genius evil

Chapter 1124 Don't Be Nervous

Chapter 1124 Don't Be Nervous
Xu Anqi's birthday party seemed to be over, but to Jiang Chen, it had just begun.

Naturally, Jiang Chen's arrangements were not limited to so many.

In fact, even without Jiang Yanyan's reminder, Jiang Chen remembered Xu Anqi's birthday early in the morning, and it was impossible to forget it.

Three hours later, around eight o'clock in the evening, Jiang Chen sent Xu Anqi back to Xu's villa.

"Are you back at this time?"

Seeing Jiang Chen leading Xu Anqi and walking in from the door, Jiang Yanyan stared at Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi, looked and looked, especially focusing on Xu Anqi, trying to see if there was anything unusual about Xu Anqi.

After all, after Jiang Chen took Xu Anqi away, the two of them were alone for three hours, whether it was long or short, everything that could happen, with these three hours, was enough to happen.

It's just that for some reason, even though Jiang Yanyan stared up and down at Xu Anqi, she didn't notice anything strange about Xu Anqi.

"I heard that the first time for a woman is very painful, and it is difficult to walk. How come An Qi's walking posture hasn't changed at all? Could it be that Jiang Chen didn't treat An Qi?" Jiang Yanyan thought in her heart. secretly thinking.

Thinking about it, Jiang Yanyan felt that something was wrong.

Jiang Chen was not a vegetarian, he was a well-known carnivore, how could he let such a delicate beauty like Xu Anqi do nothing, this was obviously not Jiang Chen's style.

"Could it be Jiang Chen, what went wrong at the critical moment?" Jiang Yanyan couldn't help but wonder, that gaze moved from Xu Anqi's body to Jiang Chen, sizing her up nakedly, looking straight at Jiang Chen. Creepy.

"Student Jiang Yanyan, can you tell me what you are looking at?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Just take a look, don't be nervous." Jiang Yanyan waved her hand and said.

"Why should I be nervous?" Jiang Chen asked depressedly.

Is he the type to get nervous?

In his life dictionary, there is no such word as nervous at all, okay?
"Jiang Chen, don't be nervous, take it easy." Jiang Yanyan waved her hand again, and said in a comforting tone.

From Jiang Yanyan's point of view, the reason why Jiang Chen did nothing during these three hours must be because he was too excited and excited, so that he was too nervous.

Thinking of Xu Anqi's happy life, Jiang Yanyan, as a sister, is duty-bound to persuade Jiang Chen well.

"The problem is, I'm really not nervous. Student Jiang Yanyan, which eye of yours saw me nervous?" Jiang Chen was even more puzzled.

"Jiang Chen, are you nervous or not? Could it be that I don't know? Don't you know?" Immediately, Jiang Yanyan was a little unhappy.

She felt that what she said softly was entirely for Jiang Chen's sake, why didn't Jiang Chen know what was good and what was bad, could it be that Jiang Chen would feel comfortable if she had to expose it directly?

But in that case, have you considered Xu Anqi's feelings?
Jiang Chen has always had a thick skin, like a city wall, so he probably doesn't care too much, but Xu Anqi has a thin skin, okay?

"Stop, I really don't know." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Then you are good, reflect on yourself." So, Jiang Yanyan said.

Jiang Chen's words were naturally understood by Jiang Yanyan as that he didn't know why his body had problems. No wonder Jiang Chen couldn't understand what she said.

Jiang Yanyan could only ask Jiang Chen to think about what went wrong, so that he could correct it so that the same problem would not happen again next time?

"Zhou Ji, tell me, what do I need to reflect on?" Jiang Chen just ignored Jiang Yanyan lazily, and asked Zhou Ji instead.

"I don't understand anything." Zhou Ji said in a daze.

There were not many people in the villa, they were all close relatives of Xu Anqi, and they all came together to cut the cake with Xu Anqi.

When Old Master Xu saw Jiang Chen, he was very relieved.

Jiang Chen was able to make a special trip back to celebrate Xu Anqi's birthday. Obviously, Xu Anqi still has a very important position in Jiang Chen's heart.

What makes old man Xu even more gratified is that he will be able to embrace his grandson soon, right?

Following the return of Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi, the interior of the villa suddenly became lively.

The cake was pushed out by the servants, candles were inserted, and everyone sang happy birthday to Xu Anqi together. After Xu Anqi made a wish, everyone shared the cake together.

"Jiang Chen, eat more." Xu Anqi cut the biggest piece of cake, handed it to Jiang Chen, and said softly.

No matter what way you celebrate your birthday, in the final analysis, it’s just a formality. Xu Anqi doesn’t pay too much attention to it. As long as the one you love can be by your side on this day, for Xu Anqi, it’s The happiest thing in the world.

"Yes, Jiang Chen, eat more." Jiang Yanyan also said, her mouth was full of cakes, and she swallowed the dates, vaguely.

"Okay, then eat more." Jiang Chen said kindly.

