this, Fang Fei looked towards the western restaurant, and happened to see a figure walking into the western restaurant, holding a pet doll in his hand.

"Fang Fei, I can only say congratulations, you guessed it right." Song Ying said.

"I heard that Xu Anqi has a boyfriend. That pet doll must have been sent by her boyfriend's client. I don't know how to get such a humble gift." Zhu Yumeng said dismissively.

"If I say that that pet doll is more than a hundred times more valuable than the diamond necklace I gave you, do you believe it?" But Shen Jun said bitterly.

"Where is such a precious pet doll?" Zhu Yumeng said amusedly, thinking that Shen Jun was joking.

"The precious thing is not the pet doll itself. Have you seen the necklace on that doll's neck? If I'm not mistaken, it should be the one that appeared at Jialang Auction House in Beijing two days ago." Shen Junxuan Said slowly.

"Brother Shen Jun, I see that you seem to be very surprised, so what if you show up at the Jialang Auction House, is there something different?" Zhu Yumeng said disapprovingly.

"When this necklace was auctioned at Jialang Auction House, the starting price was 8000 million... According to the information I received, it was finally auctioned off by a mysterious buyer for [-] million. It must be won, at all costs." Shen Jun said solemnly.

"What?" Zhu Yumeng's face suddenly changed.

The expressions of Song Ying and Fang Fei who were standing beside Zhu Yumeng also changed at the same time.

Who would have thought that the necklace worn by that unremarkable toy doll was worth [-] million yuan. This is too shocking, unimaginable, and unacceptable.

If this is compared with the diamond necklace that Shen Jun gave Zhu Yumeng, isn't there a gap of a thousand times as Shen Jun said?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Taking a deep breath, Zhu Yumeng shook her head vigorously, and said in a cold voice, "Brother Shen Jun, you must have made a mistake, maybe it is a fake? Have you ever thought that if it is not a fake? If so, how could such a precious thing be casually hung around the neck of a pet doll?"

Shen Jun was taken aback, and couldn't help following, becoming suspicious, after all, what Zhu Yumeng said was very reasonable.

That diamond necklace is rare in the world. This is what will lead to many competitions, and finally a record-breaking price. Logically speaking, the buyer should treat it like a treasure. How can it be so casual?
Zhu Yumeng sneered, and said: "Brother Shen Jun, just watch it later, there must be a stupid woman who is going to be deceived."

"Is there a problem?"

Jiang Yanyan asked as the middle-aged woman holding a pet doll entered the western restaurant and attracted the attention of Xu Anqi and others.

"Excuse me, which one is Miss Xu Anqi?" The middle-aged woman asked.

"I am." Xu Anqi stood up.

"Miss Xu, I am an employee of Jialang Auction House in Beijing. Today, I specially bring a birthday present to you, Ms. Jiang, for a Mr. Jiang. By the way, I wish you a happy birthday, Ms. Xu." The middle-aged woman said .

"Thank you." Xu Anqi said, stretched out her hand, and took the pet doll carefully.

After the middle-aged woman gave the pet doll to Xu Anqi, she left soon.

Jiang Yanyan stared at the pet doll for a look, then looked again, and said with a look of disgust, "What is that guy Jiang Chen doing? Today is your birthday, so he gave you such a crap?"

As soon as the middle-aged woman mentioned Mr. Jiang, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, she knew that she was referring to Jiang Chen.

A pet doll cost a lot of money, and it only cost a few hundred yuan. When Jiang Yanyan saw Xu Anqi, holding her like a baby, she was so angry.

From Jiang Yanyan's point of view, even if Xu Anqi is easy to deceive and easy to satisfy, Jiang Chen can't be fooled like this, right?

"I like this doll very much." Xu Anqi smiled lightly, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with a pet doll, and she could still hug it to sleep at night.

The only regret is that this pet doll was not given to her by Jiang Chen himself. It would be great if Jiang Chen gave it by himself.

"I like a fart!" Jiang Yanyan said bluntly, "Jiang Chen, that guy usually has so many gossips, but now it's your birthday, but he's so picky. It's driving me mad."

"Yanyan..." Xu Anqi felt helpless.

She doesn't care about the value of the gift, what she cares about is a heart.

What's more, in terms of her family background, if she wants something, is there anything she can't buy, or can't afford?

"Sent a pet doll?" Zhang Ke saw it and sneered.

All along, Zhang Ke had been wishful thinking and regarded Jiang Chen as the biggest threat.

Now, Zhang Ke suddenly felt that he thought highly of Jiang Chen a little too much.

It's fine if I didn't come, but I only gave a pet doll, which was much poorer than the birthday present he gave Xu Anqi just now.

"Ha ha……"

In the Chinese restaurant, suddenly there was a loud laugh.

Accompanied by that loud laugh, several middle-aged men walked into the Chinese restaurant.

A middle-aged man walking in the front, his features and features were six to seven points similar to Zhu Yumeng. He walked towards Zhu Yumeng and said with a smile: "My precious daughter, Dad, I am not late."

"Father, you are finally here. We have been waiting for a long time." Zhu Yumeng said softly.

"It's my fault, it's my fault." The middle-aged man Zhu Shenggang said again and again, obviously because he was worried about Zhu Yumeng's baby, and then said, "Just now I received a call from Mayor Yuan, there is a project to discuss, In addition, Mr. Meng and Mr. Yu are both here, so they sat together and drank tea for a while, no, remembering that today is my precious daughter's birthday, they rushed over as soon as it was over."

"Mr. Zhu, this is Ling Qianjin?" Zhu Shenggang spoke, and behind him, a middle-aged man wearing glasses said.

"Mayor Yuan, she is my daughter Zhu Yumeng, Yumeng, come and meet Mayor Yuan, those two, Mr. Meng and Mr. Yu, are here to cheer you on."

Zhu Yumeng immediately greeted her sweetly, her heart bursting with joy, she never expected that there would be such a surprise today.

Needless to say about the identity of Mayor Yuan, Mr. Meng and Mr. Yu are the leading tycoons in Jiangnan Province. To put it bluntly, compared with Shen Jun's wealth, it is the difference between heaven and earth.

The biggest reason why Shen Jun has received much attention is that he is young.

"Even Mayor Yuan is here, Zhu Yumeng's father, what a great honor."

In the Chinese restaurant, the students who were invited by Zhu Yumeng all stared.

Mayor Yuan, even though he was only a deputy mayor, was already enough to make them realize Zhu Shenggang's energy.

As for the identities of Mr. Meng and Mr. Yu, there is no need to say more, because these two people are both in Jiangnan University, have given lectures, and are well known by many people.

If we say that the appearance of Shen Jun and the diamond necklace that Shen Jun gave to Zhu Yumeng were already eye-opening for the students.

Then, the appearance of Mayor Yuan and the three of them brought Zhu Yumeng's birthday party to a climax in one fell swoop.

In contrast, Xu Anqi's birthday party had only a handful of people, so it was as shabby as it could be.

Zhu Yumeng couldn't help but feel complacent. The depressed mood she felt because of the necklace worn by the pet doll was instantly swept away. She subconsciously turned sideways and looked in the direction of the western restaurant.

With a glance, I saw another person appearing at the door of the western restaurant...

(End of this chapter)

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