genius evil

Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121
"Mayor Yuan, it's you, this is, what's the matter?" Looking at Mayor Yuan, Ji Feng said lightly.

"Today is Mr. Zhu's daughter's birthday. I didn't expect that Ji Shao, your friend's birthday is also today, and they are still in the same hotel. It's really a coincidence." Mayor Yuan laughed.

"Coincidence? How do I think it's not a coincidence at all." Before Ji Feng could speak, Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly and said with curled lips.

At the end, Jiang Yanyan stared at Zhu Yumeng and said, "Let me tell you, is this interesting?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Zhu Yumeng said with twinkling eyes.

"Could it be that you must tell me that you knew that Xu Anqi was holding a birthday party here, so you deliberately changed it to hold your own birthday party here, so you understand?" Jiang Yanyan said with a sneer.

"You misunderstood. I didn't know that Xu Anqi's birthday was today. I didn't even know that Xu Anqi held a birthday party here." Zhu Yumeng refused to admit it.

"That's right, could this be a misunderstanding? In my opinion, it's just a coincidence." Zhu Shenggang said.

"Misunderstanding? That's okay, Miss Xu doesn't like to be noisy, Mr. Zhu, I think you don't mind, let Ling Qianjin change the place?" Zhou Jiyouyou said.

They are all human beings, one can tell which is real and which is fake, no matter how much Zhu Yumeng argues and denies it, it is useless.

"This—" Zhu Shenggang's face was full of embarrassment, neither did he agree, nor did he refuse.


It was Zhu Yumeng who screamed and said loudly.

"Mr. Zhu, Ling Qianjin seems to have a problem with me, isn't that true?" Zhou Ji said with a half-smile.

"Young Master Zhou, don't get me wrong, I'll change places right now." Zhu Shenggang said with sweat profusely.

"Why do I have to change places? I just don't want to change." Zhu Yumeng couldn't accept such a situation.

The reason why she held a birthday party in this hotel was to crush Xu Anqi in a disguised form. Everything went well. She was the absolute center and the focus of everyone's eyes.

But they don't know the origin of Ji Feng and the others, as soon as they appeared, they alarmed Mayor Yuan, and even wanted to drive her out of the hotel.

If she is driven away, what face will she have in the future?
"Mr. Zhu, I can be sure now that Ling Qianjin really has a problem with me. Of course, I am also at fault for this matter. Who made Zhou Ji's face not big enough? Really, no one can blame me." Zhou Ji Said lightly.

Zhu Shenggang broke out in cold sweat, even the clothes on his back were soaked in cold sweat.

When Zhou Ji said this, he didn't directly slap him in the face, but rather than directly slapping him in the face, it made Zhu Shenggang frightened, because Zhu Shenggang could tell that Zhou Ji was clearly angry.

Zhou Ji's anger will undoubtedly have serious consequences.

"Mr. Zhu, listen to my words, hurry up and take people away." Mayor Yuan said at this time.

"That's right, Mr. Zhu, you heard it too. Ms. Xu doesn't like to be noisy. There are too many people here, so it's really too noisy." Mr. Meng said the same.

"What Miss Xu, she just found a good boyfriend, what's the big deal?" Zhu Yumeng sneered.

"Shut up!" Zhu Shenggang yelled angrily, his face flushed red.

Miss Xu, undoubtedly her surname is Xu, which soon reminded Zhu Shenggang of the Xu family. Looking at the attitudes of Zhou Ji, Ji Feng and others, it was obvious that Xu Anqi was from the Xu family.

That's the Xu family.

It was Jiang Chen who was leaning on the back.

Who is Jiang Chen? In the upper circles of Tiannan City, no one knows, no one knows.

Zhu Yumeng didn't understand anything, she was self-righteous, but Zhu Shenggang's heart was so scared that it was about to jump out of her throat.

"Dad, did I say something wrong? This Xu Anqi, if she hadn't found a good boyfriend, she would be nothing." Zhu Yumeng said unconvinced.

"Shut up, are you deaf?" Zhu Shenggang yelled, raised his hand and slapped Zhu Yumeng on the face, lest Zhu Yumeng talk too much.

"Dad, you hit me? You never hit me before, and now, it's because an outsider hit me?" Zhu Yumeng also yelled.

"Are you acting cute?" Jiang Yanyan said with a smile, "But, you look cute, you are really ugly."

"Shut up too." Zhu Yumeng was very angry.

"I'm sorry, you can't control me." Jiang Yanyan didn't care very much, and said leisurely, "It doesn't matter if we don't know who our An Qi is, and it doesn't matter if you haven't heard of the Xu family. Why do we An Qi find a good man?" Friends, it doesn't matter at all, after all, who told us An Qi, indeed, to find a good boyfriend, you should be desperately envious and jealous."

"Hmph, have you finally admitted it?" Zhu Yumeng said sharply.

"Can't you understand people's language?" Jiang Yanyan sneered and said, "With such a self-righteous personality, it's no wonder you ended up in such a situation."

"Who are you? I'm talking about Xu Anqi. Does it have anything to do with you? Xu Anqi didn't speak, so what right do you have to speak?" Zhu Yumeng said.

