genius evil

Chapter 1126 Acting too realistically

Chapter 1126 Acting too realistically
The sound of movement and stillness is no small matter, and the sound of splashing water cannot be covered up.

Puzzled, Jiang Yanyan turned off the shower, put her ear against the wall, and listened carefully. The sound of movement and stillness was even louder.

"Didn't Jiang Chen suffer from physical problems due to being too nervous? Could it be that, with my persuasion, he finally became less nervous?" Jiang Yanyan murmured.

"But, is there such a significant effect? ​​This effect is immediate, isn't it? It is clear that when I hinted at Jiang Chen earlier, Jiang Chen was ignorant and didn't really understand what I was talking about." Turning, Jiang Yanyan Said suspiciously.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen ate a lot of cakes, so he's very excited now? Or, An Qi listened to my advice and acted wildly proactively?" Jiang Yanyan thought to herself.

Soon, all these guesses were rejected by Jiang Yanyan.

For one thing, Jiang Yanyan didn't think that her persuasion would have such a significant effect, even if she deliberately tricked Jiang Chen into Xu Anqi's room.

But the issue of nervousness is no small matter. How can it be so easy to not be nervous?

Secondly, Jiang Yanyan didn't think that eating a few more pieces of cake would make Jiang Chen more lively. Otherwise, wouldn't those drug sellers all go bankrupt, wouldn't it be better to switch to selling cakes?

Thirdly, Xu Anqi has always been gentle and quiet, she seldom takes the initiative, it is absolutely impossible for her to suddenly become active, let alone in this kind of matter.

"There is only one truth!" Stretching out a finger, Jiang Yanyan said in a dainty voice.

"You want to lie to me and make such a big noise on purpose for me to hear, do you think I, Jiang Yanyan, am an idiot? It's impossible for someone as smart as Jiang Yanyan to be deceived so easily." With a cold snort, Jiang Yanyan said .

Jiang Yanyan took a quick shower, got dressed, and left the room.

Didn't Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi want to lie to her?

Well, tonight, she will personally expose this deception!
At around 09:30 in the evening, Mr. Xu and the servants were resting. In the corridor, a small orange light was turned on, and Jiang Yanyan appeared at the door of Xu Anqi's bedroom on tiptoe.

Stopping in her footsteps, bowing her head, Jiang Yanyan carefully placed her ears on the door and listened carefully.

The wooden door is naturally far from the sound insulation of the wall. No, when you listen to the door next to the door, the movement in the bedroom is even louder.

"It's really hard work." Jiang Yanyan sneered.

Such a big movement, if it is true, Xu Anqi must be extremely happy.

However, this is all fake. To be precise, it is Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi who are acting. No matter how loud the movement is, it is a waste of effort.

Jiang Yanyan listened carefully, and did not knock on the door in a hurry, because she wanted to see how long Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi could act so hard.

Jiang Yanyan thought, at most 10 minutes, this scene should be over.

Later, Jiang Yanyan thought it was two 10 minutes... and then thought it was three 10 minutes...

However, until four or ten minutes later, there was still a steady stream of movement, which made Jiang Yanyan a little uneasy.

She squatted here, her feet were numb, her neck was stiff, and she was about to be unable to hold on. Jiang Chen actually continued to act, why should he be so dedicated?

Even if you work very hard, if you want to show your manly side, it will take about 10 minutes, okay?

It's still not over in four or 10 minutes, which is a bit too fake.

Who did Jiang Chen take himself for?
Superman?No, Superman?

The problem is, even if Jiang Chen turns into a super-boy, it won't take so long.

"Come on, let's see how exhausting you are." Jiang Yanyan cursed endlessly.

But since she decided that the acting was still going on, Jiang Yanyan still didn't rush to knock on the door. She planned to knock on the door and go in after Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi's acting was over. Then she wanted to see how Jiang Chen would face her. .

It's a pity that the plan is good, but the reality is extremely cruel.

Until an hour later, the movement still didn't end.

Jiang Yanyan couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't take it for even a minute.

One hour, hard, after listening to an hour of live~chun~gong, even though she knew it was fake, she still listened to Jiang Yanyan's whole body went limp, her breathing became weak, and she gasped.

Jiang Yanyan felt that Jiang Chen was too involved. If this trend continues, it is possible to perform for one night.

"No, I can't wait any longer. I still have to sleep. I'm almost exhausted." Jiang Yanyan complained.

She didn't know if Jiang Chen was tired from acting, but she was very tired when she heard it.

"Boom... boom..."

Jiang Yanyan, who couldn't bear it anymore, had no choice but to knock on the door before the commotion ended.

In the bedroom, on the big bed, Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi felt a little uncomfortable hearing the knock on the door.

"Jiang Chen, someone is knocking on the door." Xu Anqi said with difficulty, her voice a little hoarse.

"Is there? You heard it wrong." Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

Five minutes later, Jiang Yanyan was furious when she saw that no one came to open the door.

