genius evil

Chapter 1128 Do something you like

Chapter 1128 Do something you like

"Yanyan, don't leave yet."

Unexpectedly, just as Jiang Yanyan was about to escape, Xu Anqi's voice rang in her ears.

"An Qi, I didn't do it on purpose, don't blame me, I swear, I really didn't do it on purpose." Jiang Yanyan said in a crying voice.

It's already reached this point, if she doesn't leave, what else can she do?
To stay and continue to ruin Jiang Chen's good deeds?
No wonder Jiang Chen's resentment was so great, and he wanted to arrest her and throw her out every minute.

If it were any man, if he was disturbed by this kind of thing, he would be extremely mad, right?
Speaking of which, Jiang Chen didn't lose his temper with her, which was already very restrained.

Thinking of the misunderstanding caused by her ignorance and arrogance, Jiang Yanyan was very upset.

"Yanyan, don't blame yourself, I don't blame you." Xu Anqi said.

"Don't blame me?" Blinking her eyes, Jiang Yanyan thought she had heard it wrong.

Jiang Yanyan felt that Xu Anqi should blame herself for this kind of thing, on the contrary, instead of blaming her, it made Jiang Yanyan feel a little weird.

"I really don't blame you." Xu Anqi chuckled, waved her hand, and said, "Yanyan, sit down first, I have something to say to you."

"Speak at this time?" Jiang Yanyan became more and more weird, and didn't understand what Xu Anqi would say to her at this time.

However, since Xu Anqi said so, Jiang Yanyan had no choice but to go back to the chair and sit down again.

"Jiang Chen, I wasted 10 minutes of your time." After Jiang Yanyan sat down, Xu Anqi said embarrassedly.

Xu Anqi knew that she shouldn't delay Jiang Chen's time. Under such circumstances, Jiang Yanyan should leave as soon as possible, but since Jiang Yanyan came to knock on the door tonight, Xu Anqi just felt that maybe there are some things, it's time to talk openly Let's talk.

"Okay." Jiang Chen smiled.

He knew that Xu Anqi would not keep Jiang Yanyan here for no reason, and there must be something important to discuss with Jiang Yanyan, but he didn't know what it was about, so he was unavoidably curious.

"An Qi, why don't we talk about it tomorrow, or we can talk after the two of you are done?" Jiang Yanyan discussed with Xu Anqi.

Now, every cell in her body is extremely awkward, and she is very restless.

"Ten minutes, 10 minutes will be fine, it's okay." Xu Anqi insisted.

"Okay then, if you have anything to say, An Qi, please speak quickly." Jiang Yanyan had no choice but to bite the bullet and say.

"Yanyan, you like Jiang Chen very much, don't you?" Just as Jiang Yanyan finished speaking, Xu Anqi's voice sounded very abruptly.


Unable to restrain herself, Jiang Yanyan exclaimed again, her eyes widened, and her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

Xu Anqi said that she had something to say to her, and this is what she wanted to say?

This frightened Jiang Yanyan so much that she almost couldn't hold back and ran away again.

"Squad Leader Xu, don't be joking." Jiang Chen said the same thing, dumbfounded.

"Yanyan, answer me, is that so?" Xu Anqi signaled Jiang Chen not to interrupt with her eyes, and asked Jiang Yanyan softly.

"How come, there is nothing at all." Jiang Yanyan said in a hurry, while speaking, she shook her arms vigorously, trying to clear it up.

"Yanyan, if you think it's inconvenient for Jiang Chen to say something here, then I'll let Jiang Chen leave for a while, okay?" Xu Anqi said softly.

"No, I won't give him face. If you don't like it, you don't like it. If he is here, I will give him face and say that I like him." Jiang Yanyan said hastily.

If Jiang Chen were to leave, Jiang Yanyan felt that there would be no silver 300 taels here. Although, from the bottom of her heart, she hoped that Jiang Chen could leave for a while.

"Student Jiang Yanyan, what you said is wrong." Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

In front of Xu Anqi, she was guilty, but in front of Jiang Chen, she didn't have such a problem.

"I'm so handsome and rich, how could you not like me?" Jiang Chen said.

"Because you smell shameless." Jiang Yanyan said subconsciously.

"Hey, why am I shameless? Is it true that I'm handsome and I'm rich?" Jiang Chen became even more dissatisfied.

Since everything he said was true, how could he be shameless?

Talking nonsense and bragging, that's called shameless, right?
"Hmph, so what if what you said is the truth, do I have to like you because what you said is the truth? I'm not that superficial." Jiang Yanyan groaned.

"Oh, what I mean is, I am such an excellent man, probably there is no woman in the world who doesn't like me, if there is, there is only one possibility, that woman is blind." Jiang Chen said leisurely , full of confidence.

"That's all you hope, I like you?" Jiang Yanyan confronted each other.

"Squad leader Xu, did you hear that, student Jiang Yanyan is admitting that she likes me." Jiang Chen chuckled and said hurriedly.