Coincidentally, Jiang Chen was also hungry, which directly caused nearly one-third of the huge cake to be eaten by Jiang Chen.

After eating the cake, the guests left one after another. Mr. Xu waved to Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, come with me, I have a few words to tell you."

Afterwards, he led Jiang Chen into the study.

"An Qi, I also have a few words to tell you." Seeing Mr. Xu and Jiang Chen leave, Jiang Yanyan immediately ran to sit beside Xu Anqi, took Xu Anqi's little hand and said.

"Let's talk." Xu Anqi nodded slightly.

"An Qi, after you and Jiang Chen left today, nothing happened, right? Oh, I mean things that make you feel unhappy or frustrated." Jiang Yanyan said.

"No, what's the matter?" Xu Anqi asked in surprise.

Today, she was in a very good mood, especially after Jiang Chen appeared, her mood became even better.

"No? An Qi, did you not think clearly, or didn't understand what I said?" Jiang Yanyan said in confusion.

Jiang Chen had a problem at a critical moment, wouldn't this be very pleasant?

Jiang Yanyan thinks, for a normal woman, it is very unpleasant and frustrating, right?That would simply make that woman doubt her own charm.

Although, the problem was not with Xu Anqi at all, but with Jiang Chen.

But who makes women naturally sensitive and like to think wildly?

"Really not." Xu Anqi shook her head, she tried her best to recall the things she did after leaving with Jiang Chen alone, and she didn't feel any unpleasantness at all.

"An Qi, are you stupid?" Jiang Yanyan became unhappy all of a sudden, curling her lips and asked, "If there is no unpleasantness, why did you let Jiang Chen eat more cake?"

It's easy to get excited about eating sweets.

Xu Anqi asked Jiang Chen to eat more cakes, in Jiang Yanyan's understanding, it was to make Jiang Chen excited.

If Jiang Chen was always excited, why did Jiang Chen have to eat more?

After all, although the cake is delicious, it is easy to gain weight.

"Is there?" Xu Anqi was confused.

"Can you not, I think you are so stupid." Jiang Yanyan sighed, with a strong feeling of playing the piano, she said: "An Qi, do you have to understand yourself better to be a woman? If you hide it, it will spoil the good things, remember, you must take the initiative to make Jiang Chen excited."

"Take the initiative? Excite Jiang Chen?" Xu Anqi blinked, stunned, what was all this talking about, why couldn't she understand a single sentence?

At this time, in the study, Mr. Xu was talking with Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, old man, I'm getting old. It looks like I won't have a good life for a few years." With a sigh, Old Master Xu said.

"Old man, with me here, I guarantee that you will live another three to fifty years without any problems." Jiang Chen said with a vow, patting his chest.

Mr. Xu was speechless for a while.

He said that he was old, but he was relying on his old age to express his feelings. Jiang Chen's words like this spoiled the atmosphere very much.

"I know my own body, so you don't need to comfort me." Mr. Xu said.

"This is really not consolation." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

Mr. Xu can doubt his character, but he must not doubt his medical skills.

"Let's not talk about this issue for now." Old Master Xu could only wave his hand and asked, "Jiang Chen, do you still remember what you promised me before?"

"Old man, what did I promise you?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"You forgot?" Mr. Xu blew his beard and stared, angrily.

"Ah, I don't seem to have forgotten." Jiang Chen said hastily.

"Whether you really forgot or lied to me here, you have to think about it for me. You should do something. Go out now." With a wave of his hand, Mr. Xu said.

"Girl Jiang Yanyan, let me reflect on myself, the old man asked me to think about it, what did I do by accident, did I do something outrageous?" With a depressed mood, Jiang Chen left the study.

"Ah, I'm so tired. I'm going to take a bath and rest first. An Qi, I think you're tired too. Go take a bath quickly." Seeing Jiang Chen approaching, Jiang Yanyan yawned pretendingly and stretched her waist , stood up from the sofa.

"I'm not tired." Xu Anqi said.

"An Qi, look at yourself, you keep yawning, you can't keep your eyes open, how can you not be tired, listen to me, go take a bath quickly." Jiang Yanyan urged.

"Do I have it?" Xu Anqi couldn't laugh or cry, she didn't understand why Jiang Yanyan was talking nonsense.

"Jiang Chen, I'm going to take a shower first." Xu Anqi said.

"Go." Jiang Chen nodded.

Jiang Yanyan quickly dragged Xu Anqi upstairs. A few minutes later, Jiang Chen suddenly heard Jiang Yanyan's voice upstairs. "Jiang Chen, An Qi said that she forgot to take her clothes, so hurry up and get her clothes."

Jiang Chen looked at the sky speechlessly, let alone, how did Jiang Yanyan know that Xu Anqi forgot to take her clothes, even if Xu Anqi really forgot to take her clothes, wouldn't she come out to get them by herself?

Even if you want to deceive people, you have to be careful and pay attention to logic.

Shi Shiran, Jiang Chen walked upstairs...

(End of this chapter)

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