genius evil

Chapter 1120 Picking Up Girls 3-Piece Set

Chapter 1120

Mayor Yuan, Mr. Nameng and Mr. Yu came to Zhu Yumeng's birthday party, so it could be said that the meeting happened just in time.

The three of them and Shen Jun just formed a small circle.

At Zhu Shenggang's invitation, he happily took his seat.

Zhu Yumeng had very sharp eyesight and poured wine on her own initiative.

"Shen Jun, some time ago, I heard that you found a girlfriend. Could it be Mr. Zhu's daughter?" That Mr. Meng joked cheerfully about Shen Jun.

"Yumeng is still young, so I guess we have to wait another two years." Shen Jun said with a smile.

"Wait another two years, from my point of view, Mr. Zhu will be able to hold his grandson directly." Mr. Yu said.

Mayor Yuan's words were rare, but the circle centered on him, talking casually, and after drinking half a glass of wine, Mayor Yuan planned to leave.

After all, in his capacity, it is not appropriate to appear in this kind of place.

"Over there, what's the situation?" Looking out of the corner of his eye, Mayor Yuan noticed that there were people in the direction of the western restaurant, sending flowers to the interior continuously.

"Mayor Yuan, someone over there is holding a birthday party today. It's a coincidence that they are also my classmates." Zhu Yumeng responded.

She is here, accompanying Mayor Yuan and the others, but out of the corner of her eye, she has been paying attention to the movement in the western restaurant.

Originally, when the second person appeared, Zhu Yumeng didn't pay attention, but what happened afterwards was more or less unexpected by Zhu Yumeng.

Because, with the appearance of the second person, people kept entering the western restaurant one after another.

There is only one reason for everyone to show up, and that is to send flowers.

Each of them, men and women, old and young, held a bouquet of flowers in their hands, and left immediately after sending the flowers into the western restaurant.

Within a few minutes, Zhu Yumeng noticed that dozens of people had sent flowers to the western restaurant.

Looking from a distance, one can see that the western restaurant is almost filled with all kinds of bouquets.

"It's a female classmate, it's interesting to have received so many flowers." Mayor Yuan nodded.

"My female classmate, I heard that she has found a very rich boyfriend. It must be her boyfriend who intends to be courteous." Zhu Yumeng said jokingly.

Zhu Yumeng didn't know Jiang Chen, and she didn't know whether Jiang Chen had money or not. She said this just to tease and ridicule, satirizing the behavior of sending flowers, which was too old-fashioned.

Mayor Yuan chuckled, and didn't take Zhu Yumeng's words to heart.

Today's young people like this set, don't they?

"Huh?" While talking, Mayor Yuan suddenly noticed that a familiar figure had entered the western restaurant.

"That's it, Boss Lu?" Mayor Yuan asked after looking at it twice.

"Mayor Yuan, it is Mr. Lu Zhengfeng and Mr. Lu." Mr. Meng responded.

"It's really Boss Lu, Yumeng. It seems that your classmate's boyfriend is a bit complicated. He actually asked Boss Lu to help run errands to deliver flowers." Mayor Yuan said.

"Lu Zhengfeng?"

Zhu Yumeng faintly felt that this name was a little familiar, and after thinking about it for a while, her expression changed quietly.

If she remembers correctly, Lu Zhengfeng is a well-known energy tycoon in Jiangnan Province, and his wealth is much greater than Mr. Meng and Mr. Yu combined. It is no wonder that Mayor Yuan treats Lu Zhengfeng so highly Heart.

"Lu Zhengfeng helped to run errands to deliver flowers to Xu Anqi? What's going on here?" Zhu Yumeng was thinking strangely and couldn't figure it out.

In the direction of the western restaurant, the delivery of flowers is still going on, and there are people entering.

Jiang Yanyan felt the novelty at first, and she was overjoyed. Gradually, she became numb, because she felt that there was nothing new about it.

There is no doubt that the flowers were sent by Jiang Chen.

First send pet dolls, and then send flowers, what the hell is Jiang Chen doing?
Couldn't it be a little bit more innovative, with some new tricks?This is too clichéd, okay? It is not an exaggeration to say that it is too clichéd.

Moreover, Jiang Yanyan was very skeptical. If this trend continues, if Jiang Chen still asks people to send gifts, then the gifts will be chocolates.

Pet dolls, flowers and chocolates, known as a three-piece suit for picking up girls.

This is the most common way of expressing love between young couples, and it is usually seen in major colleges and universities.

From Jiang Yanyan's point of view, although Xu Anqi is in college now, Jiang Chen is still a student, but is it really okay to be so clichéd?

Can't spend a lot of money and give Xu Anqi a sports car or a villa?
No matter how bad it is, you can send diamonds and gold.

And that is, if you send flowers, you can send flowers, and you have invited so many people to send flowers. Judging by this posture, it seems that it is endless. Jiang Chen is not annoying, she is annoying.

Xu Anqi was naturally not annoying at all. When she received each bouquet of flowers, she had a very sweet smile on her face, as if she had been soaked in a honeypot.

