genius evil

Chapter 1123 You are unconscionable

Chapter 1123 You are unconscionable
"An Qi, what are you doing?" Seeing this, Jiang Yanyan asked.

"I'll go find Jiang Chen." Xu Anqi said without looking back.

"An Qi, are you stupid? You don't know where Jiang Chen is and how to find him. If you want to see him, just give him a call and make sure he will come to your door without hesitation." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Yanyan, Jiang Chen is waiting for me downstairs." Xu Anqi responded, walking faster and faster.

"Jiang Chen is downstairs in the hotel, is it real or not?" Jiang Yanyan was astonished, but she also took steps to chase after him, to see if it was really the case.

At the entrance of the hotel, a brand-new red Koenigsegg stands out, and passers-by can't help but be attracted to it.

The young man lazily leaned against the car door, yawning, as if he was not in good spirits and didn't seem to wake up much.

"It's still dark, isn't it?" A voice sounded.

The girl in black leather jacket and pants said coldly.

The young girl has a soft figure and exquisite curves. The leather jacket and leather pants that might look abrupt on ordinary people wear them with a unique charm, as if tailor-made, just right, outlining her graceful figure body curves.

"Yeah." The boy nodded.

"You want to sleep before it's dark. Are you so impatient?" the girl said again, her voice becoming a little colder.

"Huh?" The boy was slightly taken aback.

He just had a busy night last night and didn't sleep, and he was just a little sleepy. How come he said it from the girl's mouth, it has a different taste.

Moreover, the idiom "can't wait" is so expressive and ambiguous that he couldn't help but think about it.

"Are you pretending to be stupid?" the girl sneered.

"Eh..." The young man shook his head, finally reacted a little more, and said amusedly, "Girl in red, your resentment seems to be very big, did I offend you?"

"Of course you didn't offend me." The girl said, it was Mei Hongyi, and the young man was Jiang Chen.

Because the procedures for this Koenigsegg needed to be handled, Jiang Chen handed it over to Mei Hongyi to handle it, which was why Mei Hongyi appeared here.

"Girl in red, since when did this start, even you are beating around the bush?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

Although Mei Hongyi said that he did not offend her.

But, listening to Mei Hongyi's tone of voice, it's not just a simple way to offend her, it's the kind that offends her to death.

"Is there?" Mei Hongyi smiled slightly, and said, "Jiang Chen, if you think there is, then you must be thinking too much. In fact, I didn't beat around the bush. I have already said it, very straightforward. "

"To put it bluntly, you think I can't wait to go to bed with Squad Leader Xu, right or wrong?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Didn't Mei Hongyi say that what she said was very straightforward?He didn't mind at all, he was more straightforward.

"You said this yourself, I didn't say it." Mei Hongyi smiled slightly, neither admitting nor denying it.

"You must think again that I have tossed so many things and played so many tricks just to have a good time with Captain Xu tonight." Jiang Chen said.

"You said this yourself. Naturally, this is the most sincere thought in your heart." Mei Hongyi said noncommittally.

Is Jiang Chen a romantic person?


At least, from Mei Hongyi's point of view, not at all.

Jiang Chen's way of picking up girls is simple and rude, and can be summed up in four words - stalking.

Anyway, on her body, Mei Hongyi had never seen Jiang Chen use a romantic offensive before.

Now, on Xu Anqi's birthday, Jiang Chen was so romantic, it was impossible for Mei Hongyi to say that she had no idea.

However, for a person like Jiang Chen, even if Mei Hongyi has a lot of thoughts, it is impossible for Mei Hongyi to express it directly. Otherwise, Jiang Chen will only be complacent and think that she is jealous. Although, this is true. Yes, just jealous.

"Girl in red, is it really okay for you to wrong me so much?" Jiang Chen cried out incessantly.

"Whether you were wronged or not, you know it well." With a cold snort, Mei Hongyi said.

"This is wronged in the first place, otherwise, could I, Jiang Chen, be the kind of unscrupulous person in your heart, girl in red?" Jiang Chen wryly smiled.

"The idiom "unscrupulous means" is very well used and very appropriate." Mei Hongyi commented.

"Girl in red, you are making trouble for no reason. In fact, I really don't have that kind of thought. The relationship between me and class leader Xu has always been very pure." Jiang Chen said with great aggrievedness.

"After tonight, will she still be pure?" Mei Hongyi asked back.

"Girl in red, you have changed." Jiang Chen sighed.

Mei Hongyi had always been cold and proud like a cold plum, how could she say such words in ordinary times?
Sure enough, women are fickle animals, but the span of Mei Hongyi's change is too big, right?
Could it be that this is the difference between a woman and a girl?
Mei Hongyi lazily paid attention to Jiang Chen, she hadn't changed, she was just being real, a little angry.

"Your chocolates have been sent up. After a while, Xu Anqi will come down. I should go." Mei Hongyi said.

