genius evil

Chapter 1127 Too embarrassing

Chapter 1127 Too embarrassing
"That's right, you were the one who forced me to knock on the door. If it weren't for that, I would knock on the door in the middle of the night without sleeping. Is there something wrong with me? No, even if I have something wrong, I wouldn't be so boring, right? !" Jiang Yanyan yelled.

She gave Jiang Chen a sideways look, and then said, "You said that I ruined your good deeds, you are really right, I am here to ruin your good deeds."

"You're really sick, and it's not serious." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Although he didn't know for the time being, what was wrong with Jiang Yanyan, whether it was an endocrine disorder or something else.

But to spoil his good deeds, and to speak so confidently and arrogantly, isn't there something wrong with it, so what is it?
After all, who in normal life would talk like that?Who can do such a thing?
"Jiang Chen, you are very guilty now, right? Unfortunately, no matter how you accuse me, you can't hide your guilty conscience. I have already decided to expose your hypocrisy." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Okay, let's hear it, how are you going to expose me." Jiang Chen said, also brought a chair over, and sat down beside the bed.

Judging from the current situation, Jiang Yanyan will not leave so easily, unless he grabs Jiang Yanyan and throws her out.

Since that's the case, let's just listen to why Jiang Yanyan has lost her nerves at night.

"An Qi, are you ready? If you're ready, I'll start." Jiang Yanyan signaled.

"Tell me." Xu Anqi said shyly.

She didn't want to waste time, and wanted Jiang Yanyan to finish speaking and leave early. After all, she was wearing nothing under the quilt.

"Ahem..." Hearing what Xu Anqi said, Jiang Yanyan coughed dryly twice, and then, the old god said, "Jiang Chen, first of all, I want to apologize to you."

"Continue." Jiang Chen said interestingly.

"I shouldn't have reminded you not to be nervous. This reminder made you even more nervous. Then, to prove that you were not nervous, you did something quite inexplicable." Jiang Yanyan sighed.

Jiang Yanyan thought that if she hadn't reminded Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen probably wouldn't have spared no effort in acting tonight.

After all, the problem was all her fault.

Even though, what she said was sincerely for the good of Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi.

"What inexplicable thing?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

Did he do weird things?
Why, this point, he himself is ignorant?
Of course, if Jiang Yanyan thought that what he and Xu Anqi did was inexplicable, then he also had nothing to say.

"Jiang Chen, don't worry, let me speak slowly first." Jiang Yanyan waved her hand, sighed, and said. "Jiang Chen, I know you really want to save face. Normally, you are very majestic, but you really shouldn't do such a thing."

"What kind of thing is it?" Jiang Chen couldn't hold back anymore.

"Of course, in order to prove that you are not nervous, about you and An Qi's acting, have I said it bluntly now?" Jiang Yanyan finally said it out.

"You said, squad leader Xu and I are acting?" Jiang Chen looked at Jiang Yanyan as if he had seen a ghost.

In an instant, Jiang Chen finally understood why Jiang Yanyan didn't sleep at night and ran over to knock on the door.

Why, Jiang Yanyan would show such hatred for iron and steel, every word and every word contains irony and ridicule.

To be honest, Jiang Yanyan took what he and Xu Anqi were doing as acting.

But, is there such an act?

Let me ask, which director dares to let actors act like this?
Does Jiang Yanyan's reasoning ability need to be so terrible, and the ability to think wildly, does it need to be strong?
"You're going to tell me, aren't you?" Jiang Yanyan joked.

"Wait..." Jiang Chen signaled Jiang Yanyan not to speak for now, and asked Xu Anqi instead, "Squad leader Xu, are we two acting?"

How clever Xu Anqi is, after Jiang Chen understood, she also understood, and immediately said dumbfounded: "Yanyan, you misunderstood."

"There is absolutely no possibility of misunderstanding." Jiang Yanyan said firmly, "An Qi, it's already reached this point, do you still want to cooperate with Jiang Chen in acting? I know that you love Jiang Chen deeply and can't bear to hit him, but this kind of thing, Running away won't solve the problem."

"Yanyan, we are really not acting, and you are too. I really misunderstood." Holding back her shame, Xu Anqi was extremely embarrassed.

"An Qi, I can understand your feelings of defending Jiang Chen, if not, there is a fatal flaw in the play you two acted, I would almost believe what you said. "Jiang Yanyan said.

"Oh, let's hear it, what's the flaw?" Jiang Chen asked impatiently.

He already knew the purpose of Jiang Yanyan's coming here at night. Now, Jiang Chen was very curious about how Jiang Yanyan would smooth things over after the truth was revealed.