"An Qi, stop laughing. If you laugh any more, you will become a fool." Jiang Yanyan said angrily, completely understanding why Xu Anqi smiled so sweetly.

"Is there?" Xu Anqi disapproved.

Xu Anqi didn't think there was anything wrong with Jiang Chen sending her flowers.

It was as if Xu Anqi didn't think there was anything wrong with Jiang Chen giving her a pet doll.

What's more, Jiang Chen invited so many people to send flowers, it seemed that they were very thoughtful, which moved her very much.

"No?" Jiang Yanyan asked back, then asked Zhang Ke and others, and said, "Look at An Qi, are you going to be stupid?"

"I think it's okay." A girl said.

"I think it's okay too." Another girl said.

"With all due respect, it's very unintentional." Zhang Ke said bluntly.

Anyone can send flowers, right?

Once again, Zhang Ke felt that he had overestimated Jiang Chen, and he doubted how Jiang Chen's tricks could catch up with Xu Anqi in the first place.

Could it be that it was just because Jiang Chen was so handsome?
The problem is, Zhang Ke thinks that he is quite handsome, so why has Xu Anqi never looked him in the eye?

"Cousin, why are you here?" Just as he was talking, a figure walked in from the outside, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, and after entering the western restaurant, he made a poss that he thought was charming , who else but Zhou Jin.

"My dear cousin, you said it's your birthday. If I don't come to join you as a cousin, is it okay?" Zhou Ji said with a smile, stepped forward, and handed flowers to Xu Anqi.

"I originally thought that we would go home tonight and eat cake together." Xu Anqi said.

"It's okay, I'll keep my stomach and eat cake tonight." Zhou Ji said with a smile.

Afterwards, someone came in again, it was Tong Zhi, after Tong Zhi gave flowers to Xu Anqi, he looked serious and politely said happy birthday.

Then, Ji Feng also came, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand...

Mayor Yuan wanted to leave a long time ago. After seeing Lu Zhengfeng, he hesitated for a while. This hesitation made Mayor Yuan realize that his eyes were wide open.

Because, after Lu Zhengfeng, the people who came to give flowers were all people who looked at this Jiangnan province and could count their names. It could even be said that Lu Zhengfeng was not one of them, how conspicuous.

In such a situation, Mayor Yuan was not in a hurry to leave. He wanted to stay and see what the situation was like. What's more, who was the boyfriend of Zhu Yumeng's classmate? It has such a huge energy.

When Zhou Jitongzhi and Ji Feng appeared, Mayor Yuan's breathing suddenly became rapid, and his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

If we say that recently, in Tiannan City, who has the most limelight, it is undoubtedly Ji Feng, Zhou Ji and Tong Zhi.

These three people, in Tiannan City, call the wind and call the rain. In ordinary times, it is hard to know how many people want to see the three of them.

Now, Qi Qi actually appeared to send flowers to a freshman girl. Then, isn't the identity of that girl's boyfriend a terrible thing?

"Could it be that person?" Mayor Yuan had an association. The more he thought about it, the more likely it was. After all, only that person possessed such terrifying energy.

"Mr. Meng, Mr. Yu, let's go and have a look." After thinking for a while, Mayor Yuan greeted.

If it was really that one, his so-called mayor status would not be ranked at all. In this case, it would be fine if he didn't meet him.

Moreover, Mayor Yuan has long wanted to make friends with that person, but all along, there is no way to get through. The great opportunity right now is right in front of him, and he must be firmly grasped.

Both Mr. Meng and Mr. Yu were in a state of extreme shock. They were also full of reveries and their thoughts were fluctuating. When they heard Mayor Yuan say this, they both nodded. Then, under the leadership of Mayor Yuan, they walked towards the western restaurant. go.

"Are they going to support Xu Anqi?" Zhu Yumeng murmured to herself, deep in her eyes, there was a strong look of jealousy, and a voice shouted in her heart, "Why?"

"Yumeng, let's go too." But Shen Jun's voice rang in his ears.

Shen Jun is known as the upstart of wealth in Jiangnan Province, and he is no stranger to the identities of Ji Feng and the others. He knows exactly what that means.At the same time, it is also very clear that compared to Ji Feng and others, he is not even worthy of carrying shoes for others.

"Why?" Zhu Yumeng said, the cry from the bottom of her heart couldn't be restrained after all, and she yelled out.

"Stop talking nonsense, go if you are told, and I will go with you too." Zhu Shenggang glared at Zhu Yumeng, showing some majesty, and walked away without saying a word.

"Let's go." Shen Jun gave Zhu Yumeng a hand. Seeing the situation, Zhu Yumeng, no matter how reluctant she was, had no choice but to follow them to the direction of the western restaurant.

"Young Master Ji, it's really you." Before entering the door, Zhu Yumeng heard Mayor Yuan's voice. That voice was obviously flattering and flattering. Lose.

What happened to make Mayor Yuan become like this?

In other words, what kind of identities are these people, so that Mayor Yuan has become groveling?
(End of this chapter)

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