If it was an ordinary time, meeting Xu Anqi, it would be fine.

After all, the woman who is also Jiang Chen will have to see this side sooner or later, and it cannot be avoided, but today, Mei Hongyi decided to avoid it and not be a light bulb.

"Girl in red, if you want to leave, I'll see you off." Jiang Chen said.

"Hypocrisy!" Rolling her eyes, Mei Hongyi quickly walked away. After taking a few steps, her footsteps paused slightly. She turned her head, glanced at Jiang Chen, and suddenly smiled sweetly.

Mei Hongyi's smile was naturally extremely beautiful.

But at this moment, Mei Hongyi's sudden smile made Jiang Chen feel shuddering.

"Girl in red, you have a really nice smile." Jiang Chen said hastily.

No matter why Mei Hongyi laughed, it was always right to compliment her.

"I forgot to tell you, after a while, it will be my birthday." Mei Hongyi said with a smile, walked to the Humvee, opened the door, and got in.

"Girl in red, I'm not mistaken, you have indeed changed." Jiang Chen murmured to himself messily, and suddenly realized that he had made an extremely low-level mistake.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two daughters in one house.

Today is Xu Anqi's birthday, he pulled Mei Hongyi to help, isn't this a cocoon?
Now, with Xu Anqi's birthday in front of her, what should she do if she celebrates Mei Hongyi's next birthday?
Furthermore, what if other women have the same thoughts as Mei Hongyi?
Will it kill him, okay?

"Jiang Chen..."

The elevator reached the first floor, and the door just opened, Xu Anqi couldn't wait, rushed out from inside, and then saw Jiang Chen, couldn't hold back, and called out softly.

After Xu Anqi received the car keys, she was thinking about what Jiang Chen's intention was, and she quickly figured it out. Sure enough, she got her wish and met Jiang Chen.

"Squad leader Xu, I haven't seen you for a while, you've become more beautiful again, hurry up and give me a hug, let me feel if your figure has improved." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Like a gust of wind, Xu Anqi threw herself into Jiang Chen's embrace and hugged Jiang Chen tightly. The restraint and shyness of those girls were all forgotten at this moment, and only Jiang Chen was in her eyes and heart.

Jiang Chen quickly moved his hands up and down, felt it on Xu Anqi, and said puzzledly: "Squad leader Xu, you wear too many clothes, I can't feel it, get in the car quickly, let's find a place where no one is around, and then feel it. .”

While talking, Jiang Chen took Xu Anqi's hand, and wanted to send Xu Anqi to the car.

"Jiang Chen, you have no conscience!" But a voice came, Jiang Yanyan strode forward, ran over, pointed at Jiang Chen and cursed.

"Student Jiang Yanyan, I haven't seen you for a while. Your temper has not changed at all. As expected, you still don't have a boyfriend." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me quickly, what happened today?" Jiang Yanyan asked.

"What's going on?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"It's about that woman Zhu Yumeng." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Who is Zhu Yumeng? I don't even know him." Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Yanyan was speechless, thinking about it wrongly, if Jiang Chen didn't know Zhu Yumeng, how could these things be so coincidental today?

"Well, if you don't know me, you don't know me, but you have already arrived at the hotel, but you didn't go up, and you asked An Qi to come down to find you, so what's going on?" Jiang Yanyan changed the subject, and then asked.

"Naturally, it's a surprise for Squad Leader Xu." Jiang Chen answered unhurriedly, and smiled lightly, "Student Jiang Yanyan, have you finished all your questions?"

Jiang Yanyan suddenly felt like punching the cotton with a punch. She had all the strength in her body, but it was useless, so she stared at Jiang Chen foolishly.

Jiang Chen stopped wasting time, sent Xu Anqi to the car, and drove away.

"The guy who values ​​sex over friends." Jiang Yanyan muttered, curling her lips.

"You like Jiang Chen too?" Zhang Ke appeared behind Jiang Yanyan at some point and asked.

"Are you in charge?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily. She didn't have a good impression of Zhang Ke at all.

"It really doesn't matter." Shrugging helplessly, Zhang Ke said, "I am completely convinced this time. Perhaps only a man like Jiang Chen can be worthy of Xu Anqi."

After speaking, Zhang Ke turned and left.

He has always been lucky, until today, Jiang Chen has repeatedly defeated his luck.

Xu Anqi is the proud daughter of heaven, and Jiang Chen dotes on Xu Anqi boundlessly. There is a tendency to send Xu Anqi to the altar, making everyone unattainable.

Pet dolls, flowers, chocolates... the unremarkable and vulgar three-piece suit, sent by Jiang Chen, any one of which is out of reach of most women in this world.

"Do I show that I like Jiang Chen?" Watching Zhang Ke leave, Jiang Yanyan murmured, muttered, and said again, "So what, do you care?"

(End of this chapter)

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