That must be, quite an interesting picture, right?
"Time!" Jiang Yanyan said slowly, "You may not know that before I knocked on the door, I squatted at the door for an hour. What is the concept of an hour? I don't need to explain too much."

"This is what you call a fatal flaw?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Is this flaw not fatal?" Jiang Yanyan asked back.

"Student Yanyan, have you ever thought about the possibility of my extraordinary talent?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I've read the information on this. Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for such a long time. In this way, there is only one possibility, and that is that the two of you are acting." Jiang Yanyan said.

"Then, just treat me as abnormal." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Listening to Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan discussing the issue of time, Xu Anqi was dumbfounded. When did this kind of private topic between beds be discussed so openly?
Is she too conservative?

Or, Jiang Yanyan is too bold?

"Yanyan, stop talking, go out quickly." Xu Anqi couldn't bear to listen anymore, lest Jiang Yanyan would say more explicit words.

"I've almost finished talking, and I'll be out in a while." Jiang Yanyan nodded, she had already finished what she had to say.

After finishing the sentence, seeing Jiang Chen looking at her with a smile on her face, Jiang Yanyan couldn't help but came over without getting angry, and asked, "Jiang Chen, I think you are hopeless, you are so shameless and skinny. .”

"Student Yanyan, I'm really talented. If you really don't believe me, how about I demonstrate it for you?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, are you okay?" Jiang Yanyan challenged.

Live Demo?

The problem is that Jiang Chen has to be able to do it.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen's behavior would be called self-inflicted humiliation.

"Squad leader Xu, classmate Yanyan, once again attacked me personally, what can you do?" Shrugging, Jiang Chen said.

Xu Anqi almost cried, how should this live demonstration be performed?You can't do that kind of thing with Jiang Chen in front of Jiang Yanyan, right?
"Jiang Chen, you made a mistake. It's not a personal attack, but a kind reminder." Jiang Yanyan corrected.

"There is no difference." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"I don't give up if I don't see the Yellow River." Jiang Yanyan snorted coldly.

"Squad Leader Xu, I can't take it anymore, I'm going to demonstrate it live now." Jiang Chen said.

"No." Xu Anqi said hastily.

Jiang Yanyan is in the room, how should I demonstrate?It would be embarrassing.

"Jiang Chen, did you hear that An Qi said no, meaning that you can't...Of course, you still won't admit this, so I'll do you a favor and ask An Qi to cooperate with you. "Jiang Yanyan said.

While talking, Jiang Yanyan stood up suddenly, and tore off the quilt on Xu Anqi's body.



As the quilt was torn apart, in an instant, two screams sounded in the bedroom.

One of them was from Xu Anqi.

Xu Anqi never thought that Jiang Yanyan would be so bold, she would pull off the quilt without saying a word, she was not wearing anything, after the quilt was torn off, she immediately curled up all over without a trace, to avoid having a good time.

The other sound came from Jiang Yanyan.

Jiang Yanyan said that she would do Jiang Chen a favor and ask Xu Anqi to cooperate with Jiang Chen, but she never thought that Xu Anqi would be naked.

After all, it's just acting, there's no need to take off your clothes, is there?

Even if it is intentional and the play is performed realistically, then there is probably no need to take off all the clothes.

But right now, Xu Anqi not only took off her clothes, but also all of them.

However, the reason why Jiang Yanyan screamed was not because Xu Anqi was not wearing clothes, but because she could clearly see that there was a puddle of blood on the white sheet, which looked like a plum blossom.

Jiang Chen's saying is very true, even if he has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs run away.

Jiang Yanyan was very clear about what that plum blossom-like bloodstain meant, and it was precisely because of that, that Jiang Yanyan couldn't help but screamed.

"sorry Sorry……"

After screaming, Jiang Yanyan pulled the quilt again and covered Xu Anqi's body, apologizing in a panic.

"Student Jiang Yanyan, didn't you want to help me? Why did you put the quilt back again?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

Jiang Yanyan looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, and her red lips moved, unable to say anything.

At this point in the matter, how could she still not understand, it was because she misunderstood.

Everything was not what she thought at all, and Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi were not acting at all.

Thinking that she had eavesdropped on the corner of the wall for an hour outside the door, Jiang Yanyan was ashamed, and wished she could just dig a hole in the ground and bury herself by the way.

Jiang Yanyan realized that she was too self-righteous, Jiang Chen was really talented, and she, who only wanted to embarrass Jiang Chen, was extremely embarrassed at this moment, and she even wanted to die.

The ambiguous atmosphere quietly flowed in the bedroom, and Jiang Yanyan ran out with a thought... I can't stay here anymore, or she will really die...

(End of this chapter)

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