"Did I admit it?" Jiang Yanyan was in a mess, as if, didn't admit it?But why, it seems, really admitted it?

"An Qi, don't listen to Jiang Chen's nonsense, he has always been sharp-tongued, I can't beat him at all." Jiang Yanyan said with a sad face, feeling that she had been tricked by Jiang Chen.

After all, even if she really liked Jiang Chen, she couldn't admit it in front of Xu Anqi.

He also didn't know what was going on with Jiang Chen. If he said such things in front of Xu Anqi, wouldn't he be afraid that Xu Anqi would be jealous?
If one is not good, it is estimated that even sisters will not be able to do it.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Yanyan was very depressed, and regretted coming to knock on the door in the middle of the night.

You know, even if Jiang Chen and Xu Anqi were acting, it probably had nothing to do with her, what she did was completely meddling.

"Yanyan, don't be nervous. In fact, I knew a long time ago that you like Jiang Chen." Xu Anqi comforted.

"I'm not nervous." Jiang Yanyan refused to admit that she was nervous.

"Yanyan, are you worried that I will blame you? If I say, I don't blame you, do you believe me?" Xu Anqi said softly.

"An Qi, are you acting with Jiang Chen?" Jiang Yanyan said suddenly.

At the end, Jiang Yanyan said to herself, "That's right, it must be acting, because I ruined your good deeds, so you all joined forces to tease me, hehe, I'm so smart, I saw through your intentions all at once. "

While talking, Jiang Yanyan stood up, and said with a smile, "An Qi, I have exposed the little trick of you two, there is no need to act again, I will go first, you two, go to bed early."

"Yanyan..." Xu Anqi shook her head, looking at Jiang Yanyan like this, her heart ached for a while.

How could it be acting?
Jiang Yanyan just found an extremely clumsy excuse for herself.

However, maybe even Jiang Yanyan herself didn't know how much she liked Jiang Chen.

Tonight, Jiang Yanyan knocked on the door in the middle of the night. She thought she was here to expose Jiang Chen's hypocrisy, but in reality, she was just jealous.

Jealous of Jiang Chen being with her, so she was restless, so she wanted to destroy it... However, Jiang Yanyan was always unwilling to face up to her liking for Jiang Chen, and had been constantly finding various excuses for herself.

"An Qi, do you want to continue acting?" Blinking, Jiang Yanyan said.

"Jiang Chen, do you want Yanyan to leave?" Xu Anqi just didn't answer Jiang Yanyan's question, but asked Jiang Chen a question.

"This..." Jiang Chen became embarrassed.

What a smart man he is, Jiang Yanyan likes him, how could he not know.

It's just that what Jiang Chen didn't expect was that Xu Anqi would make Jiang Yanyan admit that she liked him under such circumstances.

From Xu Anqi's point of view, she didn't intend to let Jiang Yanyan leave... The meaning of not leaving was to let Jiang Yanyan stay in this room tonight.

As a man, Jiang Chen naturally couldn't be coy, but on the one hand, he had to consider Xu Anqi's feelings, and on the other hand, he had to consider Jiang Yanyan's feelings.

No matter who these two women hurt, it was not what Jiang Chen wanted.

"Don't let me leave, you want to put me under house arrest?" Jiang Yanyan said nervously.

"Student Jiang Yanyan, has anyone ever said that your acting skills are very clumsy? I don't understand, how dare you act in front of me with such clumsy acting skills?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"I just accidentally spoiled your good deeds. Is it necessary to put me under house arrest?" Jiang Yanyan pretended not to understand Jiang Chen's words.

"Since you keep talking about house arrest, then I will put you under house arrest." Jiang Chen said.

The more Jiang Yanyan is like this, the more it makes people feel distressed. Finally, Jiang Chen made a decision. Maybe finding a decision will cause a certain degree of harm to Xu Anqi. However, if Jiang Yanyan is allowed to leave, what will happen to Jiang Yanyan? The damage is irreparable, right?

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Yanyan said.

If it was said that her nervousness before was feigned and had traces of affectation, then at this moment, Jiang Yanyan was really nervous.

"Do something you like." Jiang Chen smiled, picked up Jiang Yanyan, and threw her on the bed.

Caught off guard, Jiang Chen picked her up and threw her on the bed. In a panic, Jiang Yanyan wanted to escape, but Xu Anqi grabbed Jiang Yanyan's hand and shook her head lightly.

Xu Anqi's movement of shaking her head seemed to take Jiang Yanyan's strength away for an instant, and a tear slipped quietly from the corner of Jiang Yanyan's eye.

This night was destined to be a restless night. In the bedroom, there were movements throughout the night. Xu Anqi's gentleness and Jiang Yanyan's hotness made Jiang Chen want to stop.

"Jiang Chen, you lied to me, this is not something I like at all." Jiang Yanyan kept yelling, she felt that she was about to be torn apart by Jiang Chen.

"That must be the wrong way." Jiang Chen's voice came out.

do not like?
That's not okay, you have to like it!

(End of this chapter)

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