genius evil

Chapter 1122 Don't cry without seeing the coffin

Chapter 1122 Don't cry without seeing the coffin

"What's wrong with sending roses? I think you're showing it clearly because you're jealous. You're jealous that someone sent roses to An Qi, but you haven't received a single rose." Jiang Yanyan lashed out.

Although, Jiang Yanyan also thinks that sending roses is very tacky.

But on this issue, she can speak, but others cannot.

"Jealous? I'm not as superficial as you think, I'm just telling the truth." Zhu Yumeng said.

"Why, what she said makes sense?" Zhang Ke thought in his heart.

Compared with the hundreds of millions of diamond necklaces, the cost of these flowers is almost negligible, which is very weird, like a person who does not eat at non-Michelin restaurants, suddenly, he went to a street stall and bought a There is an indescribable awkwardness about eating buns.

"Could it be that the necklace is really a fake as Zhu Yumeng said?" Zhang Ke thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more likely he felt it.

"Do you think it's true?" Tong Zhi, who hadn't spoken since she appeared, squinted her eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "You think all these flowers don't even cost a hundred thousand? If I tell you, I'm afraid adding two zeros after one hundred thousand is not enough, do you believe it?"

"Why are flowers so expensive?" Zhu Yumeng said, obviously not believing it.

"Then let me tell you why it's so expensive." Tong Zhi said unhurriedly, "This batch of roses was purchased from a flower garden dedicated to a British royal family, and they started picking in the early hours of last night. After unified packaging, the special plane will send it to the country as soon as possible, how much will it cost, do I need to say more?"

"This..." Zhu Yumeng was dumbfounded.

Tong Zhi didn't remember anything else about Tong Zhi's long passage, the only thing she remembered was the British royal family...the delivery by special plane... It was conceivable that the expenses involved were huge.

Zhu Yumeng never expected that these seemingly inconspicuous roses had such a history.

The words she said before, word by word, seemed to be slapped on her face one after another, making her face so hot that she lost all face.

"Mr. Zhu, I've said all I need to say, can you leave?" Zhou Ji's voice sounded.

"Let's go now... let's go now." Zhu Shenggang said repeatedly.

Zhu Yumeng was slapped in the face one after another. Zhu Shenggang felt distressed when he saw it, but even if someone slapped Zhu Yumeng's face dozens of times, Zhu Shenggang would not dare to say anything.

After saying this, Zhu Shenggang took Zhu Yumeng and left.

Zhu Yumeng was like a discouraged ball, she was a bit arrogant, she was pulled by Zhu Shenggang, her head was lowered, and she walked outside.

Seeing this, Mr. Meng, Mr. Yu and Shen Jun bid farewell one after another.

Although Mayor Yuan wanted to make friends, firstly, Jiang Chen hadn't appeared yet, and secondly, the atmosphere at the scene was not harmonious, so he could only leave with regret.

Zhu Yumeng left, leaving behind a group of people in the Chinese restaurant, confused, Shen Jun went over and said a few words, indicating that today's birthday party is over, the crowd exploded in an instant, what to say None of them.

Zhu Yumeng, who was walking towards the elevator, listened to those voices, felt ashamed to death, covered her face and ran wildly.


"Why are you three here? Where is Jiang Chen? Where is he?"

After the farce ended, the guests in the Chinese restaurant left one after another. Xu Anqi didn't take it too seriously.

Even, according to her original intention, just ignore Zhu Yumeng's jumping up and down. This is not such a remarkable thing.

Otherwise, the more you pay attention to Zhu Yumeng, the more excited Zhu Yumeng will be.

In the final analysis, if it is not necessary, Xu Anqi does not want to tear her face apart, and she does not want to expose her true identity to the eyes of her classmates, which will greatly disturb her future life and study. .

But right now, since this has happened, Xu Anqi's mentality is also very peaceful.

She doesn't bully anyone, and she never means that others can bully her at will.

Furthermore, thinking about these things, they are all related to Jiang Chen, maybe it was Jiang Chen who manipulated them behind the scenes, even if Xu Anqi wanted to complain, where did she start complaining?
"An Qi, you mean Young Master Jiang, we don't know where he is." Zhou Ji responded.

"Don't you know?" Xu Anqi smiled slightly.

"Uh, I really don't know, how about I swear a poisonous oath?" Zhou Ji raised his hand.

"Okay, you can post it, the more poisonous the better." Jiang Yanyan interjected and said with a smile.

"Student Jiang Yanyan, what you said is wrong. What does it mean that the more poisonous the better? Don't I, Zhou Ji, have no trust in your heart? If you believe me, why should I swear poisonously, no? Is it?" Zhou Ji said.

"You're right. You really don't have any trustworthiness at all. So, stop haggling and swear poisonously." Jiang Yanyan urged.

"Yanyan, stop making trouble." Xu Anqi said with a smile.

"It's not me. Who told this guy to not even blink his eyes when he tells a lie." Jiang Yanyan said with a curled lip.

"Yanyan, you mean, cousin is lying?" Xu Anqi asked with a chuckle.