"Acting is addicted, right? Are you afraid to open the door? It depends on whether you open the door or not." Jiang Yanyan said unhappily, and knocked on the door again, very hard.

"Jiang Chen, someone really knocked on the door." Xu Anqi said.

Jiang Chen sighed, and said helplessly, "Can you pretend you didn't hear anything?"

"It should be Yanyan who knocked on the door. There must be something urgent. Go and open the door." Xu Anqi said.

She also wanted to pretend that she didn't hear anything, but what if Jiang Yanyan had something important to do?
Jiang Chen had no choice but to reluctantly get out of bed, casually went to the bathroom, wrapped a towel around his body, went over, and opened the door.

"Jiang Chen, are you finally willing to open the door?" The door finally opened, Jiang Yanyan immediately said sarcastically, while speaking, she poked her head around and looked inside.

"Just talk and fart if you have something to say. I'm busy." Jiang Chen said angrily.

This Jiang Yanyan was too blind, she would not leave the first time she knocked on the door and no one opened it, but she knocked a second time, Jiang Yanyan ruined her good deed for no reason, Jiang Chen was so depressed.

If it wasn't for Jiang Yanyan, she would have even wanted to kill someone.

"Of course I know you're busy." Jiang Yanyan said, raising her eyebrows and looking at Jiang Chen.

"You know I'm busy and you bother me? Hurry up, where did you come from, and where are you going back." Jiang Chen expelled.

"I knocked on the door because I knew you were busy, do you understand?" Jiang Yanyan said provocatively.

"I don't understand anything, and I'm not in the mood to play word games with you, classmate Yanyan, if you finish talking, then leave, okay?" Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, you want me to leave in such a hurry, can I think that you are covering up something? Covering up, the panic in your heart?" Jiang Yanyan grinned and laughed.

"There's something wrong with you." Jiang Chen almost couldn't hold back his curse.

"It's not that I have a problem. The person who has a problem is clearly you." Jiang Yanyan said solemnly. Finally, she pushed Jiang Chen with her hand and said, "Acting has reached this level. It's almost done. If you continue to act, it's not at all. Necessary, I will go in and sit for a while now, do you have any objections?"

"Can I express that I have a big opinion?" Jiang Chen said that his egg hurts very much. If he could, he really wanted to punch Jiang Yanyan and send him flying.

"It's useless to have an opinion. No matter what, I have to go in for a sit-down, so it's best to keep your opinion." Jiang Yanyan said recklessly, ignoring Jiang Chen's obstruction, turned sideways, and entered the room.

"Student Yanyan, it doesn't matter if you have to sit for a while, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance, just don't regret it." Jiang Chen said, closed the door smoothly, turned and entered the room.

"What do I have to regret?" Jiang Yanyan said disapprovingly.

If you want to say regret, it is also Jiang Chen regret, right?
After all, after acting for a full hour, it was so easy to get exposed, why not act?In the end, it was a joke instead, which is really embarrassing.

Jiang Yanyan entered the bedroom and saw Xu Anqi curled up, lying on the bed, covered tightly with a quilt, she chuckled, Jiang Yanyan moved a chair, sat down beside the bed.

"Yanyan, what's the matter?" Xu Anqi asked.

She was worried that Jiang Yanyan had something important to do, so she ran over to knock on the door at this time, but now, seeing Jiang Yanyan's calm appearance, it seemed that there was nothing very important.

"An Qi, are you tired?" Jiang Yanyan asked instead of answering Xu Anqi's question.

"Tired." Xu Anqi said shyly.

"Jiang Chen, as a man, you make your beloved woman so tired, don't you feel any guilt at all?" Jiang Yanyan asked Jiang Chen again.

"Student Yanyan, I know you don't have a boyfriend, but you haven't eaten pork. Could it be that you haven't seen a pig run away? Don't you know why squad leader Xu is tired?" Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Of course I know. It's because I know so much that I asked you if you feel guilty. However, you don't seem to feel guilty at all." Jiang Yanyan said regretfully.

"Isn't it a proud thing for a man to make his beloved woman tired?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It depends on the specific situation. Anyway, An Qi is so tired now. If you are still proud, I can only admire you for being so shameless." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Does this kind of thing need face?" Jiang Chen was very puzzled.

"Jiang Chen, don't pretend to be crazy here. Don't tell me you have to let me say it clearly so that you can feel a little guilty?" Jiang Yanyan said bitterly.

"I'm sorry, even if you name a flower tonight, I won't feel the slightest bit of guilt." Jiang Chen said.

"You forced me." Jiang Yanyan gritted her teeth, pointed at Jiang Chen with a finger, and said, "Jiang Chen, don't blame me for not giving you face, because you really forced me to do this."

"So, I forced you to knock on the door to ruin my good business?" Jiang Chen was speechless. Is it really okay for Jiang Yanyan to beat me like this?How can a person be so shameless?

(End of this chapter)

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