Seeing that Jiang Yanyan had sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, she couldn't beat Jiang Yanyan at all, so she pointed the finger at Xu Anqi.

"Xu Anqi, I admit that it is a great face for your boyfriend to let them cheer for you, but so what? Look at all the shabby gifts your boyfriend gave you. In my opinion, your boyfriend is at most It's just playing with you, otherwise, why haven't you shown up yet?" Zhu Yumeng said.

Zhu Yumeng knew that she couldn't step on Xu Anqi now, she could only be stepped on by Xu Anqi, even though Xu Anqi had no intention of stepping on her at all.

But she felt extremely uncomfortable, so even if she wanted to make Xu Anqi feel uncomfortable.

There's no choice but to Xu Anqi, at least I want to, disgusting Xu Anqi.

"Yumeng, stop making trouble for no reason." Shen Jun said helplessly.

"Brother Shen Jun, I didn't make trouble for no reason. What I said is all the truth, isn't it?" Zhu Yumeng said, and then said, "At any rate, Brother Shen Jun, you gave me a five-carat diamond necklace, but What did Xu Anqi's boyfriend give her? A broken pet doll can also be regarded as a gift, so why don't you take it out?"

"Yumeng, didn't I just say that?" Shen Jun said hastily.

Regarding this matter, he had clearly explained it, why did Zhu Yumeng want to bring up the old matter again, isn't this just asking for humiliation?

"Brother Shen Jun, you said, you also said that the necklace worn by that broken pet doll is the one that appeared in Jialang Auction House, and it is worth hundreds of millions, but is this possible? It is a fake at all. "Zhu Yumeng said confidently.

"Jialang Auction House?"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Yanyan and the others looked at each other.

If it's Jiang Yanyan, it's better to only talk about the diamond necklace and not mention the Jialang Auction House.

At this mention, several people remembered that when the middle-aged woman brought the pet doll over, she mentioned that she was an employee of Jialang Auction House in Beijing.

"Could it be that the gift is not a pet, but the necklace around the pet doll's neck, which is worth hundreds of millions?" Zhang Ke thought in his heart, suddenly becoming extremely messy.

"Hee hee..." Jiang Yanyan laughed out loud, and kept laughing, leaning forward and back, and said, "An Qi, let me just say, Jiang Chen wouldn't be so boring. I didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so boring this time. Generous."

While talking, Jiang Yanyan grabbed the pet doll, took off the necklace, put it on Xu Anqi's neck carefully, and said, "Anqi, so beautiful, it suits you so well."

Xu Anqi had a kind of unexpected surprise flowing in her heart.

Originally, she was very satisfied with the pet doll.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen left such a pleasant surprise.

"It's quite beautiful, but it's a pity that it's a fake. A fake is a fake. No matter how beautiful it is, what good is it?" Zhu Yumeng said mockingly.

"Sure enough, people with shit in their eyes look like shit. Do you think Jiang Chen will send fakes to An Qi?" Jiang Yanyan sneered.

"Why not?" Zhu Yumeng asked.

"No, it's true." Shen Jun said.

Although there was speculation before, when Jiang Yanyan uttered the word Jiang Chen, it still caused a strong shock to Shen Jun.

"Brother Shen Jun, don't be preconceived, I'm sure it's a fake." Zhu Yumeng said firmly.

With a wry smile, Shen Jun said, "Yumeng, didn't you hear? This necklace was given by Jiang Chen?"

"So what?" Zhu Yumeng said inexplicably.

"It's not that bad, you just need to know that Jiang Chen gave it to you, so it's true." Shen Jun said solemnly.

Zhu Yumeng was very unconvinced, and wanted to refute, but seeing everyone, they all looked at her like they were watching a joke, even Zhu Shenggang, without exception.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Yumeng was extremely confused.

Why is it Jiang Chen sent it, so it is not a fake?

If you want to prove that it is not a fake, wouldn't the certificate issued by a professional organization be more convincing?
"Yumeng, stop messing around and come with me, or you will make people laugh." Sighing, Zhu Shenggang said.

Zhu Yumeng was ignorant, but Zhu Shenggang was not ignorant. Now, all the guesses had become reality. Zhu Shenggang shuddered and wanted to run away.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen wasn't there, otherwise Zhu Shenggang didn't know how to deal with such a situation.

"Dad, do you believe it's true?" Zhu Yumeng asked in confusion.

"As long as it was sent by Jiang Chen, it must be true." Zhu Shenggang said without doubt.

"The real one can't be fake, and the fake one can't be real. You all think it's real, right? Anyway, I can't prove it's a fake right now, so I'll let you think it is." Zhu Yumeng said.

While talking, Zhu Yumeng pointed at the bouquet of roses all over the floor in the western restaurant, and said, "But, you never thought that a person who can give away hundreds of millions of dollars at a time would be boring." Come, send these messy roses? From my point of view, all these roses add up, don’t even want [-]? You all know how big the difference is between [-] and hundreds of millions. Don't I need to say more?"

(End of this chapter)

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