"If he is not lying, there are only two possibilities. The first is that he is a fool, and the second is that he treats us as fools. An Qi, which one do you think it will be?" Jiang Yanyan said with a smile .

"Cousin Zhou Ji is very smart, but most of the time, his cleverness may not be used in the right place." Xu Anqi said.

"An Qi, do you mean that he regards the two of us as fools? But, the two of us, don't we look foolish and easy to deceive?" Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly.

"That's not necessarily the case. I mean, maybe my cousin just said the wrong thing." Xu Anqi said.

"Okay, then give him a chance to correct himself." Jiang Yanyan nodded.

Listening to Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan singing together, Zhou Ji's face looked like eggplant beaten by frost.

Zhou Ji knew about Jiang Yanyan's pungentness, but what happened to Xu Anqi, such a gentle girl had such a sharp side.

Those words were like knives, piercing his heart one by one.

"Ahem, Young Master Ji, Young Master Tong, did I say something wrong?" Zhou Ji asked Ji Feng and Tong Zhi with a bitter face, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan were too sharp, he couldn't deal with it, so he had no choice but to show no loyalty and drag Ji Feng He and Tong Zhi went into the water.

Ji Feng and Tong Zhi didn't seem to hear Zhou Ji's words at all, they sat down Shi Shiran, picked up the red wine, and started to drink.

Zhou Ji was dumbfounded. When he betrayed Ji Feng and Tong Zhi just now, he was still full of guilt, thinking that they shouldn't be dragged into the water. These two guys were even more dishonest than him.

"Cousin, Yanyan said, I'll give you a chance to correct yourself, don't you intend to seize the opportunity?" Xu Anqi asked with a smile, her words were gentle, but the meaning of persecution was palpable.

"An Qi, this... that... Oh, I'm just curious, why do you ask me where Young Master Jiang is? How would I know such a thing?" Zhou Ji said lightly.

"Otherwise, could it be that Jiang Chen has a clever plan?" Xu Anqi asked.

"Master Jiang has always been very powerful." Zhou Ji immediately responded.

"So, Jiang Chen guessed that there will be two birthday parties here today, and also guessed that Zhu Yumeng will trouble me?" Xu Anqi asked.

The reason Xu Anqi asked Zhou Ji where Jiang Chen was was because various deeds showed that Jiang Chen had come to Tiannan City, and it was even possible that Jiang Chen was near the hotel.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen's various arrangements are too ingenious, even if he knows how to calculate, it can't be done, right?

Xu Anqi subtly forced Zhou Ji, not intentionally embarrassing Zhou Ji, but because she wanted Jiang Chen to appear quickly.

After all, compared to the things Jiang Chen did for her, what she wanted more was to see Jiang Chen as soon as possible.

"Jiang Dashao's energy is so high, what will happen that he doesn't know?" Zhou Ji said nonsense.

"The guy who doesn't cry when he sees the coffin." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

But just as he was talking, another figure appeared outside the western restaurant. That person was holding a gift box in his hand. After entering the western restaurant, he asked, "May I ask who is Ms. Xu Anqi?"

"It's me." Xu Anqi said.

"Miss Xu, this is your gift, please accept it." The man said, handed the gift box to Xu Anqi, turned and left.

"An Qi, I guess it contains chocolates, do you believe it?" Jiang Yanyan asked.

Xu Anqi didn't reply, and opened the gift box. As expected, there was a box of chocolates inside.

"Hee hee, I'm so smart, I can guess right." Jiang Yanyan smiled happily, admiring her cleverness.

"How do you know?" Xu Anqi asked strangely.

"Pet dolls, flowers, and chocolates, these three are a perfect match." Jiang Yanyan said, and at the end, she couldn't help but roll her eyes in contempt.

Too vulgar.

Jiang Chen completely fell into the cliché, and he didn't care about it at all.

"This box of chocolates shouldn't have any tricks, right?" Zhang Ke said silently in his heart.

He doubted again and again, and then doubted like that, and was overthrown and subverted again and again, making Zhang Ke almost doubt life.

In his opinion, it was obviously a very simple gift, why did Jiang Chen play so many unimaginable tricks?
Could it be that that was the ultimate reason why Jiang Chen was able to capture Xu Anqi's heart?

Xu Anqi didn't understand why it was a perfect match, she opened the box of chocolates, and planned to share the chocolates with everyone, otherwise, there would be too many chocolates, and she couldn't finish them all by herself.

To Xu Anqi's surprise, when the box was opened, what was inside was not chocolate, but a car key.

Xu Anqi picked up the car keys and pondered.

"Koenigsegg, here is the key to a supercar!"

At a glance, Zhang Ke's heart was beating heavily, as if someone had poured cold water on his head, freezing his head to his feet.

Zhang Ke knows himself, not to mention whether the necklace worn by the pet doll is worth hundreds of millions, not to mention whether those roses come from a flower garden dedicated to the British royal family, but this supercar worth tens of millions Running is already enough to subvert everything.

Just when Zhang Ke was feeling uneasy, he saw Xu Anqi running out of the western restaurant...

(End of this chapter)

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